Topic: Ironwood

Marron Etto

Date: 2013-05-29 07:09 EST
It was a nice tree to be born from, and a nice night to be born.

If you could call it being born really, more like he just fell out of the trunk. He stared up at the tree, not sure how he was doing it when he didn't have any eyes. It was a great big tree, full of leaves and things above the nice thick trunk. The wind rustled the branches and he knew he didn't have skin to feel the breeze but he could feel it anyways. For some reason, this made him sad. He sat up, a slight creaking coming from his wooden body as he did the sound he heard the tree making as it swayed slightly in the wind, even though he didn't have any ears to hear it with.

"Thank the gods, you're awake."

The voice came from behind him, so he turned, and a woman was there. He wasn't sure how he knew it was a woman, but he knew it. There were a lot of things he knew but didn't know how or why he knew them. She's very pretty, with long wavy hair that fell over her shoulders and a beautiful face that seemed familiar to him. But he didn't know the woman's name, and for some reason that made him sad too.

"Marron....I am so sorry." She says softly.

He couldn't speak, couldn't tell her that it was alright and she didn't need to be sorry because he didn't even know her name....come to think of it, what was his" Was it Marron' She'd just called him that so he figured that must be it. He shakes his head a little bit, trying to convey his meaning.

"I....I hope one day you can forgive me for this" Her voice breaks, and tears are now streaming down her face.

It wasn't very fair that he couldn't cry too, his sadness was building more and more as he watched her cry but he couldn't do it himself. Somehow, he knew he cared for this woman deeply but he couldn't feel it. That made him sad as well. With more and more certainty, he knew that his being born was going to hurt"

She comes closer, and oh how he longed for her touch. A gentle hand runs over his faceless visage, and he feels it despite it being only cold wood.

"I don't think I will ever forgive myself. Marron, I love you....Please never forget that." She kneels beside him, and suddenly collapses.

Catching her in his arms, his heart breaks as she looks up at him weakly. She's dying...and as he realizes it he pulls her against his chest. In his head he's screaming that he is sorry and he doesn't know what to do, that he isn't sure who she is but he might love her too and he didn't want her to die. But all the sound he could make came from the creaking in his limbs.

That hand returns to his face, soft and loving as her tears fall on the wooden arms that cradle her. He wanted to cry, wanted to scream, wanted her to be ok and explain everything to him...

Instead, it falls away...

Her breathing slows, then stops...

The light in her eyes fades...

She is gone...

And he is alone.