Topic: Hominis et Machinam

a four star failure

Date: 2012-07-13 13:52 EST
it began with a gift; nightfire orbs, flashing fireflies in a jar were given to him and in it all of the world he was not made from was kept serene and preserved.

in truth, it began with the woman who gave him the jar, who said "twitch, i have a gift for you," and explained that he had been in her dream. he thought, "how does one come to be in another's dream?" because the idea that he was not there himself was foreign - not ludicrous.

long since the receipt of the gift the fire flies had been released into a cool summer's night and though he kept the bulky case with him, it was empty and only a shell of itself.

he wondered if his story had truly begun when she had given him the gift or if, perhaps, it had begun long ago and he was only just coming to a point where he could consider himself a separate story from the world around him. for indeed, there had been so many times he stood beneath the trees and wondered how he could be like them, times he placed his fingers to the earth and felt the song of the time, and times he longed for the water and felt it long for him, and he was certain that the case could only be made that world knew him longer than he had known the world.

then there was the ceaseless ticking, the symphonous clacking of fine metal work that etched its song within his breast and ever deep in his mind. what was it and why when he drew breath and stood tall did it grow strong and slow and when he wondered for the people around him did it grow cool and swift'

in any philosophical case, while twitch was considering the many things of the world and his existence he was standing by a nameless pool in a wood he was certain was nameless - though that may not have been the case - and he was sitting in such a way that a question mark might have thought him graceful. looking over his reflection, torn by the darkness and ripples of the surface, he watched the dull shimmer of the light cast by orbs where eyes ought to be scan and shutter as he blinked.

ever against the concert of crickets and frogs and dark-lings did his ticking beat, arrhythmic it seemed, without timing. he wondered if it was due to his wondering and so the hemiola hiccup of clicking continued in its baroque-ish way.

he was covered in dew but he was not soaked, he was beaded by the kiss of the night air on leather and steel where his face ought to have been and on hands and feet where stern oilskin was drawn into clothing. his coat was heavy with the dew but only damp in places of wear and behind him the little clock work wings where shining with stars of their own as the wash-brash held sparkling drops steadfast and almost in ornamentation.

this is how he had awoken, it came to him, this is where he had realized that he could, of his own accord, stand and look at the world and wonder about it. for so long, though he, he had been only a part of the world to be wondered about but then a day came when pushed back against the Will of the world and found that he had a Will of his own. that was where his story began, where the real beginning lie, he thought. before that was obscured in irrelevance, it was naught but like before ones birth.

there was the comfortable sound of leather pulling and the nocturne of night sounds was laid thick with the danserie of clicks from his breast. his wings stretched half an arm's reach and he smiled with his whole person. he was watching, now, in the distance and over the lake, the dancing flashes of nightfire, fire flies flitting about. though not made of the world he was clearly belonging to it.

a four star failure

Date: 2012-07-14 12:20 EST
journal - entry 1 the poetics of waking up art - poetry

in morning under dew One woke; in light shivered as if sun-fed gold

reaching wings One stretched clockwork wonderment unfold arm and limb and leg

night-cold ebbing off 'neath fir-lined shadow speckled summer guardians

a four star failure

Date: 2012-07-14 12:42 EST
he was a writer. no - he was a thinker. no - he was a worker of the world around him ....

to wander and to wonder is what he did but was it by design or choice? he pondered as oft he did over the tattered reflection he cast on the moving surface of the little water by which he had slept.

he'd long shaken off the cold of the summer evening and the stiff of a long night's sleep. he did not dream. but he wrote, now, that the morning was blending into the afternoon with a scattered bit of clouds; he compiled his thoughts and dreamed while waking and in an oilskin with scratchy yellow pages he laid them down.

"what cannot be said in seventeen syllables had best not be said."

he remembered the poet's words and thought of them often and tried very hard to emulate their counsel. he was keeping a journal, in it would be found art of various kinds, clumsy sketches and amateur poetry, and that which wasn't art was details of the world around.

he longed to be of it, to be hewn from the forest or carved from the mountain or to carry the same breath of life as the birds and beasts that flitted through the shadow peppered tops of trees. to find a place where he could stand and in the clicking, ticking, whirring symphony find harmony with the world that was not crafted of clock and iron.

with a heavy sigh that pushed through his body and caused what could to rattle he closed the journal and wrapped the little leather thread about and one last time looked upon the surface of the water and the into the shadows of the trees before he was Willed away to places he'd yet to come.

a four star failure

Date: 2012-07-15 12:53 EST
journal - entry 2 purpose and being observations - theory

I am One is

he wrote

Is One in reflection of the world or is the world in reflection of me" Does One see the world through eyes like the world sees me" One should ask if One is just as much an extension of ones reality as they are to me - are we then "its" that travel per the rules of individual reality or, would One and they, unacted upon, behave within the rules of some grander scheme?

he stopped. had he the ability he would have chewed at the little in pen in his hand.

it was hot where he was sitting, hot enough that even he felt the sluggish sap of the summer sun and he shaded where eyes ought to be on his face and he looked up and around. the street here was quiet, the heat was keeping the world in hiding until it could endure looking outside no more. some stirrings in the darker places where hung canopies and stood archways, but in the streets, only the illusion of movement shimmered in the hazy heat close to the ground.

Of contingency, the world then operates - to whom or what One is responsible and to what they and so on - cyclical and thus imperfect

he scratched nonsense symbols toward the bind of the page in thought.

