Topic: East Meets The Deep South

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-03 10:14 EST
Chien pushed his way into the Inn and gave the room a quick once-over. He still wasn't quite used to seeing honest-to-god elves, so the dandy at the bar received a bit more attention than was perhaps necessary. But then he was on his way to the bar, flashing the cute brunette behind it a big smile. He sat himself down on a stool and watched her as she pulled a mug of beer for another equally cute brunette. One thing to say for this place"the girls rivaled the ones in LA in terms of hotness. And even better, he figured they were all real here.

"Can'ae g'itcha somethin'?" asked of the Asian man. Dylan paused to stare at him a moment. This was her first time seeing an Asian person in the flesh and blood as well. She'd met an Elf, a Fae, a Frenchman who was not French, but British, and now an Asian man. Who knew the world outside of Thomaston, Georgia was so exciting"

He caught her checking him out and gave her an even big smile. "How about a beer and your number?"

She scoffed and waved her hand at him, dismissing what he said. Surely he was just being a tease. "I can g'it ya the beer." Nods and turns to grab a mug and then goes back to the lever to fill it.

"But no number?" He pretended to pout. "Then how 'bout you at least have one drink with me tonight?" He tried on the lady killer smile again and added a dash of hopeful puppy dog eyes, too.

"Uhm." She looked around, it didn't seem like the Inn was in urgent need of a tender at the moment. "Well alright. I 'spose." Grabbing her beer, she moved back around to the patron side and stepped up on a rung so she could sit on a stool. "Howdy!"

He smiled in triumph and stuck his hand out to Dylan. "I'm Chien," he said, pronouncing it CHEE-en, not Shee-YEN, which was French for dog. "It's really nice to meet you. Is this your normal night for working here?"

She took his hand in hers and gave it a firm shake that was more like a yank and then a bounce of his arm. "Chee...en." With her accent, it sounded like Chee-yan. "Well it's real nice ta meet ya! I'm Dylan or DeeDee, whichever ya' prefer. An' I dun work 'ere. I was j'es helpin' out since I was back there."

"Oh," he said slowly. "I see. Well that's good. Since next Friday night I'm taking you out on the town and I didn't want it to interfere with your working." He liked the way she said his name, liked her accent, liked just about everything about her so far. Her voice made him think of hot summer nights on a porch swing watching a field lit up by fireflies as he sipped an ice cold beer.

"Oh are ya now?" Her nostrils flared a little as she scoffed and shook her head, cheeks going pink. "Yer real forward 'an sure 'bout yerself. How'd ya reckon I wanna go out with ya" Hm?" Takes another sip of her Badsider.

He made a show of looking around the room and then back at her with a c*cky brow raised. "I don't see a man here with you, and that's a shame, 'cuz a pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone on a Friday night. So that makes me think you're single or you should be." He took a sip of his beer and gave her another disarming smile. "I like the way you blush."

"I'm not real sure I trust ya. Ya talk real slick like. Like one of them big city boys." Her mouth twitched to the side as she studied him a moment. "Yer right. I ain't got a boyfriend an' I'm not real keen on spendin' my weekend nights doin' nothin'. I 'spose it wouldn't hurt ta let ya take me out. I should probably g'it ta know ya a bit better though. "

His grin grew three sizes that day. "I'm real nice, Dylan. Got a job, some nice friends, a decent place to live. I'm a catch." He took another sip of his beer and then turned to face her fully. "So. What do you want to know" What can I tell you that'll help you feel more like you can trust me?"

She began to fidget with the ties at the waist of her shirt, curling them around her fingers while he spoke. Yanking her shirt back down a bit, so only an appropriate amount of stomach showed between the tied up shirt and her shorts, she looked back up to him. "Do ya know how ta use chop sticks?"

He nodded, trying very hard not to stare at that bit of exposed forbidden flesh. Mama Phan wouldn't approve and there would be a smack upside the back of his head in it, too. "I do know how to use chopsticks. Do you?"

There she was practically bouncing again. "Ya do"!" Her head shook no quickly and she pulled one of her braided pigtails over her shoulder. "No, I ain't never learned. Would ya believe the first time I 'ad any kinda Asian food was when we drove by Atlanta once last year" There wasn't even a Chinese person cookin' there. Yer my first." She yanked a little hard on that braid and bit her lip, looking stumped. "My first Asian person I mean. That I've met. Y'are Asian, right' Cause I called this British man French last night an' he got real upset 'bout it. I never met nobody from Europe b'fore."

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-03 10:20 EST
He chuckled good naturedly at her enthusiasm, leaving alone the comment of his being her first. It was just too easy. "I am Asian. Vietnamese, in fact. Though I'm from LA. My mom and dad, though, they came over from Saigon just after it fell in the 1970's. Do you like Chinese food?"

"Vietnamese. How worldly!" Poor, poor Dylan. "I think I like it. I j'es had it the once. It's real different from my mama's cookin'. I ain't real sure 'bout that whole rice thing though, I'm kinda a potato girl. Ya reckon I could g'it me some sesame chicken with some potatoes?"

"Tell you what, Dylan. You come visit my restaurant and I'll see if we can get you sesame chicken with potatoes." He caught sight of Sifu David just coming in and waved him over.

"Oh, yer the best!" She bit down on her lip to keep that crazy big smile in check. "An ya will teach me ta use chopsticks too' I wanna eat it with those."

"Absolutely," he said to Dylan. "Do you know how to hold a pencil?" He stood up for a moment and went around to the other side of the bar to hunt up some pencils or something like that so he could show her.

"Well of 'course I know how ta' hold a pencil. Believe it'er not, j'es 'cause I'm from the south, don't mean I'm illiterate. Tha's j'es a mean lie people say 'bout us 'cause....well I dun quite know why they say that." Pressing her lips together, she watched him get up and move, maybe a little too closely. Oh but wait. Gasp! "Another Asian!" This is like my lucky night!"

David made his way across the room and up to the bar where Chien sat, chatting up a girl. This did not surprise him in the least. Chien nodded to Dylan and then to David. "Sifu David, this is Dylan. Dylan, this is my teacher, David." Then he found a pair of pencils and then came around to the other side and gave her an apologetic look. "I didn't mean to imply that you're dumb. I just meant that someone as lovely as you should have people to do that sort of thing for her." Oh, man. Was it getting deep in here or what"

One brow rose a tiny fraction at the woman's outburst, but David had enough manners not to comment on it. Instead, he nodded to her and said, "Nice to meet you, Dylan."

