Topic: Family matters

Forget me not

Date: 2008-07-24 16:36 EST
It had been a great many years indeed, since the stranger had last visited the city of Rhy'din. A great many years indeed, since he and his own had been routed, and scattered to the whims of the four winds. It had taken what felt like lifetimes for the stranger to come to this very moment, as he urged his mount ahead towards the main gates of the city, itself.

Two of them were present, in the around the city. He felt that. He would never forget the way it felt, when he had hunted them, way back when. Granted they felt different, and the third— was nowhere to be felt' This did not amuse the stranger by any means, what-so-ever. They had grown since he had last dealt with them. A far cry from the the 'Trinity' he and his others had fallen to, all those years ago. Always looking to others back then, always rallying the masses to their causes. Always putting themselves into whatever did not concern them directly, and never letting go, to that which did concern them, even when they knew better.


It began with him, and then to her...It would not be the same as it was back then. 'He' was no longer among the living to be a concern, courtesy of their meddling, and that of their allies. Back then, he had admired them for what they had done...Until he had seen what they 'really' were, underneath...Until he had felt what they were with his own being, and until they had taken all he held dearly from him.

They would pay!

These lifetimes had made them soft, had made them weak! Marriage, children, family, and worse! Each of them, a weakness to no end and they would each feel that, each of them would regret all they had done, each of them would know this and so much more by the time, he would be done with them, with their children, with their friends and whatever else they held dear, in this shallow existence they called a life!

They would not be prepared.

Forget me not

Date: 2008-07-30 12:38 EST
"My Lord, we have arrived at our destination."

"Were there any complications?"

"None at all, my Lord. It was as you said it would be. Contacts were met on time, payme— forgive me, sir. Gifts were delivered, to said contacts. Our deeds were then expedited, thus this warehouse, and the others belong to u— to you, my Lord. Forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive, and you needn't call me 'Lord' just yet, Hasim. You have been with me far too long, old friend. So yes this is ours, my friend. Side by side, you and I have walked this path towards the reckoning of those who had left us broken, and without our former master. And they will pay dearly, yes they will, Hasim.

Still...I must thank them somewhat, because if the— no, if those three had not meddled, in the affairs of the master. If they had not banded in the pathetic manner they are now known for, back then...Well then my friend, you and I might not be where we are, today. Right here at this very moment, in this very city, on the literal verge of seeing each and every one of them fall, like they have never fallen before.

They will feel the result of more than a decade of our sorrow, determination, and an untterly sincere hatred. And we will see the culmination of our efforts, Hasim. And when the time is right, we will thrust the dagger of our hatred, through their hearts and we will finish it!

"They will pay, Hasim! They will suffer, oh how shall they suffer, Hasim!"

"It is as you say my Lo— It is as you say, Sir. I do have some other articles to discuss, if you would permit me, to do so."

"Hmm' Yes, yes. Forgive me, old friend. I had lost myself a bit, the sheer taste and what not. So what else do we have?"

"Delivery of the parcels to each locale, is underway. We are using a local thieves guild as the go between, and cover. The local watch has been handled as well, as we found a pair of rather, how do you say' Ah yes, appreciative. That is the word. Appreciative guardsmen, who were more than happy to assist in clearing our windows of delivery."

"Appreciative you say' How appreciative, Hasim' You know our cover must be maintained. We have worked far too hard for this to unravel."

"Monetary influx, and of course a woman's touch, Sir. A local slaver was more than willing to part with a pair of simply divine pieces of meat, that fit the guardsmen's wants to an exact specific. Also they are being watched by the thieves, and to add to that, we have the locations of loved ones, and those close to them. If it looks like something is amiss, we will erase all that they hold and held dear from this existance. I have Roman, on that particular detail."

"Hasim, after all this time, you still continue to amaze me, old friend. I leave it in your care. Now, to our other contact, has there been any word?"

"A three man cell was dispatched this morn, no contact has been made as of yet. They are working on leads, as this mark is rather mobile, and quite crafty. Caution is key in this, Sir. The mark is rather unstable at the present, and with good reason. We will have detailed reports on the other targets by the afternoon, Sir."

"Very well, Hasim. Report to me as soon as you have any additonal information. Now if you will excuse me, I have a very important meeting to attend, very shortly."

Hasim, offered a most deep bow before his 'Lord'.

"Of couse, Sir. May I ask is it th—"

"Yes, Hasim. It is Warchief Ironcleft, of the Kher Ridge clan of orcs. I imagine, he and his own kind would be appreciative as well to partake in this endeavor, old friend. After how many they had lost to the Patriarch, all those years ago, I can imagine just how appreciative, indeed.

Forget me not

Date: 2008-08-01 21:46 EST
Later that afternoon

"So as you see, we do have knowledge of that which you and yours have been seeking, my dear Chieftan...We have proof that, he is in fact alive, and he is in fact living in the city of Rhy'din as you and I sit here, and speak here in the Kher Ridge. I imagine you are all to eag—"

"Show me! Show me the dark one! You will show me NOW, stranger!"

The Orcish Chieftan stood abruptly, his large chiseled form trembled in sheer, unadulterated rage! Eyes of fire were focused soley on the stranger across from him, who had arrived that very afternoon, claiming he had information of a most dire matter to the orcs of the Kher Ridge. Heavied fists clenched, a rock hardened chest expanded rapidly, as the Orcish Chieftan howled once more in rage. Grabbing a nearby chair, Chieftan Ironcleft hurled it against a near wall, smashing it to oblivion. Other orcs in the room, responded in kind, as many screamed in sheer rage. This would not be a most opportune time for many humans to be in the presence of this much Orcish Rage, many would have ran as far as they could from this. Others would simply soil themselves of all they had inside, as they begged for the mercy of a quick death. Some may have even died of fright, right there on the spot...But this particular human, was a far cry indeed from what had been mentioned prior. In fact he sat right where he was, legs crossed and arms folded...His dark eyes watched the display as a somewhat smirk took form on his seemingly unblemished face. If the orcs of the Kher Ridge thought this man easy meat, they were in fact sorely mistaken. With the Orcish Chieftan standing before him, literally looking for someone to rend apart, the man stood to his full height, and addressed Ironcleft directly.

"Are you quite done with this sad display of what could be best described, as your sincere lack of manners?"

Eyes of rage all fell upon the stranger, as the Orcs were simply dumbstruck! Never before had they been addressed in such a manner, and by a human no less! The Chieftan eyed the man warily for barely a second, as his mouth opened to spe—

"No one speaks to Chieftan Ironcleft, in that manner! You will die human!

Before the Chieftan could even address the situation, someone else had. A young orc warrior, flung himself headlong to the stranger, his eyes full of rage and hatred, arms outstretched towards the human, he deemed deserved no less than death.

"I will tear you limb from li— urk!"

"I think not, Orc!"

What followed could be best described as something the Orcs had yet to encounter in all their years, as rulers of this land. It was in fact something, no being present would soon forget.

