Topic: Hammersfall

Jane British

Date: 2015-07-25 15:33 EST
It was an idyllic setting, one that even Allen Kincade would have been hard pressed to capture on canvas. Mid summer and everything was in full swing. The birds were singing, trees were green, flowers were in bloom and at any moment Bambi was going to stroll through with bluebirds singing in his wake. Yes, it was that kind of a day. Come to think of it, Bambi was more likely to be turning on the spit over the fire slowly roasting to a nice, golden brown.

Hammersfall. It was a small village that stood at the bottom of a bluff as far North as one could go without crossing the Northern mountain chain; any further North and the only thing to be found was ice and an untimely death with an ice-bear. There wasn't much to be had, but the people here eked out a happy existence all the same; some would say it was far better than those to the South in the big cities where love of money ruled.

Hammersfall didn't suffer from such trappings as greed. There was no money. People had what they needed and everyone worked for the good of the community. If someone was inured or ill, the whole village chipped in, and as the saying went, it took a village to raise a child.....this was never more true than it was in Hammersfall. It was over ten generations since the village had been founded. The village was named Hammersfall because, that is where the hammer fell. The clan leader had thrown his hammer from the bluff, and where it landed is where they erected the centered of town.

As the story went, the clan had left the South after a war had broken between different factions. They traveled North only to be caught in a freak blizzard and were near freezing to death when they happened upon a stone circle. It was here they found shelter to weather the storm.

Obelisks of black stone stood near twenty-feet high, twelve of them in a perfect circle, all evenly spaced six feet apart from the next. In the center laid a stone that no snow would settle upon. It was here they sheltered the cold, huddled together, using the stone as a break against the wind. They grew warm as if it somehow multiplied their bodies heat. It was from that bluff the Clan leader had thrown his hammer. The Gods had delivered them, and to this day, every summer passing, and every winters birth they gave homage upon that stone. That brings us ten generations into the here-and-now, summer was in full swing, mead was flowing, people were singing, children were laughing.....yes, it was indeed a happy time to be had by all, even more-so by three young ladies that were about to pass into the realm of womanhood. They had reached the legal age of consent, and after tonight they would be free to make their choice and marry; or not.

Towards midnight, everyone gathered on the bluff and those directly involved within the ceremony took their place within the center of the stones near the blue altar stone. The blue stone was of significant importance to the people of Hammersfall. It was believed to have direct connection to the Gods, and it was here that offering were made. It was here the sacrifice would be given. When the village was first founded the sacrifice was real, the ending of a life (animal) now however, it was symbolic. Each girl laid in turn on the altar stone as the village leader recited the rite of passage for each before they were branded with a mark behind their right ear. It was a joyous time; even if it hurt just a little. Fichetri was the last of the three girls to lay upon the altar. She had been looking forward to this all year and now the moment was here, she was finding it hard to contain her excitement. She had never touched the altar stone before, as she laid upon the warm, hard surface it sent a tingle through her that caused goose-flesh to rise and her head to tickle as if unseen fingers massaged her scalp.

The girl had no real family of her own, but belonged to the whole village. Her Mother had been the village seer and as such, lived a celibate existence, so when she turned up with a newborn one day, there were many questions as to where the child had come from. Many feared she had stolen the child from another village, which would have started no end of trouble. The old woman ranted and raved about how the altar stone had given her the child and told her to name it Fichetri; which literally meant twenty-three. Clearly she was suffering from madness.

The village elder had taken the child and have even asked outside the village; no one claimed to be missing a baby however. The seer slipped deeper into madness, eventually she simply wandered off into the surrounding woodlands never to be seen again. So, the village as a whole raised Fichetri, today she was ascending into adulthood, today she would have her own place. Today she would become.....something. She still didn't know what she wanted to do with herself. Overhead the moon hung like a giant, all-seeing eye. It was so bright as it looked down over the circle of stones and people, that it obscured the stars and washed everything within a pale glow of silver dust. The tableau was magical, not even the most skillful of artists could have captured the setting with the magnificence that nature itself possessed so effortlessly.

As the village elder reached the final pitch of his speech the sky overhead erupted in a brilliant display, ribbons of colour danced and snaked across the sky. Wave-after-wave of blues and greens, purple, yellow and red slithered across the ionosphere in a display that enthralled those gathered with both fear and wonderment. They had never seen the aurora before...... ....and then lightning struck. A single, massive bolt shattered the night, blinding everyone. By the time people's vision returned the light-show overhead had vanished, only the ever watchful gaze of the noon remained to bathe the grim image that lay for all to witness upon the altar. It seemed the Gods had demanded a real sacrifice after-all. That bolt of lightning struck the poor girl center chest, leaving a hole the size of a grown man's fist right through to the stone below. That was how Fichetri had died; the first time. She was twenty-three.