"Hey there, David." She was eyeing him now too, fascinated by all the culture in Rhydin. "Yer like a sensei"!" She looked very proud of herself for knowing that word. " I saw Karate Kid." Nods to him, very seriously as she indicated the reason for knowing that word. It didn't dawn on her that the word was Japanese and Chien was Vietnamese. Looking back to Chien, she raised an eyebrow. "I should 'ave people write for me?" Head tilt. "Pretty people k'en 'ave other people do stuff like that for em?"

David nodded. "Something like that, yeah. Different country, though."

Chien smothered a smirk at David's ever-present cool and then picked up the pencils. He paused, though, at Dylan's question. "Yes," he said slowly. "Pretty people can have others do that sort of stuff for them. They're called Personal Assistants out in Hollywood." He smothered another smirk at Dylan's pinball like attention span. This girl was a firecracker!

"Hollywood"!" Those big blue eyes were practically bursting from their sockets now. "Oh. My. Gosh. I ain't never been there either, but I saw it on t.v. Did ya know they got hotels fer their dogs there"!" One topic at a time people!

"So, Dylan," he said, attempting to capture the girl's attention. He held up the two pencils. "Look." He held one of them cradled on the second knuckle of his thumb, resting in the hollow between it and his forefinger and then rested the rest of it over the first knuckle of his middle finger.

Turning back to Chien, she leaned in on her upturned hands, elbows resting on the bartop. Her eyebrows drew together as she watched him. "Lookin'. And likin.'" She beamed a smile at him and then realized she said that out loud. Her mouth formed an 'o' then and those eyebrows bounced up. "Erm."

Chien winked at her and then picked up the other pencil and laid it atop the first, gripping it between his thumb and forefinger. Then he carefully moved the top pencil up and down in a pincher. "See" Easy as pie." He held them out to her. "You try now."

Taking the pencils from him, she used her left hand to try and position the pencils in her right and dropped them after they crossed into an x. "Oh fiddle sticks." Sticks out her tongue and picks them up, trying again. "Yanno, makin' a good pie really ain't that easy. It might as well be a science." She was frowning at those pencils, trying to get them to work.

Chien carefully took her hand between both of his and made some minor adjustments. He kept hold of her a bit too long though, enjoying the touch of her skin against his calloused, rough fingers. "There. See if that's not a bit easier for you." David smirked; this boy was smooth.

"Oh. Oh!" She bit down on her lip a bit and leaned up some as she got all excited. "Lookit! Lookit!" She clicked the pencils together. "Lemme grab somethin'!" Was aiming to grab one of his fingers between the pencils now.

He caught David's smirk above Dylan's head and waggled his brows at him. Then a slightly startled "ow!" when Dylan pinched one of his fingers. "Hey, let's find you something less lethal to practice with, okay?" He reached for a bowl of sugar cubes and dumped out three or four onto the counter. "There. Have at it, sweetheart."

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-03 10:23 EST
"Fer someone all buff'n stuff, yer kinda whiny." Smirking, she moved the pencils to try and grab the sugar cubes, missing the first few times but finally getting one after three or four tries. " Well lookit that. I'm a pro!"

"Excellent. We'll have you eating soup with those things in no time," he said, wisely ignoring the crack about being whiny. He thought girls dug the sensitive tough guy act anyway"

"Soup" Nah, I don't think so. 'Sides, I don't really eat soup. Gumbo, Stew, Chilli, Dumplins. That's 'bout as soupy as I g'it." She kept tapping the pencil ends together as she looked up at him. "Wha' is David teachin' ya" Are ya goin' ta college?"

He snarled a bit at the mention of college and shook his head, claiming his forgotten beer. "Naw, no college. He's teaching me baguazhan. It's sort of like kung fu," he explained, heading off the inevitable questions.

"Ooooo!" She looked all dazzled again, just like when he brought up Hollywood. "Tha's fer real" I thought it was j'es somethin' in the movies. Like fancy words fer fightin'. Do ya wear a cool outfit while doin' it?"

He laughed. "They're more like pajamas," he said softly, glancing up at David with a little smirk.

David snorted. "They look like pajamas on kids like you," he shot back. "Us grownups wear clothes."

"Yes, Sifu," he said in that particular tone of voice that 'kids' got when humoring their waaaaay elders.

"I like pajamas! I wish I could wear 'em all the time." Although she really did enjoy her retro fashion and especially those signature cherry red stilettos she was almost always wearing. "Can'ae see ya do it some time?"

"There is nothing I'd like more than that, Dylan," he said sincerely. He finished off his beer and gave Dylan's a look. "Want another one?"

David eyes narrowed the tiniest bit. Just wait until next class, and he'd see who was humoring who. "Come to the Zen Gardens building," he said to Dylan. "I teach classes there three times a week in the evenings. Anyone's welcome to come watch."

"Badsider, please." Nodded to him. "You'd really like me ta watch?" And then David was inviting her too' "Can I learn somethin' from ya" I'm not real bendy, but I'm real scrappy when I'm wrasslin'. I dun look real tough, but I've won a hair pullin' contest a time er two in my day." She looked so proud.

"I'm sure Chien wouldn't mind teaching you a few moves," David said, in a rather bland tone. Chien chewed on the inside of his cheek to smother the laughter. Hair pulling contest, indeed. He slid off his stool and rounded the bar, giving David a murder-death-kill look before going for two Badsiders.

"Would ya show me somethin' Chien" I'll be a real good student, I promise. I'll take it as seriously as a heart attack. I keep hearin' a girl should know 'ow ta protect 'erself 'round 'ere anyway."

Chien reclaimed his stool once more and handed one of the bottles to Dylan. "I'd love to show you something." Somehow he managed to say it completely innocently, without any sort of entredre or double-meaning whatsoever. "Why don't you come by the Gardens next Friday evening and watch a class, then we'll go out to dinner and maybe a club, too' Do you like to dance?"

While Chien was making plans, David slipped behind the bar and grabbed himself a Newcastle, pausing to toss a couple of coins in the till before coming back around to the patron side of the bar.

"Well I might g'it all sparkly iffin we wrassle first." Yes, she sparkled, she was a lady after all and ladies did not sweat. "Ya won't mind takin' me out lookin' a bit of a mess?" And then her head was shaking yes. " I love line dancin!" Probably not the kind of dancing he was used to.

"Uh," Chien said slowly, carefully. "I sincerely doubt you could ever look like a mess." When in doubt, flatter!