Turning sharply, the stranger ran towards the approaching orc, ducking the outstretched arms. With no thought to anything else, a gauntleted hand reached out, taking a skin piercing grip of the orc's throat. The force of the impact was such, that it stopped the orc, literally in his own tracks, allowing the razor sharp fingers to sink into the throat itself, as blood began to spray from the orc's neck, covering the gauntlet with a crimson veil, in addition to whatever else was in proximity. The young orc struggled for what more than likely felt like a lifetime, yet was mere moments, as he gurgled openly, as his body gave into spasms. This battle was the stranger's, that much was certain, yet he was far from done with this sorely needed show of force.

"I come to you, with an offering...I come to you with something that you have an interest in, and this is how I am treated"! Like some common pathetic being that is supposed to cower in fear, when you all huff in this manner! I think NOT! I cower to NO one, not now and not ever!"

The orcs were stunned yet again, and this time not one of them felt the need to show any kind of reaction, towards the manner in which they were addressed. Not a one...Yet the stranger was still not done.

With some ungodly strength, he lifted the orc into the air, his gauntleted hand still commiting to that iron grip. The weight of the nearly dead orc succumbing to gravity's behest, as his body began to limpen something fierce, while his body relieved itself. Upon feeling that shift, the stranger smirked but a moment, as his arm shifted and shot upwards against the weight of the limp orc, as razored fingers tore orcish flesh. In a swift motion, it was over..

The orc lay crumpled within a pool of his own excrement, and blood..

The stranger remained where he was, as he looked around the room a moment...His eyes were a darkened nightmare of sorts, as each orc present swore he could see literally, right through them. Still, no one said a word...No one approached the dead orc, or his killer. Perchance, it had to do with what was still in the possession of the stranger, gripped within his hand. Perhaps, it was the fact that he literally ripped the orc's trachea from his throat, and was still in possession of it. That was until he flung it unceremoniously upon the table, before the Chieftan.

"You have forced my hand, I did not intend for this meeting to conclude in this manner! Because I am a man of my word, you will have your information on your so called 'dark one', and you will move against him, only you will do so when I command you to do so, and you will do so in the very manner I deem fit! I will leave you now, proud orcs, and know I regret what I had to do, this day. But if something like this ever occurs again, I will not hesitate to kill each and every one of you, and I will make what your 'dark one' did, all those years ago, look like child's play! Good day!

Turning the stranger exited the room.

After a moment, one brave orc ran out into the hall only to find, nothing.

"He is gone!"

Forget me not

Date: 2008-08-02 21:31 EST
"Hasim! Hasim! The Lord has returned! He requests your presence right away, in his chamber." Turning to the runner, Hasim simply nodded and began to collect several documents that lay sprawled along the make shift desk he had put together. Upon the completion of his collection, Hasim noticed the young man had not excused himself, as he remained on one knee before the older man. Experience gray eyes noted a very faint tremble that emanated from the young runner. While many would possibly ignore something such as this, Hasim would not. Hasim was the literal eyes and ears, of this cadre. While the Lord, lead in the manner he saw fit, Hasim was the one who dealt specifically with the rank and file, and he was well respected for his actions, as he had never forgotten where he had come from, before his current position. A heavied hand rested upon the young man's shoulder, and offered a gentle grip, as Hasim spoke with a true interest. "What troubles you, my brother" You can speak freely to me, after all we are here to serve the Lord, are we not' I cannot have one of my trusted runner's troubled, what kind of man would I be, if I allowed that?" Shuddering just a bit from the contact, the young man swallowed hard, as Hasim's words fell upon him. Remaining exactly where he was, the young man remained silent, for a few moments, and still he would not speak. Hasim, watched for a moment longer, and then decided he needed to take matters into his own hands, if he were to find out what troubled the young runner. So down Hasim went, to one knee before the young man, in an attempt to even the field, so to speak. "You can speak freely, here we are you and I." The young man lifted his head, finding Hasim's gaze meeting his own...In reaction, the runner gasped aloud, his eyes widening, as he finally spoke. "Hasim! No, you do no— Please, the Lord, he is— "The Lord can wait a few moments, right now you are my concern, my brother." "I am no brother, Hasim! I am a serv—" "We are all servants to someone, in this. So we are all brothers. So please tell me what troubles you, so we may address it, and get back to our tasks. I do not want to keep the Lord waiting too long, if I can help it." "It's the Lord, Hasim. When he arrived, he was covered in blood, and the look he had given. Hasim, if you could see— I swear to yo—" A long winded sigh escaped the lips of the older man. It was not a sigh that was sarcastic in nature, or to be abusive. Instead, it was a sigh of true relief. Hasim had sensed truth in the young man's words, and if this is what troubled the young man so much, then Hasim did not have too much to worry about. The gentle grip upon the runner's shoulder, turned to a re-assuring patting, as Hasim lifted himself to his full right position, and bade the young man to do the same. "Do not be worried, my brother. The Lord has to deal with a great multitude of things, as do we all. In some respects he is the same, as we are in the manner of emotion. As to the bloodied state, he was apparently in, I will look into it, and will speak with you later on the subject. Just remember do not take it personally, and do not ever be afraid to speak to with me about anything." "We are here for each other, brother and we are here to serve the Lord in his endeavours against those who would see us scattered among the winds, as they did with the Lord, all those years ago. Tell your men that all is well, and Hasim will be here for you all, and the same is to be said for the Lord. Now report to the mess, and get yourself something to eat and drink, and report to me in an hour. I have a task to entrust to you." If one could possibly contain the sheer amount of power of heartfelt words, one may very well have anything they may come to desire. Hasim's words carried a great deal of power with the men, and the young runner was no exception. The youth looked to his elder, and nodded fiercely, and even bowed before the man. A wave given, and he was headed towards the mess, leaving Hasim alone. Shaking his head just a bit, Hasim simply watched the young man run. A half wave given, as the elder checked the paperwork in hand, and spoke softly to himself. "Sometimes I wonder if I truly, left behind the profession of being a teacher." "Well I for one, am very glad and most fortunate that you did not leave all of your past life behind, when you decided to join me on this crusade, Hasim my old friend". Hasim's eyes closed, as he shook his head once more, and turn to face his Lord. Gray eyes fell upon the man, as Hasim recalled the words of the young runner. "My Lo— Sir, you seem to clean up rather well. It seems you have given some of the men, a right scare, indeed. And thank you, for your words." "I meant what I said, Hasim. This would all fall apart without you and the men, and I would not have returned in such a state if it weren't for those damned orcs...Cursed abominations! Useful ones, but abominations none the less." "So I take it, by your words, all did not go well?"

"No, it did not. However, I did manage to gain their attention in a manner that I believe will suffice for the duration of what is to come, old friend. They will strike against our target in their own manner, and cause quite a bit of confusion, and dissent, in the process. And should they not do as I command, then we shall bathe the Kher Ridges in the blood of their women and children, and make what 'he' did all those years ago look like, a playful prank!"


