Topic: Just a Typical Day...


Date: 2008-06-07 18:14 EST
The day had gone almost exactly like all the others since her arrival in Rhy"Din. Rising and eating a bite of cold poridge before rushing out to go to work at a local bakery. Working through the day in the kitchen baking bread which would be sold to the local population. Getting a short few minutes to down a bit of bread and cheese herself for a mid-day meal. Then back to work until the end of the day, when she was given a few coins and some of the warm bread that had not been sold that day.

Her employer, of course, prided himself in only selling bread made fresh that day. So all the girls who worked for him received a loaf of their own in the evening of what he had not sold. At least she had a generous employer. Nothing to complain about there.

This day, of course, had been no different. That was, until she stepped into the market itself with a small bag slung over her arm, in which the loaf rested, and hopefully soon to have a few choice vegetables joining it.

She had stopped at one of the vending carts and spoken to the elderly lady tending it. A glance at a few of the produce still on it, and she chose what looked to be some of the freshest still there.

She was just about to pay the woman when she felt a hard tug on her purse string, hard enough to actually spin her totally around, and catch sight of her would-be thief. By the looks of it, one of the beggar children who roamed the streets.

"Stop!!! Thief!!!" she cried, though she wasn't too surprised that he didn't. Nor was she terribly surprised when people only stopped to look in the general direction she pointed, but didn't move to prevent the child's progress down the street toward the alleyway. Actually, the only thing that did surprise her was the fact that one burly looking man stepped from his butchershop and snagged the boy with a meaty paw.

She quickly paid the old woman and hastily made her way to the man, and then a second surprise took her. The one she had assumed was a child, had in fact been a beardless dwarf, gruffly protesting his capture.

"Let me be!" was the first thing she heard as she watched him kick at, though fail to hit the man.

Then her surprise turned to anger. "What's this" You try to take a purse of a helpless woman' Why aren't you in your mines seeking gold and fortune?"

At that, the dwarf turned about, "What mines" They all be dried up, and I be too if"n I don't be gettin" a bit of mead in me.?


Date: 2008-06-08 14:42 EST
Well, you could probably have colored her dumbfounded at that moment.

"No mines?" She had started to say, only to be interrupted by the local constable who had come to drag her would be thief away. So she had made her way to her home for a bit of a meal and a rest.

She had been asked to return to the bakery that evening as there was supposed to be some sort of celebration, with quite a few travelers attending. Of course, since she would have the following day off, she decided to go. A light nap was all she would need, nothing more.

She had made arrangements to be awakened with plenty of time to spare, even for a stop at the local inn for a bit of a drink before she had to wade through the crowds.

What she did not count on was the delay at same said inn. So she was actually late for her assignment.

"Sorry I'm late, won't happen again."

Her boss hadn't said anything, just pointed to the apron he wished her to put on, which she did without question. While she put it on, he finally spoke, "I want ye takin' the bread and sellin' it on the streets tonight. The crowd be hungry and we be makin' money if ye do it right."

She nodded and continued tying her apron in place, the went over and retrieved a basket of freshly baked bread while he continued instructing her, "An no eatin' the profits girl. Ye know better than that."

She had moved out into the small crowd outside the bakery and started moving down the street, all the while calling out, "Fresh bread. Hot rolls. Warm buns. Get them while their hot."

From time to time a person would stop her and point out the item they wanted and give her the coins for the warm bread. However, she noticed that the crowd was actually getting to be denser as she moved down the street, and she was coming to an area of the marketplace she had been warned about entering. She considered turning around, but also considered pushing down a bit further. After all, she was in a crowd of people, who would try doing anything to her here"


Date: 2008-06-09 13:48 EST
Her movement through the crowd, of course, brought her to the door of the Shaved Kurii, but she didn't dare glance in that direction. Fear kept her from doing that. As a matter of fact, she tried to hurry past it, but the crowd had knotted quite close together and she was forced to stand near the entrance to the place or be trampled.

