Topic: Drop Off

Vita Basso

Date: 2009-06-19 01:18 EST
((Warning, occasional mature language))

Vita hated dressing up. The clothes were uncomfortable, bright, and extrodinarily feminine. With a spring blue cap that was snug around her head at an angle, it matched the jacket and skirt of her "business" attire. The sleeves just went past her elbows, the shoulders were poofy, and the buttons went diagonal with the cross cut. The skirt was pencil straight to below her knees, and the ensemble was topped off with white gloves, heeled shoes, and a medium-sized white handbag. She hoped no one stopped to ask her just what she was wearing, or where she bought it at, because Vita had no idea.

The streets were rather deserted at this time of day. Everyone had gotten off work and was more than likely sharing a meal at home with their family or at the local diner. It made the faint click-click sound of her heels one of the only audible sounds, except for when a car or carriage strolled along. Pulling out a folded paper from her pocket, she read the address over again, before turning down a wide alley. The setting sun still provided a great deal of light down the dirt path that she started down. There wasn't a single thought of the dirt leaving traces on the white leather of her shoes.

Painted lips gave a closed smile to a man that stepped down the staircase from a business building to her right. Though she knew little about the clothes that were placed on her, the man's suit gave away several signs. Double-breasted suit, full-cut trousers, and fine leather shoes, he might as well place a "money' neon sign across his forehead. As he reached the last stair, a hand went up to touch his gray fedora and bob is head down slightly in polite greeting while his other hand stilled the rocking motion of the briefcase.

"Stop that man! He has my money!" Vita heard the voice before she saw the running man. His face was obscured by his hat and a black bandana around his nose, with wide leather wallet as he ran. Frozen in place, a full second past before the elder man came limping behind him. He waved his cane in the air, and repeated his cry for help, "Stop that man, he has my money!"

Vita didn't see a gun on the running man, but she didn't want to particularly find out. She turned to the man with the briefcase with wide eyes, "Oh, please! Ya gotta help that man!" Just as the thief was close enough, he threw the briefcase at his knees. The man stumbled on the ground, dropped the wallet, and sped off.

"My money!" The elder man collasped onto the dirty ground, and Vita moved as quickly as she could in the heels and skirt, before leaning over and evaluating his condition.

"Sir, ya've been stabbed right inta yer pillar." Blood had already stained the white gloves, but she removed them anyway before looking further at his leg, "Gotta take ya to ta hospital. Ta johnny here's got yer greens."

"Ya gotta hankie" Old man's gotta leak in his pins and all." She turned her attention to the younger man as he squated next to her to evaluate the situation himself.

"Sure thin", dollface." He reached into his pocket to retrieve a plain hankie and Vita was quick and careful to bandage the bleeding leg as best as she could. "Name's Patrick, old man. What's the story, morning-glory??

Vita Basso

Date: 2009-06-19 01:22 EST
"I gotta make a drop-off, ya see?" Slightly aged hands reached out and grabbed the wallet, "Gotta get goin" there right now." He struggled from his down position to tr.

"Now now, I don't think you'll be skippin" anywhere. It's to ta hospital for you." Vita smiled gently at the wounded man, before looking up to Patrick with a raised brow, "Can ya go back up them steps in those pretty glad rags of yers, and call the coppers, then get a cab?"

Before Patrick could respond, the elder man waved a hand widely, "No! No dicks!"

Patrick was now looking at the older man with suspicion, "Trouble with the law, old-timer?"

"No, but there's too many highbinder's that will take my job for "emselves. Listen, kid - Patrick. The drop-off's two blocks north of here, right at Mickey's. I'll give you two hundred golds fer the job. Just drop it off and go along yer merry way." The man pulled out two one hundred bills out of his returned wallet

"I don't know..." Patrick shifted his weight in his crouched position uncomfortably, "I don't need no trouble with the dicks if I get caught. Ain't worth no two hundred golds."

"Ya can hide it, like this." Vita pulled on the older man's wallet, and turned her attention to her bag. Rummaging around for a moment with her back facing both men, she finally pulled out her own hankie and carefully wrapped it around the wallet until it was completely covered. "Just hid it in yer pants. No straight dick is eva gonna look there fer it." She gave a saucy wink, before holding out the wallet for Patrick.

He hesitated in taking the wallet. "Two blocks, ya said?"

"Right on north at Mickey's. Can't miss it." He offered the two hundred dollars to the younger man. "Better pick up the pace - gotta bombline on it."

Finally, Patrick took the money, the wallet, and stood, "Sure thin", boss. You'll get him to a hospital, righ??" His attention turn to Vita.

"On my word as a lady." She saluted two fingers off of her hat and watched Patrick trot out of the alley and out of sight.

Vita Basso

Date: 2009-06-24 16:52 EST
Patrick ran down the sidewalk and waved his hand almost frantically for a cab. When one pulled over, he hopped in and was quick to shut the door. "As south as you can go, cabbie. And take the powder, before we're followed." He laughed wildly as the cab sped away. For the old man to give him two hundred bucks, the drop had to be good. Who the hell would trust someone with that kind of money, or secret' Raising his hips and looking quite the fool to retrieve the hankie-covered wallet, his hands were greedy to unwrap the hankie and look at the amount of money that was now going to be his.

Before opening the wallet, he discreetly looked through all the windows, and then to the cab driver, just to make sure no one was watching him go in the opposite direction of his destination. Grinning, he was already celebrating his luck when he opened the wallet to discover that it was full of....tissue paper"

"What the..?" He checked the wallet frantically, but there were no green bills in there. Nothing of value, "What the hell is this?"

"Sir?" The cab driver looked into the rearview mirror with a frown, "Is there a problem?"

"Nah." Patrick gave a frustrated sigh and patted his coat in defeat. A beat later, a frown grew on his face and he patted his coat more earnestly. Reaching into the inside pocket, he found it empty, and he cursed, "The hell there is. Turn this car 'round right now! They have my money!"


"Shit! Who's idea was it to put me 'n heels?" Vita was skidding and running through the alleys with the older gentleman, hiking her skirt high with one hand and clinging to her purse with the other, "Think that glad rags will'a figured it out by now?"

"Don't matter, we're here. Harry's home!" Harry, no longer showing any signs of a wounded leg, made a quick turn up a series of outside ladders to the third floor, before jumping through the window with Vita close behind, "Drop off's been done!"

"And Mr. Patrick was loaded. Must'a been doing his own kind of drop off." She pulled out Patrick's wallet and waved it high in the air as people - family and friends - came to see what the commotion was about, "We're going out tonight!"