Topic: Iron Arm

Traithgren Blackhawk

Date: 2009-03-16 13:30 EST
Forests. Traithgren knew the forests, knew them like the back of his hand, just like he knew the plains, the valleys, the ravines, and the entire countryside. He knew it all; he needed no map to find his way. One would become bored with such monotony. Not Traith. The Barbarian loved his home, the wilderness and all around it. It was a place of purity, away from the will of man, away from the laws and rules of society, away from the politicians, the noblemen, the merchants, and left alone against the raw power of the earth with his kin.

"Traithgren." His father called out to him. "Get yerself ready, ye're goin" on the night's hunt." The large man nodded firmly to his son, then patted him on the shoulder. "Go get yer axe, or yer spear, not yer sword though, save that for cuttin" into men."

"I'm goin" on the hunt?" He asked with complete shock, he hadn't been told about that. "With Krethgar?"

"Aye, ye're goin" to learn how to properly kill yerself n"elk." The large chieftain nodded once more.

Traithgren was positively ecstatic with the news. The large boy, for indeed, he was large even at the young age of twelve, dashed off for his family's tent to go prepare for the hunt. His first hunt.

An hour later, the boy set out with a small hunting party of four. Himself included. There was Krethgar, the tribe's most skilled hunter, a mountain of a man, Vektragh, another young first time hunter like Traith, another more experienced hunter, Joltheim, then Traith. They moved swiftly, running almost silently through the trees, not disturbing any of the dense foliage of the forest floor. For such large men, they were surprisingly swift and nimble, as was needed when hunting the easily startled elk.

"Hold!? Came the harsh whisper from Krethgar as they neared a clearing where a small group of elk roamed. His hand lifted up, bidding the group to stay still, and stay silent, as he slowly inched his way forward. Traith stopped dead in his tracks as commanded, and gripped the wooden handle of his double headed axe firmly, waiting with eager anticipation.

The large man Krethgar reached the edge of the clearing, scouting out the terrain for any fallen tree limbs or a boulder, making sure it was clear and easy to navigate. So intent was he on his study that he missed the pair of luminous yellow eyes that peered out from him at the darkness. But Traithgren didn't. He saw the orc plainly in the silver light provided by the stars, and gasped. Before he could warn Krethgar, the orc was lifting its spear up, and preparing to stab down. Without a thought, Traithgren readjusted his grip on the axe, aimed, and let it fly.

The weapon flew end over end toward the unsuspecting orc, and connected with the sickening crunch of bone as the blade bit through the beast's skull, and sent it crumpling rather noisily to the ground. At first Krethgar whirled around, furious at the noise, but when he saw the crumpled and dead orc, he could only blink in surprise. Just like that, the forest was alive. Orcs streamed out of hiding spots, with goblins leading the charge, acting as fodder. One orc ran up at Traith with a long and crude sword, did a sloppy and lazy thrust for the boy's chest. He twisted his torso so that the blade grazed him, biting into his skin, but not deep enough to damage anything other than that. He grimaced from the sting, lifted an already powerful arm, and grabbed the beast's sword arm. His other hand moved to grab the orc by the more private areas, then Traith lifted him right overhead with a furious growl, and chunked him forward. The beast's back cracked against a thick tree trunk; his sword dropped, and fell to the ground in a daze that was fueled by the nauseating pain caused by the impact.

Traithgren seized his opportunity, ran forward and scooped up the orc's sword, then cleanly sliced the beast's throat out.

More orcs and goblins came, Krethgar cried out to Traith, who turned to see the man tossing his axe back toward him. He nodded his thanks to the hunts leader, and dropped the crude orc weapon, doubling his grip on his own tool, feeling reassured by its comfortable presence.

They fought many orcs and goblins that night, the four hunters. They killed many more. They lost a man, the young one who was Traith's age Vektragh, to the bite of an orc's spear. But the other three escaped relatively unharmed, with more than a score of orcs lying dead in their wake. That was the first time Traith had killed. An odd sensation had come over him with the first kill, euphoria of sorts, who knew it was so easy to take life away' At first, the sense of dominating power he garnered from killing the orc scared him, but as he thought, he realized he wasn't scared, he was excited, joyous. Killing, he had done so, and he liked it.

Traithgren Blackhawk

Date: 2009-04-26 04:37 EST
~The Attack~

The Blackhawk tribe was not all destroyed by the war that had claimed the separate Barbarian peoples, but it was severely weakened, crippled with the loss of its fine warriors, intelligent leaders, and excellent huntsmen. The loss of Traithgren, while in its own wasn't the most monumental compared to others, in now way served to help the declining clan.

With the coming of war between the tribes, as a result of a decline in the wildlife, making food hard to come by, slavers and raiders began to travel the area. Barbarians were dangerous slaves, dangerous prey, but once captured and broken, they'd fetch a price that few other's could rival.

It was late, or early, in the hours when it was darkest. The world was still, silent, seeming barren and void of life. Then suddenly, it was bright, it was hot, and it was loud. Fires burned off some yards away from Traithgren's tent, the cries of startled families waking the Barbarian instantly.

He was up in a flash of movement, calloused fingers curling comfortably around the hilt of his double axe as he dashed out the tent's canvas flap. Raiders, slavers, someone was attacking their camp. He charged forward, seeing someone he didn't recognize, in chainmail armor, definitely not one of his kin.

With a furious battle cry, the Barbarian brought his axe in line for the man's neck, strength of muscle and sharpness of blade splitting through bone, severing the unsuspecting and would be slaver's head immediately. A body crumpled, but four more took up its place. Slavers, tons of them, were pouring into the camp enough to overrun the entire tribe, Traith silently thanked Tempus that his was just a forward hunting party.

In a rage like never before, the Barbarian swung his axe this way and that, enemies dropping a score within a few short, violent, and bloody moments. More and more fell to his never tiring attacks, as he took hit after hit, shrugging off all the pain with simple blind rage. He knew what they were there for, and slavery was something that even the barbarians saw as inhumane.

Despite the Barbarian's ever powerful swipes, incredible endurance, and amazing skill, he would soon be overcome by the sheer size of the force placed against him. The corners of his vision whitened with the crack of something heavy meeting the back of his skull, but he was still standing, he could still fight. Whirling around, Traith slashed violently and recklessly at the perpetrator, cleaving the man almost in two, before another blow struck him on the back of the head, followed by shoulders and back. His grip on his weapon weakened, and soon, the axe fell from his hands as he dropped to his knees.

He suffered blow after blow, but still he remained conscious, stubborn to the last second, refusing defeat. One man had the audacity to move in front of him, and attempt to smack him in the face with a heavy sap. Traith, with what little fight remained, took the blow without flinching, and in return, sent a fist with the force of a sledgehammer into the man's face, crushing bone with a sickening crunch.

Still, he wasn't done.

His hand continued moving forward, fingers uncurled from their fist, to grab the man by the throat, while his second hand moved to steady the man's shoulders. Traith pushed back, forcing his attacker's neck to bend backward, slowly, and painfully cracking the bone. Soon, he no longer held a slaver, but a limp corpse.

He stubbornly lifted the dead body, and chunked it behind him, smirking with satisfaction at the cries that sounded in response as his makeshift projectile barreled into a few of the slavers, no doubt frightening, and disorienting the men. But that was the last move Traith would make, as more and more saps and clubs berated his body, and soon he was sprawled out on the ground, the taste of iron and blood filling his mouth, as the corners of his vision ebbed inward, slowly taking consciousness with them.