Topic: Demonic Rhydin Supervillains!


Date: 2008-07-02 05:42 EST
So you think there is only one bad guy that rules them all? Think again. There are several of them. My brother just likes to tell you he is the only one out there so the others don't get their fair share of attention. Well, they hate him for taking the spotlight, so I figure the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but really I think they deserve some exposure, so if you see them you can know to avoid them, or try and catch them but I wouldn't recommend it. But you can try.

The first one I would like to bring attention to, is none other then my favorite class of villain, the Sith Lord.

Darth Xul, Emotional wreck and with the powers to back it up. Like most sith lords they have this unending thirst for power and control over everything, and like all sith lords always have their plans undone by the most unlikely of people. This poor guy has had his fair share of undoings. Trained by people unknown in the Dark side of the force, he seemed to have no real potential an generally was a loser all around. Like others of his profession he was easy to get to and often times gave in to what ever stood against him.

He was a wuss, for all intents an purposes. But he did something nobody would have ever expected. He got into his personal ship and sped off to parts unknown. It was there his true journey began.

He encountered a rouge energy wave and it turned out to be the nexus. When he woke up his ship was destroyed and he was pretty much unharmed. He had found himself on Rhydin and had no idea. Soon Darth Xul was easily in command of villages everywhere. It took little force to gain control of the outlying towns. Xul eventually faced resistance when the combined forces of Liquid Freeze and Scarlet Dragon took him down, but did not kill him.

Currently Xul resides in a secret location, quietly amassing forces to strike back against those who have defeated him.

Darth Xul's Stats:

Name: Unknown

Height: 6'0

Weight: 185

Strength: Average Human

Running Speed: Average Human

Fighting Styles: Adept in Lightsaber combat. Has mastered Way of the Vornskr.

Powers: Force enhanced reflexes, precognition, All Basic force powers, his most potent use of the force though is the lightning power.

Weapons: Red Lightsaber, Blaster.

Intelligence Level: Very high, although prone to overconfidence. Excels at torture, and mechanical engineering.

Weaknesses: Emotional Trauma

Status: Active.

Sidekicks: None known.

Personality Type: Evil, this guy tries to be tricky and smooth about his evil plans, but the more he tries to be like the ones who taught him, the more he messes up. He has a serious inferiority complex and tries always to be the meanest one on the block at any given time. He does not know when to quit, even when he has been beaten.

Minions: Presumably many spies throughout the various cities, otherwise unknown.


Date: 2008-07-02 07:15 EST
Here is somebody for you. We sometimes forget that pirates are killers, they kill people like you when they want what you have. They lie, cheat and do what ever it takes to get what they want. Well, pirates are not limited to the sea, no. Let me introduce to you Captain Trent Long, Scourge of the Sky. Trent's family was murdered by a band of pirates when he was only seven years old. Killed with out mercy, even though they did nothing to deserve it. Trent was exposed to blood very early in life.

Angered from then on he took to the life well and got involved with the very people who had killed his family a year later after living on the streets, barely making it. Trent was a very fast learner when it came to the procedures and how things worked. As soon as he was old enough to do so he took his revenge on the same people who put him on this road, and he did it quite well too. Intending to leave the life of the Pirate behind forever, he tried to get away. Instead the captain of the ship rewarded him for his bravery, and offered to teach him everything he knew.

Time passed and eventually the once bloodthirsty kid grew up to be an incredibly cruel and demanding master. Lying to him was as easy as breathing, and as if passing the torch from one to another, he obtained the Title of Captain of the Ship.

Trent used his new found power and created a reign of terror unlike any that had ever been seen before, anywhere. But he messed with the wrong area when he decided to try and take down the Witch King. Technology was no match for the evil magic, and the pirate retreated. But not before being subjected to a curse of immortality. Trent Long and his Crew sail through the skies of Rhydin causing havoc where ever they go.

Name: Trent Long

Height: 5'10

Weight: 145

Strength: Peak Human

Running Speed: Peak Human

Fighting Styles: He spends his time practicing basic sword fighting skills.

Powers: Completely Immortal

Weapons: Cutlass, Black Dagger, The Airship Predator.

Intelligence Level: High. Knows how to get what he wants at any means necessary, can run an airship with no problem, and fix them

Weaknesses: Boredom, always seeking the next thrill.

Status: Active.

Sidekicks: None

Personality Type: Completely fearless. Due to his curse he is often seen heading into the thick of any battle looking to face the strongest opponents he can. He is also very greedy and seeks to own everything he can, even people. And he does. He is dominant and will always try and take charge of any situation he finds himself in.

