Topic: Indenture

Warrick Shepherd

Date: 2013-04-25 00:12 EST
"Goodnight, Billie Mercer." The words were furtive and delivered thoughtfully at the girl's back as she slipped back into the warm bowels of the Inn's common room, unheard and lost in the din of the light rain drumming on the cobblestone street. Warrick abided a few moments longer until the repeated trill of his phone made for a stark reminded that his presence was required elsewhere and he was freeing the device from the inside pocket of the sleek leather jacket he wore. You were due at the Morsai Warehouse nearly an hour ago.It was a short bit of text sent in place of the message he'd previously ignored whilst keeping company with Billie and her colorful companions. Words compromised of pixels held little meaning to the dockside shepherd, but the sender and his expectations of obedience were a harsh point of consternation. He was not one to be trifled with, moreso given the precarious nature of their relationship. Instead of responding Warrick chose to make haste, sparing a fleeting glance for the Inn's door before tugging his collar up and bounding from the steps with an easy hop that landed him in a jog towards Old Market. From there it would only require a quick cut across the northwest corner of Old Temple to reach Dockside and his ultimate destination. His stride lengthened by the time the market was reached, the litter strewn allies making for a veritable obstacle course that provided enough challenge to heat the blood in his veins; to wake the slumbering Beast and rouse it's ire. The shadows were worn like a second skin, his flesh mottling and darkening when it shouldn't to compensate, making the speedy passage over the miles unnoticed to the mundane eye. By the time he'd crossed over the bridge and entered the Old Temple district, the dockside shepherd knew it was time to give the beast some lead, to the tune of crackling bone and inverted sinew only a span of moments before a series of bounding back-and-forth leaps took him to the rooftops. The cat burglars and assassins weren't the only ones who traveled the oft named 'Thieves Highway'. (To be Continued...)