Because she was so close, she spied a woman laying in the middle of the floor of the place. Though she couldn't hear her very well, it was not hard to tell that something was wrong. As a matter of fact, it actually seemed that the person was crying. She couldn't help herself, she had to call out to the woman, "Are you alright?"

It seemed to her that the woman stiffened at the sound of her voice. No, she couldn't have been mistaken, because now it seemed that she was wiping at her eyes. Alaemnah was pretty sure she heard her say, "yes mistress?" but she could have been mistaken, the crowd was so loud and boisterous that evening.

At any rate, Alaemnah forgot in that moment what she had heard about the place and slipped inside to kneel beside the woman, asking again, "Are you alright' Cause you look like you're crying."

The woman continued to try to dry her eyes, "He cut my hair," was all the explanation given as the woman clutched the two foot length of hair to her chest.

She was suddenly concerned and asked, "Who did?" as she looked about the place.

The only reply she received to that question was a sniffle from the woman in front of her.

She was quite used to trying to comfort someone who was sick or hurt, so it was kind of like second nature for her to reach out and give the long strand a gentle stroke as she spoke to the woman, "And you had such beautiful hair too."

At least that received a response, "thank you?"

And then a question she had not expected, "Why are they so mean?"

She wasn't quite sure who "they' were, but she figured that anyone being mean like this just was that and no real reason behind it, "I don't know." Of course, when faced with cruelty of any kind it bothered her greatly, and not yet really practiced enough to keep that from her features, it showed.

"Do they treat ya nice?"

"Who?" That question had her curious, since she couldn't imagine anyone who went around cutting peoples" hair without their permission would treat anyone nice, "The ones who cut your hair?"

At that moment, the woman asked her a question she had not expected, "Are ya a slave?"

Well, Alaemnah couldn't help herself, she gasped and shook her head quickly, "Of course not," and just as quickly wanted to kick herself for being surprised at that question. For in the next moment the woman responded by groaning and turning her head back to the floor.

"Sorry mistress?"

She frowned as she realized the hurt she had inflicted unwittingly and tried to fix it, "For what?"

"I thought ya were a slave....don't be mad."

She couldn't help but fell a little disconcerted as she shook her head, "I couldn't be mad. Not for that. You did no harm to me."

The woman's response to that was a reply of a sniffle followed by, "Thank ya fer sayin" I had pretty hair.?"

She could only nod as she responded to the woman, "Oh, but you do." Well, that wasn't quite right any longer, and so she frowned, "or did." Sometimes it just doesn't feel that you can say the right thing, so the frown deepened, "Until it got cut." Then curiosity got the better of her, "Why was it cut?"

The woman started to cry, yet also seemed to try very hard not to cry at the same time. "He wanted ta punish me fer breakin" the rules."

"What rules?" She leaned close and gently rubbed the girl's shoulders.

The woman started listing off the rules she had to follow, "Always address free people as mistress or master, never address myself as I, me, or Nadine, only in the third person." Well at least she had a name for the woman sitting here seeming so sad. "There were others but he cut my hair an I couldn't member anymore. He cut my hair twice." She moved the plait away from her body so the knot in the middle could be seen.

A shudder ran through her as she heard the litany of the rules Nadine had to follow and shook her head, "And he was your master?"

It actually surprised her when Nadine gave her seemingly hesitant response, "No mistress....My master is away on business, an they started bein" mean ta me. Two days ago they broke three of my fingers....but Faenix....he fixed me?"

She shivered slightly, "I hope someone fixes them up real good and proper."

Nadine sniffled before she spoke, "I am sorry mistress, this is not yer problem....but thank ya fer carin"."

Alaemnah glanced down at the basket of bread and sighed, "I do have to sell this bread or I'll be let go good and proper. My name's Alaemnah. And you can call me that, at least while no one is around who'll cut your hair or break your fingers."

"Thank you mistress....ya treat me nice?"