Minions: His crew of 800 on his ship. None known beyond that.


Date: 2008-07-04 09:15 EST
Gods are immortal, invincible and all powerful, right' Well, that isn't always the case. Enter the God Killer known only as Sarah. Yeah. Not too impressive when it comes to names but this lady has made many a deity tremble in their cosmic boots when she becomes active. Sarah and her family were much like any other normal people you could find, save they belonged to a cult that worshiped the abyss as a living destroyer of all things, nothing was above the abyss. In some parts of the multiverse the cult is widespread, in theirs however, not so much. Sarah was only an infant when they came for her family. Religious zealots that believed anything above any god was heresy, so of course, they had them all killed.

The abyss has a funny sense of humor. While it let the family die, it saved the little one and kept her hidden away from the vengeful closed-minded souls who would have her murdered on some cross. The abyss was a wonderful teacher and provided her with all the things she needed to become something to be feared.

Sarah was given her special weapons and then she was unleashed into an suspecting world. Her mind was twisted beyond repair, she thought it would be funny dress like a traditional angel. She killed her first God when she was fifteen years old. Life in the Multiverse has never been the same since.

Name: Sarah Kline

Height: 6'0

Weight: Unknown.

Strength: Class 85

Running Speed: Supersonic, easily

Fighting Styles: Any and all Sword Styles, Mastered.

Flying Speed: Mach 30

Powers: High Invulnerability, Flight, Lightening Reflexes, Energy/Magic Manipulation, Astral Vision(See the invisible) Immune to sickness, aging, pain, toxins, sleep, hunger. No need to breathe. Near Immortal. Moderate healing factor if injured somehow. Teleportation.

Weapons: Godslayer, A sword created by the abyss to cleave the flesh of the Gods themselves, and most everything else too.

Intelligence level: Very high, but also completely insane due to no human contact for extended periods of time and exposure to the horrors of the abyss.

Weaknesses: Arrogance, Her own weapon will damage her, Women, she almost will never fight against another woman.(Unless its a Goddess or angel, of course)

Status: Unknown

Sidekicks: None

Personality Type: Insane, completely insane. But she can back up her words and actions. Being a murderous woman she often goes on rampages against the most peaceful religions just to watch them die. None are safe and all are equal to her. Has no friends, but sometimes will do "Favors" for people who ask her the right way, even more so if there is a God involved in the prize.

Minions: None.


Date: 2008-07-07 09:51 EST
The streets of Rhydin are darkly lit but they are seldom ever empty. Various evils lurk throughout the night but there are some legends and stories that refuse to be ignored, or die out. One such legend is the story of Jack. The people will proclaim him to be real though none can ever seem to prove it and nobody wants to go look for him.

The story of Jack goes something like this. Along time ago in the deep part of the West End of Rhydin there was a violent and twisted man known to the locals as Jack. He was a weak individual but fearless and very smart. Nobody dared cross him in anyway because once you got old Jack in your life, it was near impossible to make him leave it. Jack was the king of the streets and even the gangs seemed to not want to mess with him for anything, he was a known killer and ruthless to the core of his being. Jack was at the top of his game when a mysterious figure approached him, and killed him.

It was something completely unexpected, nobody complained though. Jack was a menace to the streets of Rhydin, nobody liked him, or knew who killed him. The terror began exactly three weeks later. People began to disappear, not just anybody though. People who were well known to be involved with Jack in various dealings. People began to report seeing strange glowing eyes in the black of night, a shrill laughter from nowhere and a walking scarecrow vanishing around a corner, with the head of a pumpkin, or what looked like that. Most of these sightings were dismissed as drunken walks home.

But the story was true and Jack had indeed returned to the world of the living as some sort of golem creature, created by somebody. It seemed that the formation was an automation and had faint memories of the original soul. Eventually the people got wise to the monster and accepted it as reality. One night a mob formed and actively hunted the creature through the streets.

The creature was no genius and eventually it was found. The people saw the abomination and destroyed it with torches, the golem turned to ash quickly and scattered to the winds. The terror was supposed to be over but alas nothing evil ever goes away so quickly.

The soul of Jack became awakened fully with hate and revenge towards everybody now that it knew what had happened to him the second time around. With the sheer force of will he recreated the scarecrow body that he had, and with it came special gifts. Jack was destroyed, and the story for the people ends there. But nobody has seemed to catch on yet that the people who have destroyed him, are slowly disappearing one by one.

Jack is just one of those scary stories that float around the inner city streets of Rhydin for people to scare themselves with. But like all legends they all have a grain of truth to them. They say that when the scarecrow comes for you, there is nothing you can do. When he kills you, he takes your eyes and all they find of you is nothing more then a bloody mess covered with straw pieces.

