Topic: Disturbing the Watch


Date: 2008-03-18 16:37 EST
Val sat at Officer Pendle's desk, making origami swans, in honor of a lost memory...she had no clue where Kitsuneko was anymore.

Officer Pendle had taken up residence across from her, filling in reports and watching her out of the corner of an eye. He seemed to be the only one who could manage to spend more than two minutes around her. Probably had something to do with the picture of the young girl on his desk. He said it was his sister. She died a few years ago, apparently.

Valentine began arranging the thirty or so paper swans on string, held there with paperclips. She wanted to hang them from the ceiling, but wasn't sure they'd go for that. She'd already gotten in trouble for putting fish in the water cooler. Hey, the place needed a mascot!

Sighing, bored (always a dangerous thing for those around her), she blew a puff and shifted an errant strand of hair from her eyes. Staring blatently at Officer Pendle, Val grinned. She had an idea.

The other officers on duty happened to notice her grin, and many of them suddenly found things to do. Elsewhere.

Stretching like a cat and casually walking over to a thug chained to a desk, she took a seat and began a chat with him. Officer Pendle, intrigued, watched Val and the huge dude converse. In moments, the large man was in tears and Val was walking smugly away. She detoured into the ladie's room where she could toilet paper the place in peace, since all the femal Watch officers where either out on duty, or home.


Date: 2008-03-28 18:18 EST
Val was in the rafters, sitting, foot swinging idly. They glanced at her now and then, nervously, but she would just smile and wave.

Sighing, she was bored. Again. She was up here for a reason, but she had forgotten. Oragami swans hung from her fingers, dangling on their strings. Perhaps it had something to do with those.....

"Miss De'laCroix" Could you come down, please" You're making my officers nervous." Came the exasperated tone of the duty seargent. She obeyed, leaping down to her bare feet with barely a sound. She landed in a cat-like crouch, and then stood, beaming at Officer Pendle. He smiled, shook his head, and hid a laugh.

Val wandered about, plucking up files from abandoned desks and redistributing them elsewhere. She had been doing this for a week now, and they had yet to figure out where and how the files were being "Nexus-ed" off too. She giggled softly, swapped a few more files, this time dropping a few Vice cases onto the burglery squads' desks. They'd have fun investigating that brothel, trying to figure out what was stolen! She had to stop herself from clapping her hands, really wishing she could see the look on their faces.

Val was growing bored of hanging out at the Watch headquarters, though. With her house burnt to the ground, her studio gone, she had no where really to go. But, it was time to leave, she thought. Playing tricks on the Watch was fun, but it was getting old, and without any real purpose here, she was getting rather depressed! What she needed was a mission, something to do, a goal.

With a sigh, she headed over to the coffee pot to swap the decaf and caff urns again. Maybe something would come to her, maybe someone would come in and she'd get an idea! There was mischief to be made, but she was having trouble thinking just what needed to be done first.

Eternal Rhapsody

Date: 2008-03-29 22:34 EST
Rhapsody was drug in, ferverently denying that she was drunk to the officers that were holding her up. She was, in fact, completely wasted. Giggling at her own little jokes, most of which went unheard as she was slurring far too much to be understood, Rhapsody was led to a chair to be booked for Drunkeness in Public.

Blond hair hanging a bit limp, the curls slipping out due to the water that had been tossed on her, she hiccuped, belched, and slumped against the desk of her arresting officer.

Blue eyes strained to focus on the dark, petite woman wandering around the room, but her attentions were distracted. "Hey! Ish that a fisshhhy-wissshhhy in da water?" Pointing to the water cooler, she grinned and fell over, passed out cold.


Date: 2008-03-30 15:58 EST
Val watched them bring in the Nordic looking woman, giggling at her stumbling about. She thought to warn the officer that the girl might spew all over his desk, but then, that would be far to funny to prevent.

Striding over to the now unconscious girl, Vale lifted a limp, wet lock of hair and peered at her blissfully passed out face. "Write the ticket, and I will take her home. I've seen her at the Red Dragon, and I will take her back to her room there."

Jumping at the chance to get rid of the pain that had been torturing them for days, the officers helped Val get the girl standing so she could toss her easily over one shoulder. Officer Pendle spoke quickly, "No! No, it's okay. Just tell her we let her off with a warning. Why delay with more paperwork? It was her first offense and she must be new in town, so just let her know not to do it again. There, all settled! Have a safe trip back to the Inn, Miss De'laCroix, and thank you for your help! Goodbye!" She was quickly shoved from the Watch offices and out into the street, the door slamming shut behind her. She snickered, hearing the sighs of relief from within.

Whistling, Valentine carried the unconscious blond back to the Inn. Registering herself and paying rent for a week, Val took the woman back to her room, instead of the woman's. She'd nurse the hangover that was sure to surface and perhaps, just maybe, this woman would be a friend. Valentine was very lonely.