Topic: Harvest Festival: Oh, What to Wear?


Date: 2008-08-31 12:33 EST
If asked, Jewell would be hard pressed to pick a favorite season. At the end of the mortal month of November and into December, she eagerly awaited the first flakes of snow that would coat the ground and turn the land into a wonderland of beauty. When February turned into March, she tied flowers in her hair, kicked off her shoes, and welcomed spring with open arms. On the footsteps of spring came summer in June and Jewell was more than happy to partake in all that the warmest months had to offer: sand between her toes, swimming until dark, picnics and late night parties in hidden glades.

It was with special reverence, however, that she viewed the coming of autumn. As most living things prepared to rest for the coming winter and gave up their yield that they had spent all year producing, it was fitting to gather together to honor the cycle of life and the gathering harvest, thanking nature for its produce. Although a daughter of spring and summer, she respected the fall and often observed it with many of her own kin. When asked to help plan a celebration that all in RhyDin could partake in, she was glad to lend a hand and very anxious about what she would wear!

For the first evening, there had been mention of choosing a Harvest King and Queen to preside over the ensuing festivities, much as they chose a Queen for Beltane. In addition, someone had mentioned either a horse show or race, possibly both! Jewell wanted to look fashionable yet keep her dress practical for that night; she stayed with an earthy color scheme in the dress she had made up for herself, adding a feminine touch with the bow that cinched the waist and the gloves she chose to pair with the outfit. ((Christian Dior—"La Cigale" dress ))

The second evening had been scheduled with a possible luau with other scheduled events such as a baking contest and hay bale tossing mixed in. Not wanting to wear something too elaborate that might get ruined as she attempted to bake (watch out RhyDin!), she went with another simple dress in a pretty brown that had both a flirty neckline and hemline. Sweetees Dress ((By Sweetees ))

On the third evening, a whole list of colorful events was drawn up! Everything from bobbing for apples to a great big bonfire and fireworks was possibly planned. Jewell thoughtfully matched her garb to the colorful activities, taking inspiration in all the beautiful shades of red that showed themselves during autumn. To match the dress, sprigs of berries decorated her long curls—glamoured black for this evening—that fell to mid-back. ((Gabrielle "Coco" Chane—Dress ))

The final night, Jewell pulled out all the stops! For the festival ball that was planned, Jewell desired to certainly look the part of Queen whether she was voted in or not. Bans of gold criss-crossed her chest to form a bodice, with a sheer skirt flowing out from her waist. Her hair was glamoured to a chestnut brown for the night and decorated with two solid gold leaves that pulled the hair back from her face when they were secured on either side of her head. In addition, gold dusted her eyelids and it seemed as if a trail of it followed behind her in the twilight. ((Dress on the Left: Madeleine Vionnet—Evening Dress ))


Date: 2008-09-02 21:26 EST
Caelyn tended to have a simpler fare when it came to her clothing. She had a couple of dresses she kept nice, but for the most part she tended to plain and homespun.


Date: 2008-09-05 15:43 EST
Less concerned about her attire for the first, second and third days of the Harvest Festival, Shylah seriously contemplates what she will wear for the final event ....The Ball. Her collection of gowns were few, but very beautiful. Each formal dress is given a thorough check to see if they needed cleaning or repairing. None of them did she truly want to wear for the upcoming Festival because, like most females, she actually preferred something new.

As the Fates will have it, and deciding to be for her, a 'knock-knock-knocking' sounded on the front door of her log hjem, and immediately set the hunds to barking. Moving down the stairs to the main level, she shushes Tr'st and Sjanse. Upon opening the door, nobody was there ....just a neatly wrapped package left on the porch near the entrance. Looks around for a sign of the one who made the delivery, but sees nothing out of the ordinary. Even more unusual, the hunds did not bother to investigate.

"How odd."

After closing the door, eagerly opens the parcel to find the gown, and matching wrap, she had ordered from a distant land almost two years ago. To say the female Viking is pleasantly surprised, is to make an understatement.