Jack The Scarecrow's stats

Name: Jack

Height: 6'3

Weight: 103

Strength: 500 Pounds

Running speed: 40 MPH

Fighting Styles: Streetfighter

Powers: Fear Aura, Poison Breath, Completely Silent Movement, High Regeneration Rate, Immune to all mortal ailments.

Weapons: Golem body is Indestructible, once destroyed it will reform, razor sharp claws tipped with poison. Anything he can get his hands on.

Intelligence Level: Average Criminal with superpowers, But he knows how to use them to his fullest advantage, knows how to work the criminal system well.

Weaknesses: Fire. Jack is scared of fire and it will destroy his body for much longer then any other method. Attacks that hit the soul, could destroy him forever.

Status: Urban Legend

Sidekicks: None

Personality Type: Rules with the fear of his legend and often lets people live one or two, just to spread rumors of his existence. He is sadistic and cruel, using psychological torture with his fear aura, just staying in an area for an extended length of time can drive people insane with fear that is unexplained. And often plays one faction against another for fun.

Minions: None known.


Date: 2008-07-11 12:46 EST
Necromancer. The word itself usually inspires fear of all kinds throughout various cultures and races of beings. The power over the dead is too much power for any mortal to have, yet these people do. Most of the Necromancers have powers that are generally creepy and strange to most people at first glance, but rarely are they ever actually evil, in fact a good majority of them are good and use their powers to help others in some way or another.

But then there are those who are so impossibly corrupted there is no escape for them. And among them there is even one they fear. Her real name is truly not known. But she likes to play on words, her official title is Sinister Sister. She openly despises any founded religion based on the words of some God or divine being. She was once one of the highest order of priestesses for some religion she never mentions. The holy men were only as holy as they claimed as long as they were in public. Once the people went home for the day and nobody was looking. The priestesses were open game for these men who believed they had the right to do anything they wanted to them.

Tortures of every kind of nature was not uncommon, several times. It is even said they secretly worshiped the God of Torture, Charn. The true nature of this claim is not known. However, while the other priestesses were submissive, another learned to hate, learned to seek revenge, to plan for it.

That is when the stranger in black came to town. Seemed to be attracted by the hate that people give out, he sought her out and offered her a means to her revenge, and so much more with the black book of Necromancy. Complete power over the dead was offered. She took the offer and found her self not only to be a fast learner, but finding more in common with the dead then the living with each passing day.

When the priests came for their torture session, they were in for a shock. The newly born necromancer had murdered the other women and turned them into her personal servants, undead creatures. Totally under her command, but never the less when the command was given to kill their tormenters, they did so with great enthusiasm. The murder spree would not end there, the priests now became her slaves, as everything dead would become.

She then proceeded to kill every man woman and child in the village, each one killed was another added to her army of undeath. Friends watched in horror as the ones they once knew rose up and attacked them mindlessly. The shock of that usually lasted long enough for them to be killed themselves.

The army was nigh unstoppable as each victim became one to add to her horde. It took several heroes to band together, ones who would never work together under normal situations at all to defeat her. The fight was a long and difficult one, but the heroes prevailed and eventually destroyed the army of the dead.

Sinister Sister escaped termination by killing herself. Then she only arose once more. She had used too much necromancy and it became part of her. A victim of her own success she now is consumed with the life of others, and her hate towards them consumes everything. She now lives in darkness, her own hate is so powerful it keeps her in check, but lately she has been learning to use it to her advantage.

Sinister Sister's Stats

Height: 5'10

Weight: 125

Strength: Six Tons

Running Speed: 200 MPH

Flying Speed: 325 MPH

Fighting Styles: Necro-fist

Powers: Necromancy to extreme levels. See the Invisible and in Pure Darkness, Moderate Regeneration, Ageless, Illusion Caster. Adept in most other forms of magic. Flight. Telepathy, Limited Shapechanging, Summon Darkness.

Weapons: Ritual Dagger, enchanted to be unbreakable, and detect the newly dead.

Intelligence Level: Very High, she was an adept student and quickly picks up on every thing in most situations. She can create her own spells and golem servants all on her own and has made spells only she can cast.

Weaknesses: She suffers from most of the undead weaknesses, but with a little thought she can over come these. But once she was alive so she often forgets she is undead.

Status: Hidden

Sidekicks: None

Personality type: Hate, bitter and cold. She can hate a person just because they are in her sight. Jealous of the life she had before and despite all of her power, its the one thing she can't get back, she hates her self most of all for making that mistake.

