Topic: Drawing in Trouble; Luthien's Re-emergence

Luthien Sweetflower

Date: 2017-09-02 23:39 EST
The remaining 3 - 4 yards of blurring weeds and dirt below her feet were slowing down under her sprint. Irregular air churned and swirled itself into the very nasty looking nexus storm. It was only a 4 x 6 foot window, her destination. It made no noise. Luthien blasted a look back over her shoulder to ensure that the pursuers had not lost sight of her as the nexus drew fast before her. She skidded to a stop, wind-milling her arms twice to slow all parts of herself, keeping still finally when just inches from the swirling and shimmering entrance. Or exit, she grinned inwardly somehow, despite her predicament.

The Nexus was something she had long avoided. It was easy to do. Just don't go there. Stay away from it. It doesn't look for you if you don't look for it. Now, however, it was the only way out. Or back in. It wasn't like she had a choice. Through the Nexus, there would be people, or beings, rather, who could help. Most likely they would be enthusiastic about helping. Heck, she could probably deal with the whole problem on her own if she must. The other side of the Nexus, to her, meant the return of immortality, magic, renaissance, better beer. It should be an easy choice but her last few visits to RhyDin had proved overwhelmingly dramatic. She allowed herself to get caught up in an exceeding amount of drama. Danger. Heartbreak. She did RhyDin a favor when she left.

A quick-second glance confirmed that 2 sets of firey red eyes, 2 sets of acid dripping fangs, and all their sharply clawed paws, still pounded the ground with no intent to halt. She could feel their furious breath and see the gobs of flesh still stuck in their maws as the rows of teeth widened in anticipation of snacking on her face. Luthien took a quick step backward into the Nexus doorway and hoped.

Everything went black. It was black for a good long time. No stars, no wind, no feeling of falling. A faint whistle began to blow in the distance. It sounded like a cross between a teakettle just heating up and the low solemn sound of a train, half a city away in the middle of the night. The whistle gained strength over the next minute, minutes" Then, she was sure the water had boiled. The whistling raged, the wind began to pull at her clothes and hair, the train thundered past her in the dark. The substance, or lack of substance beneath her feet dropped out and she fell.

Falling in a dream, rumored to kill you. Well, it doesn't. She jerked awake. Mouth dry, salty crusty streaks on either temple, her hair stuck to it a little. It was the first thing she reached up to straiten out, while her eyes adjusted to blue-white light. Blinking, shutting, too much light. Noise, birds, morning" Blue sky, clouds. "I'm still alive". mumbled Luthien. She began to take in her view and push herself up off her stiff back. Grass, a few twigs, crunched under her palms.

The sound of birds. Meadow, surrounded by trees, a shallow rise of the treetops before a sharp incline of rock, into hill, into Mountain.

She remembered, quickly holding her breath and looking in as many directions as she could. The hounds were not there. Excellent. It worked.

But she knew they were there. The Nexus drops it's catches wherever it so pleases.

Luthien Sweetflower

Date: 2017-09-03 15:31 EST
Luthien's legs were only unsteady for the first few steps, it was peeling herself up off the ground that was challenging. The influx of magic returning to her bones, from the land....RhyDin's perpetual gift. It was as if she were a magnet and the land beneath her, iron. Her body pulled at the land until her magic starved core was satiated. The brown tint to her eyes faded, leaving a slate grey color. Her skin lost it's long summer tan leaving her pale with a hint of sparkle. Her expensively styled business cut black hair grew out full and long, longer than she remembered it would be here in RhyDin. She even felt a smidge taller, maybe graceful.

Looking down at her feet as she purposefully strode toward the treeline, she realized her blue-jeans were, indeed, a tad high-water. Her sketchers were obnoxious looking, by RhyDin standards. What was that color anyway....neo-salmon' She had to get into the Mountain before any wandering residents crossed her path. Not to mention there were still two vicous acid droolers 'somewhere' to be dealt with. She wasn't ready for that. Yet.

The ground began to rise only a few yards past the entrance of the thick forest canopy. Her memory wasn't the best, but this was home. She smirked a little, thinking about how her acquaintances might marvel at her destination. Would they call it a Vacation home....a palace...a cave" As she struggled to stay alert to her surroundings while daydreaming, walking, and searching all at once, the rise in the land steepened. She was close. Rock wall, vines, trickle of water darkening the stone, more wall, more vines.

Thick vines. Ha! The front door. She could feel the vibration of the Ward she had left behind the vines to deter the squatters. Impassible without the password. Well, not a password, more like a fingerprint, or a breath print. Luthien stood before the vines and simply blew at them. They parted, curling back on themselves, twisting and straitening, forming two pillars that held up an archway leading to the dark tunnel and a simple dirt and pebble path.

Holding her palm forward and supine, she emitted a small ball of soft blue light. It was enough to light her path safely. Luthien traveled into the Mountainside. It was the seat of the Kingdom of Mountainside, once destroyed and remade, last being known as "New Mountainside". She wondered what she would call it now. "Newer New Mountainside?" She coughed her laugh and the harsh echo startled her, the ball of light flickering. Focus. It had been a long time since she had the gift of magic. Once, easy as breathing. She figured she may consider practicing a little before hunting down the beasts that undoubtedly followed her through the Nexus.

The Ogre carved doorway appeared through the soft blue light. It was double, and tall enough to allow entrance of a half-ogre plus one reasonably sized human-elf-dwarf, take your pick. Luthien had wanted it that way so that she and her former half-ogre husband would not need to step through one by one. She remembered his width, his shoulder broad enough for her to perch upon when the Dueling rings were crowded with spectators. She was sad for a moment that he was gone. Dead? She couldn't recall the circumstances of their split. There was, she realized, way too much she had forgotten about RhyDin.

Placing her hand on the left, massive door handle, the smooth metal warmed and an abrupt click sent another echo dancing back down the tunnel she had arrived through. Stale air exited in a rush at first when she pushed open the door. The air calmed, but the dust had been disturbed. She stifled a cough and rubbed at her right eye. She held up her glowing orb and intensified it's light with a thought. Harsh shadows fell back and revealed the grand entrance to the heart of Mountainside. Dust sparkled and swirled though the rays of the light. She could make out the shapes of the Gargoyles perched near the top of each highly pointed arch in the ceiling. Far far far to the end of the room were golden curtains, embroidered with two intricate Red Dragons, rampant, facing each other. The curtains must themselves be 40 feet high, the embroideries 20-some. She wondered how to launder them.

"Heck.." she said aloud, then switched to silent thought. Great. Housekeeping.

(( OOC : So...been a long time since I tried to write stuff. Please forgive grammar. At least trying to spell check. I used to have a big green plastic 3 ring binder stuffed and overflowing with stories I printed off the forum boards about RhyDin. I packed it with me for years....literally, its been decades. At some point I gave up on it and it went to the dump and that was at least 8 years ago, before I went to work overseas for a time. Anyway, honestly figured I would not regret it, it had been so long. Well, so much for that brilliant thought. I had detailed descriptions of Mountainside, stacks of works by other writers that contributed to our adventures, etc etc. But now its all dependent on what my memory can dredge up. I'm now 48 years old. Time flys...but RhyDin is still here. Kinda freaky.

Anyway....Open invitation to anyone who would like to post in this folder. It's not a private story. Epic tales rarely evolve by a single writer in a FFGF so please, feel free. Would be nice to meet some new peeps. )