"Oh come now, Hasim! There is no need to worry, old friend. You know it will not come to that! The orcs will follow, I assure you. No further bloodshed should befall their kind, at least not by our hands. It was dramatic effect, dramatic! I know how you get when it comes to the children and women, Hasim. So worry, not."

"Apologies, Sir...Forgive me...It was rude of me, to not trust in your judgment."

"Think nothing of it, Hasi— No, think on it a little, yes" Yes, a little...But not too much, Hasim! We can't have you divide your attentions to much, can we?"

"As you wish, Sir."

"I do not know what I would have done without you, Hasim. I mean that. You have been with me far longer than anyone else, and I trust you with my very life old friend. Rest assured when this task is completed, you will have everything you deserve, and will never have to want for anything. I will see to that, and your men too."

"I have the utmost faith in your cause, Sir. In our cause. It will all be as you wish."

"No, old friend it will be as we wish, and what we wish, is for them to pay dearly, for the sins of their past....So, you have some news for me, old friend" How goes our tasks at hand?"

"News, ah yes. Actually, we do." That being said, Hasim produced the paperwork, and handed it over, as he went about a summarization, of the events at hand.

"Our team is set to make contact with the one known as 'Lain' an—"

"Do we expect any amount of difficulty, with that' Given her somewhat unstable state?"

"We do expect a degree, however it is nothing within an acceptable range. We believe once we set the offer, she will make the appropriate decision, and should she not, it should not hinder our efforts."

"Very well, and what else do we have here...Ah yes, that letter to...What was hi— ah yes, his old friend, Dark was it' The letter to dark was sent, no?"

"Yes, the false letter was planted, and we accept results very shortly. All of the variables have been looked into. We believe the orcs will be able to handle the rest, especially given your recent display...That should keep Dark and his people from gathering with Ravenlock, himself."

"Outstanding, Hasim! Oh this is going to be quite interesting, indeed!"

"Hasim!! Hasim!" Turning away from the Lord, Hasim's eyes rested upon another runner, as the young man approached the pair. Upon seeing who was with Hasim, the young man came to a dead stop, and quickly went into a very low bow.

"My Lord! I did not know you were meeting, please forgive me for the intrusion!

"It is quite alright, what is it?"

"They have found the one called Lain!"

"Indeed...Then, I must excuse myself, Sir. We will meet in warehouse, Alpha."

"Very good Hasim! You can't very well keep a girl waiting, no?"

Hasim looked to the young man, before them."Rise and send for two soldiers, have them meet me in the bay, then report to Altonei for further."

The young man rose, with a quick salute to the pair.


The young man, ran off in a break neck pace, as Hasim turned to the other. "Sir, when I return, we will discuss the rest of what I have for you, if that is alright."

"Ah so there is more to come, in reference to what we have on the table" Hasim, you still continue to amaze me! So let me see...Hmmm, ah yes...So the little Vampiress, and her boyfriend are around...Hmm, a radio station' We have those locally now" Hmm, swore they were off world, then again Star'sEnd is a wonderful little place, no' And...Ah, good, she is at a sorority house and with her little one...Alright, we can work with that. Lots of collateral damage, that may be interesting. Oooh! Kat DeMerwood was found too! She was such a pain, back when...Always hovering over Ravenlock, along with the others. And, still nothing on the Ice Dragon'

A shame, a good dragon steak would have been lovely....Ah, but the ex-wife and child were located, and seem to be— preparing for a move" No, we cannot have this, Hasim. Make haste with Lain, in regards to the sister and report to me right away, we will have to speed some things up a bit. While you do that, I am going to see a local reporter about a story. I so love the media."

"As you wish, Sir." With that, Hasim turned and left the Lord alone, once more.

"Yes...This will have to be sped up, just a tad...Still, it will be so worth it, when their world comes crashing down upon their very heads, leaving them to drown, as they did to us.."

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-08-03 22:10 EST
"A three man cell was dispatched this morn, no contact has been made as of yet. They are working on leads, as this mark is rather mobile, and quite crafty. Caution is key in this, Sir. The mark is rather unstable at the present, and with good reason. We will have detailed reports on the other targets by the afternoon, Sir."

The Doll smiled to Itself as It straightened the high collar of Its newly purchased trench coat. The thing did wonders to help keep in the heat. New boots as well, complete with silver metal decorations jingled with each slow step It took to nowhere.

"Look, I've only got a few requests if you want to take over my body. Cuz otherwise, I don't fricken care, schway?"

"Fire away, Lain...I must say this is a change of pace. This body too; it's so tight, lubricated, and bendy."

"Should I leave you two alone together?"

"I think you might have to.." It said seductively, running a pale blue hand over Its chest and on up Its collarbone. It cackled as Lain's sigh echoed in Its head.

"As I was saying before that disgusting image. I've gotta few requests. One, you keep yer grimy little paws off, and I do mean off of Tenzo and Aka."

"Really' The brat' Wow, that's something I never thought I would ever hear from you, Lain.." It heckled again just as Its footsteps came to a halt. Glossed lips spread into a smile that should have been wrapped around grotesque, fanged teeth, but wasn't. They thought they were rather crafty, didn't they...

"Spare me, I ain't doin' it fer her. Next....leave Alex's ring and Tenzo's earring alone. Or else I will start fighting back."

"With what, Lain.." You have to remember that your main woman for exorcism kind of turned on you back there." Lain was silent in Its head, and It only figured that she had spoke her piece, and that was it. Once again, quite different from the last time. Back when It couldn't get her to shut up. It was a nice change of pace. But at the second, It had more important things to deal with than making sure the voice in Its head was happy. "Oh alright, Miss Overdramatic Pauser. Your ex-boyfriend, your boyfriend, and your kid won't be touched. Is that alright with you? Good." It wasn't like It gave her a chance to respond or anything. "Now, in the spirit of celebration....we have company."

There was a moment where all It heard were the rustle of leaves and grass as the gentle breeze cut through them. No animals, no birds....Its sneer grew ever wider. "There are three of you, aren't there" Let's see if I can find you, I really need to test myself out.."

Its head gently tilted towards Its left shoulder. "One..." From Its left boot heel, an undulating snake of ink black sped off atop the ground, and spiraled up a tall tree some thirty feet behind It. It didn't see where the shadow went, or what it was doing once it reached normal Human, from the feel of it, but the gurgled screams and the snaps of breaking bone were amusing enough. From there, It flicked Its eyes to the right, and as the rippling shadow dragged its victim back to Its feet, one from Its right flew across the ground and shot up into the air. "Two..." Similar sounds and screams broke the rather tranquil silence, and another body joined the first.

"And three..." It nodded directly before It, and two shadowy snakes slithered from Its booted toes off into the distance. "This one's going to be fun. They're a holy magic user with just a touch of pyrokinesis.." As if on cue, an arc of blinding white light sped outwards towards It, followed by a spinning star of burning flames. It laughed gently as the attacks washed over Its body. Its skin burned, Its clothes tore, but otherwise, Its attacker would be sorely disappointed.

