Topic: Hidden Away Headstone


Date: 2006-03-01 04:16 EST
It was simple enough. A solitary headstone well cared for by a strange man in a cloak who leaves fresh apply blossoms there whenever the old ones pass on, upon the headstone is a simple engraving.

Jinx V. Ashkevron Killed on a Monday

(Due to my laziness I actually sort of have two stories here combined into one forum post. The first part is like chapter one of the history of Jinx, it is unfinished. The second part is Jinx's dealings with the Hatter that story has completed and I welcome and ask that if you read this that it reads strangely due to that)


Date: 2006-03-17 22:41 EST
One day that man goes to lay flowers at the grave only to find it violated the grave opened to the air and the casket gone. Frowning and cursing his enourmous batwings flare out and he launches himself into the sky, murderous intent clearly etched in his body language.


Date: 2008-09-23 18:09 EST
Still whistling an obscure Bangles tune as he left the inn and his new friend to sort her own clothes he wanders up to what was his headstone

"Och Jinx, you gone and got yourself dead but, well mostly dead anyway."

He looks up into the sky as if following the path of the other creature that visited his, up into the reddening clouds as the sun begins to rise.

"You are right about one thing" he answers as if someone had just spoke to him. "Things cannot remain the way the are now, we are so very tired of our job and think the punishment should come to end we do."

Leaning his head as if listening to another reply only he can hear. "That is indeed a good plan..a rebirth, but, there are favours that will need to be called in," sighs then brightens "You are correct the harvest is coming up and while not midsummer a Maypole dance could appease the right people, and what better symbol for my rebirth then that"

This time another voice can almost be heard..whisper quiet "Grow old we might mortal and able to be killed"

Nods as if this had already occurred to him "Some prices are worth paying and while I do nae seek my death nor shall I weep when it takes me"

With that he wanders off into the down whistling another tune..another whistle accompanies him with an artful counterpoint.


Date: 2008-09-28 12:17 EST
So now I find myself writing this, HA "Write down your life story" she says

"There are not enough bales of paper to write down an entire life story of even the shortest of lives" I shot back.

"If you want it all back, your humanity, your mortality then you will write it" Then the messenger smiled at me a moment "Summarize it..and you must make it freely available for all to read that is the cost of my masters favor"

This and the following scroll are freely made available to any who wish to read them. And there are many available to be found.

The Beginning

I tell you what if I was not forced against my scratch that every acts to their own will, It is what they choose. Regardless of if the other choices are not real choices at all the choice still remains. What about the possessed you say they are forced against their will. I would have to say whose will is being forced if they are possessed that means their actions are the will of the possessor and hence it is their actions not the one who is merely the vessel. Enough of this circular philosophy though or I will never get through this all.

I debated starting my story when I first stepped foot in Rhydin however that would be disingenuous as who I am today started long before I graced this land, or this land graced me depending on your point of view. So I am forced to move back further to the land of my birth. Some know of it some don't I will not repeat it here as it is unimportant for the sake of the story. A brief exposition of the world I am from I must admit are in order. Magic is fairly common place, that is not to say that every person you run across can perform it however it exists freely in the world to those with the willpower and discipline to use it. Mind magic (psionics to some) also exists, somewhat more rare yet still prevalent enough that the population knows of it's existence.

I was blessed with a great deal of the former and a moderate of the latter which is also fairly common as many of the same mental pathways used to channel magic are the same or similar to those channel mental abilities. The greatest of my non mage abilities was of a bardic bent I don't think I need to explain bardic abilities to anyone reading this if you don't know then go find another book and learn something. I was not unusual nor was I the most powerful not even close. However I did have a nice trick of being able to use my mage abilities to enhance my mental powers. I was not alone in this but, it was not a common trait. That should be enough information as I just earlier if you want to learn facts go find yourself a history book.

I was high born and arrogant I cannot exactly recall but, I was a baron or some such rubbish, high enough to be M'lorded and bowed to but, not so high that I didn't have to bow to others. Ahh yes and the arrogant part, I was gifted..gifted with magic, gifted with a blade gifted in music and for those that met me all the years I still look the same so I was not particular ungifted in those areas either. The unfortunate part about it all was I knew it. This is not to say I was cruel in my arrogance those on my lands were well housed and well fed and happy it was those of equal or near equal as to make no never mind that earned my contempt.

