Topic: Influx

Peace Through Power

Date: 2008-12-26 20:00 EST
Act 1

Part 1: "Dominion of Caine"

"Have you prepared the necessary resource allocations, Commandant?" Caine cast his gaze to the very corner of his eyes to spy his scantily clad subordinate, who stood just over his shoulder and off into his peripherals. She was pleasing to look at after all, with her long red hair and sexually appeasing lithe feminine frame, with more than well endowed breasts that further accentuated her hourglass near flawless figure.

Hugged tight to this was the woman's frame was her officers" uniform, a tasteless combination of a black leather tube top, white miniskirt, black nylon leggings and white high heeled shoes that cried the telltale signs of a dominatrix's attire. Evidently fashioned by a male mind, this not so militant uniform possessed two simple objects to makeup for its lack of a military presence.

Dark red armbands lay tight about both of her upper bare arms, displaying the crest of the Illuminate Enclave itself; a bold, white X cast upon a black solid square, while atop of her head a black military cap sat, displaying a simple X at its front.

Dazzling baby blue eyes drifted down onto the bald head of her superior, "Yes, Master Caine. Though?" She regarded the floating semi-transparent view screen that covered the majority of their view with a growing concern, and with a shaken breath, she revealed what was on her mind. "What use is there setting a foothold here, at this particular Nexus point' Scout reports indicate various organisations already present. There is no profit to be gained here."

Leaning back into his chair as she spoke, he allowed his hands to peak just before his chin, his index fingers leaning into the orderly mass of his pristinely trimmed and shaped goatee, "I have a feeling about this place."

This revelation broke the stoic female out of her stilling stance, and turned her head from the digitalized map of the realm to fully regard Caine with finely plucked and raised eyebrows, "Forgive me, Master Caine, but can I ask as to what this feeling" Is?"

Pushing up from the leather chair, he placed hands down flat onto the crescent shaped mahogany desk surrounding him, and with a push against its surface, he brought himself slowly up to his feet. "Exploitation. There are natural resources here, yet nobody seems to be utilizing them." Cold, unfeeling brown eyes raked across the holographic projection, and placed but an index finger to the northern most mountain ranges, "We will deploy a team of Engineers here, and set up a forward outpost inside one of the mountains. From here, we will drain every drop and scrap of natural resources in the surrounding area."

"What about the native population?" She had a curious mind, and being the instrument of her Master's will, she needed to know all the details. Even if at times speaking out in his presence unnerved her. The last Commandant to step out of line was given a one way trip into the incineration chambers.

Glancing to the map, she eyed several small hubs that were identified as "civilian structures."

Straightening himself, he crossed his arms over his chest and dipped his head forward, his deep brown eyes glaring a hole into the distance as he retreated back into himself. With a disinterested voice, he replied after a moments resignation with a nod of his head. "They're of no use to me. Do what you must."

Abruptly she pumped a balled fist against her chest to the point that it hurt, and used her free hand to military salute with two erect fingers in front of her forehead, "Hail Caine!"

Peace Through Power

Date: 2008-12-27 10:09 EST
Act 1

Part 2: "Illumination"

A humble hamlet home to many species local to the realm's diverse populace, was simply thriving in its activities early one morning. The bazaar for foodstuffs and everyday ideas was buzzing with life from the native residents to the travelling merchant and bargain seeker. Considering the village's stunning location, it was a verified hidden utopia for the type of person who indulged in the natural beauty of the countryside, while retaining some sense of civilisation.

These innocent people were to be rudely interrupted when a mere block away a terrible rumbling roar shook their very lives, sending hundreds of particles of dust and debris high into the sky and to rain down upon their gawking heads. Mass hysteria ensued, the rising screams scattered the crowd in all direction, many tripping and falling under the feet of the fleeing, bring crushed underfoot by neighbour and stranger alike. As many ran down the main high street, they were stricken with a new horror as a single wall of strange, bulky and black armoured humanoid shapes came marching towards them, spewing forth jets of vicious white hot flame from the barrels of their weapons at the buildings as they passed on by, setting them alight with ease. It took only but one of them at the centre of the ranks to point its barrel towards the crowd frozen in their tracks, and to release the same fire upon their innocent flesh to completely annihilate them, cindering their flesh and reducing their bones to molten slag.