Minions: Potentially Limitless


Date: 2008-07-13 08:26 EST
Some threats are too immense to even see. These are the ones that are ignored until it is far too late to do anything about. Cosmically powered and infinitely dangerous is one of the last remaining titans of old. The Game-master is never known until he chooses to be known. Despite his immense power he was defeated by the one and only Bob, The Abyss.

He has hated the realm ever since, and conspires against it, but he hates all forces of the light as well and there is no safety for them anywhere they go. If the cosmic player decides to act, there is little anybody can do but play along and hope they don't have a large part in his plan.

The cosmic player used to be one of the ultimate powers of the omniverse, easily playing entire realms against each other at his will. And it was always too little, too late once they found out the true meaning of their conflict. Entertainment was fleeting for the master and he would quite often seek out the best players of any game in any universe and challenge them to their game, and usually win. Of course there was always some kind of wager involved.

This went on for countless eons The Master's greatest opponent was Death, and even this entity could only bring it to a draw, there would never be a clear winner between them in any game. From the mundane to the extreme, he was unbeatable. Until he came up against the mysterious Bob.

Bob was a guy who was reported to be unbeatable, in anything he did. He was told by Death himself. The Game-Master could not refuse such a challenge. The two met and the game was chosen. Bob did not care what game it was, he was good at them all he said so the Master chose the superheroes. Months went by and the two gathered their selected heroes to their causes, to see who would come up on top. The game was whose group could defeat a particular villain first. The master of course took all the strongest heroes and the ones with the most powers. Bob was left with the lesser ones.

When the game started. He pulled a move the Game-Master never expected. Bob joined his own team and dominated the game. Easily winning the battle. The Game-Master never said you could not help out, so this was not exactly cheating. Enraged at this deception the entity attacked Bob. But was no match and was easily defeated.

The wager of the game was the victor would gain the eternal servitude of the loser. Bob had won. The Game-Master, refusing to admit defeat retreated and ever since has been plotting against the deceptive Abyss to defeat it forever.

In the end, it was the Game-master who got played. Secretly Death was tired of never winning a match. It was Death that asked the Abyss to defeat the most annoying Game-Master. How could he refuse an old friend's request to completely destroy another cosmic entity's confidence, it was an offer he couldn't refuse. And soon he, himself would become a deal maker of sorts.

Game Masters Stat's

Height: Variable

Weight: Variable

Strength: Class 100 +

Running Speed: Limitless

Flying Speed: Limitless

Fighting Style: None needed

Powers: Shape Changing, Luck Manipulation, Teleportation for any amount of distance. Immune to all mortal aliments, Bend Reality, Raw Cosmic Power Projection. Mind Reading. Telepathy, Illusion Casting, Flight, Super Strategic Intellect. Immortal.

Weapons: Mystic Deck. A cosmic set of cards that do a variety of things.

Intelligence Level: Godly. One of the first beings ever created in the Omniverse, he has spent countless eons doing nothing but learning and defeating near unbeatable opponents in every game imaginable.

Weaknesses: The Abyss.

Status: Unknown

Sidekicks: None

Personality Type: Infinitely Sadistic and Cruel. Would make most supervillains seem pretty tame in comparison in their wickedness and vile standing. Nobody likes him because he uses people in his own twisted games and schemes far too often with out them knowing it.

Minions: Officially, none Chances are though if they are minions, they don't even know it yet.


Date: 2008-07-14 11:42 EST
Demons, the subject matter should be mentioned at least a couple of times, so I am obligated to mention this one. From the fiery depths of some nameless hell, comes one of the meanest demonic creatures to break out in to the world of the living. Her name is hidden, you can call her Mistress Malice. She is, as expected, pure evil. Coming on to the scene late in the game, it turned out to be harder then expected to gain a foothold in a realm filled already with evil creatures. So she came up with a plan.

The mistress would fight long and hard for any area she could claim as her own, usually though all she had to do was ask. Her powers made it easy for her to get what she wanted, not to mention her looks hindered her none as well. In hell she was nothing special, a dime a dozen and very typical. She hated that, but had a secret gift that none ever expected her to have. The demoness could absorb the powers of others with a kiss. In hell all the powers were similar to her own, so it would be pointless.

When she escaped from hell, her gift became much more useful as there were a wide variety of people that her strength could become very impressive, but she had work to do first. Instead of going it alone, she decided to form the very first alliance of super powered villains. It was not easy getting some of them to work together, but eventually they did. Keeping it secret and nameless was a very wise move. Eventually these villains were able to overcome far greater heroes together then they ever could on their own.

Malice is very pleased with this direction, although the leadership is often questioned and mutiny is never far away at any given time.