"Well dun trust yer doubts then." Finger pointed at him and she smiled. "I'll bet ya look real nice when ya sweat though. Guys can pull that off. I swear me and the girls had some real good afternoons, j'es perched in a tree, watchin' the boys workin' the farm. Mmm." She practically purred and her eyes rolled back in her head a moment, obviously appreciative of the mental image.

Chien's eyes went wide and he cast a slightly panicked look at David for a moment. "Uh. So, yeah. We usually have practice from six 'til eight. So if you want to come by any time during then?" He looked back at David for confirmation of this. David flicked the top off of his beer with one finger and quickly lifted it to his lips, so as to hide the amused grin that was spreading across them. He nodded in response to Chien's questioning look. "Cool," he said to David. "After practice, we can go for Chinese and then this club I heard about called Gilt. I'm not so sure they do line dancing there, though."

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-03 10:24 EST
She caught that look. It was almost like the look Chryrie and Cassandra had given her when she unknowingly said something dirty, only the look was slightly less amused looking. "Crap. Did I say somethin' dirty?" Eyebrows raised up as she looked between the men. David had that amused expression. What had she missed now. She replayed what she said and couldn't find anything wrong with it. "Uhm. That sounds good. You'll teach me how ta do whatever kinda dancin' they do there, then?" Sipping her beer, she looked a little worried.

"Not dirty, no." Chien absolutely refused to admit that her completely innocent comment had created a rather interesting mental image for him, too. Wrasslin', indeed. "Yeah, I'll teach you whatever you'll let me, Dylan." He was clearly relishing the thought.

"Oh good. 'Cause I have a habit of sayin' things that g'it Colt, he's my cousin all riled up an' I don't even mean to. Don't even ask 'bout the balls in my mouth incident. Tha' was bad." Tsks herself. Chien choked on his beer and pounded his chest for a moment. "Wha' do girls wear ta this club' I'm guessin' flannel and jeans ain't the appropriate attire?" Definatly not a country western bar."Wha?" Looks around innocently. "Y'all alright?"

By some miracle, David managed to avoid Chien's fate, but it was a close thing indeed. He stared at Dylan for a long moment, then just took another long swallow of his beer. He was just going to leave that alone entirely. Riley would murder him in his sleep.

Chien nodded, still coughing and pounding his chest, mouth gaping like a fish out of water as he struggled to breath. Beer BURNED when it went down the wrong way. After he recovered, he took a deep breath and said in a slightly rough voice, "You wear whatever you want, sweetheart. You'll look amazing in anything, I'll bet."

David finished off the Newcastle and leaned over the bar to throw the empty bottle away. "Well," he said. "It was nice meeting you, Dylan. I need to head out. Riley's probably getting home around now." He clapped Chien on the back. "See you in class Monday." Chien winced. He'd be running suicides or something equally devilish. "Good night, Sifu," he said and gave the man a salute.

"I know tha' heimlich!" Just incase anyone needed it. "Nice ta meet ya too, David!" She waved to him and then looked back at Chien with those big eyes of hers. "Thanks fer sayin' so, 'bout lookin' amazing or whatever. I g'es I'm kinda nervous. I ain't really been on a date in a while and not at all since I've been 'ere." She was pulling on those ties of her shirt again and then her hand crawled up, twisting one of those pigtails around and around.

He smiled at that. "You were just waiting to meet me. It's kismet."

"Wha' does kismet mean' Does it 'ave somethin' ta do with us makin' out?"

"Uh." Danger Chien Phan, danger! "No. It's like Fate, you know?"

"Ya think meetin' me meetin' you was fate?" She looked a little taken back and her cheeks were back to being bright pink. She couldn't look at him now. Just shaking her head, she looked down at her feet, resting on the rung of the stool.

"Yes?" he said hesitantly. "Is that a bad thing?" Her reaction was a bit confusing. He hoped he hadn't offended her or anything horrible like that. "Luck's maybe a better word than Fate."

"That's a real nice thing ta say. Maybe tha's j'es you bein' a slick city boy a'gin. Ya seem ta know the right things ta say." She was too afraid to believe someone would say something that nice to her for innocent reasons. Slipping from the barstool, she looked towards the door. "I should be goin'. Ya wanna walk fer a bit?"

"I can think of absolutely nothing I would like to do more than walk with you, Dylan." Again he managed the sentence with utmost sincerity. He slid off his stool, left payment for the three beers and offered his arm to her. "Do you live close by' I'll walk you to your door if you don't mind. Gotta keep you safe now that I found you."

"I live by the swimmin' hole near the Glen." Nodding to him that it wasn't far. She linked her arm through Chien's and was careful not to twist her ankle in those stilettos as they headed for the door.

((Taken from live play. Thanks to Dylan Daniels and David Lo for this scene!))

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-11 01:51 EST
Despite how great she looked all dressed up for tonight, she felt like crap. The day hadn't gone well at all and the only thing keeping her from getting completely smashed and hiding under her blankets for the rest of the weekend was Chien. She had agreed to a date and she didn't want to ruin something with a guy as nice as him before it even began, so despite her reluctance about going out, she kept her end of the deal and was ready on time for him. Hopefully he could forgive her for looking at her phone's screen for at least the ninth or tenth time tonight. Sighing softly, her phone was put back into her purse as they climbed the stairs of the Inn.

Chien had picked up early on the mood of his date and had kept the conversation light and airy as they walked from Dylan's house to the Inn. However, the constant checking of her phone was more than a little distracting. "You expecting an important call" From your boyfriend?" he asked with a little teasing grin to cover the very real worry.

"No. I'm sorry." She forced a smile onto her lips as she made sure her purse was latched. "I'm not bein' real fair to ya. One of my cousins is sick an' I'm j'es worried. We had a fight an' then he got sick an' it's been a long day." Tucking her hair behind her ear, she looked up to him. "I should 'ave canceled with ya, but I was really hopin' for a nice distraction ta'night. If you don't wanna go through with this, I understand."

"No, if you need a distraction, I'm your man. If you need cheering up, I'm good for that, too."

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. I feel a little fancy fer the Inn." That was whispered nervously at Chien while she tugged at the hem of the second skin red dress.

"We don't have to stay long," he whispered back at her. Good God, that dress! "We can just get a quick drink and head out to that club if you'd like."

"Dancin' would be nice, I reckon it'd take my mind off'a things, but remember yer gonna have ta show me how y'all do it 'round these parts. Y'all do that body grindin' dirty dancin'?" Her eyebrows raised up.

A startling crimson cast crept into the Vietnamese's cheeks and he looked away, curling his hand into a fist and coughing into it, hoping the gesture would cover his rather obvious reaction to the thought of 'dirty dancing' with Dylan in that dress.