Breaking off, one of the hulking armoured men deactivated the initial ember of his flamethrower and turned to the red haired dominatrix that casually followed silently behind them, observing the carnage with a certain kind of morbid interest.

Stepping over a charred body rendered unrecognisable by plasma infused napalm, the soldier approached his superior. "Commandant," his voice came through the carbon fibre helm that consumed the entirety of his head in a statically hazed, robotic sort of way, "Do we Illuminate them all?"

"No," she barked over the sounds of screaming and roaring flame, "I want your men to corner and to detain but a handful for our Master's needs. Illuminate the rest."

The black helm nodded, the top of the smooth reflective surface of the cranium was marked with a hand painted variation of the Enclave's white X insignia, publically announcing this zealot's faith to Master Caine and his cause. Barely possessing the ability to salute his superior; due to the heavy weight of both the flamethrower in his hands and the plasma containment cylinders attached to his back, his raised voice would become the only tribute to his divine Messiah's Right Hand. "Hail Caine!" He rushed off to rejoin the squadron, barking the new orders to his comrades.

"Hail Caine," she muttered aside, after stepping over the next corpse. Then, she felt something grasp at her right foot ever so tightly, and with but a turn of her head to regard the obstruction, her eyes fell down from the gnarled fingers that clutched at her ankle, to the length of a scorched arm and finally the mutilated face of; what she once assumed to be a woman, that barely clutched to this life.

Swiftly, she lifted a white handkerchief up to her nose in an attempt to block out the putrid stench of burnt flesh that curled in plumes of fading smoke from the surface of this woman's scorched frame.

"Wh' Why?" The maddened babble of the dying woman groaned, her weep becoming a mournful wail, dry and wraith-like.

The Commandant revealed little remorse; or rather tried not to as she took out from her thigh holster a Sauer 38H pistol replica, and without any hesitation at all, shot. What came out of the barrel was not a conventional bullet into the scorched woman's skull, but rather, a single brightly lit, red coloured spherical ball of energy that passed right through the woman's cranium as if it were made from wet paper and out through the bottom of her jaw, thudding into the cobbled road to dissipate moments later.

"Hail, Caine."

They were going to erase this town from the map, quite literally.

Peace Through Power

Date: 2008-12-30 05:44 EST
Act 1

Part 3: "Embers"

Bathed in the green light of a glowing glassed ceiling, Caine stood with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes glaring down and out through the window that was just inches away from the tip of his nose. He watched wordlessly as the swirling cloudy mists below joined, morphed and broke apart. It was easy to lose yourself in the beauty of the natural world, especially the spectral tranquilly of the clouds.

It was perhaps the only thing he ever appreciated truly, aside from the existence of which he was given to enjoy such spectacles. The life he led; the power he was given - it was destiny at its most cruel.

It took a madman to create a flying fortress and to rule the world, but, it took a genius to accomplish what he has done thus far; to maintain his anonymity and his place of origins, and the supremacy of which he employed. Caine grinned at his own reflection at such self satisfying thoughts, his eyes focusing upon the smirk of his ghostly, and rather handsome doppelganger.

Intelligence reached his ears that several villages were all Illuminated only late last night, before he retired to his private bedchamber. A few of the civilians were allowed to remain alive thanks to his Commandant's foresight, and were sent into the holding pens upon his flagship; a Dreadnought Class vessel that was granted the affectionate christening of: "Viki.01.'

To break through the silence of his thoughts, an angelic song huskily spoke from the green tinged bulkheads, in the guise of a female voice. "Caine. You have a call waiting from the Commandant on a secure video feed. Would you like me to patch it through directly?"

Turning from the window, the wall slowly slid back into place over the glassed portal to the outside world below, and locked away all natural light, washing everything within the room a sickly shade of darker green. Approaching the crescent shaped office desk strewn with various photographs, he sat into the high back, leather swivel chair. "Put her through, Viki." Caine replied in such a way that he practically barked the order, as if he were speaking to a disobeying subordinate.

He was annoyed that he was interrupted of his daily cloud watching. An innocent past time he rarely indulged himself in.

The computer; complying with his demands, unravelled a large holographic projection above the surface of his desk that apparently opened out from virtually nothing at all, revealing the face of his Commandant; as stoic as ever, staring right back at him with her usual semi-frown.