Mistress Malice's stats

Height: 6'3

Weight: 150 Pounds

Strength: Class 45

Running speed: Unknown

Flying Speed: 700 MPH

Fighting Style: Wields the Scythe perfectly in combat.

Powers: Power Absorption, Fire Immunity, Hellfire Projection, Touch of Pain, Flight, Low Healing Factor, High Resistance to Injury and Pain, Hate Aura, See the Invisible/In Pure Darkness. Enhanced Reflexes, Hypnotic Voice, Limited Telekinesis, Dreamwalker, Limitless Stamina, Immune to all mortal ailments, Ageless.

Weapons: Hell Scythe, A very large scythe with a blood red blade that does damage to the soul and body. Living armor that responds to her mental commands and will.

Intelligence Level: High. Excels at the art of torture and domination over weaker minds, knows much of the dark arts.

Weaknesses: Pure holy magic and artifacts, Can't enter holy ground

Status: Leader of the Secret Alliance

Sidekicks: None.

Personality Type: Dominating and paranoid. She is always trying to control every thing anybody does, to the last detail, but she is at the same time always worried of others rising against her to take her spot, and that somebody will try and send her back to hell, but with her new powers she could do some real damage there as well.

Minions: Countless enslaved souls and lesser demons.


Date: 2008-07-16 07:48 EST
In the dark of the night, there are vampires and then there are some real nasty vampires. The typical vampire is a classy well to do snob nosed brat that thinks they have some horrible curse because they have to drink your blood in tiny amounts to survive and they are so different then everybody else they could never relate. Generally, a bunch of whiners in expensive clothes. Then, however there are the nasty ancient vampires who make those whiny ones quake in terror in there overpriced shoes. These ones are the type who will not cry about taking your blood, or being different. If they cry it was because you did not bleed enough when they killed you.

And among them, is one who nobody messes with. The monster vampire known simply as The Knight, has only two objectives. First he wants to kill you, and second. If you are not a full blooded vampire, he wants to kill you. Purist to the extreme, this monster will kill everything in his path with no mercy, simple and effective. But he hates vampires who used to be human and have been turned into an abomination mixture of pure blood, and trash. He comes from a time that has been forgotten by everybody, stalking the night, hunting vampires and humans alike equally. Although his hated enemy of the werewolf is always a nice bonus target as well.

The Knight's Stats:

Height: 7'5

Weight: 600 Pounds

Strength: Class 95

Running Speed: 150 MPH

Flying Speed: 400 MPH

Fighting Style: Extremely skilled swordsman with any blade

Powers: Immortality, Flight, Extreme Regeneration, Detect Vampire Blood, Super Reflexes, Weak mind control, Feels no pain, Super Senses, Manipulate darkness to limited extent.

Weapons: Silver Moonlight, Sword made to kill vampires and werewolves alike, Unbreakable. Unholy Armor that is nigh indestructible.

Intelligence level: Unknown, He excels at killing.

Weaknesses: Daylight, His armor protects him, but even it smolders in the light of the day and is weakened somewhat.

Status: Legend

Sidekicks: None

Personality Type: Murdering and Unstoppable, One tracked mind to the extreme, deals with nobody. Merciless Destroyer of all things. Anybody who sees him treats him like a shark, basically no personality at all, consumed with death.

Minions: None.


Date: 2008-07-21 09:17 EST
The cosmic evil, can sometimes be contained in the most unlikely of places. Along time ago a madman was lost in the deserts of Rhydin. He was not always insane, nor was he always lost or a wanderer. He used to be a great and powerful prince of a desert country. He had everything he could ever want, beyond the dreams of most mortal men even he dared to ask for things even his most powerful magicians could not dare call upon on a whim of their master, the gods would have never allowed it. Greed ruled his heart and power had laid his mind to waste. But still he wanted more.

The Prince was unhappy at such limitations and demanded more, much more. Since his magi could not give him what he asked for, he had them killed and buried with out names, he destroyed anybody related to them as well, attempting to erase their unworthy names from history forever. The blood lust attracted something from the sands. A strange figure in black approached the royal palace and had nothing with him. Nothing, but one worn out and ancient map. The mysterious one told the prince that this map could lead him to the one thing he wanted the most. Infinite cosmic power beyond that of any magi, or perhaps god? The prince demanded the stranger guide him. At this demand he just laughed, and vanished into nothing, leaving only the map.

Devil and monster the advisers cried out, their pleas fell on deaf ears, the prince at once gathered supplies and a scouting party of the best desert walkers he had, and in the dark of the night under a full moon, they set out. The walkers read the map and they knew where it went. Straight into the sands of death, no man has ever returned from here, or knew where it ended. Any who suggested the map was a trick, was threatened with their life.

