Topic: Homecoming; the homelands in the hands of the waifs.


Date: 2013-08-21 16:08 EST
It was late in the night when he grabbed hold of Shali and lead her from their Inn Suite. He'd already packed for himself and had he pack the day before, and wasn't inclined to leave with a big goodbye. The remaining hands they had, had already prepared the ship Nsrira had obtained for them. It wasn't in bad shape by any means, though it didn't shine like the jewel that Noxlea and destroyed.

It was schooner, however and met their needs, and the size of the remaining Crew. He'd already performed the ritual to take them back to Gaeln, the world they'd called home. Early in the morning, everyone had been brought to the deck so they could witness the ritual, and the storm. Also, he needed a crew member to sacrifice. After the blood letting, they were swallowed by a storm, and emerged in Gaelin, a day or two off the coast of Lorenlael, their home.

Still, landing at the nearest dock wasn't safe, it could been seen in the distance through a telescope that it ran an unfriendly banner at the fort nearest the docks. It too, had fallen to the ilk rebellion his sister had started. So, they headed north, to Halm, it's fortress was the last, and strongest of their strongholds. At his command, they were heading to the last bastion of Cugedheil's rule. The last place he'd find people truly loyal to him.

And now he stood on the main deck, arm's crossed. He and Shali had just finished lunch and were now watching the coast on the horizon carefully, staying far and out of sight, lest they risk pursuit. Cugedheil hadn't spoken in nearly an hour, content to keep the Demon Fae on his side as he waited to arrive, his face a long and perpetual scowl, that just watched the land that had been stolen from his rightful grasp. They were here to take it back.


Date: 2013-08-24 19:50 EST
Cugedheil elected to leave Shali's side, silently, moving to the edge of the the deck, peering at the land over the railing. He gripped the railing tightly with both hands, sneering as the leather of his gloves lost their protests and whines to the sounds of the ocean around them.

"They won't take this land from me," he said, low toned, doubtful he'd even heard himself.

Finally, he spun around, to the elvish male at the helm, pointing back down the coast from which they came. "Turn around! Return to the port! We're going to pry it back from their weak, grubby fingers!" A shout shot out across the deck.

He turned his gaze toward Shali, eyes narrowed a bit. Not at her, specifically, but in a knowing way. That look in his eyes a clear indication that he had no intention of running, hiding or cowering. It bordered on crazed.

Ar Maximus

Date: 2013-08-24 19:58 EST
It was then he came. As Cugedheil sat, confident in his endeavors, Ar was anything but.

The cogs in motion where quite complex, and plotting was not this creature's forte. When he arrived it was in pure silence, he knew how to stick the landing when it came to moving through space, an ability it'd taken him an age to discover, and has taken even longer to perfect.

His presence was announced by the locks of white hair, and the white hide of his cloak billowing behind Cugedheil. His hand came to the back of the man's shoulder moving to tear the silken shirt away from his back, and expose it to the salty air. He had something in his opposing hand, clutched.

He looked toward the Demon Fae on the deck, and his lips curled into a half grin, showing an amusement laced by his hubris.


Date: 2013-08-25 01:07 EST
Always nearby.

She'd stayed close during their voyage and through his silence, she maintained her own. Making sure his drink was never empty and his desires always sated, she thought she had served him well. The ocean breeze whipped her golden strands about her face and she drew a hand up to brush them over delicately pointed ears.

Home. They were going home and they were going to take it back. For their own, as was their right. All would be well before long, she was certain. But before she knew it, there was someone else. The lovely silks that adorned him were torn and she found herself locking the molten pools of liquid gold on the white haired man. He was going to hurt her King, wasn't he? That was something she couldn't bear to see happen again. She scrambled and lurched towards the man, her hands raised in hopes of defending Cugedheil from whatever fate might befall him should this strange newcomer proceed with his plans. She would let herself come between them before she'd allow any harm to come to her King.

"NO! What're you doing!" She yelled, her silken voice alarmed and far more shrill than usual.