Alaemnah figured the finger breaker was probably nearby and so she nodded and smiled before she rose and slipped back out into the crowd gathered that evening."

As she moved through the crowds of people in the streets the sound of her calling could be heard to ring out, "Rolls. Warm bread. Hot buns. Get them while they're fresh.?


Date: 2008-06-12 20:14 EST
Alaemnah moved through the small bakery, putting on her apron and getting ready for an evening of selling to small crowds that might pass by. This evening she would have a small cart filled with hot loaves, buns and rolls all displayed for the best chance to sell them. She had been made a bit braver by last night having gone into a 'dangerous' area and surviving it, so she made her way once more in that general direction.

As she made her way down the street, she called out, "Piping fresh bread. Hot rolls. Warm buns for sell. Get them now before they're all gone." And yes, she had made her way down near the Kurii. She paused for a moment though as one gentleman stopped her and purchased a loaf of bread followed by a woman to get some rolls. She knew she couldn't take the cart inside, but she just had to see how the young woman was doing. So she glanced in the doorway to see if she could see her. "Hello?"

Nadine didn't look up from the table she is kneeling at, right by the door, her head down one hand on her water glass the other on her ribbon bound hair lying on the table.

Alaemnah saw the woman sitting there, the glass of water and the ribbon and suddenly feels sorry for her. A look at her cart and she picks out a nice bun with glaze drizzled over it and takes it inside. "Hi."

Nadine didn't look up, "hiya mistress?"

She sets the bun down on the table and offered, "I brought you something to maybe make you feel better."

Nadine glanced at the bun, felt tears well up in her eyes and she fought them, "Thank ya mistress."

She knelt down beside Nadine and offered, "It's Alaemnah. I ain't no one's mistress. Never have been. Never will be."

Nadine reached out with her left hand but took it back when she saw it shaking. She lowered her eyes back to where they were, careful not to make eye contact.

Then behind them Alaemnah heard, "Ooo....honey buns." A woman with bi-colored hair paused by the cart and letting her gaze drift rather slowly over the baked goods.

Alaemnah reached a gentle hand up to lay it on the woman's shoulder, and then she heard that, "Oh, honey bun," statement. She looked over her shoulder, and then whispered to Nadine, "I'll be right back."

Rising, she made her way outside, "Yes, honey buns, rolls, and even loaves of bread. Fresh from the bakery," she nodded in the direction she had come from.

"Evenin', chica." Was offered with a fairly cheerful smile as Alaemnah returned to her station. Samilee hadn't been paying attention to where she was before that. Bright blues eyed the woman for a long moment. "Can I get six of the honey buns?" She asked as she reached into the purse at her side for the proper amount of coinage.

Alaemnah nodded and carefully chose the six fattest and stickest of the honeybuns, each wrapped carefully in it's on sheet of waxed paper before placing it carefully in a small bag, "That'll be eight copper." She held out the bag with one hand and the empty one was simultaneously held out with palm up.

Samilee handed her a silver and didn't seem to ask for in change. Turquoise painted nails reaching out for the bag and then hastily placing it inside of her own shoulder-purse of grayscale spoons and chili peppers. The slacker gave the woman a thumbs up. "Thanks much, broseph."

Alaemnah had put away the coins and had just caught that thumbs up which had her kind of crinkle her brow in confusion, though she tried to mimick the gesture, which looked kind of funny. That confusion got the better of her and she found that she had to ask, "What is bro...sef?" She tried to pronounce it, but it was all to carefully done.

Bright blues were already back into shopping mode and high-heeled strappy sandals were prodding against the cobblestone. There was a display of summer fashion trends nearby and the derby dame was heading in that direction whenever the woman's query made her pause, "'s just a term. Kinda like pal or buddy or friend. Somewhere around there. Also helpful if you don't know somebody's name."

To that Alaemnah brightened and smiled, "Oh well I'm Alaemnah." Then she turned about to head back inside.