Four days into the journey, the water already began to run low. Usually there were rest stops along the trails to resupply, this was a suicide trip and several people knew it, and abandoned their posts and ran back to the kingdom, it is not known ever made it. Eventually due to the death and abandonment, the prince found himself alone. Him and his map.

The heat slowly ate away at his mind and soul, losing anything that remained to be human or moral, what little there was to begin with. He became the madman wandering the desert insearch of a promised power he seemed to never be able to find. It was at that last moment before death in the sand, he tripped over something, and completely lost his mind, attacking it he found it was an ancient, yet small golden box.

When he opened it, that is when the monster was unleashed upon the world once more. The Djinn roared and took his true form before the man and promised him one, single wish. The prince wished for ultimate power. The Evil spirit granted the prince his wish, but the frail mortal body had no chance of containing the massive power bestowed upon it, and crumbled to dust at once.

Taking the form of the man, that cursed metal box was buried deep with in the sands of the desert, and he began his journey towards his new kingdom.

The Prince Djinn's stats

Height: Variable

Weight: Variable

Strength: Class 40

Running Speed: Unknown

Flying Speed: 200 MPH

Fighting Style: He is very good with most weapons

Powers: Immortal, Flight, Wish Granting, Shape shifting, Mind Reader, Elemental Manipulation. Energy Weapon Creation, Summon Elemental Army.

Weapons: Any he desires

Intelligence Level: Extremely High, Vast Knowledge of all magics, and adept at using them all.

Weaknesses: Very Arrogant, He has to limit himself to blend in as the prince, can be re captured if discovered

Status: Royalty

Sidekicks: None

Personality Type: Very generous, however gives nothing with out a price of usually extreme conditions. Very vindictive and cruel to those who are disloyal. Is a tyrant to his people, but keeps them protected so they can put up with the treatment.


Date: 2008-07-30 08:48 EST
Hate roams freely and there is not one being alive that can withstand it for long, the innocent fall to it and the guilty live by it. And it consumes everything it touches. It can be learned, it can be taught and preached. It can be felt, it will destroy. Hate is an emotion, only as alive as people allow it to be. This, however is not the case all the time.

Introducing Gerald Rhodes. Hate was this man's life. If there was a cause, he wanted to bring it down. If there was peace, he wanted to kill it. Where there was balance, he was always picking the worst of the two sides to bring about the world of chaos into any life. He was born in the midst of a race riot. Hate infected the child from an early age, in every sense of the word. In his youth Gerald terrorized people, because he could. Destroyed things and generally caused havoc for everybody he ever encountered.

By the time he was old enough to use a weapon, he immediately murdered his parents, he hated them most of all because they were always so restricting in what he could and could not do. Their deaths were ruled as accidents and be became the sole inheritor of their estate. Rhodes became a very wealthy child. Hate hardly knows a better partner then the force of greed.

What ever he wanted, he got, and anything he wanted to destroy, was destroyed by his hand and his money behind it. Rhodes, by the time he was a teenager, he was a very powerful underworld player and basically owned the black market. He supported terrorists worldwide, and made millions selling weapons on the black market. He had a life to die for, even though he hated it all, and would often at random kill his workers for the smallest reasons, annoyances. Despite this he paid well enough to keep them coming.

Despite this perfect life of an untouchable criminal, he, himself was a victim of hate. when he was twenty three years old, a relative consumed with hate over the death of a murdered worker planned his revenge against Mr. Rhodes. Disguised as a worker, this man wasted no time. He killed Mr. Rhodes, and himself three days after he was hired.

Gerald went straight to hell. His soul, however, was very different then his human form, he was a true monster. Ironically, Hell was a better paradise for this monster then life ever was. All the people being tortured and in eternal agony was pure bliss. It was soon realized that punishment would not be found in hell, so he was forcefully thrown out and back into the real world.

The monster howled with discontent and anger at being tossed back into everything he hated so much, and was determined to find his way back into hell at any cost, however, he could not find a way in.

Now Rhodes roams the street, the personification of hate itself knows no peace and quiet. Its very image inspires fear, and fear inspires hate, and it makes him happy for a short time, but nothing could ever compare to the agony to others that hell brought with it.

Gerald Rhodes Stats

Weight: Variable

Height: No greater then 7 foot.

Strength: Class 15

Running speed: Unknown

Flying Speed: 500 Mph

Fighting Style: None known

Powers: Intangibility, Shape Changing, Hate Aura, Summon Hellfire, Immune to Physical Damage and Pain, Possession.