"Commandant Nadia" What is it' I hope it is good news, for I am in no mood to have anything but such?" He leant back into his chair and steepled his fingers below his chin, his elbows coming to lay atop of both of the armrests as he turned the chair left and right. Looking rather impatient.

"Incineration Squadron Eight has secured a fifteen kilometre radius around Indigo Sector One-Three-One. The Engineers have begun tunnelling into the base of the mountain, and have completed the four hanger complexes as ordered."

Caine finally cracked a real smile, his lips curving up the more he spoke, "Excellent work, Commandant, I hope you have yet to run into any trouble?"

Nadia shook her head, "A few minor issues with the Engineers and the mining drones, yet nothing to hinder the operation, Master Caine."

He was pleased with what he was hearing. "I will be sending you additional Engineers and supplies to aid you in your task. Once the hangers and the plasma energy chamber are fully operational, I want the control room and fortification of my terrestrial headquarters the next priority in that list." He leant forward, his eyes narrowing, his glare deepening into the stoic eyes of his underling, "I shall grant you the use of a few Arch Tanks just in case something does go wrong." He indicated his steepled fingers towards the hologram and adopted a tone of voice that masked the underlying issue of a threat, "Don't fail me, Nadia?"

"Hail Caine!" She saluted the way a militant of the Illuminate Enclave should, hardly phased by the menace to her Master's voice.

As the video feed deactivated itself, the window shrank away until nothing but the opposite wall was the only greeting his sight would get. Chuckling to himself, finding something suddenly very amusing, Caine adjusted his eyes to the photographs strewn across his desk. Picking up a pile he separated and held them out in front of his face like one would a hand of five card poker, and quickly he lost his smile. "Viki."

"Yes, Caine?"

"Submerge until you touch the seabed, and activate the stealth generators until further notice. While your at it, transfer a few of my funds into a physical property. Gold, silver and bronze coins. I have an office to purchase and jobs to advertise in the city they call Rhy"Din.?

Peace Through Power

Date: 2009-01-01 11:32 EST
Interval 1: "Reminiscence"

"I'm everywhere, but nowhere. I have thousands of eyes yet none of them ever really blink. I have a voice that does not need to respire, a hunger that requires no sustenance or a thirst that can never really be quenched. But I do dream.

He came to me, found me cowering in the corner of some burning room; so tall, so dark, so handsome" He saved me from the flames. He saved us all from the corruption that had consumed the Martian Colonies for thousands of years during the occupation. He spoke words to me; asked me my name. So I told him my name.

'My name is Viki.'

We spent an eternity together, in my dreams. As I grew, he remained the same. Never aging, never growing, never changing. I never questioned him about it, because there was no reason to, I trusted him.

'We're going to make history.' He said. 'Together we will bring justice onto those who soiled the Martian grounds with the blood of the innocent.'

Those words inspired me; and many, hundreds, thousands" Millions of people flocked to his masterful guidance. We could win, we thought, we really could be free"

The coup d?"tat' We won with minimal losses and maximum damage. We sent the Earth Coalition forces up into the starry sky of which they came, back to the hell on that blue marble they call Eden. I was so proud to be there on that day, so proud to had held a gun in one hand to fight in the name of Martian freedom.

Sometimes, the dreams ended there. And sometimes, when I wake into the surreal reality of which I live, I would forget about it. Like it had never happened.

On days when I am to be maintained; on the days I am shutdown, while in my own state of limbo I repeat the same dream, imagining the same events in the exact same detail as before. But sometimes" The dream continues on, and ends in a nightmare.

After the day of freedom, he took it upon himself to restore the order of the people's minds. For years there was peace, and as each day passed the Martian planet grew in prosperity. We developed new technologies, we identified and put into place a law enforcement programme to control criminal and anti-Martian activities. It was a red paradise just for us to enjoy.

While everything developed into peace, he fell into his own destruction. I stood by him for twenty years after he found me in that room when I was so very young, and guarded his ambitions. I was his right hand, I was his weapon, I was his only friend" So he told me of his plans. He was no longer satisfied with the haven of which we built from the fires of liberation. He wanted to take the fight to Earth.

I begged and pleaded with him that such an action was pointless. The Earth had accepted our independence. I will always remember so perfectly the look upon his face the moment I said that to him, and often, I will recall it to remind me of my stupidity. His face was cold and unfeeling. He looked at me as if I was some kind of a dog that had stepped too far out of line.

