Topic: He's here...

X God X

Date: 2008-07-28 20:14 EST
How long had it been since he'd visited" How long had it been since he walked among the people" How long since he'd seen with his own eyes that of the worlds"

Too long...

Much to the protest of a few of the 'powers' downward he ventured, taking on a simple form. Least he thought so. Truth though, the white suit and tie might of been a bit much to some. He spent the day walking through the markets and listening to the various languages from near and far. He spent the day watching children play of various sizes and race. He sampled food from shops and even donated a little coin to the orphans.

But why was he here" To simply see this world for himself again? Up close" To simply walk among the various races and watch of them"

Or was there another reason"

There was a smell upon the air, and he was moving to find it's source.

X God X

Date: 2008-09-14 17:19 EST
"You shouldn't be here. This is isn't a good idea."

The man in the white suit and tie gave a light nod of his head with a small smile. "Louis, I need a favor." Louis shook his head and glanced around. "I'm telling you. You shouldn't be here. What is the favor" Will you depart after I complete this favor?" The man in the white suit perked his smile a bit further but gave a soft shake of his head. "I appreciate your concern, Louis, but I have a few matters to attend to here." He gave a reassuring pat to his back as smiled and slid a simple folded piece of paper from his pocket. Easing it into Louis' hand and closing his fingers over it. "Find those listed. I have need to speak with them, Louis. It is quite important and of course try to keep this quiet in your search, yes?" Louis gave a nod of his head and slid the folded piece of paper into his pocket. "All right. I will do as you ask of me. I still don't agree with you here though. Let some of us travel with you while here among the people perhaps?" A gentle laugh and a light shake of head from the man in the white suit. "That's all right, Louis. If I find myself in need of help, I will call for such. Thank you for doing this task for me."

Fixing his white tie, the man moved away slowly in step. A tune upon his lips as he whistled.