Weapons: None

Intelligence Level: High, he knows how to work people up into a Frenzy

Weaknesses: None known.

Status: Active

Sidekicks: None

Personality Type: Basically hates everything and if a plan does not progress fast enough, he will ruin it and everybody involved in it. He is not to be trusted, ever.

Minions: Any who hate anything is potentially a minion.


Date: 2008-08-11 09:36 EST
The horror the wrath of the fallen angel can inflict is something most people will never experience. Angels are creatures that do the dirty work of the Gods who can't seem to do it themselves. Destruction and murder have often stained the blades they wield. But sometimes these powerful creatures fall from grace, either by challenging the powers they serve, or willingly stop themselves and fall to to the material plane all on their own.

Introducing Varen. The former angel of battle. The Angel was one of the highest order in his prime, deciding the fate of armies and in some places actually worshiped as a God of War. Varen was a brutal and harsh master when it came to violence and warfare, but he was good at his job so his nameless master said nothing about his tactics as long as they kept the balance. That precious balance shifted when Varen decided he wanted to replace his master and built an army to destroy all traces of the major religion that he was a part of.

After a violent battle that shook the heavens and the earth, Varen was cast out of grace and into the physical world. He did not land on his native soil. In addition to being cast out he was exiled into an alien world known only as Rhydin.

The fallen angel quickly gained a foothold in the land and became a legend borne of the blood of innocents and enemies alike. Varen slowly went insane because of his ability to see into the eyes of people and see their sins and wrongdoings. Punishing the wicked was one of his past times in his history, now if he destroyed them all it was, was murder. He no longer had the right to judge people off of what they have done.

The former angel of war decided in his insanity that there were no innocent or right people in Rhydin anymore, so he made it his personal mission to kill them all and use anybody to achieve this. It is only by the combined strength of heroes alone that he is held back to the shadows, growing ever bolder in his attacks on the people.

Varen's Stats

Weight: 150 Pounds

Height: 6'8

Strength: Class 95

Running Speed: Unknown

Flying speed: 900 MPH

Fighting Style: He can use almost any form of fighting he wishes.

Powers: Mind Reader, Extreme Reflexes, Immune to Pain and Light to Medium Injuries. High Regeneration, Force Field, Teleportation, Immune to Holy Magic.

Weapons: Varen can use any weapon with perfect skill. He wields two Celestial Katanas that allow him to use his impressive strength, they are unbreakable.

Intelligence Level: Very high, but he usually makes no sense

Weaknesses: Psychic attacks, and his own insanity work against him

Status: Active

Sidekicks: None

Personality Type: War and violence. His moods and personality can change with in seconds, but once he is worked up into a frenzy there is very little that can stop him. His plans only make sense to him until they are completed for everybody to see.

Minions: Berzerkers and Psychopaths worship him as some insane god in the shadows


Date: 2009-02-08 09:07 EST
Despite the odd title this one has, you would be advised against making fun of it. He calls himself the Witch King, and he did that on purpose to make people make the mistake of pointing out he is no woman. Any who question his choice and will have the pleasure of answering to his deadly magical skills in sometimes disturbing ways best not mentioned here.

Like most villains, this one started out with good intentions. He was indeed a king and like all mortals he was approaching the end of his lifespan. Now most can accept the passing into the next world with some amount of courage. Death scared this man to his core, and he would not have it. The King decided to find away to beat death. For six more years after this choice his searches and journeys, save for becoming one of the undead, he found nothing that could defeat death. Then a stranger came to the kingdom, he claimed that he could do anything for a price that is.

The story goes that the King and this stranger met and the deal was made in complete secret. Apparently the King was promised to live forever, but to do it he had to be infused with the dark energies of the blackest magics that existed anywhere.

Immortality lifted a great weight off of the mind of the King, for now he never need worry about death and could focus on other things. The first fifty years of his immortal rule was peaceful enough, but the rigors and constant grind of life's stress began to wear away at his humanity slowly. Soon everyone around him began to grow old and die off, friends and advisers grew ever scarce. It was when the queen and his children grew old and died before his eyes is when the change truly began. Now knowing the full price of his immortality of being alone forever only increased his hate for people.

Love being extinguished he went for the next best thing, power. He began to actually learn all the secrets of the occult and magics. Gods of horror and demons of ancient origins were called upon in his castle. Some he learned from, others he made deals with and even tried to enslave with his power. The farther he traveled into the darkness of power, the more he became that darkness.

