Topic: Forest Abode

Forsaken One

Date: 2008-03-31 20:18 EST
Aolis had fled Sera's shop and home once he had realized he was no good for her, would only cause her pain. Look how much trouble he was already! Getting kidnapped, scaring her, and then getting dumped on her to recover? The shame in it sent him fleeing.

He found himself, again, in the Southern Glen. He belonged here, not with her. Here, far from regular society. He belonged where the banished and forsaken should reside.

Calling upon the trees and the spirits of the small forest he chose, he asked the tree to grow him a home; much the way the elves of his tribe always did. Some with music, some with the laying on of hands, others by linking minds with the trees and the nymphs who lived among them. In the end, it was the same result. A nice, modest home was grown into the tree for Aolis. His neighbors, close enough to have company, but far enough to lend to his sudden need for enforced solitude, lived in castles that grew from the trees. A bridge was built to give access to Aoilis' home from the neighboring trees.

Forsaken One

Date: 2008-04-01 01:19 EST
Aolis sat in his new home, staring at the wall when he had a conversation with himself. No, he was not crazy, but he certainly felt that way for having run out on Sera like he did. What was wrong with him??

He thought about her, and an ache took up residence in his chest. He wanted to go back, to see her, to explain how he felt. He wanted to tell her how inept he felt next to her, nervous and peace. It was crazy. He'd fallen hard for her, and yet felt that he was completely unworthy of her. He had nothing to give her, no way to allow her to live in the way he'd like her to become accustomed to.

Sighing, he got up and went to his desk. He sat down and began to pen a poem to her. He didn't know if he could send it, but he had to get his feelings on paper.

Forsaken One

Date: 2008-04-07 19:49 EST
He had spent days in his new home, staring at the wall. He couldn't get Sera out of his mind. He was lonely, lost, and even more miserable than when his father told him of his fate.

Aolis couldn't last much longer, this way. He had to do something, he had to make something of his time here, even if he were destined to never be near her again.

Throwing himself into what he knew best, the forest and glen bloomed and prospered like never before. Acres of flowers, trees, and plants grew in abundance. He fought with a clan of pixies for a patch of the forest, and won, turning it into a garden wonderland. They saw he meant only to beautify the land, and he allowed them all the nectar they could eat, so they began helping him in small ways.

Aolis, from sun up to sun down, was on his knees, elbow deep in plants and earth. He poured his heart and soul out, and not a small quantity of blood, into that patch of forest. She would probably never see it, he would probably never get the nerve to bring her here, but it was all for Sera. In honor of her.

Forsaken One

Date: 2008-04-16 13:49 EST
The house was burning, the forest too. He could only stand by, and watch, tears streaming down his face.

Aolis, homeless and dispondant once again, began walking. He walked until his legs gave out, slept where he fell, and then stood to walk again.

Aolis had no idea where he was headed, but he no longer cared. She was barred from him, the one he loved. He dared not taint her with his uselessness. So he walked on.

For the time being, Aolis would hide among the trees and forests of the unexplored land of this new world. He would lick his wounds, gather his resolve, and then he would find her. He would make her his, no matter what the cost to himself. If she would not have him, well, best to deal with that if the time came. For now, he would plan, heal, and better himself in solitude.

((Computer has been on the fritz, folks, so I am taking a leave of Rhy'din. Thanks, especially, to Sera-mun for her patience, sweetness, and wonderful attitude. Thank you, sweetie, for playing with me and for being so understanding. I will be back when things settle down here, and when I get my computer back. I will try to stay in touch through our mutual friend! XOXO!))