Topic: Doornail Talk (18+)

Old Man

Date: 2016-12-20 21:14 EST

Cen'ries I waited, bein' torn apart and fightin' my way through the pit. They tol' me I'd ne'er get out. Tha' I was gon' rot in tha' filth 'ole.

Yeah, I did. A bloo'y long time, too. But wha' they did'n expect was for me to break out. To crawl my way ou'a the pit, to fin' my way back to the shi'y rat infested world.

To keep doin' wha' I do bes'. Now, I did'n expect ta fin' people still willin' to pay merks. But I did. Took a while...and when I did....Well, turns ou' tha' no one goes by the same han'book these days. Sword and shield....'outda'ed' they said. I ain't never been smar'. But even an ol' hound like myself can pick up new trades.

I fig'red ou' how to use mo'ern weaponry. Fancy new trinkets tha' shoot lead. No' like bows of the ol' days. Fas'er, harder, jus' a li'l flick of a fing'r and a stea'y arm and BOOM. Drop dead where they stan'. I know ya said I was be'er wit a shield than anythin' else. Well, I think I've got'n pre'y good wit flickin' tha' trigger.

Anyways, I've fig'red out somethin'. Rumors been churnin' 'round the mill. That Mor'gan still has ya. I ne'er trus'd tha' bitch. Not once. Not seein' the way ya'd guzzle tha' Silver down yer gullet and become somethin' else. The way ya got 'ooked on it. Ya coul'nt fool me. I could see it in yer eyes.

If she still has ya....I can only assume ya still doin' it. Tha' ya been doin' it long af'er I was a doornail.

I jus' 'ope tha' the rumors ain't a lie. Or maybe I do.

Guess only time will tell."

-Ol' Man

* * * * * * (OOC: Eh, patience is a virtue. I'm still working on and getting a feel for his accent and writing narrative like this. If you got advice on that, feel free to message me. It's a work in progress! Hopefully I'll get better with it, ha.)