"Well?" Hands went to her hips then.

"Uh," he said, reaching to loosen the collar of his shirt so he could swallow. "If that's what the lady wants to learn..." He shrugged in a 'what can you do' sort of gesture.

"Well I j'es wanna learn whatchy'all do. I don't like stickin' out like a sore thumb. I'ma go and g'it me a drink. What can I g'itcha?"

"No, let me pay, Dylan. You stay out here or find us a table inside."

"Oh. Alright." She looked a little unsure about him buying her drinks, as she wasn't entirely sure how this dating thing worked. Going inside, she started to look for a table for the two of them.

Chien smiled and followed Dylan inside, heading to the bar. He paused for a moment and...."Hey, what did you want?" he asked Dylan, standing behind the bar with a bottle of beer in one hand.

"Badsider." Called out to him. He nodded, snagged a bottle of that and headed for the table with Dylan and their beer. Once there, he stared at her for a moment, his hand hovering over the back of a chair, unsure what to do. Should he sit' Should he stand" What on earth was she doing"

While she had been waiting for him to come back with the beer, her mind had slipped back to the happenings of her day and she started that nervous habit of hers. Her finger went to her lip and began to tap in sets of threes. The numbers were counted softly to herself. When she saw Chien headed her way, she held up a finger to him with her free hand to stall him and finished her sets, fifteen of them. She really needed to get control of herself, but if he hand interrupted her, well she would have had to start all over again. The last one was counted out and she took a deep breath and lowered her hand. "Sorry." She looked embarrassed, she had been doing so good lately. "Sit?" Asked kindly of him, hoping he wasn't going to run away while he had the chance.

He sat obediently, a little woodenly, a worried look on his face. "You okay?" he asked with concern.

"Ya, I'm alright. Or I will be. Just'a long day. I'm out of my medicine, I can't help it sometimes." Oh because that didn't make her sound like a nut job at all. "O.C.D. and A.D.H.D." That was muttered to him. Her cheeks flushed. How embarrassing was this" She began to fidget again and she locked her fingers together, trying not to start again.

He reached out and gently covered her hands with his, giving them a little squeeze. "My best friend in LA was like that. He started meditating. It worked wonders for him. T'ai chi, too. That's how I got started. We went together." If she was expecting him to be scared off, she'd be sorely disappointed.

She sighed softly as she looked to his hands on hers. "I really hate the medicine they've got me on, I don't feel like myself, yanno' But I drive everybody nuts when I ain't on it. Includin' myself." Smiling an unsure smile at him, she raised her eyes to look at his face. "You went with'im?"

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-11 01:52 EST
He nodded and let go of one of her long enough to take a drink before taking her hands again. "Yeah. I wanted to help him out, you know" It was good for both of us. There's classes at the Zen Gardens, you know. The building's super teaches it. You should check it out. I'll go with you if you want me to."

"I don't know. I ain't real sure 'bout that kinda stuff." She bit down on her bottom lip. "You sure it ain't hokey?"

He shook his head sincerely. "There's been all sorts of scientific studies done on Buddhist monks while they meditate. It changes the way your brain works and does really cool stuff for your body, too. Lowers your heartbeat and blood pressure and stress and stuff. Plus the exercise is really good for you, too."

"Buddhist?" Her eyebrows rose up. "I don't know much 'bout all that either. It's kind'a different where I'm from. But I might be willin' ta learn about some of this stuff. I like culture. Well, I like anything that's not about Thomaston, Georgia anyway. Maybe next weekend er somethin' we can see 'bout this meditation business. "

He gave her a happy smile. "What's it like there" Where you're from, I mean."

"It's a small town, everybody knows everybody and all their business. It's got its good an' its bad, I 'spose. I worked at a retro diner there, that's where I got my love of pinup fashion from. It all started there." She smiled and motioned to her dress, with its slight retro influence.

He lowered his eyes to the dress for a split second and then promptly returned his gaze to her eyes. "Well," he said, his voice strangely hoarse suddenly, finding it difficult to swallow. "Do you ever want to go back there" Or do you think you'll stay here?"

"I can't go back." She shook her head quickly. "Not for good anyway. I 'ad ta go all incognito a few weeks ago when I went ta pick up my baby, Reba."

"Incognito' You a wanted criminal or something?" He made the question light and teasing, but a very small bit inside him hoped it was true. Bad girls were just so damned hot.

"Nah. I ain't no criminal, although the way people look at me an' talk 'bout me, you'd think I was. I j'es got myself int'a bit of a scandal. I ain't always real bright and sometimes I don't think my decisions through. I was hurtin' real bad for money, wantin' ta pay my college loans off for my parents an' I tried ta make a quick buck. Some guy wandered in the Diner one day an' told me I'd be a real good fit for a photo shoot he was doin' for the troops. He said it'd be real tasteful....An' he said nobody in the states would ever see it. It was j'es for some over seas mens' magazine er somethin'. I didn't really do my homework like I shoulda, an' soon 'nough them pictures was on the internet and this kid Dave was flashin' em all 'round, even after he blackmailed me ta g'it 'im ta keep em private. He went blabbin' anyway, an' now I'm the whore of Thomaston." She shrugged and brought her beer up to her lips, taking a long drink. "So tha's my story."

His brows rose. "Were you dressed in these pictures?"

"Partially." She couldn't look at him just then.

He shook his head a little. "People in your hometown are dumb." He shrugged as if to say, 'Who cares"' He certainly didn't; this knowledge didn't change his opinion of her in the least.

"Tha's wha' my cousin says but my Pa don't agree. He ain't too happy with me. It was stupid. I don't know wha' was in my head. An' I didn't handle it all well either. " Setting her beer down, she looked around, wondering if any ears were on their conversation; this topic was one she didn't exactly want getting around, even though several people already were aware of it, thanks to the twins.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. I ain't got much else ta hide."

"Why does it bother you so much' Is it getting caught or betrayed by that guy or losing your father's good opinion of you?"

"Kinda everything" I mean, I got a real big family an' I feel like I let everyone down. An' then I did somethin' real stupid ta try and buy Dave's silence an' I ain't real proud of tha'. He's a real jerk, but I'm an even bigger idiot fer thinkin' I could trust a guy like 'im."

He nodded, his face thoughtful for a moment. "Well, here's what I think. It's not like you made a porno or anything like that, right' I don't see anything wrong with showing a little skin. It was tasteful, right' Not sleazy?"