"What the hell are you doing" Did you forget you're not in my old body anymore" You can't just suck in magic like a fricken black hole."

"You haven't taken a good whiff of your added abilities, Lain. I've got room, but it's really sweet that you're worried about me.." It kissed the air as It raised Its left hand, little flames bursting to life, like candles, from the tips of Its long nails. Their life force felt gray, like they didn't truly want to be here, doing this. It snickered as it kept on, playing with the fire in Its hand. The siphoning of that gray essence was subtle, but quick. "You know, it's really annoying having people following you. I'm sure you've been stalked before, it's not fun, is it?" It had no doubt that they had seen what It did to the others. How It took them out without a second thought and stole their own life essence to power Itself. "Why don't you come out and talk.."

Like It was prone to doing, It didn't give the other a chance to respond. Instead, they found themselves suddenly yanked from their feet, and in the solid grip of The Doll. It was intrigued. Just a young thing; male, blond hair, green eyes. With Its other hand, It twisted his wrist beyond its breaking point to free him of his ridiculous staff. He screamed in agony, and hot tears ran over Its fingers. Disgusting. A well placed kick flung it away. It felt the building of holy energies within the boy's chest, and It quickly remedied that, drawing that out as well as his gray life essence. It was the sponge, he was the water.

"From my experience; having just one stalker is flattering and creepy, two is redundant, and three is planned. Who sent you." More like an order than a question, Its fingers continued to tighten into his flesh. It washed the boy's face turn red with trapped blood.

"L-like I would tell you anything! You're j-just going to kill me, and then you'll learn....nothing!"

"That's cute. Do you hear that, Lain.." He thinks he's brave. You know there are things much worse than death, don't you, boy' I won't talk myself up to you, but I am probably worse..." It cut off Its siphoning, having noted the boy was close to unconsciousness anyway, and Its arm was getting tired. It dropped him to the ground, and kicked him over onto his back, arms folding with the groans of Its coat sleeves. "You're smart though, if I just kill you, then I won't learn anything. But if I keep you alive, even if I don't, I'll still have a new toy.." The boy groaned and began to curl into the fetal position, holding his broken wrist close to his body. His cheeks paled under the tearstains with fear. It laughed.

"On the other hand," It said, squatting down next to him, and placing a cold hand on his forehead. "If you did tell me, or better yet led me back to whomever they were, you'll be rewarded for bringing the prize to them, do you see what I mean.." You were obviously tasked to find me.." Its fingers pressed into the boy's face and neck, and Its head tilted as It studied him. "So why don't you take out the middle man...I'm not going to ask again," It commanded. Its hand found the back of the boy's head and forced his face down into the dirty, bloody bodies of his companions. Weak as he was, he could do hardly anything. "Who sent you."

Several coughs, splutters, gags, and chokes later, It discerned one word: Hasim.

"Alright then. Let's go." Hoisting him to his feet like a sack of potatoes, It twisted his right arm severely behind his back and marched him in the direction he specified.

"God, what the hell are you doing this for?"

"Just be happy I plan on using my energies on other people instead of your specified persons. Alright?" It cast a last look at the bloody mess behind It before they were completely out of sight, an amused sneer tugging at Its mouth.

This Hasim was in store for a real treat. Entity was surely going to enjoy himself.


Date: 2008-08-10 06:04 EST
A wolf in letter's clothing

" my dear friend,

I'd not call upon you if it weren't a matter of utmost urgency. The situation is dire

and I hate asking you to share my burden. I'm not one for the quill, as I'd much

rather tell you in person. If you could venture back to Rhydin and meet with

me at 8801 Claypole, seventy-five miles north of the river bed where we're blue moon to



The man could have just as easily whined an infectious-looking splinter, and he'd hit the road just as fast.

"So you're going, then?" Bill asked. A rather elderly fellow whose white hair came much more stylish than it does to most. At an eventual point it's all about saying 'Well, you're not getting any thicker.' and simply shaving down to a militarized favorite that, despite popular opinion, looks better than trying to wear what?s not there.

"Mmhm." Dark said, slinging his arms out to get his hands through the sleeves of his jacket.

"All right then. I'll deposit all fan mail to your cobwebby inbox while you're out and make sure the maid does her do around the place, noon to two. Monday, Tuesday, and Friday." Bill said, extending an arm and positioning along the outside wall of the trailer by the door where he held this conversation in the blistering sun. It's hard to think of people actually squealing and squirming over the contained heat in their car interiors when these desert dwellers survive in the hazy sun-dried lands hydration's no friend to. But that's not as big of an issue as it can be, you gotta crack your windows for one.

"You find out who my secret admirer is yet?" he asked, putting a few items in a simple bag that still left it wrinkled and folding onto itself still practically empty. Bill huffed, the letters may have been imaginary just like the maid who would laugh before even considering setting foot in that trailer. But it's hard to be a beggar when you've got a healthy running ceiling fan and a roof over your head to that unmerciful ball of fire in the sky. But if those letters were real, it'd be no far shot to pin the pen name. Only one femme fatale would be just enough of an annoyance like that to keep the action on the sands interesting when Bill wasn't concocting the next speed demon. What that man would do if he wasn't tinkering with engines constantly.

"You know as well as I the only one who goes out of her way to give you hell out here." Bill said, unintentionally showcasing a particular shine of health from his desert-tanned forearms in the doorway of his favorite racer's trailer. Racing, was all you could do out there in that heat to keep cool.

"She's meeting me on the way." he said, stepping down the steps and leaving the door open. Bill forehead-palmed.

"You know what?s gonna happen" You're gonna make me hire little Jason. And he's gonna wreck the Aquasifin, cost me hundreds of bones in damages, and I'm just gonna have to come down on you even harder when you get back!" Bill yelled.

"Jason?" Dark seriously questioned that, "he's gotten better, hasn't he?" and Bill laughed.

"Couldn't drive a craft around the crow's dive for the life of him even if I was towing him." and they both laughed.

"Keep your money in your pocket Bill, not on the races. In fact, just leave your money at home. The hell you going to spend it on out here anyway." he said, putting some shades on that unquestionably had UV protection.

"You be careful out there boy. She'll look after you." Bill said patting him rather vigorously in embrace. The girl was a handful but you didn't know Dark if you didn't know about his sometimes na've robustness. The two were close. Near father and son, and to Bill you couldn't convince him they weren't.

"I'm meeting with Atiir too. I know some familiar faces will cheer him up, even if that's all I can do. I don't know exactly what he's expecting of me. I'm not much use unless Brian's ticklish." he said putting the bag strap over his shoulder with the bag on the opposite hip.

"Don't go and walk those girls into a trap now, lad. You're the man. You've gotta use this." Bill pointed to his head.