An example you ask" I can offer one to show how I was in those days. It is no secret that even now I bed men and women though I do prefer a womens curve it makes no difference to me and never have, however many men find a liaison with another man contemptuous and those that engage in such act contemptible. So I would carry myself in the manner of the most outlandish fop I could muster and place myself in situations that those I had a distaste for would become infuriated and challenge me..then enjoyed the look on their face as their life blood ran freely on the ground. A noble pursuit some might say but, I did not do it do prove a point I did it so that I could kill them.

However I digress this story will never end if you let me ramble on so.

The trouble came when I was awoken by a dream, now I am not greatly gifted with the ability of foresight however I do, or did, have a modicum of the ability. Generally it was a gist a feeling of unease..the same thing many warriors develop on their own really. Scholars say you can't really feel the eyes of a murderer watching you but, those who have been stalked and watched will tell you scholars are idiots. The dream however was not a subtle feeling it was of bloodshed and death and it was centered in the kingdom where my realm was located. I believe I have said before I was not without power though so I was able to seek out and find the source of the war that was about to befall us and I was also able to find that I had two choices. I could indeed stop this army all on my own with merely the simple sacrifice of my life, or I could look the other way save the people of my own land and let all others good and evil, innocent and guilty die. At the time I did not even hesitate I gathered the people I was lord and master over and told them what was occurring and that we would leave. And the fools..the mindless sniveling worms that I had watched and cared for decided they would fight and die with the rest of the land. So if they wanted to die so carelessly I decided it was not their right to die by another's hand and killed them all man women and child till I was Master of a Domain of death.

I knew telling this story would be a mistake as in knowing this many will now find me a monster or worse.

I was not inhuman however and after my rage had passed and I surveyed what I had done I was...madness does not begin to describe my mindset and perhaps that is the source of the many personalities that do now exist inside me. I did know one thing I did not wish to live with the voices that still haunt my dreams to this day..begging and pleading with me to spare this one or that one. Now you might think then my choice was a simple one, I could indeed have partially redeemed my guilt by making that sacrifice that I spoke of earlier and therefore saving the rest of the kingdom. I would even be considered a hero as who would have suspected the horde that was about to befall the land had not slain my people before I was able to stop them. Again however I made a foolish choice and proceeded to take my own life...which if I recall would be the first time I have died.

I don't know how long I lay there in the wanning light I do remember the cold that had nothing to do with the weather as my life ran down my arms to pool around me. I don't even know how long the old man had been there watching me. When I saw him however I was still coherent enough to be startled however for hadn't I killed everyone.

"So boy be ye dead yet or are ye gonna make this one wait all night" He was gruff and indifferent and his indifference hurt more then what he actually said. More even then the blade did.

I tried to raise my head but, had not the strength.

"I have never killed myself before so I am not sure how long I will be. Though if you have somewhere to be don't let me stop you? Even half dead you notice I still had enough arrogance to joke.

For some reason he seemed to find that hilarious and laughed at my words, or me, for a great deal of time. Then he spoke again "Ye be knowing that your soul is forfeit ye have triple damned yonself, first by your life, then what ye have done here and finally by what ye have done to yourself?"

What was he talking about "Damned? Perhaps what is done cannot be undone though however. And I am past caring besides."

Again he laughed at me "Oh this one can still tell that ye care, and what if this one tells ye that there is another options, ye doan have to be truly dead and by indebting your service to this one your soul can perhaps one day earn it's way to a better reward then it be currently heading"

Now I must be honest, I really did not wish to die regardless of what I had done..both to the cooling bodies around me nor to myself. Not to mention I was intrigued this didn't seem to be an ordinary man.

The old man pulled a watch from his pocket and checked "Ye must be deciding quickly now there is not much time and they will be here for you soon" He nodded his head over to my right.

I found the strength to turn and for the first time in my life I was truly afraid for what he said was coming for me...I am sorry even now I can't bring myself to describe them..some of you may know what I saw and if you would like to share feel free as I cannot.

