Topic: Gressa


Date: 2008-04-11 20:11 EST
Gressa was born to a rather noble family in the heart of Aqualonia. For eleven years she was given the good life. Served the finest foods, and taken on hunting trips. She was well fauned over being the only child of the family, and was promised to one of the other house's sons when they came of age.

One day her parents recvieved a letter by way of paige. Invited to a banquet in the grand city of Stygia. Over joyed they packed for the trip early and they set off with gressa in tow. For many days they traveled, and all seemed well. Then the the unthinkable happened. Rider's from the west baring banners of war. The men surrounded the wagon and proceeded to sack it. Both her parents slew by way of arrows. Gressa tried to run but was captured by one of the bandits. Squealing and writhing in the powerful grasp. Then blackness. Horrible pain wracked her body as they did deeds most foul. For days she lay there. left for dead. When she awoke the carriage was dismenbered and the bodies of her beloved parents left for the birds.

She rummaged through the wreckage and found only a sword that was abandoned or undiscovered. IT was heavy, and she to weak to do little more then drag it, but it was one of her father's and she needed somthing to remember him. Off into the wilderness she moved. Berries picked and sampled along the way. As night began to fall she mimicked the actions of her former servants, and after a few tries a fire was built. Her dinner of berries eaten, and she spends her first night truly alone.

The next morning she decided to keep moving in the direction of stygia. she having no idea when she would reach it. Hunger calling to her again, but alas no berries. Sighing she looked around and in a tree a large bird sat singing its heart out, and desperation brings a rock into the young girl's hand and the bird fell with a loud crack. Another fire built and she tried her hand at cooking. The meat was burnt and dry but at least she was not hungry any more. This continued for months. Hunting birds with rocks. Her body growing from the efforts she had to make. Soon she was able to lift the blade of her father's u[, and swing it like she had seen gaurds do. For days after her needs were met she practiced. Going by her memories of what others have done. She would have revenge one day.