Topic: El Trenzador

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-08-25 22:48 EST
Iestyn looked up from his work. The jolting of the wagons were a constant, the rhythym to which his heart beat any more, and the blood pulsed through his joints. Now it seemed that the caravan was stopped.

This did happen occaisionally, though the last time it happened was when Iestyn himself joined the caravan. Now he unfastened the little steel clamp that held his thongs in place on the side of the wagon, and rolled up the long fine strands. Be damned if he was going to find his best aluta thongs being used for some idiot cowcatcher's bootlaces. Or worse. He tucked the work into one of the roomy pockets of his coat, and slid down to see what needed to be done for the horses.

"This is where you get off, Rideros." The caravan-master's voice was gravel with nothing to sweeten it. "You eat too much, you work too little and you're as fussy as a woman over those scraps of leather. We've carried you for as long as we're going to. Welcome to Rhy-din, Rideros." He swept a beefy arm in a half-circle. "Get your things, and get out."

Iestyn blinked slowly. "Eat too much?" Acid rose in his throat. One meal a day did *not* sound all that much to him. He worked just as hard as the rest of them. This had to be something else. "Look..I can work harder. I can eat less." He held out a hand. "All I need is another chance. Don't dump me here. I don't think even the rats want to stay here."

Marcos chuckled, a sound that ended in a salvo of coughs. "Sorry, Rideros. I can't keep you. You're not a bad sort, but you want too damn much. And you're unsocial. You see how it is. I have to move on. You'll find another caravan soon enough." He fished in a pocket and flipped Iestyn a handful of silver. "There. Make something pretty for a lady with that. Sell your bits and scraps." He turned to go.

Iestyn stared down at the silver, and then he bent and picked it up. "This is less than half of what you owe me." He straightened. "Are you going to give me the rest?"

A wheezy, raspy laugh was his only answer.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-08-30 20:35 EST
He trudged through the town, not paying much attention to anything but his own thoughts. He made way for the wagons coming through, but all the buildings..

They all looked the same to him. Or at least their functions were a mystery. He couldn't read the signs. With a sigh, he straightened, and touched the braid in his pocket. They had horses. They'd need him. He'd survive, one way or another.

A little heartened he began to search. He might not be able to read the signs, but his nose worked very well, and he found the inn well enough by the mouthwatering scent of cooking food. Quietly he found a table at random, and sat down to wait.

Sooner or later someone would trip over him, and ask him what he wanted.


Date: 2005-08-30 22:38 EST
There were chance meetings....and there were meetings by chance. This was neither. she quite literally tripped and landed in his lap.

It'd been one of THOSE days. It was amazing, miraculous and more than a little frightening, the things people brought with them when overnighting somewhere other than their own (or a friends) home. Indeed, she'd found more bizarre items of clothing, arcane books, coins, lamps, lanterns, pens, quills, feathers even...pets...than she'd ever thought to expect.

But the pig was more than beyond her expectation. A tiny, perfect, pink, oinking porker. That fit in the palm of her hand.

Now those raised on farms will tell you that pigs aren't the cute and cuddly things that the Pig-Embargo tries tirelessly to make them out to be, seeking to draw the attention away from the tastier aspects of piggydom (you know, bacon, sausage, ham...) and focus instead on the softer, gentler side of their porcine nature. Soft, affection laden grunts. That fetching way they had of tilting their piggy little heads to one side, ears perked as they oinked their adoration. Cute enough to make little girls squeal and beg their poppas to get them one of their very own.

So maybe that's why the previous tenant had been trying to sell miniature (magical, she was sure) porkers as pets. Obviously they hadn't sold well, she'd cleared the room out both of stye-funk and the nibbled upon remains of several little piggies. But one had been a sneaky little piglet that had hidden behind (or under ) something. Had startled her when she knelt down to clear the old ashes (and more remains of a pork roast) from the hearth.

It had looked so cute, so helpless...had leapt into the pocket of her apron and she had decided on the spot that a piggy-pet was a good thing. And she'd been thinking of a good name for the little thing when she was coming down the stairs, the pig cupped 'tween her palms. "So, are you a girl piggy or a boy piggie."

No one told her that pigs have teeth. Very sharp teeth. Or that they didn't much care for being held upside down to ascertain their gender.

As her foot hit the the floor, the pigs tiny teeth sank into the heel of her hand.

She squealed.

the Pig squealed.

The pig went flying.

Ael stumbled...tripped over her own feet and landed in the lap of a man sitting there, waiting for his dinner.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-08-30 23:00 EST
There was a girl in his lap.

His lap responded in delighted affirmation.

However, he couldn't just leave her there, no matter how pleasant that was. Instead, he gently lifted her so that she was sitting upright in his lap. It seemed the most hospitable position to take. And he was still inordinately pleased to have a lap full of soft, and pleasingly-scented girl.

His eye caught the glimpse of red, and he gently captured her hands. "You're hurt. Let me see?"


