Topic: His Beloved (Part one)

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-02-06 13:27 EST
Another night of painful experiments on her body done with, The necromancer ordered the undead minions to return her back to the pit. She finally let her body become still blacking out, the skeletal and fleshy undead grabbed her up and took her from the laboratory.

-she lay on the stone, hard floor which smelled of moss and old water, her long black hair a tangled mess, new wounds left opened on her sides and back, the fleshy port her master had sewn into her right hand leaked with clear greenish fluid and little blood...

it had been quiet for what had seemed like ages. no more sounds of machines or cruel words from master, perhaps the groans from a few of his undead servants could be heard at times in their passing

opening those deep blue eyes she saw she was back in the pit, the five by five cell which only entrance was from above, the only light source was a single dimly shining light, somewhere beyond the door. She pulled herself to sit up, her body aching her mind reeling a bit she felt around the pit and found the bowl of water and brought it to her lips to drink..sitting in the dark for hours on end thinking had become a pass time for her..she thought to herself..."yes next time will be the last...i cannot stand this any more." Her body had been scared by years of abuse, tearing. rebuilding, having even been stitched with places of skin that wasn't her own. Fierna had, had enough..she had seen friends she had considered family die because of the plight the necromancer brought in his wake. She would get her revenge and get out of this hellish nightmare, she combed those now torn and mangled hands through black hair as she sat there. She was in thought wondering how, she had lived through the attack the necromancer had thrown at her the night he took her from all she knew...she wondered how she was still alive...She leaned against the wall and rested..waiting..-

zodiac eclipse

Date: 2011-04-01 22:08 EST
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