"Look you two!" Excitedly calls out to Tr'st and Sjanse who are now peacefully laying in front of the fireplace. "I nei longer needs to worry about hva I shall wear to the dance!" Exclaims as she holds up the dress in front of her, "Be it not simply lovely?!"

White Apocalypse

Date: 2008-09-05 23:02 EST
It was hilarious how Guy in his twisted Evil stereotyped madness decided to campaign her as his Harvest Queen. Despite that, Chase had all intentions of attending the festivities. Hopefully, her Fianc? could as well.

Instead of spending a night at her usual pseudo employment venue, Eclipse, she stayed home to dedicate what to wear for this blasted festival.

After hours of mixing, matching, and rearranging, she smirked. She could only see the many disapproving faces feasting their eyes on her choices.

She never was one to be a people pleaser as far as norms went. Once a rock star, always a rock star.

Verdicts made, the four outfits were laid across the bed in their proper ensembles.

1st Evening:

Although she didn't truly set her heart on winning such a culturally associated title. Either way, she thought to dress as any nominee female would. Clad in a dress, at least. That was a rare thing, her in dresses. So it would count. ((Dress Image taken from ((Shoe Image taken from She would wear a black short-skirted vertically white-striped dress. Simple, with two separate bands going parallel about her hips. It was probably the only dress she's ever kept. Along with that, she would don her usual accessories. Plentiful mixtures of bangles and rubber black and orange bracelets would crowd her wrists to reach the capacity of the middle of her forearms. As far as necklaces went, she wore a profuse amount of silver chains and threads. Charms of high variety would overlap and entangle. It was a thick network.

Hair would be simply loose. However, the majority of her hair had successfully become soft dreadlocks. But with the Avant Garde edge of having black and silver fall leaves lodged into it artfully. Truly, this time of the year the Gypsy favored.

Foot wear, since her rather unstained legs were exposed, was an issue.

Luckily, Brother allowed her to rent out a pair of fitting shoes. Those shoes would be the Chuck Taylor boot-style shoe.

Halloween was her favorite holiday, needless to say.

2nd Evening:

The events of this evening didn't really seem too appealing for her. If anything, she'd make it a short visit and see if it was worth the stay. Either way, she decided upon a top of the leather assortment, the sleeves laced and intentionally leaving a gap of skin to be seen. Her mid drift, as usual, was exposed. Low riding hip hugger jeans would make her bottom half, boots for the air of normality. Casually styled, but with the scandalous edge trademark of the Gypsy. ((Image taken from ))

Accessories from the night before remained. Hair was the same dread-locked style and was without those metallic leaves.

3rd Evening:

Now, for this evening, it was right up her alley. Bonfires were a long time favorite of hers. She's been in love ever since her drumming nights as a member of the League of Gypsies. She was still a member, but on extended leave of absence. Most Gypsies were the same. After all, one cannot keep a Gypsy in the same place against her will. They know no law. Chase was the farthest from the exception.

Now, for her outfit! It was a black, form fitting top that was long sleeve. And low and behold, it kept most of her tattooed body concealed beneath fabric! The cunning edge behind this top was that there were slim, selectively slitted tears. ((Leather skirt image & long sleeve shirt image taken from ((Belt image taken from

And along with that was a leather skirt with a charmingly tailored skirt of black leather. Along with that was a studded and grommeted black belt about her hips atop the skirt. For footwear, long-boot styled Chuck Taylors. The same worn during the first night of the festival.

Hair was loose. She let her hair do the work. It was, after all, always a lovely little mess of its own. And with Chase, she somehow made that messy mane fashionable. Worse yet, she even made it sexy. Somehow.

