Topic: Just another new boy in town.

Devon Drake

Date: 2009-04-27 21:32 EST
Devon Alec Drake was having a pretty average day, at least for him anyway. He was decked out in Dolce and walking a red carpet with the latest Disney grad gone bad on his arm. He seemed to be going through a lot of those recently. If there was such a thing as Hollywood royalty, then Richard and Lilian Drake were the king and queen. So, it only made sense for the princeling to have a pop princess at his side. It's what was expected of him.

Cameras were a flashin' and the E crowd were doing their interview shtick. The questions the interviewers were asking weren't of the least interest to him and the grin that he gave the photographers certainly never touched his eyes. It was the same thing time and again. He just couldn't wait 'til the whole stupid thing was over and the champagne started flowing. He'd probably end up in a dark corner with whatever her name was to see if they couldn't make the cover of whatever rag managed to get the best picture. He'd feel a little bad about that if the girl wasn't an attention whore herself. Her people had called his people just to get this little thing going in the first place. She needed the boost in her record sales that a good scandal could bring on. What better way to get that done than by having a night out with everyone's favorite bad boy.

He'd lost his love for this whole game though. It was all the same fake people going about their silly lives, with no idea what was really important. He tried not to dwell to much on that....he had no idea what was important either. But at least he didn't go pretending he did. He tried to fill his days with whatever meaningless pursuit could keep his attention for a little while. Whether that meant catching some waves on Maui or pimping himself out for a new fragrance or clothing line. Not that he'd be caught dead wearing any of the stuff that bore his name.

But it was all becoming just a little bit to routine. The parties and clubs didn't have the allure they once had; funny considering he wasn't legally supposed to be allowed into most of them for another two years. Trips to Rio, skiing in the alps, everything just seemed so mundane, so ordinary. And even now, when he looked at the unmistakeably beautiful girl that was clinging to his arm as she posed for the cameras, he found he just wanted to run away. He'd give just about anything to just be able to leave it all behind, disappear from the public eye for a few days at least. He couldn't even hide away in his own place right now, the crew from MTV's Cribs were coming by to shoot in the morning.

He found himself muttering an excuse to his date the moment they were off the carpet and inside. He needed a moment, a little time to himself. He moved down the hall with a quick, confident stride that said to all that he knew exactly where he was going, when in actuality he had no idea. He found himself rounding a corner to a hallway that was blessedly devoid of people. That's all he wanted, a little space, a little time to chill. He stopped in the middle of the hall and leaned comfortably against the wall, his hands tucked away in his pockets. Those chestnut eyes that had melted many a heart closed with the utter exhaustion of life.

The rumble of the couple hundred people just a few halls down faded and was gone in almost an instant. When his eyes reopened he found himself in an alleyway between buildings that looked like they were straight off a set for some fantasy epic or another. He felt dazed and more than a little off. Had he fallen asleep, or was he seriously trippin" When he turned his head, he could see people passing on the street and his feet were carrying him to the entrance to the alley in mere moments.

It took him a minute to process what he was seeing. This was definitely no movie set. It was a bustling marketplace filled with the strangest collection of "people" he had ever seen. A guy with wings, actual honest to god wings, yelled something in a language Devon was pretty sure had never been spoken anywhere on Earth at a creature that seemed to be half man and half tiger. A moment later a fight had broken out between the two of them. And it was a good one too, all claws and swords and whatnot. He watched as people walked on by without giving the two a second glance and a grin started to spread across his face.

And then a stunning beauty that he was fairly certain was an actual angel caught him looking and seemed to give him a very unangel like appraisal of her own. "No freakin' way." He darted after the heavenly creature with a spring in his step, there was no way he was passing up the chance to toss a line at an actual angel. "Excuse me, pretty lady, but tell me, did it hurt?" And for the first time in what seemed like years, the grin that came to his lips was reflected entirely in his eyes.

AJ Drake

Date: 2009-05-04 08:54 EST
Amelia Jane Drake, or AJ as she much preferred to be called, was having a far from average day. Never mind that she hadn't been into work for three days, or that her rent was overdue - these could be considered pretty average for a girl who seemed to spend her life cleaning up after her little brother got himself into yet another scrape. No, what was not average about today was the apoplectic fit her mother seemed to be having over the apparent disappearance of said little brother.