"I agree old man whoever you are" I finally relented it did not take me long "My services are yours to use"

Now the old man seemed to move with agonizing slowness despite telling me to decide quickly he unfolded himself from where he said and casually strolled up to me. "For now and ever till this one deems your soul worth to be released"

"Y..yes" I was finding it difficult to form words at this point

From seemingly nowhere, not even with my talents could I figure where though in my defense I was in no condition to puzzle it out at the moment, he produced a parchment, a contract I was still able to recognize though much of the world had gone gray around me. "Sign here" He indicated a spot and a quill dipped in my own blood he pressed into my hand and I signed.

"Now what" I think that is what I said to be honest I am not sure I said anything at all but, he understood me all the same.

"Now we wait for you to die"

This is all I can bear to dwell on those days for now and I am certain many of you have stopped reading by this time regardless. However again writing this is a part of the final act of my penance so I will finish the tale but, not at this exact time. I will share this the obvious even to the dimmest he was no man the Being that I had entered the service of θάνατος.

*****This story here will be continued when I eventually get my own story folder****


Date: 2008-10-16 22:45 EST
Drifting along as he often does these days. There seems little purpose in actually doing anything since he no longer has a body and very few people can even see him anymore. From the shadows a voice interrupts his pity party.

"I thought that we had a deal." the shadows ask him.

Jinx turns and frowns then his expression clears. "Oh it is just you. You were right we did have a deal but, I am not going to kill anyone and I am especially not going to kill him. He is my friend and whats more he is in love."

A man shaped form separates itself from the rest of the darkness. Though to be sure it is little more then darkness itself and repeats himself. "We had a deal. You get a body and the one who killed you dies."

"That was before I found out who it was that killed me, and why. He wasn't in his right mind he had been twisted and confused. So deals off." Jinx snaps.

The darkness heaves a sigh as if talking to a particularly dim child."The contract you signed had no provisions on if he meant to do it or not. It was simple. You avenge yourself you get back your body."

"I am not going to kill him. I have made my decision."

"Again you don't get to make that choice. You have been walking around all this time laughing and loving. All those friends of yours were so happy to see you back to hug you kiss you." the voice drips with sneeringness. "This is not a deal you get to back out on. You have already accepted services rendered."

"So kill me then" Scoffs Jinx with a laugh. "Oh wait I am already dead can't do that"

"You are right" the voice concedes for a moment "However I have other ways I can hurt you..or that is perhaps more to the point harm the ones that you care about."

Jinx growls and pounces on the shadow this has about as about as effective as punching water. The shadow laughs. "You are just as much a shade as I am." Jinx says finally giving up his attack. "And most of my friends can protect themselves and the ones who can't have other protectors. I will not do what you ask and I wont let you blackmail me into doing so."

The darkness swirls a moment and Jinx finds himself looking himself in the face. "Would they..would they protect themselves if they thought it was you however. Perhaps they would either way I would get what I want and they would no longer see you as their friend I would think. I don't have to physically harm anyone to hurt you. When I am through no one will care and the only time you are remembered is with disgust and hate those that bother to remember you at all."

Jinx fists ball up and energy crackles around him as he calls down lightning to strike all around him. "Damn you? The shadow double of Jinx just laughs and says. "I will be seeing you around. Jinx who no longer matters." and then he is gone.

"DAMN YOU" Jinx howls as a storm blows in from called by his anger it whips the trees and lighting dances upon every service. Then it is suddenly calm and his ghostly form collapses to the ground he curls up into a ball and weeps. "Damn you..and damn me."


Date: 2011-08-30 20:38 EST
So now the next stage had begun, he wasn't going to kill the pair that he had been contracted to kill but, what happens now. Everyone will know what he had agreed to do and it will be the same as if he had done it. Maybe he should just go ahead...he was a ghost it wasn't so bad maybe Mealla and Ruaidhri wouldn't mind being ghosts as well. No..dammit that wasn't his thinking that was...he runs off into the night howling. Or what he thinks in the night he is really right where the Hatter wants him.


Date: 2011-09-01 09:29 EST
"You see" the man in the Hat Whispers "They all think of you as having already done it. And the man is no longer paired. I tell you what my boss is a generous boss. Just take his life and give us his soul now. And we will give you back your body, a simple exchange. Straight up trade. It is almost doing him a favour anyway and we need him before one of the trollops that roam these lands takes away his innocence."