"Come on. It's me." The prettiest smile in the region, and he was walking, ironically passing a sun-beaten vehicle that almost said 'Where are you going" What the hell do you think I'm here for"' But there wouldn't be much sense in wearing that jacket if he wasn't prepared for the long nights of unexpected colds, and the spontaneous sand and wind storms that weren't afraid to show up uninvited. Bill could just look on with his hands on his hips before closing the trailer door and angrily going to answer the calls of several engineers under his apprenticeship and some rival mechanics who can't help but ask Bill how certain things are done. 'I don't think anyone will ever understand ya, boy. Yer lucky I do. I'll thank you one of these days for giving an old man his life back. But I got too much complaining to give ya first n' make sure your coming up right. And for gods' sake, don't ever lose that smile. That's gonna be your bargaining chip when Death himself comes to see ya.' Bill happily inner-monologued heading into the gargantuan garage previously used for an aircraft hangar for biplane enthusiasts and more recently adapted to a workshop and protective storage for desert racers. But the lands were tough, and sheltered property was sparse, so some of the hangar was used as a greenhouse and nursery for the green-thumbed locals.

"Move it along, human!" an orc shouted to the human in-front of him. All of them bound by shackles and all of them holding dirty food bowls.

"You know I have a name. How would you like it if I called you 'orc"'" Dark turned to him and asked him but just got punched back the direction he was facing with a painful clench of teeth, one the orc soon shared when a giant easily at ten feet stricken by a medievil executioner's hood came over and struck him with a multi-tailed whipping device.

"You bunch of intolerable swine! I better not catch ye fighting again!" the giant said that the orcs had identified as 'Boteg.' A sharp glance around with subtle head movements and he moved back to the front of the line, and it was only then that it began moving again.

"Ow." he grunted, rubbing his jaw.

"I'm not talking to you." Tech said.

"Come on now. Us humans gotta stick together!"

"And when did it become clear that Brian wanted to meet you in a dank, subterranean prison hold?" she asked, and he just thought a while.

"I'm entitled to a mistake or two, thank you." he stepped up what would be one whole orc person.

"I'm about to stir **** up." Tech glanced from side to side, alert, planning, and noting the full cafeteria of orcs. A bit of territorial snapping and bickering that ceased after the few seconds that started it not unlike dogs. And you pan back and forth enough times you'd estimate a good two-hundred of the biggest and worse baddies their race had to offer.

"Don't go and do anything I might regret later." Dark mumbled, the orc behind him beginning to take an interest in what this human was up to. They were already celebrities enough being a favorite food of the orcs and not the best of friends with this bunch it seemed. Tech put on her angry face, glaring down the giant administering some sloppy gruel from a long ladle to the orcs' bowls.

"Look at Atiir back there, playing it tough." he looked back around the orc behind him a little nervously, and then a few more orcs back there was the third and final human enrolled in this prison course. A beautiful young woman very much accustomed to fine gowns and flowy garments unique to her kingdom, but here she was dressed in clothes made prepared for these sorts of lovely sceneries. Could it be she saw it coming all along"

"You know Deyn would probably kill you before he killed all these orcs if he knew about this." Tech said of Atiir's best friend and a man who's never far from her company.

"Deyn" Deyn" Oh my gods, Tech. He bares a striking resemblance to our waitress tonight, doesn't he." Dark said grinning, and a few moments and despite some hesitation, Tech did as well. The joke being the enormousness of both men. Luckily the monstrous giant didn't hear that, as he went about serving them next in line. A sloppy sound of a bit of something nasty poured into her bowl.

"Next!!" he yelled. But Tech didn't step out of the way, and neither did her blatant, satisfaction-lacking face. The giant looked back down at her.

"Excuse me, sir, I want some more."

"MOAR"!" the giant was appalled, not believing what he heard at first.

"Tech. Tech!" Dark whispered as loud as he could, "ugh-uh. Hey lady. You should just, be happy with what you got."

"I want some more!" she yelled. And that set the big chef from hell, off.

"I'll give you more!" he yelled back, swinging his ladle down and creating a mass of sparks when it collided with the stone flooring. The orc beside Tech got a faceful of her bowl and then a very nasty high kick that made him cry out what sounded to be the grunt of both a dog and bear together. Crashing into the other orcs, the fire spread, so to speak. And they began mauling and fighting one another. Dark sighed and gently let his bowl go off to the side before he turned and headbutted that orc behind him, a blow that dizzied them both. But what the orc quickly shook off, Dark blinked multiple times dabbing his forehead with his hand checking for blood, and a nice trail of it he found. Zigzagging down his face like roads on a map. Orc skull one, human skull zero.

If the cafeteria wasn't bad enough, the cells were the next pleasantry. Dark was leaned up to the spot with the most light and finding no remedy for one of the worst headaches he's ever had. Atiir shared a cell across from him and Tech on Dark's side, down two.

His cell was rather unusual in the sense it had two barred gates. The one he was slung in by, and a second that was affixed so as not to be a means of entry. He examined it, looking into the cell beside him and then back to what the cause of this likely was. If this might have been a quick fix for something, then it might be a way out just as quick. Unfortunately it was a very well repair job to some form of cannon fire or explosion, so he got busy thinking of another way out. But not before an orc revealed that cell not to be so empty, racing in-front of that little gate and reaching out for Dark, just missing him with a hand that's probably taken countless lives. This orc, he didn't look like he was new to the battlefield.

"I was one of those who hadn't eaten yet. And when I lose a meal because of something a human did, I don't care if we've been given orders not to harm you. You're a dead man." he pointed and assumed a position against that gate now. Frightfully playing the waiting game for when he comes within reach again.

"Yea you keep holding onto that thought buddy. Next lunchtime's a whole day away." Dark fought back, going to a safer side of the cell to lay down and anger the orc with his peacefulness. Tech was yawning, unscathed from a brawl she instigated. And undoubtedly becoming rather popular amongst the orcs, and not in a good way. But she didn't imagine the night being a long one, so she waited on her 'get out of jail free' card.

After some time, Dark walked back into sight of the war-scarred orc and waited until he'd been spotted. And again not unlike a pissed animal in the wild, his breathing got erratic, his chest huffed in and out, and he held onto those bars just anticipating getting a hand on that human.

"Hey, I know you're not real happy with me. But if it means anything, I didn't start that fight." Dark said with his hands up, and slowly taking steps closer,

"Look. I'm not stupid. If you don't get me, then someone else surely will tomorrow. So grant a man's dying request. And give this crumpled up letter to the woman in the cell beside you. I would be really gratef—" he was cut off when his throat almost instantly became constricted by the grip of the orc, who true to his stare that whole time, was waiting to do just that.

Dark's breathing had hit a pause button, and he could feel the stinging sensation of his feelings going from as high up as his eyes to the very tips of his feet.

"When I was but a child, no bigger than my father's boots, a man came to our home. My father didn't even get to put me down before a sword went through his neck. My mother was no match, and I watched her get tortured until the human had his fill. I was next, and he put his sword up. No threat with an infant. So he drew his dagger next, and took my right eye before joining his attack party in burning down our village. You humans are just as beast as the rest of us." he said, and why not, loosening his grip that maybe the right words might purchase the human some more.