"Yeah, mom, I get it, okay?" she was saying into her cell phone as she pulled up to her brother's beach-front getaway. "Look, I'm here now. If he's around, I'll bawl him out and bring him back so you can yell at him too, okay?" The dulcet tones of her mother's babbling voice rose incandescently, necessitating the removal of the phone from her ear for a moment while Lillian Drake lowered her internal volume. "Seriously, we'll know in, like, minutes. I'll talk to you later, mom. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay, bye."

Sighing, she flipped her phone closed and pocketed it, along with her ever-present iPod and her car keys. Though she didn't play on it as much as her younger brother, Devon, did, AJ was still a Hollywood princess, courtesy of her overly-famous parents, and as such, she rarely needed to carry more with her than what could be comfortably fitted in a jeans' pocket. More to the point, Devon's house-key was on the chain with her car key.

Bright red Converse flashed beneath blue jeans as she ran up the steps to the front door, unlocking and letting herself in with the ease of practise.

"Devon!" she yelled, almost the moment the door shut behind her. "Devon, if you're here, you get your arse dressed and by the door in five minutes, you got me" With or without whichever friend you've got up there!"

There was no answering thump, no high-pitched giggle or familiar yell back to her. AJ frowned, her anxiety level reaching a new high. This was not like Devon. Even if he had gone and gotten himself into more trouble - which, she had to admit, she was expecting; she loved her brother, but she knew him far too well - it wasn't like him to hide away, to just disappear. Especially not from a red carpet night, when he was getting paid to take some dish-rag pop princess out on a date and make out with her for the cameras.

She waited long past the fifteen minutes it would usually have taken him to get himself up, dressed and looking halfway decent, pacing the floor beside the front door, listening to the lack of sound from above her. He wasn't here. But just to be sure, AJ went through the whole house, opening every door, checking every room, swearing at the top of her lungs when even a look around the attic didn't turn up her wayward little brother.

Now she was worried. No, scratch that, she was way past worried, she was scared and angry, and a scared AJ was not a happy AJ to meet. She slammed her way out of the house and down to the shore, feet sinking into sand where she stopped.

"Dammit, Devon, where are you?" she muttered furiously. Her arms wrapped around herself in the stiff breeze that whipped her hair around her face, obscuring her vision every now and then as she blinked blonde strands out of her eyes.

This was so not good. He'd never gone so long without touching base with her, telling her where he was, who he was with, and what he'd done that meant he needed some damage control before he could show his face again. But this time he'd just ....disappeared, and that just wasn't right.

A yell from the dunes behind her made her turn, and she swore again at the sight of the gang of paparazzi that followed Devon around surging down the beach towards her. They must have seen her pull up to the house and stomp around inside, she realised, automatically lifting her hands over her face as the flashing bulbs began to go off. She might be the infamous Devon Drake's sister, but she did not play this game.

"Hey, AJ, where's Devon?" "Do you know what your brother's been doing in the last four days?" "How have your parents taken his disappearance?"

"For God's sake, just leave me alone!" she yelled at them, knowing it didn't help, that all it would prove was that she really was concerned. Knowing there was no way she'd be able to get back to her car with them all around her like this, AJ made a snap decision.

She whirled around, and began to sprint down the beach, along the line of the surf lapping at the sand, picking up speed as her body fell into the rhythm of her run. She could hear the panting questions dying away as the paparazzi fell back in droves behind her, and smirked a little to herself. Just a little running and training every morning, and she had not yet met the photographer who could outrun her.

Glancing over her shoulder, she stumbled a little, feeling her foot strike something hard. Straightening, she looked down and found herself running over cobblestones instead of sand. In fact - she looked around - where was the beach' The brightness of sea and sand had been replaced with the bright colour and bustle of a marketplace in what looked like a city from those old movies her father always made them watch when they were kids. Forget Devon, where was she"

Suddenly, there was a roar from above her, a shadow blocked out the sun, and people were running in all directions, some screaming, some laughing, others just waving clenched fists at the dark shape descending on the marketplace. AJ stared, wide-eyed, as what looked like a dragon hovered over the market. Her jaw dropped open. Oh, this was so not good.