Topic: Marban, Moods and Blues


Date: 2006-11-23 23:33 EST
The following is detailing interactions between Mish'Cael and Lerida.

Their respective thoughts, actions and words are differentiated by his in blue and Leri's in red.

Red tape overgrown on the dossier for Nyx by now. Can't learn much and what I see, don't want to know. Not the same I done met nights' previous. Whole side of that mountain I ain't about to scale.

Marban. Outskirts'd be a compliment, this place. Couple days' hump and sleep in a ditch on the other side'a her house. Can just tell it's hers. Can smell it. Can feel it.

Ain't plan on shortin' her in the beginnin', and ain't gonna do it now. Cold lump pressin' against my chest. Ain't the cancer neither. Got the twin boomdowns slung low today. On account'a her piece in a chest pocket'a the jacket Morgan gave me last Christ'sDay.

Wait 'til snuff and watch her blow. Most likely up to the Dragon, meet up with her man. Wonder if Morgan ever been there. Hafta ask her later. No time for thinking. Drop off the Ceramic and kick back to the West End. Business ain't gonna handle itself.

Window opens easy enough. No guard dog. No wonder got ransacked so easily. Would've done the job myself for the right price. Easy money.

Ceramic feels comfortable, even in one of my horrible hands. Fit hers like a dream, reckon. Compact .22. Retrofitted and bored out. Ceramic parts through and through. Can't be picked up by metal detectors.

Perfect for West End, Stars End, anywhere in the Nexus. Lighter than metal. No need for oiling. Parts're hard to come by, but they ain't the type to break but once a decade. No jamming after I fiddled with 'em long enough. Comp'd her a box'a hundred bites. Handpressed from the gunforge O'Corrs built me. Each one stamped on the bottom, round the pin's target.

"Derringer's Worst Nightmare."


the swing swung back and forth on that rustwind, and a heel hit dead grass, stamping out the orange embers. She glowered herself; hair a torrent in the air behind her, eyes slit, in her hand only her lighter; little Kabooie Number Nine. She flicked the wheel one a two a three with a firmly set jaw, eyes and shoulders facing the hill as she propped herself towards the track and off the road.

The Inn had been mostly dead and all she had there were For Sale signs for all the old property. So this new one was still a mess, dusty and boarded up at its back door, and no doubt had had teenagers wallowing through its muck before her arrival. And even in it, looks like she had a guest.

She had her energies; dig" Enchantress here.

A fling inside and she sent those tendrils probing as she quietly knicked her feet of her heels and showered free-toes outwards from the entry towards her bedroom. She moved quick and light, a doe.

"Come out", she hushed in the quiet with her cardigan held tight at her front. It was a measure of Appearing So. She had muscle and skills no one knew. Not even herself; in this her real skin and skein.

"One, two..."

A look over small shoulder to the pantry, a blue shadow wrinkling the dour ochre of its curtains.

Gunless, she'd have to learn to speak her song in blood, once again, it seemed. It was on the wind, in the clouds, that familiar charm of the Violent spring. With its waters and that knowledge lapping in her core, she stepped into it, face to face with none other than a son of a gun of none.

She grinned. What in all heaven was he doin' in here"!

We'll set the stage;

Wheeling through the door in his happy-go-lucky fiasco of paws and of its own accord laphappy tongue came Bob, round each corner till his Lerida was in sight and there he was to growl, backing onto haunches and setting fierce to flame his foppish usual.

"Bob", she looked back over that shoulder to calm the critter with the sad black eyes, but he'd have none of it, and shifted closer, a paw by her bare big toe, standing in defence.

The wind is sounding of foot steps on distant sand and metal squeak as the leather band that was the swing's seat came to a slow, that same wind sending dustbunnies outwards from the track, hustling wayward creatures into hole and crevice and sending sheets of sunset sunlight into the already dry fields.

Such was Marban, when the wrong kind set stake to its tension; pulling back on E minor sending eerie moodiness to crease the white paper and fill in the blanks.

Dewy sunlight in her house all brown-dark at this hour sheltered the sound, the weight of shadow, and the Blue Bastard's was heavy, it dripped across, commanding a resistance. This, according to her energies basking at her fingertips as they fell to her side, as she tilted her neck to eye him some better.


A smile, to burn the stars, though she was not quite sure it'd reach any in his eyes, if any at all

"Quaint digs. Af'er tha invasion an' all. Was a good choice. Subtle."