"Heyy..." Dark struggled, holding onto the clenched fist around his neck by it's sides, 'don't let a few jerks—, decide a whole race for you." was all he could muster. The orc pulled his face close, right in-front of his own, huffing hot breath so great it blew his hair.

"All humans will die. And they can gladly come in here and kill me, but it wouldn't be before I pop your head like a grape." the orc said.

"Do as you will, orc. But I beg of you. If it's the last decent thing you do, for the life of ya man! Deliver my note. My departing words in this world. My legacy." he said desperately. The orc held him a moment, and then sat him down which began a long process of coughing. And he just coughed cradling his throat while the orc removed the letter from his hand.

"Why kill you when I can humiliate you first. You humans underestimate us too much. Foul be it an orc understand human writing, yes" Maybe the rest of the boys would like to hear what you had to say?" the orc teased, seeing Dark still clenching his throat and shaking his head in dismay. The orc soaked up all the turmoil and sadness he could get, and then he uncrumpled the letter.

crumpled letter

He went into a berserk rage and rushed back to the bars, roaring and tugging on them tremendously. Shavings of the stone the bars were wedged in began to sprinkle down with every minor quake the enraged orc caused, all the more to the laughing human he was staring at. Boteg came stomping down the lane and banged on the gate with his mighty fist.


"You orcs. ALL of you. If you expect to peel the flesh off screaming humans, you must wait! When the time comes I will march you MYSELF! Until then, no one is to lay a finger on these humans. For if you do—" he said hanging the orc in the cell beside Dark up by a spear that pierced him and the prison wall behind him no more than the space it took up. "You answer to me." he said walking back and glaring at Tech who gave a simple wave of innocence.

It hurt his body so much to laugh, but he couldn't help it, collapsing to the cold wet floor where his smile gradually dissipated. Sluggishly he looked over to his left and saw Atiir sitting there, fine as could be. No doubt somewhere else in her mind. And from what he had seen and heard of, she had quite a selection of hopeful destinations in that memory. As he crawled over and leaned on the cell door with his arms through the bars he sighed and spent the time thinking how to apologize for getting her into this mess by gazing at her. His eyes as reflective as the collected puddles scattered throughout the damp cells and the cell hall. His eyes strayed to the side,

"Sing us a song Atty." Tech said, reaching out the bars as well. Atiir gently grabbed her own bars and looked for her.

"Since when did you like my songs Keiichi?" Atiir asked. And Tech looked around the unattractive cell rather thoroughly.

"I won't lie, I'm new." she said, and Atiir smiled.

"I can never tell when you're joking." Atiir shook her head smiling. Tech was unlike anyone she'd ever met before.

"What was that one you sang at the golden circle courtyard?" she asked.

"mmmm" Dark hummed softly, he knew what that song sounded like.

"Do I need to explain Why you're not the same

the love inside of you is the best of you and on a glinting light you cast out the night And someone will find their way

The bad that they all go through its then I hope they run into the you that will shine true

There's so few that are admitting of inside what could be love inside you are afraid of the one thing that really matters

Do I need to explain Why you're not the same

the love inside of you is the best of you and on a glinting light you cast out the night

And someone will find their way"

The orcs didn't quite applause, but it paid to remember they were the worst of their bunch. Tech was at a loss of words, and let her cheek sink up against the bar, but she never failed to smile from Atiir's singing voice. The commotion started an uproar that got the orcs yelling back and forth, getting Boteg and an orcish war general's attention.

"Now that's a human if I've ever heard one." the orc said, unlike the imprisoned ones he showed some sophistication.

"Yes, they've been quite troublesome thus far." Boteg responded.

"You are doing a fine job. These are some of the most reckless. It is no doubt they would jeopardize Hasim's plan if they are out running amok. But the contras craving the blood of this; man, couldn't be better supported than by the best killers." the orc said.

"Yes, when things advance. I will have no drawbacks in releasing them. Pity the souls that come to their hands." Boteg said.

"A matter of unleashing the dogs." an evil grin, "I must be on my way." the orc said standing, displaying a decorated bare chest of military paintings of rank. He guided the sway of his bulky sword at his hip to the door, but the heart that existed in him and so few orcs came out, "See that no harm comes to the humans. Keeping them as far as possible from the dark one at this point is crucial. Especially that woman." and he left, touched on some degree. Boteg finished a hefty portion from his stein and soon left as well, storming back down the hall where the orcs were still rampaging in their cells.

"I think a demonstration is in order for what happens when you don't listen to me the first time!!" Boteg marched down between Atiir and Dark, not before slamming on the cells of the rambunctious orcs before them. "I can't kill you. But I don't think a couple cuts and bruises will do you in." he stated, narrowing Dark's eyes intensely.

"Who's my biggest troublemaker" Is it the songbird?" Boteg examined Atiir in her cell, unaffected by threats and fear.

"No!! It's me!" Dark defended desperately. And Boteg slowly turned to him.

"It's me. I swear it. Do what you will to me, but leave her alone." he said.

Boteg approached him, and when he got close enough Dark grabbed onto his vest and pleaded with him.

"Please. She didn't do anything. It was meh—" the wind was just knocked out of him by a club that Boteg thrust through the bars. Dark's grip trembled before he just fell to his back motionless once again. Boteg watched on unmoved.

"Sleep. And don't worry about your friend. I'd be much more worried about seeing tomorrow." he marched back to his chamber, slamming the door behind him and sprinkling dirt from the roof above down as well as rocking the ceiling lanterns. Dark sat up and lay his arms out over the bars again, re-establishing his gaze with Atiir. She was able to brave an ill smile after a sigh.

"What in gods' names were you thinking coming down here, Dark?" she smiled softly.

"I don't know," he began, "I guess I'm not as cunning as I thought." looking down at his hand holding Boteg's keyring.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-08-15 23:15 EST
Poster's Note - The following is taken from a log of live play with permission of both muns. Thanks~!! ]

Walking. Walking. And more walking. It was a good thing It didn't get tired too easily anymore. Although, the young man It had a hold of was another story. More than once it had to poke and prod him, stab him in some fashion. By the time they'd made it to the docks, It was pretty much dragging him along. "So you're sure this is the place?" No response. That received a hard kick to the ribs. There was a groan, and a nod of affirmation after he took a moment to assess his surroundings through insanely swollen eyes. "Alright then."

The soldier approached the elder, and offered a low bow, as he spoke in a somewhat hushed tone. "Hasim, they have arrived, sir." Nodding to the solder, Hasim rose from the desk that was set literally in the middle of the empty warehouse. A gloved hand lifted, and adjusted the collar to his shirt, as Hasim looked about the warehouse once more, and then to the soldier.

"Why do you whisper, so' What is wrong?" The soldier looked to the door in an unsure manner, and looked to Hasim once more, the young man's eyes, began to shift from the door to the elder.

"Two of them, Sir. She and Asant. No others." Pondering a bit, Hasim nodded, and instructed the other soldier present to open the door. Slowly, the main door opened, before them, as each soldier showed himself to her, their arms up in a show of no weapons, as they moved from the door. Standing next to his desk, with his arms clasped behind his back was, Hasim.

