Topic: Endings and strange beginnings


Date: 2013-12-18 18:17 EST
Beelah read the old tome. "After all of this time, all of these year's, you waltz in and decide you are running the show" You are going to do all of this for my good, for the good of the children" Well where were you for that 18 year's, Tiro' I was not weak, I did not allow my heart to be spoken for and when I do, you cannot allow me even a moment to breathe. Then she took a step back and said You cannot come here, ask about Tristan and Molly, you cannot ask to see Nikolai, but you can declare to the heaven's what you have already decided will be...for our good...?"

Tiro sat there listening to what Beelah was reading. "Tell me again what she looked like."

"She was staring at you. Shai would not fall apart in front of you, much like she refused to fall apart in front of that man. She said to you, Thank you for all of that concern, Tiro. May I suggest if you are faced with this sort of thing again, that you find a different way to approach it. You have left me feeling as if I have been slapped, all the while declaring yourself my ally. She did not take the card Tiro, not this time."

"What would have happened if she took the card." He asked Beelah to read the old tome.

"Sir, you said If that is what you think of me, I will not try to change your mind Shai. Who called you weak" I never said you are weak. I've never said any such thing. I do not have to ask about Tristan and Molly, I am in touch with them Shai. I have been to Rome to see them. You saw she was hurting sir and said, I am not running anything Shai. I am keeping my promise to look after your, after the children."

Nodding and he put his hand up. "Beelah' we know what would have happened, but please finish."

Beelah nodded on continued to read. "You turned to watch her walking off. You said..."You are a proud woman Shai, one that should be proud of everything she has accomplished." You know her pride was not bad and you understand why she would cry in private sir."

Tiro nodded and repeated words he knew by heart. "I knew this path, but it was not for me to change the course. I prayed it would not have been this way, but it was. Now, I am here to intervene. My arms are open to you Shai. You welcomed me with opened arms, and you tell me I am not welcome now" I know you have more honor than that."

Beelah bowed his head. "Sir, you had never opened your arms for her before."

"I know Beelah, I know." And he said to himself. "If you want to lash out come here and do it where it is safe. I have been with you all of these years, I am not going to change that, no matter what you say to me. No matter your wrath...and I will not chase you either. I am here Shai."

Beelah exhaled as he continued reading. "Shai couldn't bear to argue with him, not when he had in fact been intertwined with all of this for so long. They had both witnessed so much in regard to the other and it was literally painful for her to be angry with him. He knew her well enough to know that she was not attacking -him- persay, but the situation. The whole situation was just...staggering. She felt so helpless to it and in it. Stopping in her place, she turned and could only whisper as she was sobbing. Mrs. Shai said " was so much easier to not be touchable. To not give that part of me that I swore would never relinquish, and when I did, this has happened. I have been brought to my knees by something I don't even remotely understand. My love and truth were not enough. They never were, obviously. I was a test to see if he could feel worthy of happiness. I am so much more than that, and he left me as if I am nothing but trash beneath his feet." She truly did not understand. Closing the distance to him, Shai sunk into his arms and it all rushed forward in a way that she had not allowed herself since the day Nikolai was born. "Why was I not enough, Tiro....why..."

Tiro stood up and went to the window. "Beelah keep reading what was written about that moment, about that choice."

Beelah nodded and read the words as they were written by the old monk. "Tiro wasn't angry with her. Shai needed to lash out, she needed to get it out, at least that's what he thought. Her pain was well beyond what he fathomed. His wife died when their child was born, he lost both. The marriage had been arranged, and he loved her, but not as the fire in his soul. "I know it is easier to push people away. You have been mother and at times father for your children. You have been confidante and lover. Let me give you a place to rest Shai." He wanted to be there for her, he is here for her. When she turned and fell into his arms, he took her up and held her. "Not enough?" He carried her to the edge of something and sat down on the edge of bricks with her in his lap. "You not enough?" Finger under his chin. "What non-sense is that coming from your tongue" Hmm' You see has I stopped it, you would have never learned what it was like to surrender. You would have never learned what it was like to give your heart away. For a season you were happy....but the season with this traitor is over. It has nothing to do with you not being enough Shai. You are more than enough. You are wise, kind, selfless, your heart is generous to a fault. You are graceful in everything you do." He left out beautiful for now, because she was that, any living man could see that. "Your love was enough, it was this coward who could not accept it. This coward of a man to betray his words without cause. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with his decisions. This coward is not a man, he is something that matters not anymore." Finger under her chin. "You are worth more...and you are not trash under his feet...a coward does not know the value of what he had. There is no reason or justification that make right what he did. I understand things come to an end, and it is painful, but what happened should never be. There is no reason for it, except to say pity him none. Do not see yourself as anything less than you are." He kissed her forehead. "Shai. I told you not to plant the day you will listen to me." Fingers under her chin. "I am here. You will be a widow, and mourn for him in your time, then you will burn away the mourning clothes. Your heart is fragile and wounded. Time will hard at times, but you are a strong have a strong heart. One day you will see this experience as a challenge to your heart. A challenge that you endured and you will forget his name. You will forget his face and only remember the beauty of those that love you Shai. Now..." Brushing the hair back out of her face. "Tell me have you the stomach for a game of chess" I am entitled to a rematch. Or would you rather use my shoulder and sleep here?"