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-11 01:54 EST
"No, I didn't. An' I felt real pretty an' thought it was tasteful, but, you know." She just shrugged again. "I think the aftermath of it all is what?s the hardest about it. An' comin' from a small town it's somethin' that nobody is gonna forget. I mean, at the Diner I was gettin' manhandled and hooted at, an' the women were all chatterin' away and givin' me dirty looks, an' Dave was always waitin' 'round, thinkin he was gonna g'it a lil some-some from me, as though I was sleazy er somethin'."

"Well, that's their problem, Dylan, not yours. You have nothing to be ashamed of. All those people who were treating you like some cheap whore are the ones in the wrong." He was indignant and angry on her behalf. "Those chicks talking about you were jealous, plain and simple. And the rest of them?" He waved his hand. "Forget them."

"Easier said than done, but I'm workin' on it. An' believe me, ain't nobody in that town jealous of me. I don't really fit in there, I always stuck out as bein' different. I look funny, I can't get a tan, an' I j'es ain't like the rest of them country girls. But it is wha' it is. Everybody 'as their deck in life an' I'ma j'es play the cards I was dealt and roll with it. Sides maybe I am a whore. Yanno' People got the right to an opinion. Not like I'm innocent." Raising her beer, she finished it off and then set it back on the table, tapping her nails against it.

He gave her a disgusted look. "Don't say that. You're not a whore. Trust me on this." He finished his beer and then nodded to her empty bottle. "Want another one?"

"Ah, but yer j'est g'ittin ta know me." She winked at him. "Sides ain't that every guy's fantasy?" Her tone was almost clipped, perhaps even disgusted. "Yeah. Somethin' hard. Anything."

"If you were a whore, I don't think we'd be sitting here talking," he pointed out before rising from the table and going to the bar to fetch a bottle of tequila, a salt shaker, a bowl of lime wedges and a couple of shot glasses.

She just shook her head at him while he got up to go to the bar. She wasn't shy about checking him out either. He had done it to her, it was only fair she got to do it back. She watched him gather the items up and she grinned. Oh boy, this was going to be rough.

He came back and settled at the table, setting a shot glass in front of her and filling it with tequila. Then he filled his too. "Cheers," he said before sprinkling salt on the back of his hand, licking it off, slamming down the shot, and then taking a bite of the lime. He shuddered and winced as the tequila burned down his throat.

He was watched carefully as he did his shot; she wanted to make sure she got the order right, as she rarely drank shots. "What the hell." Following all three steps, she slammed her shot glass down and coughed, her hand pressing at the base of her throat. "Oh god, it burns." That was said in a mix of laughing and coughing.

He grinned at her reaction. "But in a good way, right?" He held the bottle up, hovering over her glass, his expression curious: another"

"Kind of in a good way?" She nodded to him about adding another shot to the glass. "Why not' What's yer goal with these shots anyway' Hopin' ta g'it me all loosened up for dancin' or for somethin' else?"

He chuckled and poured her another one. "Naw, I don't have any ulterior motives here. You just seemed like you needed a little help relaxing. Maybe forget about all those ph"n đầu back home." He repeated the process with this second shot - salt, tequila, lime. The burn was much less this time around.

"I do have a hard time relaxin', that's fer sure. And I ain't gotta clue what you j'es said ta me, but it sounded cute." The second shot was taken then.

"I called them sh*t heads," he explained, looking a little uncertain about cursing in front of a lady.

That and the alcohol caused her to start giggling. "Well then fain dows they are!" She wiggled her empty shot glass at him, wanting a third.

He laughed and against his better judgment, poured her a third shot. "This is the last one. Can't have you getting smashed on me. What would your cousins think of me then?" He got himself a third shot as well.

She shrugged. "Who cares wha' anyone thinks. I'm an adult. I do what I want. 'Sides you look kinda young; you sure yer old enough ta be tellin' me wha' ta do?"

He pointed at her and drank down his third and final shot of the night. "How old do you think I am?"

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-11 01:55 EST
She squinted one eye closed and peered at him with the other eye while her lips pinched together. She was thinking here! "Younger than me." Those puckered lips of hers were wiggled side to side as she thought. "Twenty...two?"

"Close," he said. "Twenty-one." His brows rose. "Younger than you? I know I'm not supposed to ask, but how old are you?"

"Twenty-one?" She sucked in a breath through her teeth. "Yikes." Her nose wrinkled up and she bit back a grin. "Make me feel old, why don'tcha?" She took that third shot before answering him. "Twenty-four." She sounded scared to admit it.

He snickered. "Old lady," he said with a teasing grin. Glancing down at his watch, he noticed that it was beyond late; it was even well past very late now. "I think we missed going to the club. It closed half an hour ago, I think."

"Well, dang." Her eyebrows furrowed together. "I'm all loose now. How 'bout we go back ta my place an' I'll find somethin' on the radio an' you k'en show me some moves fer time?" The last bit was kind of said in a hushed tone, not wanting to assume anything.

Man oh man! Was he ever torn! He tilted his head to the side and carefully studied her as if trying to gauge her level of inebriation. "Well," he said slowly, finally deciding that she didn't seem too far gone. "Yeah, that sounds like fun. But you'll have to keep your hands to yourself. I'll not have you pawing at me." He grinned teasingly at her before standing and reaching down for her hand.

Standing up, she let him take her hand to help keep her balanced. Between the shots and those killer shoes of hers, she'd need a helping hand. "I'll be on my best behavior. Mostly." Biting down on her bottom lip to keep that ear-to-ear smile in check, she nodded towards the door. "You lead the way."

He carefully tucked her hand through his arm and led her just as carefully towards the door. "You know," he said casually, "you could take those shoes off and maybe not break your ankle on the walk home. I won't tell anyone."

"But I might stub my toe or g'it a splinter. You could j'es give me a piggy back ride. I won't tell no one." Countered at him.

"All right. Hop on." He stopped and turned his back to her. Never mind about the dress...

"I'll wait until we g'it outside. I ain't that drunk yet, don't want ta be puttin' on no show fer all these fine folks." Swatted at him to keep moving.

He pushed open the door and held it for her. "Oh, but a show for me is just fine? I like that." He grinned at her.

"I'm picky, wha' can I say' 'Sides, you've earned it." And she slipped outside.

((Taken from live play. Thanks to Dylan Daniels for the scene!))