It snickered as It caught a firmer hold on the boy. " have many friends, don't you..?" Crystal blue eyes, normally bright, were dusty with shadows and cobwebs. But they hadn't lost any of their knife's edge sharpness. Striding carefully up to the soldier so formally presenting himself to It, It shoved the boy from Its grasp right at him. "Dispose of this, I don't have any use for him anymore, and neither do you for at least a week." It stepped hard on the ground, making Its boot heels echo ominously in the vast cavern of the emptied warehouse. Then, It stopped. And Its head gently tilted, studying Hasim. It was no mindreader, but the soldier type seemed to peon-ish to be of real importance. "Hasim, I presume?" Ventured through a smirk.

His eyes watched carefully, catching each intricate detail, as 'Lain' made her way inside with Asant. Watching the exchange between the soldier, and herself, Hasim smiled faintly for but a brief moment, as more than a few mental notes had been made. The soldiers, looking back to the elder, as Hasim nodded to them. With no other words, they took their comrade to the far end of the warehouse, finally exiting through an exit. Hasim's eyes rested once more upon that which stood before him, as a cant of head commenced for more than a moment...Nodding to her, Hasim finally answered her question. "Forgive my delay in answering you, as I believe this was best to be discussed between ourselves, and as it looked, young Asant needed a physician in the most dire of ways. Still, I am impressed. I was impressed before, but no— No, please forgive me. I am indeed, Hasim De' Altier. But I think the true question, is who exactly, are you, no?"

One thin, skeletal even, finger lifted and ticked side to side - like the second hand on a clock. "Ah, ah, ah...apparently, it was you who sent them to find me. I'm sure you already know who I am, Hasim. Indulge me." Its chin lifted, challenging him, but pleased that It had impressed someone. Its arms folded too, Its new coat creaking in the otherwise close silence about them.

"Indulge you? For the moment, I shall. You are absolutely correct, I did in fact send for you, at the behest of my Lord, who shall be named later." His hand pulled from his back, and inside it was a folder. Clearing his throat, Hasim looked over the folder, and read a few lines here and there. "Lain Amthras, also know as Lain Schway to some, also known as The Schwayer, Lain Bat, Lain Ravenlock, The Doll...Once a member of the Bloods, if I am not mistaken, True Blood as well. Companion to one formerly alive, Alex Ravenlock, who also goes by other names as well. Now of course what I say, is more than common knowledge, my dear. So please bear with me. I know who you are, more so, I know what Lain is, but you seem something far more interesting that I was first lead to believe, you seem much more than what I had been looking for, and I believe that you and I can indeed some to an accord, as I am most assured in my judgment. What I offer is something that Lain never had the chance to accomplish on her own, I offer a change to even scores, long since left uneven. I offer, a revenge of sorts. Especially where a certain 'Empress' may be concerned...Of course that is if you will permit me the honor of a few minutes time."

Its head tilted severely as Lain screamed inside Its mind. "Shut up, you idiot, you're the Doll again, if you remember.." A sniff, and It continued on like nothing had happened. "That's better.." Its eyes moved to the desk Hasim had previously occupied, noting his chair, wondering if there were others nearby. No matter. Slow, calculated strides carried It to his desk, and It folded itself upon it; one leg curled in, the other dangling off the edge. Paying no mind to the fact there might be important things It was sitting on. This was more intriguing. "So you're interested, Lain.." No.." What do you mean you can get at Jewell any chance you please.." One of Its hands waved as if dismissing someone, but the only one present was Hasim - and It didn't even try to correct how that would look. Dusty blue eyes lifted to him and narrowed to slits in their study of his form. "Mm...I'll oblige you. After all you sent me those lovely presents, didn't you..?" It said, amused, lightly chuckling. "Information in exchange for information. Because even once you've revealed this to me, my knowledge won't be anything compared to yours on my vessel."

Gray eyes watched her approach the desk....Normally one would be rather concerned, as only one of his men returned from seeking her out, yet Hasim remained where he was, and allowed her free reign. That is how this would play out anyways, they would offer free reign, so long as she did whatever she wished to do, which in their minds was very high, on the not to nice scale. All of that aside, he watched the exchange between herself, and...herself" Hasim shrugged a bit, as a little internal strife never hurt anyone, for the most part. Letting her finish, Hasim nodded to her, and continued. "Thank you...And for the record I am speaking of Jewell Ravenlock, and her brother Brian Ravenlock, and anyone else associated with their family...And I do mean anyone. But you, I believe are the sole exception, are you not' Always treated as an outcast, looked down upon for your past acts, especially those concerning one Renna Bloodstone, of that is the name she is currently using. You see we have been watching you all, for quite sometime, and my Lord has been given a mission. His mission is to make them suffer in a likeness, of which they have never dealt with. He wishes suffering, upon suffering to each of them, and their own, and he sees that can happen, and sees that it can happen in a much more powerful way, if you will assist us...You see, we have seen what you all have been through these last few years, we have watched, and recorded, and have bidden our time. We have seen how poorly you and Alexander were treated, especially, after what had happened with Renna, and Lucy Ravenlock. We have seen Brian Ravenlock himself commit to FAR more despicable actions, and yet he is revered like a saint! While you and Alexander were driven away. While you may not see it in that mann— Well, I think now you see it in that manner, maybe not before, however. In any event, Brian Ravenlock, Jewell Ravenlock, and all who stand with them must fall, and we are dead set in that course...Of course I am over simplifying, but I do hope you get the jist of what I am speaking of.."

"A vendetta against the Ravenlocks...or something of that nature, correct?" It laughed a mirthless, maniacal heckle that didn't fit Its delicate features. Entity didn't care one way or the other, but he knew that Lain was paying attention. She was twisting in her shackles in Its mind, not wanting to agree with Hasim, but having really no way to deny the truth. Even if she didn't care about herself. "Oh, I know,, he didn't deserve it. He deserved a better family.." eyes remained deadlocked on Hasim, and It jerked suddenly at the mention of Renna and Lucy. "Mhmhm...You seem to have touched a nerve, Hasim. She's conflicted...greatly." Deeply inhaling. "Ahh, the events that transpired because of those two women - they don't matter anymore. You won't win us over with trying to play on her sympathies because she has none. She doesn't give a righteous shit about anything but Alex, and he's not around anymore. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to kill him myself.." Sighing exasperatedly, but having to rub at Its temple because of the shrieks and cries in Its mind, It shifted in Its seat. "I go back to my original point, a vendetta against the Ravenlocks. Lain is one of the Ravenlocks. Why ask her to join you? Is it because she wants the same thing as you?" It sneered venomously at a point over Hasim's left shoulder. Shadowy tendrils spiraled and licked up from Its shoulders, undulating in the air. It was really amused by all this.