"I want that burned Beelah. Those word will be burned. The truth about the twins will die with you and I, and Rique. Choice is made and I have hope all will work in her favor. Now, have you sent word to the Youngest Moir?" Tiro asked.

"Yes sir. I have sent word to him. What will happen?" Beelah asked.

"I'm not sure Beelah. You may return to our homeland. I will be staying here waiting for the return of Enrique. From there we will decide what to do. "

"Yes sir. I will leave in the morning.?

Beelah left Tiro alone with his thoughts. Tiro headed out of the Inn and found himself at the docks at a small tavern called the Yellow Goat.


Date: 2013-12-19 17:47 EST
Three days later he was sitting at the Yellow Goat drinking when a familiar face pushed through the small crowd gathered. To say he was surprised, was a complete under statement. It didn't take long to cross the room to the familiar stranger.

"What are you doing here?"

The stranger simply stood there and then turned to exit. No words exchanged, only motion to follow.

"Odd." Tiro followed, but once outside the stranger was gone. However a carriage was waiting.

The coach driver called out. "Sirrah need a ride?"

Tiro would ride to see here the coach was going and what kind of trouble followed.


Date: 2014-01-21 00:30 EST
I find myself here at the Yellow Goat after the coach ride, that was a fortnight and half ago. Where do I begin? I returned here to find her and tell the truth. I came here, hoping against all hope there was a small chance for us, the one I cannot name. I miss her, I miss what we had, but the gods have spoken. I fear for her, but I am at the end of those days. What has been done has been done. Choices are made, her choices and in the end, deception is dark. I know in my head and heart what must be done, I have closed those doors. It was her choice, and it was the way it was meant to be.

The twins are aware of situation, they are aware of how I came to see their mother and tell them an old secret. I said nothing of our encounter, about anything else that happened. I did not tell them the secret I should have told them. We decided to leave secrets buried, to leave things as they are. This knowledge is not the power either seek. She, their mother, will never know the whole truth. They have been well loved, respected and adjusted. All is as it should be, there is no doubt they will flourish because of her. I said my goodbyes, and asked them to forget the Erabedlem. To forget me and remember all days with fondness. I am torn by this decision, but it is the best none of it is remembered.

Rique is well aware of everything that has happened. We have come to an understanding and I have decided to remain in Rhydin for a time. Beelah has taken my seat on the council, he may return, but for now I am perfectly capable of enjoying the Outlands on my own.

I had to surrender what I should have been, but now I wait for what will be. This is how I start.


Date: 2014-01-30 17:28 EST
Beelah spent weeks in the diplomat's place only to have word from an elder seer. He was to return to the diplomat and share what he's learned. The problem with Beelah returning is the decision has already been made. There would be no further action, interruption or involvement with this.

Tiro was enjoying an Outlander's drink at the Yellow Goat when his old friend found him. "What a surprise Beelah. I knew you would find me when the time was right."

Beelah nodded. "I have a message from you from the elder seer, it is utmost important."

Tiro's hand went up. "If it is about her, do not bother. I settled my business with the children; with the past. I tried to make it right, tried to help only to be dismissed like I meant nothing. I offered aba-sellhul once, it will not be done again. So if your message has to do with that matter, put it out of your mind." He said clasping Beelah's shoulder.

"But had so many years together and your heart."

"Beelah, I have given this much thought and the only conclusion is I was involved much like her, in a one-sided involvement. It took many years for me to realize this, but I put it together. For the first time in a long time, I am free to look another place if my heart desires. I am not looking, I am healing and having adventures. Sit and I will tell you of the latest adventure." Tiro said.

Beelah sat down and ordered something strong from the Outlanders. "I was hoping to see Rochelle again."

Tiro nodded. "It is best you allow these ember pangs of love and feeling die out Beelah. Drink with me, then return to the homeland you love. Find a woman there and worry no more of the promise. It is all done, all of it. The children know what they need to know and the door is closed. I have no desire to walk the path again and neither should you."

Beelah nodded.

"Let me tell you of the latest adventure." He began to tell his old friend in elaborate detail about his last adventure. The walls kept secrets and he knew Beelah would also keep his secret.


Date: 2014-04-05 10:55 EST
After spending several hours at the Yellow Goat listening and spinning tales with the locals, he ventured out to the infamous inn of the Red Dragon. He opted for take leave for the evening. The evening was eventful enough for him to include it in his weekly letters to Beelah.


My old friend. I hope this letter finds you well. My letters grow shorter and shorter for reasons which you know. Don't worry I am keeping details for you to read when I am old and close to death?s door.

One day you will take my place and have title, until then I appreciate your standing. I have much to tell you when you return, but until then let me tell you of a local who wanted to make a pocket and carry me around.

I have no doubt she is something more than simple human, though a wisp of one at that. She is learning, as they say, to speak with a silver tongue. I imparted sage knowledge to her, however I think it did not stick since she is learning and a young soul.

