Topic: Lost & Found

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2008-07-24 09:28 EST
~~~~~Lasherette was on her way to towne when she came upon a woman lying by the side of the road. Her clothes muddy and torn. Lasherette's own horse felt sorry for her...pushing at the woman with her snout over and over.

Lash hopped down and proceeded slowly, checking the forests they were in, to ensure it wasn't a trick or ambush of anything of that sort. Wearing her riding cloths....Cashmere sweater, vest, brown britches, boots and ah yes..that smile only she can give.

Boudicca tried to lift her head, but down again it went. She saw the boot of someone standing over her...watching her. Boudicca moaned softly. Lasherette smiled somewhat and asked the woman. M'Lady...what is your name" Do you know who did this to you? Lash was squatted down so Boudicca could look up and see her.

"You're a woman"....Which made Lash chuckle:: "Well last I looked I was!" Boudicca went to laugh herself, but this awful cough came out of her. "Any idea how long you have been here" Boudicca held her arms straight out, to keep her from lying in the mud.

My castle is not far from here. Oh forgive me. My manners....Where are you from dear Woman' Boudicca grinned, she must look like a sight. Name is Boudicca Gordon originally from Caledonia. Excited, Lash repeated...I'm from Caledonia too. The name is Lady Lasherette Beresford". Reaching out, she helped Boudicca to stand, was no small feat.

Getting her mare to stand still....she managed between the two of them to get Boudicca into the open cart. Lasherette climbed up into the coachman's seat. "I wish I had something to wrap you up in."Reaching back she placed a hand to Boudicca's forehead. She was burning up.

She snapped the reins and her mare really took off...Daisy her mare, just LOVED to run. Lash tried to keep her awake...more questions even if not answered. "Were you with someone last night." Boudicca nodded and tears welled in her eyes. Lash peeking back over her shoulder...reached her slender hand beside Boudicca, and she took it. Lasherette...smiled gently. "I would never leave you out here alone. And I think we will start you with a hot bubble bath and a steaming cup of tea. Sound good" ::She asked with that impish grin.

Boudicca smiled, as she continued to have hold of Boudicca. "Sometimes thats all anyone be wanted, held close". "You've no man?" Boudicca inquired. A pang went through Lashie, merely thinking about Jonathan could still provoke a reaction.

::Softly Lash spoke:: We will be there soon.~~~~~~~~~~~