4th Evening:

Yet again, she surrendered to break her rule of not wearing dresses. This was a huge, even rarer offense. She would wear a GOWN! Black, form fitting, but it covered her and were the kind of formal evening style you'd never dream would be clad upon the body of Chase. It was simple. And she even left out her ridiculous amounts of jewelry and accessories! She was the criminal against her own unspoken laws of fashion for this event, it seems. She couldn't wait. And hopefully, the wearing of that dress will not have been in vain. ((The shoes in this photo also apply to Chase's outfit for the ball.)) ((Gown image taken from Http://

Lydia Loran

Date: 2008-09-19 17:55 EST
2nd Evening:

3rd Evening:

4th Evening:

Amber Cartwrite

Date: 2008-09-21 16:45 EST
Amber is wearing her usual work clothes to the Harvest Festival, on Friday as she is working, what else? Maybe a heavy duty apron is proper, for the whole pig roast, but she is gathering jokes. Amber thinks they are going to Roast as in make folks laugh about someone famous. Yeah, and that apple is for a a snack.

Hera Fyre

Date: 2008-09-25 14:09 EST
Hera normally wouldnt be seen at one of the Festivals. But with her man going Hera knows she has to knock his socks off. Since she can only attend on friday she has but one dress.

so she will show up in a black cocktail dress, that seems to be made just for her, fitting her nice form very well. And of coarse her shoes were to die for as well.Not Hera's classic killer of the night look.

Hera is sure to knock a few mens socks off.

Lang Darkwing

Date: 2008-09-25 17:19 EST
Normally, Lang wasn't the dressing up type, but he figured it was a public event...So he swallowed his pride and chose to dress up.

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2008-09-26 21:09 EST
Second night:

She was dressin' up!


Date: 2008-09-27 10:57 EST
If preggo Rhy could manage to actually get to the final night for the ball she'd atleast try to look smokin.


Date: 2008-09-27 11:06 EST
Always over the top and never to be out done, Aly had choosen the perfect gown for the evening.


Date: 2008-09-27 12:12 EST
3rd Night:

4th Night:

VeeJay Illiastri

Date: 2008-09-27 18:44 EST
It took some time for Vee to sort through her closets, but she finally settled on a pale yellow dress spangled with beads; the matching clutch would neatly hold her notebook and pencil. The Festival ball would be a night for the papers, and she wasn't going to miss it!

Katarina Smith

Date: 2008-09-28 10:18 EST
Katarina's choice for the ball on Sunday:

((Found from

Dora Lynch

Date: 2008-09-28 18:05 EST
Dora is gonna wear a nice full long skirt dress of blue and white check gingham, with a wide self fabric ruffle at the hem; the top is a sweetheart neckline and nice puffy short sleeves. Her dance slippers are black ballerina flats; atop her head, over the bun her hair is drawn into there sits a flat brim straw hat with ribbon and flower decorations on it; a Minnie Pearl stye price tag hangs on the hat edge and boast its $1.98 cost.

Her sweetie Mister Frye will be all dressed up too, tonight in his best boots, black dress denims and a nice white long sleeve shirt. A black string tie completes his formal look.

Dora had to send in about Melvin Frye's outfit because it was difficult enough to get him all decked out for a dance and show up and dance without going to the extra torture of writing about it in public. :?"": ;-)


Date: 2008-09-28 20:36 EST
Piper had managed to miss the majority of the festivities for one reason or another. However, finding herself at home on a rare Sunday evening, she donned the black gown in anticipation of attending the ball. The simplicity of a little black dress was always in fashion. If she actually made it to the ball would be anyone's guess.

(Stolen from Eless' idea at Or she might have invaded Eless' closet! HA)


Date: 2008-09-28 20:59 EST
Jinx will be human..and wearing this.


Date: 2008-09-28 21:05 EST
Aria's dress for the Harvest Festival Ball:

Lexie MacDougall

Date: 2008-09-28 21:26 EST
Lexie's dress for the ball, if she decides to show.

((Thank you, Michael Kors.))

Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2008-11-05 18:13 EST
Better late than never, what the Good Doctor wore to the Harvest Ball, thanks to both Lydia's talented needle and Antonio's generous donation of the silk.

Not that Maranya was seen in it for long, in public...