Slowly the kingdom transformed into a place of violence and crime, the King's laws increased, along with the punishments. The King soon learned the secret he once desired so badly, the secret of immortality. But he could never find a way to undo his own cursed existence. His powers became unmatched and often he would hold magic tournaments in his kingdom, only to see where he stood against the power of others. He always won, and all the battles were fair.

Eventually suffering came to the Kingdom and the evil spread beyond the boundaries and other nations of Rhydin began to be attacked by hoards of monsters and black armored soldiers who were more then eager to take prisoners back as slaves to build more arcane buildings and be sacrifices to insane magical experiments.

The Witch King was attacked by Trent Long and his crew, but was cursed with immortality for his troubles. The two figures have not gotten along or even have dealt with one another since.

Currently the Witch King is expanding his territory and his tactics are getting more and more effective. Entire cities have found themselves taken over, essentially overnight. Puppet Governments and mind control of leaders is a typical tactic of the King's methods to increase his power.

Name: Formerly King Trion. Currently, The Witch King.

Height: 5'11

Weight: 130

Strength: Class 5

Running Speed: Peak Human

Fighting Style: Expert Swordfighter.

Powers: Immune to all Physical Weakness. Immortal. Understand and Read all languages on first sight.

Weapons: Near Infinite source of Magical Energies of all kinds.

Intelligence Level: Extremely High, due to immortality and position of power held for so long.

Weaknesses: Reminders of the past can distract him. Anti-magical fields also cancel out all but his immortality.

Status: Active

Sidekicks: None

Personality Type: Dominant, being a king makes him feel like he is always the right leader for any situation, but can usually prove it. He is also sadistic in his methods and will not accept failure of any kind what so ever. Also he is always looking for what is in it for him. He wont do anything that does not benefit him in someway.

Minions: His Kingdom and various leaders in cities that he controls in secret.


Date: 2009-05-10 08:10 EST
Secret knowledge is power, if you know how to use it correctly. And there usually is no better at gathering information then a woman. Enter the spy.

Her actual codename is Shadow Viper. But few people alive actually know that. She began life as a slave, tortured and abused for many years of her life by so called powerful men arrogant enough to speak of secret plans in her presence, not considering her to be anything of value other then a beating post. Well, as luck would have it, eventually a raider party stormed the mansion she was being kept as a slave. They were brutal and killed most of the people within. She begged for life and told them of those secret plans the masters of the house had spoken of. Normally this raid would have ended there, but with the information given to the leaders, soon secret drug rings and vast amounts of wealth were gained from a single family. This Rhydin family soon lost any amount of power or wealth, and was obscured from memory soon.

Soon, the former slave girl was able to escape this new captivity by making promises to her jailer, promises of getting wealthy, physical pleasures and anything else to get his trust. Once the both of them had escaped, she killed the the man, stabbed him in the back with a hidden dagger, and escaped into the night.

This woman would not show her true identity for many years, and much of her history is unknown. All that is known is that some how she became in contact with various intelligence agencies and became very skilled in the art of espionage. So skilled in fact it was rumored she was awarded a legendary artifact of illusions, it made her become somebody else, down to their very smell. Once she got this artifact, she was supposedly killed in an explosion on her last mission.

Soon after this a new player came on to the scene, she called her self Shadow Viper. She knew impossible details about people, and these details and facts would keep most from moving against her, for it would mean ruin if they ever got out to the public. Shadow Viper only seems to show up when things are at their most tense, and when there is the most be be gained.

She is very powerful, and once she has a hold of you, she may never let go of you. Secrets are her currency and her alliances are secret. Her real name is unknown, and her actual appearance is unknown as well. She is nothing short of sadistic, and if you won't give her what she wants, she knows very effective torture methods that will get results. She is not supported by any known organization known.

Name: Shadow Viper

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Strength: Class 2

Running Speed: Olympic level endurance

Fighting Style: Ninja.

Powers: Illusion mistress. Nearly undetectable by magic or technology, Mid level regeneration, Shadow Jumper.

Weapons: Assassins Tools, Sniper Rifle, Lightning staff(Used for torture mostly) Chemical mistress. Most small firearms.

Intelligence Level: Very High. Knows how to use very advanced surveillance equipment, has listening posts set up all over Rhydin, and hidden cameras everywhere. She misses nothing.

Weaknesses: Secrets. When somebody has a secret, she usually won't stop at anything to get what she wants.

Status: Secret.

Sidekicks: None Known.

Personality Type: Quiet and unassuming. She is easily forgettable and attracts no attention to herself when not working. Once she is working, she will be very demanding, aggressive and sadistic. Doing and saying anything to get what she wants. She can not be trusted, lying is second nature to her.

Minions: None Known.