Jane British

Date: 2015-08-03 21:55 EST
It was the second time in as many days Jane had been seen slinking through the door with that characteristic gate, the scuffing of boots and that tick-tick cadence of laces as they slapped against the side of her boots as she walked. As always, the reason for such ventures could be found at the bar in the form of vodka. Jane sat down and ordered herself a drink before bothering to take a glance about the place, not that she expected to see anyone she knew. So, imagine her surprise them when what to her wandering eyes should she see.." There was a slow blink, but all she did was sit there, looking at him as she waited for him to look at her. Or breathe. Just sits there ....looking, no blinking, just the steady gaze of shit-brown eyes drilling a hole into the side of his head.

The funny thing about catching him at the Star's End was that it always appeared as if he had never left at all. Save for minor changes in wardrobe he was almost always at the same seat in the farthest corner of the loneliest bar in town. The same kind of vodka, the same kind of glass. In his youth he was hardly what one would call a creature of habit but there was solace to be found here, even while watching his memories tread water for dear life inside the pool of vodka imprisoned within the tumbler resting upon the bar in front of him. There was nothing to laud these days, save the promise of the momentary respite he sometimes found within these decrepit walls. "I was just thinking about you," he said without looking up, speaking with a voice cracked at first from sheer lack of use, spinning his tumbler in painstakingly slow circles with a light grip at its base.

Jane was wearing a t-shirt that seemed two sizes too small. It didn't even cover anything below her belly-button, not that she couldn't have gotten away with wearing skimpy clothing or something alluring, she certainly had the body for it. By contrast, the cargo pants seemed a size too big, and without a belt to hold them about her waist they tended to hang low on her hips. The same old pare of Doc Martins on her feet; at least she had, it seemed brushed her hair. She actually had nice hair from the looks of things, a sleekness that caught the light, turning the highlights a merlot that stood against the deepness of ebony. The drink she ordered had arrived, but she didn't seem to notice. There had always been something about him, something she couldn't quite put her fingers on. It was like that word you couldn't quite remember, on the tip of the tongue, and yet, no matter how much you try to remember, it simply wouldn't come. When he spoke the cast of both brows took a noble arch. "Really....dare I ask what..?" the tone of her voice was mellow, and it was now she was thankful to find that her drink had arrived, giving her something to focus on other than him.

He took a few moments to consider her question before straightening up from his hunched over position against the scarred edge of the bar, taking up his tumbler and lifting it to his lips for a sip of its contents. Those orbs of pure silver remained upon the vodka as he did so and only when he lowered his tumbler back down to the bar did his gaze finally fall upon the woman. Their garb, when compared, was quite the contrast but respectively fitting of one another's personality. They swept over her body, shamelessly undressing her with his eyes but in some sort of unnerving pragmatic way that belied his true reason for even wanting to do so. "You are beautiful," he commented, his eyes resting upon her profile after he was done, answering her question indirectly before an afterthought was shared that was certain to affirm that there was more to this man than met the eye. "Always have been," he said as he took up his tumbler to drain what little remained inside of it. He set to the task of refilling that coveted tumbler, masterfully doing so without removing her from the focus of his vision. - Jane was gritty, perhaps a little feral, not because by some it would have been considered cool, but simply because that is what she'd had to become in order to survive her last 'deployment'. In some regards Jane was a bit of a chameleon. She'd had to adapt to so many different places, so many different people, that sometimes she wasn't entirely sure whom she was anymore, or what she stood for; if she stood for anything at all. Vodka offered a balm to the hollow place that sat within her like a waiting spider for that passing meal.

It had been the same reason she had taken to fighting; something of a distraction, plus, it never hurt to be able to kick-ass in a fight. The words her offered were not those Jane often found tickling her ears. Oh, they had been said to her, and always with a game, always with the intent of simply getting her in bed, because, didn't the ugly girl like to be called pretty.." The glass of vodka she had been slowly sipping was suddenly consumed, then now empty glass returned with a little too much force. He was mocking her, somehow, in some form, he was mocking her. Drawing a breath, her chest puffing out a little, the action lending her a semi-Barbie Doll figure for a moment, that is until she let the breath out.

"Reeeeeally...." slowly, she turned, casting him a dubious look, it was more than clear she didn't believe him. Oh, I can play your game. Instead of making an argument, she took the compliment with a remarkable measure of grace, even if it was all for show. The slight blush the formed across the apple of her cheeks however, was real, though the root cause behind it might have been anger, only she would have know. Still, it was fitting for the moment. Absently she waved her hand, ordering another drink. "So, I've not seen you in awhile."