I shared a drink with her, her companion and a man with a talking skull, I believe he called himself a bonekeeper. I wonder if the ruh hırsızı would find that interesting" I told them of Kezra's wife and her head. You do remember that, do you not Beelah'

I believe I may come more often to this inn of the Red Dragon. I will see you by the solstice. My work is not completed here so plan on an extended stay.


He folded the letter, wax sealed it and sent it by raven to the outpost. There he knew the s"nm?ş would carry it to Beelah.


Date: 2014-05-06 01:12 EST
He sat down and penned a letter which would not be mailed.


My old I miss you and your letters. I received the last you wrote before your death. I laughed when you told me to tell her, to try and change the directions of fate. I tried and failed.

You would tell me to have heart and we would have laughed. You would have told me to try again. I did my friend, but she was miserable, even told me so. I do not believe it and as I said goodbye, she confirmed it.

I am returning to Z'Rehen. Kolusha confirmed M'lethim is preparing for war. There is a small hope that this can be stopped. I asked the gods to show me what to do and they have. The told me to return to the desert.

I know this goes against all I swore I would do, but it must be done. I hope you are saving me a place at the table. I am not sure how you believed in two heavens my old friend. Where will you sup" Where will I find you when it is time for us to meet again? I hope you look for me.

I am going to tell her goodbye. This is the hardest thing I've had to do since Shai. I will not tell you goodbye because I shall see you soon my old friend.

He folded the letter and burned it on his way out of the room. He had the small box in his pocket, a flask and plans to board a ship in hours bound for the Badlands.


Date: 2014-05-06 03:36 EST
He closed the room at the Yellow Goat. A few more letters delivered and paid up for the time he spent there.

Everything he brought here was left, except for the fond memories of a star.


Date: 2014-05-10 12:43 EST
While she was sleeping curled up on the bed, he pushed off the floor and went to the table. Pen put to paper and he wrote another letter, which would never be delivered.


You old fool. Are you bidding for me from the after life" Did you tempt Thor or Odin to give me another chance" Or did you pray to my gods on my behalf"

Do you know why I'm questioning this old friend" I'm looking at her right now. You must know it's a miracle. Warn me when it is done. I will be prepared.

Have a drink for me. Last night we sang and drank. Today I will run.

He tossed the folded, signed letter into the flames. After watching it burn, he had every intent on waking her up.


Date: 2014-07-07 23:15 EST

I write you again having seen my own fate. I sealed it. I took the coward's way out one way. I told her goodbye.

The old Alda saw death, offered to help me but I refused. The end is the end. I shall be soon to meet you brother.

See you soon in the afterlife.



Date: 2015-01-04 12:24 EST

I know this letter will never reach you. I know you are alive and have returned home. It brings me great joy to know you are in a better place, yet I am jealous of your happiness. This is betrayal of the worst kind.

You must know these last months I've struggled to remember what happened. I wanted to save her from pain, but I caused more I fear. I will have to live with that for the rest of my days. The old alda prevented my death and hid me away until I was ready for the truth. My friend, I do not want this truth.

I asked her why it was this way, she said I made my own decision when I walked away. I thought I wanted it more than anything, but I knew it would never work. She and I, we are different creatures, different in our make up. It wasn't fair for me to expect things of her. It would not be right to expect this life of any outside of the Tarsos.

My memories have returned. I have decided to stay in this place among the Outlanders. I miss you old friend. Save me a place at the table.


He sat back and burned the letter with a match and then tossed the rest of the parchment into the hearth to watch it burn.


Date: 2016-11-25 13:05 EST
For months, the room at the Yellow Goat is where he called home. Sitting at the desk, the pen and parchment removed.

Beelah, my old friend....

I heard you have decided to leave the Tarsos and return to the Erabedlem. Why did you do that' I told you when last, we met to be happy and turn away from this life. You had the choice and freedom to do so. If it were possible for me, I would have followed you.

Now you are back, it is deemed you must return to service. Why would you do this" I freed you! I cannot undo what you have done again. I sent word to Kistur that you will be necessary in the Erabedlem. You are my representative now.

I know why you did it. You should not have. I am not running anymore. The star was put away many moons ago. I have not searched for another in this land, I know it will be useless.

I have met the new alda, I have seen her and interacted with her. I was slow to believe it was her. Beelah, she is remarkable, much like her mother in looks but like k'ral. I did not think it possible for that line. Maybe the hidden prophesy is true"

If, if it is, then war is coming. I will make recommendations that all borders are secure. Eron and Enzo have secured more trade, this will help supply all necessary monies.

Rique had news, it wasn't happy news at first, but I think he is coming around. He has two son he did not know about. I am investigating, I do not if I can trust K'riel or not. The mute says it was before his wife. Which we do not speak of. Remember this Beelah, some names are forbidden, these names are this.

You will petition the h?kim in my steed. The secret is done, there will be no more hunting. Send a stern warning to the keşiş, if they interfere any more I will make sure they are done. They will turn into dust and ash. The M'hajid are mine now.

I know why you returned Beelah, and as much as I hate the reason you returned. I am thankful for it. I look forward to meeting soon my old friend.


The letter send by white raven to the outpost.