Topic: Letter Of thoughts.

Kristya Arroyo

Date: 2010-10-10 16:11 EST
Azzure had given the letter to Mior...and from there she hoped that it would find it's Way to Rase...She still remember what it said though...Probably would for a while.

Hey. Rase...Yes you. I don't know if you'll ever get this letter...But It's my desperate attempt to get some form of contact with you. Yes. Two years of not seeing you has been hard. Two years of living a slow paced life ever since what happened to Dragon Twelve. Things are doing fine here at the shop with Sean. I'm still learning gunsmithing...And he has me doing little odd jobs around the store. There's just so much, so many things that are different here than before. It's so....peaceful. I long for that action again. Heck. I'd be willing to fly again...And you KNOW that's saying something for me. And Yeah...I miss you. Terribly. Sean says I'm crazy, just because I'm a woman...And Now I'm rambling. Sorry.

Anyways, What about you? How have you been" And hell. Do you miss me as Much as I miss you? Where are you now.."

Hehe...Sorry again for the barrage of questions...I'm just eager...while I write this...And I guess that's it.

Your comrade, who probably isn't making sense with her rambles,

Azzure 'Aqua' Ghemstone~

PS: You...Better'd reply...Of I'll find some way to hunt you down Rase.

And that letter had been folded into thirds and tucked into an envelope, and his name scrawled across the front in a rather fancy font. Now she had to hope that It reached the person it was intended for.