He was hardly the type to play games, this much was apparent by the way her reaction was studied with the cold demeanor of a predator. His eyes remained upon her as she turned to face, studying her countenance as if committing it to memory for the thousandth time. "There's a very old saying, from before the time Rome conquered Britannia...," his words trailed off as he took a moment to drink from his tumbler. "Quos Deos vult perdere, prius sanitas dementat. Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad." Another sip of vodka, studying her, remembering the last time he saw her as he did so. They had not parted well, such were the consequences of the weight he chose to carry alone. "Do you remember what I tried to tell you the last time?"

Jane didn't like to admit she was fearful of anything, not to say that she wouldn't admit to being scared. Walking through an old growth forest at midnight, under a full moon, was not on her bucket list of things to do. With her drink in hand she slipped off her stool, slowly closing the distance between them. Sliding herself between him and the next stool, she stood shoulder-to shoulder, forearms resting atop that weathered surface as her fingers aided that glass sitting between them in a slow dance. He poised the question, and yet her thoughts lingered on his prior words, feeling as if she was somehow not catching his full intention for having uttered them at all. There came a choked sort of laugh when she turned to answer. "Honestly..." No..." the shake of her head spilled blackened tresses across the field of her vision, obscuring her eyes from any in depth search. "I bet you're gunna tell me though..." she said before lifting the glass to hide the smirk that might otherwise have stolen her lips.

With her so close it was an impossibility to maintain the same train of thought for too long, neither was he able to remain so amicable. He turned to face her, so that her left shoulder was pointed at his chest and placed his right hand firmly upon the small of her back as he touched his tumbler to her glass with his left. "A conversation better continued where the walls do not have ears." Strangers, even acquaintances such as they were did not look at her with the sort of unveiled scrutiny that he brazenly wielded. Either this man knew no social boundaries, which was improbable given the exquisitely tailored suit, or he simply did not respect them enough. Personal space was hardly precious or invincible. He drank from his tumbler before continuing. "There is another continent beyond the sea to the West." Needless to say there was business to attend. Trying to imagine him taking a vacation was madness.

Her eyes lowered, looking down between them as if she were trying to listen to something hard to make-out. When his hand came against the small of her back she slowly lifted her eyes where they narrowed upon a certain point at the center of his chest. Perhaps she was pinpointing the exact place upon which to focus a single blow, one that would hopefully leave him winded and clutching his chest in pain. Such a strike however, did not come. Instead she lifted her head the rest of the way, the shaggy bangs still masking most of her eyes. Her face was close enough that the warmth of her breath could be felt on his cheek as she spoke. "Saying you wanna whisk me away from here...?" her common use of the English tongue sometimes painful to those that regarded grammar as something everyone should know, and use. Did she trust him' No, then again, there really was only one person she did trust, though she had not seen the bookworm in what felt like weeks. "....if that's the case, then by all means..." she turned her head back to finish off her drink, once more hiding the assault of smirks and smiles that plagued her lips.

"No," he shook his head slightly his hand falling from her back as he did so. "It is not a place," he said with a contrite and solemn tone. It was obvious that he didn't want to go into detail and equally obvious that he loathed his time there. It was a black circle that he stood within, one that did not allow much choice in certain matters. His eyes fell away, studying the history of sin and vice imprinted upon the bar. Scratches from weapons, stained rings from bottles and glasses. "Jane," he said. "You don't remember me, from before, do you?" Silver eyes waited patiently to find hers when he looked back in her direction.

Her shrug was too quick in coming, too swift deflecting the unexpected thing she felt when he said it was not a place for her. It gave away something. When he removed his hand, it left her lower back feeling suddenly chilled and so she turned, elbows catching the edge of the bar as she leaned back in a casual pose. He, being male would have had to have been blind not to notice those two nipples that were now standing erect and painfully obvious through the thin fabric of that t-shirt. The way she was leaning on the bar only making it all the more-so. Dark brows came together at his question, though her expression was slightly befuddled and the smile seemed a little too thin. "It's...not been that long.." she said, and yet somehow she knew that's not what he was implying. Had she met him on another world and forgotten.." Had they been more than strangers once upon a time? Now it was her turn to let those dark-brown eyes sail over his form, assaulting him in kind, trying to place every detail about him into the right memory, place and time.

"It's cruel...," he noted, reaching out to touch her before he hesitated. It didn't take but the passage of a fleeting second for him to succumb to his desire, tracing the arch of her brow with his index finger before it glided to follow the line of her jaw. It was a face that had haunted him for far too long to be able to resist touching. His hand fell to lay the flat of it against her chest, just above her left breast. "...but necessary," he continued with a low, guttural growl which only served to showcase his discontent with the situation. "We each have our blight," he said although it was clear that he envied hers in many respects. Even Atlas could only hold so much.

....and then Jane woke, cold and alone, laying on the blue altar stone as she had some twenty odd times before.