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-11 11:50 EST
Dylan didn't really own anything that would be appropriate for exercising. She hadn't done traditional exercise a day in her life, hiking boots were the extent of her 'exercise' equipment or attire. Showing up at the gym, she would probably get strange looks if other people aside from Chien were there. Heck, he might give her a strange look. As the door to the gym that was right next door to the tae kwon do place was opened, she slipped inside and gave herself a once over, feeling a little uncomfortable being so dressed down. Black leather jacket, halter top, shorts, high heels, and her hair hung straight down her back. In her hands, she carried a pair of Keds, just in case, but her stilettos were like her security blanket.

Chien was standing at the practice dummy, his fists working steadily between the wooden arms, impacting them with solid thumps, rattling the dummy on its sturdy stand." He was shirtless, dressed only in a pair of loose-fitting black pants, his torso, arms, and face wet with sweat." The rest of the gym was filled with similar scenes"men and women working with practice dummies, heavy bags, and speed bags. On a mat towards the rear of the building, there were lines of students moving through different forms, their kiai's ringing throughout the cavernous room.

Moving further into the gym, she looked down again. Yeah, she didn't fit in here. Hugging her arms around her torso, she kept walking and looked for Chien, finally spotting him. She waited a moment before making it known she was there because this allowed her time to admire him. It seemed he really knew what he was doing. Walking into his line of vision, she stood quietly, not wanting to interrupt his concentration, however a smile rested on her lips to greet him.

He caught sight of her and sent her a wink before finishing the set of punches he was working on." Then he stepped away from the dummy, reached for a towel to dry off and bowed to Dylan, a little smile lurking around the corners of his mouth." "Hey, Superstar." I'm glad you came.?" He gave her state of dress a once over and then chuckled softly." "Let's get you something a little more comfortable to wear, okay?"" He reached out for her hand.

"I'm comfortable." Well, not really, but only because what she was wearing was way more dressed down then she would be prefer to be around him. Looking around again, she took in everyone else's attire and finally gave in, taking his hand. "Okay, I guess it wouldn't be so bad not ta be stickin' out."

He grinned and tugged her gently towards the women's locker rooms." Pausing long enough to speak to the attendant behind the counter in a flurry of Mandarin, he received a bundle of red pajama-like clothing and a pair of black slip-on shoes." He turned and gave these to Dylan." "Here." She says they'll fit perfectly."

Taking the pile, she eyed it with what might have been considered distaste. "I'm gonna look like crap, yanno." She was still in the 'impress him' phase. Bowing her head kindly to the woman and then Chien, she disappeared into the locker room and finally emerged about ten minutes later, pulling her hair up into a messy ponytail as she walked out. "I look stupid." Muttered at him.

He grinned at her, gave her a very obvious head-to-toe once over, and shook his head." "Naw, you look sexy." Like you're gonna kick *ss and take names." You ready?"" Once more, he held his hand out to her; he was either very solicitous and taking good care of her or he just wanted an excuse to touch her.

"Man, bein' sexy in yer eyes is easy. I woulda been here thirty minutes ago if I woulda known I could wear my pajamas." Placing her hand into his, she let him lead the way. " Teach me how ta kick ass, I really need ta learn that right 'bout now."

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, wanting to ask what was bothering her but not quite certain if they were at that stage in their budding relationship." Opting for warm silence and giving her the chance to unburden herself if she wanted, he led her to an empty mat area.

"Are you gonna hit me?" Looking at him, her eyebrows raised. "I can take it. Ya don't have'ta go easy on me j'es 'cause I'ma girl. I'm real tough, promise." Despite the confidence in her voice, she looked a little worried as she watched some of the others sparring.

He shook his head. "I won't hit you, but you can hit me, okay?" We need to get you stretched out first.?" He moved to stand next to her and began moving through a series of stretches that targeted each major muscle group, transitioning slowly between them, giving her time to warm up.

She watched him a moment, once again enjoying the view as he stretched and then she halfheartedly began to stretch as well. She was a little gangly and awkward looking, despite not being all that tall. After a minute, she started to get more into it, not caring how she looked; she wasn't here to look hot, she was here to kick ass, right' "Am I doing it right' I don't wanna pull nothin'."

"You do this now so you don't pull anything later," he said with a little smile." Then he moved to stand behind her, gently cupping her elbows in his hands and pulling them up and back over her head." "Feel that?" Right in your triceps?" The burn?"

"Oh. Right." Her mouth jerked to the side as she mentally bashed herself for that silly question. She let him manipulate her arms, helping her warm up. She was more than a little tense and could use the assistance. "Yeah, it feels kinda nice though." Her hips pressed back just a touch when he came behind her.

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-11 11:51 EST
He went still, forced his attention away from certain parts of her anatomy which were in close proximity to certain parts of his anatomy in a very distracting way." "So, yeah." You, uh, you want it to burn a little like that.?" He released her and then stepped away from her, moving to stand next to her once again, working on their legs now.

"Alright, so if it's burnin' real good, then I'm doin' right?" It was said more as a statement than an actual question. Watching him do the next stretch, she did her best to follow along. "You do this a lot, hm' I k'en tell. Yer movements are real fluid. Natural'n all."

He nodded his agreement with her not-question; if it burned in a good way, then she was doing it right." "I do this every day for a couple of hours a day." More on nights when I have class with Sifu David." Okay." You ready?"

"Hours?" She made a face at him that showed there was no way in hell she'd be doing this for hours. "I guess I'm ready. Lemme punch somethin'!"

He laughed and then stood in front of her again." "You want to stand with your legs at shoulder width and don't lock your knees." Very important to learn this first." This is your basic stance and from this come every thing else.?" He demonstrated for her.

"Don't lock the knees. Got it." She mocked his stance and kept her knees bent a little, she looked a little slouchy. "I reckon yer posture looks a bit better than mine." She could feel she wasn't doing it quite right, but she was trying. "How do ya get all relaxed" You look some peaceful and comfortable." She twitched a little as she said that and shook out her arm.

"Meditation," he said with a quick grin." "Also, I've been doing this since I was eight years old.?" He went over to her, put his hands gently on her shoulders, made minute adjustments to her back and legs, his hands sure and warm on her." "Remember to take deep breaths while you do this." Breathing is key." Inhale for count of three, exhale for count of three.?" As he got more into his instruction, his accent came out even more, though he was still easily understood.

"Meditation. Right. I'm not real good at anything that involves bein' quiet or focused." She let him make his adjustments, enjoying the small amounts of contact. "Alright, so no locking my knees and I gotta breathe." Her fingers flicked out as she counted the threes. "Say something to me in yer language. I like the way yer voice sounds when ya do."