Date: 2005-08-30 23:16 EST
"My hand.." and she seemed more surprised at being man-handled than irritated. at him, at least. "it bit me!" And she shifted to glare at the pink little culprit as it galloped away to hide. To lurk and wait for another victim, she was certain.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-08-30 23:39 EST
He had no idea who 'it' was, but 'it' had a nice set of teeth. You could almost count them, there in the imprint in her hand. He tisked and rummaged in the other pocket of his coat. A little jar of salve, that got put on the table, and he shook out his last clean handkerchief. "Whoever it was you really got a nice bite, there." He carefully smeared the thick salve over the bite. "This shouldn't sting" much "but make sure you keep it out of the wet, all right?"

He wound the handkerchief around the wound, and knotted it securely. Then, with every fibre of his being protesting the eviction—oh, but she was lovely, warm and soft he set her gently on her feet. "If it gets infected, or if you start running a fever, go see a healer right away."


Date: 2005-08-31 07:52 EST
She looked piteous, examining her wounded and now bound hand then sighing, her shoulders lifting and falling with the movement before she looked up at her rescuer. "Thank you," and a pause as she studied his hatchet hewn (nice...sculpted....lean...) features. "I'm Ael," out of pure habit she said her name slowly Aaay-ehll. She tilted her head to one side, pale hair slipping, sliding to half conceal her features a moment. "Let me offer my thanks properly, dinner?" Her brows went up.

She could smell dinner. Roast. Pork.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-08-31 12:40 EST
"Dinner would be wonderful." He absorbed the name, and then he gently turned her bound hand over to drop a kiss in the air over her knuckles. "Rideros. Iestyn Rideros. And if in return I can do anything for you please don't hesitate to ask."

He paused. "I am afraid I do not have much silver, but if you can help me determine the prices of things, I can pay."


Date: 2005-08-31 13:24 EST
"It is to be from me," she lifted her chin, though she was smiling at the courtly little gesture. "Payment for the healing you have offerd, for rescuing me from that nasty beast."

Maybe it was her imagination,but she could have sworn then, that she heard a smug little 'oink' from near the settle.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-08-31 19:47 EST
"That's very generous. Will you be cooking?" He half-rose. "I am sorry, I should have asked..what is the name of this place" This town?" This country" "Until a few hours ago, I was on a caravan to the coast."


Date: 2005-08-31 20:21 EST
"oh, I don't do much cooking. Here," she shrugged and then smiled. "There's others who do that, related to some that work here too, y'ken? And it can be a wee bit touchy, if anyone thinks that someone else is edgin' in on their territory." Her smile was cheery and she turned back to face him the rest of the way. "But the food is good. Hot, filling, tastes good," her smile widened a bit and she nodded as if to confirm each word.

"And ye be finding yerself in the land of Rhydin, in the city of Rhydin, and this is the Red Dragon Inn. If it's passage across the sea yer lookin for, you might have luck down to the docks. There's always ships of some kind coming in or getting ready to go somewhere." She twitched the fingers of one hand (the good hand) in one direction.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-08-31 22:18 EST
"Ships" You come from overseas" Erm..Do you think that maybe you could come and keep me company while I eat' I'd really appreciate that." He made his smile as pleading as he could. "I don't know anything about this place and I sure could use the lessons."

He sat back. "I couldn't ask for a prettier teacher either. Believe me, I've been here long enough to see most of the rest of the staff. The ones out serving that is."


Date: 2005-08-31 22:27 EST
She laughed softly as she signaled for something to be brought out, holding up two fingers then sitting back down (in a chair, alas, not his lap) and waving for him to sit as well. "I am one of the chambermaids, not," she nodded to where the girl behind the bar was flirting with a dashing (very dashing) looking man who had a well dressed, well fed and well born look about him. "Not one of the girls who does the servin. Too clumsy, aye?" she had dimples; they showed as she smiled again.

The food was brought out, and it was as she'd said. Filling, good, and hearty fare. Crusty, hot bread, honey, two tankards of cider and deep bowls of a thick, meaty stew. And there was plenty of it, the slip of a girl who had brought the food out told them. And more, too, since there were fresh fruit tarts being taken out of the ovens at that very moment.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-08-31 22:46 EST
Iestyn ate until he was full, something he hadn't experienced for a month and more. It seemed a shame to profane such superb food with the halting conversation he was capable of, and so he held off.

When he was savoring the sweet richness of the honey on his tongue and waiting for the tarts, though..he pushed his plate away at last. "That was amazing. But you haven't told me anything about yourself except your name, Ael." He was careful to pronounce it as she'd said it, guessing that was a sore spot with her. "Where do you come from' How did you come to Rhy-din" And why chambermaiding" What's the city like" Do you like it here" Do you have family here?"


Date: 2005-08-31 23:35 EST
She laughed; "Em....I am from western Rhydin, and chambermaiding is safer for one such as me than tending bar is," she leaned closer, her tone dropping to a confidential whisper. "I"m a wee bit clusmy, ye ken. One, mebbe two glasses a week is nae so bad. But two, three dozen in a day," she shuddered and shook her head. "The city is...very..." she paused, her gaze going distant. "There's so many places, so different. The docks, warehouses, the places where nobbut the well guarded or good fighters go. Cut-throats, fine ladies, grdens,'s a city," she said solemnly. "And no, my family is far from here."