"A vendetta, and much more...And I play on no one's sympathies...As I have none myself, I am a soldier, and have a task to complete, one way or the other. In all honestly, I asked for Lain, because I was told to, and that reason was because the Lord saw fit to offer herself, and other such as the Orcs of Kher Ridge, or any others wronged by any of the Ravenlocks and their kin the chance at the revenge so many have been denied. And yes Lain is a Ravenlock, but is she truly?" I do recall an incident inside the Red Dragon, in which she was quoted saying something to the liking of 'You do not know the real me, or you do not really know me, Brian.' after which quite the spat broke out, between herself and Brian, and the sad part was that Brian was the ONLY one who actually vouched for Lain, save Alex. And yes, Alex is not here anymore, so what exactly does she have" Not family...In watching her, we have come to the conclusion that is a far fry from a Ravenlock, and in fact harbors quite the hatred for some of them, especially Jewell. Of course, over simplification once more, but the heart of the matter is we all have the same agenda, so to speak, so this can be done with you all, or without, either way, the wheels have begun to spin, and Brian Ravenlock, most assuredly will fall, the question is, will Jewell fall with him' Or will someone else, bring her to her knees."

"Your, ah, Lord has been really quite thorough, hasn't he.." Another set of snickers fall from pale, glossed lips. Thin fingers brush errant strands of limp white from Its brow and cheeks. "Ahh, yes, she was quite irritated by all that. But already know that, don't you." The tip of Its tongue slides over the entirety of Its mouth while It inhales and ponders. It was being given free pickings from a buffet. Things couldn't have worked out better for it. "From what I've gathered, Brian and Lain still barely know each other and were only introduced because Alex and he had reconciled. Somewhat. Do not blame me if I don't see your reasons for claiming that he vouched for her. If telling Jewell not to kill her is a vouch, it was a ridiculous one that she still wishes never happened, and really wants to do something about.." His questions turned in circles through Its mind. Was Lain a Ravenlock" And what did she have" Entity was in control now, and that meant Lain had no place to talk. But he felt that he owed his vessel something...For all the free meals, and for all the delicious torture her tough spirit was able to endure. It ignited inspiration in him like none he'd ever felt. Possibly because he had never been a tangible being. "You said your revenge is against the Ravenlocks and their extended relations, correct' You can scratch that off of her To Do List. The Ravenlocks are Brian, Jewell, and Alex. The rest aren't worth her time. And as far as I can tell, neither is anything else-" It stood, and the noodles of ink black twitched accordingly.

"Fine. Let's have some fun with these bitches...There's a whole helluva lot they deserve, so who are we t'deny'm, huh?"

There was a long pause before It could respond, It was that surprised. But soon after, Its cruel smirk returned. "Well, Hasim...I think we have ourselves an agreement. You know Lain, and you know how she works. I'm sure her conditions don't need to be explained to you."

Hasim was silent, studying It as It closed the distance between them and extended its thin, pale blue hand.

Moments later, It was on Its way from that place. Spikes of ebony shadow exploded upwards from the soles of Its boots and swallowed It whole, snuffing out Its existence and carrying it back towards the heart of Rhy'Din city.

"A little angry, are we?"

"You bet yer ass."

Forget me not

Date: 2008-08-17 15:24 EST
Sitting upon the desk of one, Hasim..

Operation : Ravenlock-Rogue, Jade Claira Ravenlock-Rogue Steele, Dakota Locations: Jade : Sorority House Dakota : Radio Station (work hours varied) Note: Subjects have recently moved into a new family home Suggested Course of Action: Have units follow Ravenlock, Jade, and her child. Units will take numerous photgraphs of the pair, throughout the surveillance. Date photographs. Follow up with plan, expanding with newly found details concerning Ravenlock, Jade. Have units follow Steele, Dakota and make notations for further course of action. Operation to be expedited

Operation : Steele, Charlotte Ravenlock, Elena Isuelt Location: Family Ranch/Farm Suggested course of action: A falsely planted attack on the subjects. Made to appear to originate from the Ravenlocks. Secondary course of action: The kidnapping of Ravenlock, Elena Isuelt (planned documents, included) Note: Steele, Charlotte is a mage adept in the realm of summoning. The attack must be conducted the cover of night, and must be close quartered. Operation to be expedited

Forget me not

Date: 2008-10-22 13:17 EST
"Hasim! HASIM! Damn it all, someone fetch me Hasim NOW!"

"My Lord, Hasim is not here at present, may w—"

"Not here....NOT HERE!" I leave for nearly two months!! To make sure our allies still support us, and to rally others to our cause! To make sure that the coming storm is MOST assured! And you are telling me that he is NOT here!?"

"My Lord, he was here! He went into the field, and has been searching for the target! We all have been! It isn't Hasim's fault! We swear to you! We are working ha—"

"That is ENOUGH! I've a mind to cut you ear to ear, and pike you, in Hasim's chambers! Now explain yourself!"

"I—I—It is as we said, Lord. He vanished! No one has seen a trace of him, since just before you had left, when the Doll encountered him. We thought she may have done something, but she hadn't...He left the alley, and had never been seen since! Since then the doll has encountered, the three sisters, and Steele. Hasim has sent word for her to concentrate soley on Jewell, so that no connection can be made, when the attacks proceed and fu—"

"Enough...Go back a bit, please...You are telling me, that son of a whore Ravenlock has gone missing!" Is that what you are telling me!" That no one can find that, lying bastard anywhere!" What in the nine hells, happened since I have been gone!?"

"Yes, Lord."

"And he is not in Appleburg?"


"Home in Tyris" That whore DeMerwood's home" The Scathachian b*tches, little temple"! What about little Juleta's place?"

"No, on all counts, Lord. We have searched everywhere, we could think of...There is no trace of Ravenlock. Rumor has it, his own woman, has not seen hide nore hair as well. Without a word, and trace, he is not here. It is as if he had left everyone behind...So Has—"

"He is gone...Not a trace...No...He wouldn't...He can't do this! NO! I WILL NOT BE DENIED MY REVENGE! Not by him, not by anyone! That son of a whore will learn a harsh lesson indeed! We will pick up where we left off! I want, Hasim brought to me, and I want him NOW! We will assault Charlotte Steele's home in three days time! Steele, and that Vampire b*tch will be next, and I want it done simultaneously! Yes...Also ready a dispatch in preparation for the former Mrs. Black, and make sure we have battle mages accompany them.

By the time this is done, our allies will have arrived, and when that bastard dares to show his face, oh what a surprise will he have, when his first born is dead, and piked clean through! And then she is planted dead in the center of the marketplace for all to see! Yes, yes, yes YES! And leave a message upon her, to let everyone know who is to blame for this! Then, when they are in chaos, and mourning...When they are confused, we will strike again, against the priestess, and his two daughters! And blood will run red, and he will be to blame! They will see him, for what he truly is, and one by one, they will all fall, and be revealed for the treacherous savages they truly are, as he would be just the first! For we will move from one, to the next, and let the all those who have waited, take their turn against them all!

So find me Hasim, and contact the Orcs, tell them all is ready, and we move as planned in three days time! Now GO!"