Jinx shudders and looks down at the ground. It was true Ruaidhri was almost broken as it was anyway he spent most of his time drinking and he was mortal so he knew that he was basically killing himself anyway. Especially the way and what he was drinking anyway. Maybe it would be a favour to him to just to kill him now and quickly.

"Yes..indeed" the man in the hat Drawled "If you had just stuck with the original agreement, he wouldn't have suffered quite so much and everyone wouldn't know how low you have sunk.

"Fine." Jinx cant look the man in the face "Fine, I will do it"

"There is one caveat however" the man in the Hat drawls.

"I figured there would be? Jinx spits there is also..just one more thing.

Chuckles almost despite himself it is not a chuckle that actually has any humor. "You have to kill him in public. Everyone has to know."

Jinx hesitates "What will that prove what does it matter how he dies."

"We are giving you a bargain here don't forget. We were suppose to get a happy man with a future in life. Now we are getting a drunk who is proving he has the capacity to be unfaithful." The hat comes off and that smile lacking any warmth is given. "It shouldn't be so hard you don't have to elaborate just wait till some place is full of people. ..and then kill him. The minute that is done you will have your body back and your powers and I am sure you will be able to handle any reprisals from any of the hero types running around."

"Fine...I agree to your terms" Jinx nearly collapses on himself he thought he was done with actions like this.

"Fabulous I told my boss you would." The man in his hat puts the had back on his head and smiles without the smile reaching his eyes once again. "Remember, get it done soon the fool must be innocent still." Then he walks away whistling an eery tune to a tv show he saw once.


Date: 2011-12-10 07:37 EST
The man in the hat is strolling along whistling. "Oh come out, come out where ever you are."

"What do you what want" snaps Jinx from the shadows.

Tsk "Oh don't act like that I came to offer you some information, a gift. We have decided to add a new player into the mix."

Jinx hisses and his bells Jingle as he pounces from the shadows at the an in the hat but, is brought up short before he reaches the man.

"Oh come now, you know you cant attack me, besides is that anyway to treat someone offering a gift." The Hatter smiles.

"Then say what you have to say and get out of here, what do you mean a new player." Most people would not recognize Jinx at this moment if they saw him.

" alteration of the rules, you are not allowed to kill Ruaidhri for 60 days. If he dies before then, lucky you but, otherwise you can't touch him personally. Secondly I have decided this Faerran lady that you got involved should be allowed a seat at the game. So she is going to be gunning for you my friend" the way he uses friend is like the way someone looks before stepping on a bug.

Jinx takes a few moments to digest this information. "Is that all you have to say..then get out."

The Hatter frowned "My my that is quite rude I come share information I did not even have to and not even a thank you. Oh well what I can expect from your kind anyway." and with that he vanishes in a ball of fire and echoing distant screams of someone being tortured.


Date: 2011-12-14 03:30 EST
Well tonight was a failure Jinx stalks among the headstones snarling. He almost had Rory right where he needed to be and he was interrupted. No one even cared what was going on. Then she showed up, he honestly didn't think Faer would be ready to respond to so quick a strike. He frowns, his reputation he figured is already ruined, and the rule was Rory couldn't die by his own hand. So it was now time to tap into a few of his more unsavory contacts. And he thinks he knows just the group to take care of Rory.


Date: 2011-12-18 14:25 EST
Cheerfully for once the Pixie bobs along painting unnaturally bright images in the creepiness of the forgotten graveyard his body rests in. From behind a mausoleum steps a civil looking man.

"Ahh hello Mr Hatter it is so nice to see you. I was wondering if you would notice it happen as well." Jinx greets the Hatter with uncharacteristically good cheer.

With a snort the man nods "Of course I notice, I never thought you would let her succeed but, now we have what we really want" and he looms over Jinx fingers crooked like claws as if he is going to gouge something out of the Pixie. Then there he pauses. He Frowns. There is a sound of flames and people screaming and fury.

Jinx chuckles "Oh you seem to not be able to find something?"

The Hatter snarls "Where is it, all I see here is your soul, where is the wellsource..where is it?"

Mock disbelief and a taunting tone from Jinx "Why, you made a deal with Faerran to destroy it didn't you know. Really my dear Hatter you spent all this time seeking all that power you really didn't do your homework."