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-09-01 00:00 EST
He reached for his water goblet. "Would you rather I didn't ask you about your family' I mean, if you parted on poor terms.." He let that fade. "I mean..I'd like to know you a little better. Besides the girl who bought me dinner because I tended to her bitten hand. What bit you anyway' Those weren't cat teeth. I know the difference. And they weren't rat teeth either. Too big. Unless the rats get to about the size of small pigs here."


Date: 2005-09-01 00:49 EST
She nearly choked at that. Laughing, that was. "'Twas indeed a pig, Iestyn." she said his name just as carefully as he had said hers, the care offered a thanks for his consideration. "A wee pig what some mage left in his room. And no, I willna even guess the why of't." She laughed aloud then. "And as to my family, it causes no pain to ask. They are father, mother and younger brother. I came here to find different things, different experiences." She reached for her mug and took a swallow. "And for you?"

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-09-02 02:02 EST
"Oh, you might call it finding different experiences. I called it running away in a fit of temper, and then discovering that I didn't have enough money to get home." He grinned and leaned forward to cut a bite from his tart. "You see..where I come from women do all the wooing. It's all arranged by the mamas, and they send the duendes to come and pitch the idea to the boy's family. The boy's lucky if he gets to see his bride on the wedding day. The girl's not in much better situation, but at least she gets to see a picture of the boy, or get him pointed out to her as she drives through town in her carriage."

He savored a bite of rich, crumbly crust and sweet-tart berries. "This is so good. So much change from dried salt pork and flat hard biscuit." He sighed. "Well, I'd been told that there was a young lady who had her mama call on my mama. I wasn't having any of that. I knew exactly who was calling on who, and I figured that the best thing to do was not to be there when the duende came. So I packed up my things and I left town."

He sighed, and refilled his cup with water. "I made it as far as Trebisunder, but then my money ran out. I moped for a while, and made some leather jewelry for the tourists—I just about made enough every day to buy a meal and the next day's scraps from a glovemaker. When I saw the caravan come through, I jumped at the chance."

Now he laughed. "I should have known it was a doomed venture. What successful man spends all his time taking salt from the salt mines down to the ocean' There's plenty of salt already there."


Date: 2005-09-02 10:33 EST
"So," she was nibbling at the last bits of the tart on her place, reduced to sweeping up the last of the crumbs with a forefinger. "you fled the life of a kept husband for salt mining or hauling, leather braiding and here ye be. Welcome sir," She leaned, her eyes twinkling. "To Rhydin. Where any and everything is possible, whether ye wish it or no." She held out one hand, palm up, in a greeting gesture.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-09-05 00:44 EST
He took the offered hand gently and turned it over. He brushed a kiss over her knuckles. And then he let go.

"Now that we've eaten a meal together, and talked, let me ask a few very important questions please. You're not.." He held up a finger. "A Princess under an enchantment?" Another finger. "A dragon under an enchantment who requires the services of a prince to get free?" Third finger. "A refugee from an evil wizard who was trying to create the perfect light ale?" Fourth finger. "Or scheduled to be thrown into a live volcano to appease the wrath of a vengeful demigod?" He raised a brow. "Because I've read about magic, but I don't really *believe* in it, you see..and I'd really rather not have that belief tested on a full and comfortable stomach. No offense meant, please." This was added humbly and contritely. "If you *do* happen to be any of those things I am sure that we can still enjoy a long and happy friendship, with many rewarding moments as long as you alert me when you're due for another spell, magical attack, meal of virgins, or meeting with the chief priest."


Date: 2005-09-06 09:49 EST
She listened, laughing softly by the end of it all. "I'm like the least magical person here." she hung her head a moment, letting her hair curtain her face for a moment. "So that rules out the Princess and the Dragon enchantments," though she pretended to sigh a little at the latter. "And if I'm t'be thrown into volcanoes, no one has said a thing to me about it. Maybe it's meant to be a surprise?" she tipped her head to the side.

"I should the chance to call you friend, Iestyn. "

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2005-09-18 15:51 EST
"Then if you would oblige me I'll test that notion now." He rose, and took from one of his many pockets a knotted string. "Can you stand and put your arms out to your sides? Don't worry I won't do anythng improper. Certainly not here, and especially not when we're both sober."

He pulled what looked like a thin book from his pocket, and opened it, to reveal a wax tablet, and stylus. This he set down on the table, and then he gestured. "Make the sign of a T, and then I'll have enough room."


Date: 2005-09-18 18:10 EST
"Then if you would oblige me I'll test that notion now." He rose, and took from one of his many pockets a knotted string. "Can you stand and put your arms out to your sides? Don't worry I won't do anythng improper. Certainly not here, and especially not when we're both sober."

He pulled what looked like a thin book from his pocket, and opened it, to reveal a wax tablet, and stylus. This he set down on the table, and then he gestured. "Make the sign of a T, and then I'll have enough room."

"The sign of...." she gave him an incomprehending look for a long moment then, still bemused, stood and stretched her arms out, feeling ever so faintly ridiculous. If she were wrong...and he'd wanted her to draw something on that wax tablet she'd feel the fool.