The sky and stone and water and flame speak to me of old forgotten things, in the light and shadow, in life and mind, One feelsl the pull of truth. I cannot say that world without me would not exist nor would I exist with the world

he paused and in the corner made a note: That which One can perceive is made up of the world, and reaches beyond stone

he continued now in landscape Assumptions need review. One will trace my understanding to the very core and when the first breath, the first Will to be

on the word "will" he paused and for a very long time he sat, hunched and clicking, looking over the page in his lap and the word he'd written. he did not move nor speak aloud while he thought, something was tearing at his chest, something that desperately wanted him to know of it, to speak and sing and make of it a known thing to the world. but it was above him, he could not grasp it, he could not further put it into words. all his nonsense afore-written was waste in the revelation that he was struggling to understand. he closed the journal and for a long time after remained sitting, thinking about the Will.

a four star failure

Date: 2012-07-16 12:58 EST
journal - entry 3 a note observations - theory

Reminder: it is most unwise to expect people* to behave as trees.

towards the foot of the page he scratched the meaning of his addendum.

*people will hence forth describe those that are not plainly beasts.

a four star failure

Date: 2013-01-28 21:45 EST
journal - entry 4 divisions observations - wonder

Divided is existence and in its division does it harmonize upon the reverberating fractions of itself ...

He paused and pondered.

One perceives in three fold, The One Great Will of which all things are, the Divisions of The One Great Will - the Elements - by the very strings of existence, Mana. I find between the drawn lines of Mana eight expressions of being, the Elements and they are, themselves, divided two fold, the Cardinal - oldest - and Subcardinal - youngest.

Some time among trees and old earthy things he'd dwelt and was dew-kissed and moss-peppered and his thoughts were ringing, thunderous bells in the world's silence. How long had he sat beneath the shadow of the oak at the center of the wood" Days, weeks, months perhaps" He'd only just begun writing, all the while had he thought or been at all" To his damp pages he returned.

One is a vessel of understanding in this, One cannot be the first and will not be the last to see the lines between the fabric of existence. One will express in accordance to the laws of The One Great Will and shall bear no hurt to that order. One is full of WONDER for the world around me.

A thought occurred to him then and manifest itself in writing where the entry ended,

One wonders what my friends are thinking. Do they think of one"

a four star failure

Date: 2013-01-28 23:02 EST
journal - entry 5 the poetics of remembering art - poetry

In Shadow, quiet; Lights, beacons of what has been: What was are mem'ries.

Through Shadow gently Reaching with loving voices, Yesterday, she sings.

Are not shadowed things More than fragments, illusions? In memory, made real.

a four star failure

Date: 2013-02-06 02:02 EST
journal - entry 6 a decision, a bestiary, an index of peoples observations - data

One's purpose is to know. Others often recall and remember and share betwixt the remembrance of some thing. This exchange is the pass of one's data to the next for the sake of comparison, ironic conversation, and grounds of familiarity. One will do the same and keep noted well the names and things of Who and What One comes across.

Scrawled beneath this paragraph were small inky images, shadows of people who had slipped in and out of his nights that were freshest to his mind.

They will be separated from one another and they will be held in detail like One keeps eyes on the leaves of Maple and the bark of Oak or the nettle of Pine and the fronds of Palm. To each will be dedicated the same:

A Name - their own or one suited in its absence by One.

A Class - be they human or plant or being or beast.

An interpretation - both in image and in smithed words, for wisdom is found clearly and genuinely in art.

One's notes - One will detail opinion between fact and change Data where necessary.

....and so Twitch would begin to keep the world in his pocket from this day forth.

a four star failure

Date: 2013-02-06 02:19 EST
journal - entry 7 sciences observations - theory

The long history of the world and the Worlds is exhausting, so too is the infinite history of the One Will. Herein shall be separated the world form itself, the One Will into its many pieces, and understanding shall be drawn. This is for One's own furthering, for One's purpose has been obscured and in such analysis should likely be found answers. Thus begins:

Below this small paragraph was drawn an empty circle and to it's right the word "The One Will - All things"

All things are of the One Will - henceforth The Will. It is also true to say that The Will is made of all things, hence itself. It is represented by the circle, as it is endless and embodies everything.

Below this was drawn the empty circle again, on the left, and on the right four intersecting lines, one "+" and one "x". Between them was written the word "Mana - the division of The Will"

The Will divides itself with Mana, the strings of the universe. Between clear manifestations of The Will existence the separations, this phenomenon is the energy of existence, again: Mana. To pluck at the strings of the universe and play harmony or discord is to craft The Will with One's own, to Smith.

On the next page was drawn the circle divided into eight even sections, the marriage of the intersecting lines and the circle. Beside this was written the word "Elements"

The Elements represent the most basic manifestations of The Will. The building blocks of existence, divided and held by Mana, fill up The Will and define it. There are, to One's knowledge, two sets of Four Elements each in all the universe. They are the Cardinal - oldest known - and Subcardinal - youngest discovered - elements of:

x Sky x Fire x Stone x Water ~ x Light x Aether x Shadow x Mind

Again was drawn the circle and lines beneath and all about the circle, where the lines met the edge, were scribbled eight signs, one for each Element. At the top was Sky, an arrow that wrapped in on itself. To the East was Fire, a spiraling triangle; the South was Stone, a spiraling square; West Water as a true spiral. Between the cardinal directions were drawn the other four symbols. Between Sky and Fire, in the Northeast was Light, a long line with a short cross; the Southeast was Aether, a cross with a line also at its bottom; Southwest was Shadow, a crooked cane crossed with a short line; and the Northwest was Mind, a looping triangle.

Beneath was finished,

Elements at ends with one another exist adverse, coexisting with struggle. Elements beside one another exist in tandem, coexisting through cooperation.

Smithing is to act on the lines of Mana between the Elements and draw them to one's will according to adeptness of affect.