"WHAT!! Impossible, you were going to make yourself a Lich you would have had to store you soul in your phylactory not your source of magic. And there is no way you would have carried such a valuable thing ..." he pauses.

Jinx finishes his sentence "Such a valuable thing as my source of power around in public. Tsk tsk the first rule of sneaking is to not act like you are sneaking and what better place to hide something then in plain sight."

For the first time the Hatter looks confused "How could you have hidden so much power from any random mage?"

"Oh answers from me do you want now. Sure why not I don't have to worry about the bad guy syndrome and telling you my plans it is all over. Why do you think there was so many bells each one held just a tiny bit. Dispersal made it overall seem much less then it actually was. Anyone perceptive enough to guess. Had abilities of their own and were not interested in what I had." Jinx Laughs again. "So you lose, I win, you bound yourself to a deal. Rory is off limits and so is Faerran."

The Hatter smiles that cold smile "They may be off limits however you aren't and since your soul is here and whole then, It is time to pay your penalty. I am going to take personal interest in making sure your eternity of torment is special.

With a sad smile Jinx nods "Yes, I know I am ready to go whenever you are."

The Hatter curls his fingers back into talons again and looms over Jinx ready to dig them into the ghostly Jinx and into his soul. When suddenly there is a blinding white light surrounding Jinx preventing him from touching the pixie. "Don't try to resist with out your wellsource of power you know you are not strong enough"

However even Jinx is looking confused "I am not doing this."

A third voice enters the conversation pure and powerful. "You will not have him."

The Hatter cowers at this voice but, still violently protests "He signed a contract" producing the contract "His soul is forfeit by his own agreement and hand he signed" The Contract bursts into flames. "What, how you dare?"

"With the sacrifice he has agreed to make I have deemed this contract null and void" The voice booms "Now go from here before that paper is all I burn"

The Hatter snarls and for a moment looks like he is going to protest"

"I will count to three" the voice Booms "One"

"I this is not over" the Hatter begins


The Hatter vanishes and the ghost of Pixie Jinx looks dumbfounded. "But, how..what..who' Uhm what again? also who?"

"This is, your last chance Jinx. Your last option there will be no further help from me or my kind on your behalf" The voice says softly now.

"But, who are you?"

The voice chuckles "You may find out in time however know that in matters such as this you have used your one chance. There is only one thing left to do"

There is an arc of white light pulsing into Jinx and he appears like a reverse negative photo inside this light power pulsates from every headstone, from every tree, basically there is a lot of power flowing. Jinx covers his eyes and cries out, suddenly all the light and power is gone and it is almost as disruptive in it's silence and lack of light as it was in it's overwhelming brightness before.

Jinx looks down at his arm and in shock sees instead of ghostly transparency Flesh and blood. Well not blood since that would be gross but, somehow someway he is a living being again. He collapses on his former grave and begins to weep. "Thank you...oh thank you how can I ever...repay something like this"

The last thing the voice says "Be the good creature you once were, the world needs more joy and happiness. We are watching do us proud." And the presence is obviously gone.

The only thing that can be heard is a pixie weeping with amazement and joy in the middle of a graveyard.

The End


Date: 2012-04-25 10:23 EST
Jinx sits and ponders this new turn of events. For it seems he can no longer assume his pixie form at all anymore. "Well this is another fine mess you got yourself into."

Just to test he shifts himself into a few random animal forms. "Ok so all of this is working just fine." though he does find himself quite out of breath and dreadfully tired after the marathon shifting test. He chalks that up to assuming so many forms in a row.

"Maybe I am just picturing it wrong" he muses and attempts to change again, there is the usual razzle dazzle and glittery light...even a faint sound of bells but, strain as he might in the end he remains exactly as he was. In addition he finds he suddenly needs to sit down as he is suddenly dizzy from the strain. "Well hell." he adds quite a few more colorful bits of swearing to that particular oath though without much feeling as he finds he doesn't have the breath for proper swearing.

After what seems way to long he finally regains the energy to stand. "Screw it." not what he said but, a rough interpretation. "Who needs the pixie anyway." even he has to chuckle at himself at that. "And those grapes were probably sour as well." With a shrug he moves off to the inn might as well get drunk tonight cause that solved all problems.


Date: 2013-01-02 11:22 EST
More to come keep tuned.