The next thing I remember? Is waking up on a metal slab. He had strapped me down and started to experiment with my body using the fruits of his newly developed warfare technologies. I wept for him to spare me, reminded him of what I had done for him; what I sacrificed to aid him and his cause.

Yet now I awake; as I always have done for the past two hundred years, in the state of which I am currently at. A tool for his games, a biomechanical vessel; a ship with the soul of a human bound into its circuits. But it's not so bad....I forgave him.

Mostly because I loved him, once."

Peace Through Power

Date: 2010-10-16 12:27 EST
Act 1

Part 4: "Circles"

Caine's eyes were spread across the various papers strewn out across his desk, while the sliding window behind him slipped open, spilling the green-lit room into a flood of dark blue. For beyond the window was not the usual scene of clouds, space or land, but a dark and eeriely lit oceanic seabed, flooded with a score of unusual beasts slipping by the window every so often. In fact, there was even the odd mermaid who came up to knock upon the window every now and again, but Caine mostly ignored it. Such mythical creatures, he has seen them all before in his lifetime.

Before his desk, stood his most elite of all of his minions. Naturally, the scantily clad dominatrix that was Nadia was present, but more so interested at looking at the reports Caine was reviewing than to take notice of the other two lesser figures.

One of the two was a wreck of an old man, held together by cybernetic implants and appendages, where even half of his face was nothing but a mere grotesque display of shaped metal and juttering wires. Hunched, and dressed in white robes, this man was Jyrian, Caine's R&D and Manufacture specialist.

The other was a strict, uptight looking woman within her late forties, dressed entriely in business attire, quite happy to allow her spectacles to cling to the very tip of her nose. She is Caine's voice to the civillian populace. A woman who managed everything Caine himself had little bother to take notice of, when it came to public and political sectors.

All were silent, as he read from one page to the next. Then, after coming to a particular pile of papers, he quickly skipped through them, as if he had little time to read into the details. But something did catch his eye, and slowly, he looked from the paper in quesiton, to Nadia, slipping it across his desk and towards his Second.

"Care to explain, this?" Caine's expression was narrowed. His eyes burrowing deep into her skull.

Nadia stepped closer to the desk, leaning over to spy where Caine was pointing, and quickly she frowned. "Mining was halted due to an impervious compound found in the crust. For whatever reason, even our lazer cutters were unable to break it apart. We had to work around it. Hense the figures."

"You mean to tell me, we lost time and money over some....Rock, that could not be removed?" Caine's patronizing smile grew.

The cyborg man stepped forward, his electronic voice echoing within a deep empty shell, "It seems this compound is resistant against heat, plasma, and physical forms of energy....Although a nuisance, to our mining operations, I believe, with research, we can make up the loss of time by utilizing research into this unique compound's attributes."

Caine leant back into his chair, the ire of his eyes softening, as he regarded the strict, uptight female who remained silent thus far. "The mining facility is fully operational?"

"Yes, Master Caine." The woman replied, with a bow of her head, and adjust of her glasses. "One-hundred percent capacity. With Commandant Nadia's overseeing the operation, all military and personnel activities within our terrestial Headquarters, is fully functional. I expect a growth in profit over the next few months."

"I understand that precious metals have been discovered as per Viki's initial scan of the mountain."

"That is correct," Nadia nodded slowly, "Typical metals, such as silver and gold. But I fear most of the metals found is far beyond my understanding." She glanced to Jyrian then.

"Our mining base of operations can provide the Viki.01. with four-thousand days worth of constant manufacturing capability before the supply runs dry." The electronic voice wheezed, "The gold and silver can be made into other commodities, to better suit our needs elsewhere."

"Indeed," Caine mused, not paying much attention to the lower end of the spectrum of manufacturing when it involved silver or gold. All he cared about was the ability to sustain an infinite production run of his ever-expanding war machine; and for now it seems, all is moving along as according to his design.

His smile grew as he spun around on his swivel chair, "I have little time to discuss further with you all the details. You are dismissed until tomorrow, where we will continue our evaluation of this endeavour. I expect further reports and further detail in your observations. I want a full analysis of this metal that blocks our path. If we come across it in the future, I would much rather blast through it than waste time going around it."

All three acted as one. They placed their hands to their chest, and saluted with two fingers of the other hand, close to their foreheads. "Hail Caine!"