He paused for a moment, his hands lingering on her upper arms." "Bạn l" một c" g"i rất xinh đẹp v" t"i rất vui v" bạn đ" đồng " để l"m điều n"y với t"i h"m nay.?" He chuckled softly and then moved around to stand in front of her again, taking one of her hands and placing it on her abdomen, right above her navel." "When you breathe, move your belly out." Breathe from your center."

The smile that spread from ear to ear couldn't be helped as he spoke. She was still grinning when he moved back around to face her. "That was awesome." Pressing her hand to her stomach, she bit down on her lip, trying to reel in her grin. "Breathin' from my center. Got it." She took a few practice breathes, holding for the count of three, letting out for the count of three and making sure to push her belly in and out. "Wha' did ya say?"

"I said that I am very glad you agreed to meet me here today.?" Which wasn't the entire truth, but the fact that he'd also said she was very beautiful wasn't something he was prepared to admit just yet." He took a step or two back, fell into the basic stance, and breathed with her for a bit, watching to make sure she was doing correctly.

"Oh. Well, I'm glad ya asked me." Grinning, she finally hushed and practiced her breathing, watching him closely to make sure she was imitating him correctly. She seemed to have caught on to it, despite her fears of not remembering the steps. "Ya look real good all..." She waved her hand at him, swiping it up and down through the air, trying to indicate that she liked him sweaty and shirtless. Her nostrils flared a bit as she grinned and dipped her head down to hide her flushing cheeks.

He chuckled and it was more of a dirty chuckle than a truly amused one." "We'll get you all glittery and then I can return the compliment.?" He winked at her and then said, "Okay." Kicking and punching at the same time." This will teach you to have a strong core," he pointed to his torso, "as well as making your opponent have to guard against two things at once, which gives you another move to counter them." Do you see?"

"Sparkly. I sparkle." He earned himself a cheeky grin from her. "But glitter works so long as ya like it on me." Listening to him, she nodded. "This sound like it's gonna make me ache tomorrow, but ya, I see. Before we really begin, you need to understand that I have like no coordination. So no laughin' at me if I j'es fall right on my face."

"I will not laugh." I promise.?" He was very earnest and sincere." Then he took another step back, putting his right leg slightly behind him before raising it, bent at the knee, drawing it up towards his chest." Once his thigh was parallel to the floor, he extended his lower leg straight out, pointing his toe.? "Kick," he explained, donning his Captain Obvious hat for a moment.

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-11 11:52 EST
"And the only balance I have is when I'm in stilettos." Added on as she watched him raise his leg to show her how to kick. Taking her own step back, she tried really hard to do the move, but she was very wobbly.

He moved forward, placing his hands around her waist." "Tighten these muscles." This is where balance and strength come from.?" He repeated the kick a few more times slowly and then at his normal speed, his leg blurring through the air.

"Oh. Right." She tightened up her stomach and tried again, it was a little better, but would still take some practice. Her mouth dropped as she watched him and her arms flopped at her sides, slapping the outsides of her thighs. "Okay, well that was cool. And I clearly look like an idiot next to ya." She was still grinning though and she straightened back up and tried again, kicking her leg out slowly, three times. She liked threes.

"You are just starting." You can't compare yourself to me yet." Maybe in fifteen years.?" He chuckled softly and then switched legs, kicking right-left-right slowly at first and then faster and faster.

"True." She started out wobbly again as she attempted the back and forth thing with her legs, but as she remembered to tighten up her stomach muscles, she got a little better. She still looked self-conscious though as she did the moves. "My stomach burns." That had her grinning, because to her it meant she was doing something right.

"Good, good.?" He grinned and then fell back into the stance." "Now we try punching.?" He formed his hands into fists and pulled his arms in tight against his body, his hands at waist level, palms up." Then he extended his right hand, palm up until his arm was almost fully extended." Then he flipped it over so that his palm was facing the mat." He repeated the motion, only with his left hand, his right arm pulling back in close against his body, fist returning to rest against his waist.

"Oh yay! This is the part I wanna do." Her hands clapped together as she watched him. She didn't realize there was so much involved in punching. Once again, she imitated him the best she could. "This is all very thought out. The moves I mean, very deliberate." These are the same ones ya do when yer goin' fast and fightin'?"

He nodded, continuing the smooth, even punches as he answered her." "These are the foundation for everything." Everyone learns this first; the more complicated forms are like walls and windows and a roof on the foundation of a house.?" He watched her for a moment and then laid hands on her again, making minute changes to her stance, squeezing his hands around her waist to remind her to keep her core muscles tight and to breathe from her center.

"Oh, alright. Yer real good at explaining stuff." She might have let her stance get a little sloppy when he came close on purpose. She enjoyed it when he adjusted her. "Tight core. Man, I think this is the hardest work out ever. I can't think'a nothin' that's gotten me burnin' like this so quick. No wonder I could do my wash on yer belly."

He snickered at her comment and then moved away again, showing her the next part." "Now we punch and kick at same time, okay?" Opposites.?" He showed her"right leg, left fist; left leg, right fist." He did each set three times and then had her do it.

"Punch an' kick. Alright." Her tone suggested that she didn't think this was a good idea. After watching him, she began her sets and on the second one, she toppled over. "Fiddle sticks!" She smacked the mat with her hand, clearly pouting.

"Oh, no, no," he said, moving to her side and reaching down to help her up." "You know how to fall already." This is very important." Always smack the mat before you impact; it lessens the force that you hit."

She smirked at him and shook her head. "I can't even fall right. How'm I 'sposed ta kick and punch right' I think I hurt my ass." She had really landed on her hip, albeit awkwardly. She may have also been whining to get out of punching and kicking more; she felt like an idiot. Taking his hands, she let him help her up. "Am I the worst ya ever seen?"

He shook his head, righting her and giving her a smile." "No, not the worst." I was the worst." I could not stand on one leg for more than a second before falling over.?" He gave her a big toothy grin and then nodded." "Again." Punch and kick at same time, please." Three right-left-right, three left-right-left." Then we can stop and have pho."

"You were eight." Muttered at him while she fixed her stance and then had at it with the punching and kicking, doing all three. They were sloppy, but she didn't fall and she didn't give up. "I did it." She seemed surprised at herself. "I get pho now?" She had no idea what pho was.

He clapped for her." "Yes, you get pho now." Go and shower and change and meet me out front when you are done." You did very well, Dylan." Very well.?" He bowed to her before heading into the showers himself.

Phan Long Chien

Date: 2012-06-11 11:54 EST
"Shower?" She blinked as he walked away. She didn't bring anything with her to fix herself afterwards. As she walked back towards the locker room, she sniffed herself discreetly. Her deodorant was holding up. But she still didn't want him to think she was gross, so she did indeed follow through with a shower before getting dressed back into her clothes. Her face was make up free, save for some eyeliner that hadn't budged and her wet hair was piled up in a messy bun on her head when she came back out to meet him.

He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, Converse high tops on his feet." In one hand was a duffel bag and in the other, a cell phone." He was obviously texting someone and he looked up at her when she came out." He gave her a smile, one that was slightly dopey around the edges, and slid the phone into his pocket." "How do you feel?" he asked once she was even with him on the sidewalk.

"Scrubby." She tucked a wet strand of hair behind her ear as she slipped her purse up on to her shoulder. "But loose. No pain, yet." One hand was pressed flat against her stomach, rubbing lightly. "Worked up an appetite I think. Pho is food, right?"

"It's soup." Beef and noodles." They give you a bunch of vegetables and sauces to mix into the broth." You can make it as hot as you can stand it.?" He headed off towards the Garuda Thai Noodle place; even though they specialized in Thai food, they still served a killer bowl of Vietnamese pho." "You're not a vegetarian, are you?"" It was a sudden, horrifying thought he had.

"Veget....God no." She shook her head quickly, looking horrified. " Gimme a slab'a beef fer breakfast, lunch, an' supper an' I'm a happy girl. I'll try this soup thing though. Not sure I want it real hot. But I'll try it yer way. You fix it how ya like. I want it authentic as k'en be."

He chuckled and shook his head." "I like it very, very spicy.?" They reached the little restaurant, which was just big enough for five small tables, a counter, and the kitchen." As they entered, the man behind the counter greeted Chien with a wave and asked if he wanted his usual." Chien said two and then escorted Dylan to a table near the window, waiting until she seated herself before dropping down opposite her.

Getting comfortable, she sat at an angle so she could face him better and also have a view of the tiny restaurant. "I g'es my mouth is j'es gonna be burnin' then. Don't hate me if I dun like it though, alright' I'm not used ta tryin' new things."

"Don't worry." I think you will like it." It's really quite good." My mother made it all the time when I was little. It was like macaroni and cheese for Vietnamese kids.?" Soon the man behind the counter brought out two large bowls of broth which had thin slices of rare steak and rice noodles floating in it." There were also smaller bowls of lime wedges, bean sprouts, sliced jalapenos, Thai basil, sliced green onions, and some lemon grass pieces as well." Then he set down a small selection of sauces'salty Thai fish sauce, sweet hoisin, and super-spicy Sriracha.

"I wish I could be eatin' some'a my momma's cookin' right now. Good Lord, do I miss it. But this looks real good too." She pulled a bowl over to herself and then examined the smaller bowls. She sprinkled some green onion and then added in a dash of hoisin and a smaller dash of Sriracha. " You think that'll be good to start with' I'm not real sure 'bout those other things." Motioning to the bean sprouts and then the fish sauce.

He took a single chopstick full of the bean sprouts and added it to her bowl, then followed it with a chunk of lemon grass." "There," he said." "That will be perfect.?" He added a little of all the vegetables to his own bowl, a generous amount of the Sriracha and a dash or three of the hoisin." Using his chopsticks to stir it up, he winked at her." "Have you been practicing?"

She eyed the bowl as he added more to her bowl. " I don't know..." She looked creeped out. She wasn't sure she had ever eaten bean sprouts that looked like that and she had no idea what lemon grass was. Following his lead, she stirred her soup with her chopstick and then nodded. "I have been, but I'm not sure I'm ready fer soup and noodles. Can'ae 'ave a spoon?"

He nodded and called out to the guy behind the counter, who immediately brought over two large, flat-bottomed spoons and laid them down carefully on the table." Chien smiled at Dylan and added a squeeze of lime to her soup before doing the same for his." "Try it." If you don't like it, I'll get you anything else you want." They have very good chicken and cabbage spring rolls here."

"Cabbage?" She snorted. "I'm goin' out a limb tryin' this green stuff ya put in my bowl. I think this is enough veggies for one night." She really hated her vegetables. The soup was given another stir and then she picked up her spoon, to try the broth first. Seeming unsure, she took another sip. "It's kinda light, but it doesn't taste bad." Her lips smacked together a little, trying to get the full flavor. "Ya, it's decent. I'll eat it."

He grinned in triumph and then set to his own soup, eating his meat and veg with chopsticks and slurping the broth directly from the bowl." It was considered a compliment to the chef to do so; he just hoped Dylan didn't think he had poor table manners.

He sounded like he belonged around a Daniel's dinner table to her. She wasn't opposed to appreciating food. She used the spoon for the broth and then got brave and used the stix as he called them for her meat and veggies. "I don't like these." Holding up a sprout. "But everything else is tasty. I like how it's sour an' sweet an' spicy. I didn't think that all went together, but it's nice." She couldn't quite finish her whole bowl, but she had done pretty well. "Yer real good at distractin' me, in case I forgot ta tell ya."

"I want you to be happy, Dylan," he said sincerely after polishing off all of his soup and pushing the empty bowl away." "I don't like when you frown." You're too pretty to ever frown."

"I wanna be happy too. I usually am, it's j'es been a tough few weeks an' I'm still adjustin' ta things 'round 'ere." Her accent started getting a little thicker as she was beginning to feel wore out. "Thanks fer thinkin' I'm pretty though, even when I look all nasty." Motioning to herself then. "At least ya've seen me at my worst already."

"I don't think you have a worst.?" The guy brought the check and Chien snapped it up before Dylan could see it." Then he handed the guy some money, told him to keep the change, and nodded to Dylan." "Time for me to get to class." Can I walk you home or do you have somewhere else you have to be?"

"You'll see." She smiled softly to him and then shrugged. "Nah, I ain't got nowhere ta go. J'es goin' home and gonna make out with my pillow, I reckon."

He stared at her open-mouthed for a moment and then laughed with a little embarrassment, hoping she was teasing." "Well, then I'll walk you to your door." Make sure you get there safe an' all."

"Don'tcha look at me like tha'. Iffin' yer headin' ta yer class then you ain't gonna be 'round fer me ta be makin' out with. Gotta practice on somethin'." She winked at him, hinting that she was kidding as she stood and moved for the door.

He went and held it open for her, still laughing at her comment.? "I'll be done at eight," he commented all casual-like.

"Well maybe if ya stop by, I'll answer my door. You might be more interestin' than my pillow." She slipped on out of the tiny establishment, leaving him staring after her with shocked grin.

((Taken from live play. Thanks to Dylan Daniels for the scene!))