A short walk to the west and she leant back against that wall, a hand coming across to the door to her room, swung open, and she winced some as the wood creaked sharply and bare feet padded across it and its practical old sturdiness to the derringer curled with its barrel to the corner of the table. Crimson nails brush across it, reverently.

"Thanks Mish"

Sockets moist from the bright streams of marigold crossing the window pane and falling to her chest catch her off guard. She makes a smile, a the promise of shelter in her eyes, reserved for one. One and only. But right now her wiles had to work.

"So, you have a liking for quiet entrances and exits. If you want anything, by all means, take it...."


Date: 2006-11-23 23:33 EST
His unbreak and enter held her eyes upon his gaunt physique and she felt that shudder at her tailbone like whiskers against her thigh.

Eyes traveled again, onwards, past his stark blue self to the doorway itself, its frame, then to the floor.

Here, she was meagre. Card board boxes and dust was her capital.


She hung her head a moment longer and then glanced back at the gun. In the least she could offer entertainment.

"Some tea, coffee..."

A small grin, shrugging.


By now her right foot's toe had ground itself right, skin staining with the wood.

A pretty little lady, but awfully shy at the best of times. At least when a giant blue man with holsters poking menacingly from his very capable hips (in what way, heck, she had no idea, but she knew they were good for somethin'), and the fact again...He was tall. Darn tall. He was twice of her and such as slight.

A pragmatic look to her features, swimmingly good she felt despite the small howls on the wind and the feigned joyful banging of the wind against her shutters.

She could have melted right into the floor about now, so hurriedly stole herself from her hapless wonder and went to move past him, out the door....

That graffiti-like winding of vein and perpendicular lines and holes that was his jaw and his pores. A massive freight felled from a runaway bladerunning train.

She carried herself to the kitchen, balls of her feet, glancing over her shoulder. Who was this Giant" Anythin' I want?"

Hear 'em come out, but still ain't trust the words tippin' out'a my jaw like they belong. Been a right spell since I done tried to coquette. Even longer since it worked. Shift in my spot, let the tarpits sink in on her. Let 'em take a good mental picture. Let 'em get the whole deal.

Ain't a modest man, ain't got time for it. They drag as she moves, shadows on a shadowy figure. Silhouettes of a gorgeous little thing. Morgan'd be jealous. Morgan'd be mad. Ain't honestly sayin' she's the first thing on my mind right now.

"Whiskey'd be jes' peach, peach."

Can almost hear all my sockets creak back to life. Walkin' after her, slow at first. Lean 'gainst the jamb, duck my head to fit. Wait to see how she feels 'bout the petname. Give 'em out like candy in a parade.

Watch the might tragic features'a this shack, slippin' the cold stare over it all. Back to her, bit faster than shoulda done. Ain't the time yet, let her know lightnin' 'stead'a molasses. She'll catch on when she gotta. When someone's gotta have they neck snapped on account'a me bein' there when they say the black to her.

That really run through my grey just now" The hell's wrong with me. Make a study'a the floor.

"Yer welcome."

Use it as a distraction. Sad the one needs it's me. Distract myself from her scent. Smelled so good almost shoved her 'gainst the wall when she walked by. Tear that sweater off'n take exactly what I want. Ain't no way she stepped that tight accidental.

Feel the eye go hot and gold 'gainst my skin. So caught up in the greytricks ain't remember to shut my eyelid. 'Luminates half the damn room 'fore I get control on it.

"So's yer set on bites fer a time." Point at the box'a hard silver bites. In the other room, but caught her eyeballin' 'em. Always better safe'n'sorry.

Meaningless conversate. Ain't know where to turn the herd of thoughts to reach somewhere important.

"Say 'what?s a gal like yer need 'em for"' ..'cept we both know tha answer'a that query. That there done behind yer, or want I should pull up a chair, get tha coffee on?"

Feel the eyebrow go high, pull that beat-up leather I call skin taut 'cross half my face.

They drag as she moves, shadows on a shadowy figure. Silhouettes of a gorgeous little thing.

"Whiskey'd be jes' peach, peach."

A flirtatious smile on a woman who would worm her way out if and how she could, and by that lagging look he gave she knew he spot her shadow dance like a pro.

The smile stayed put. A smile never hurt. Her, at least.

The tinkling of crockery with foot steps again stealing over the silence, she kept her right hip to the sink and bench keeping eyes on the tar once and again; those two sterling sinkers. Lock stock. Both of them looked like a wet night highway. It struck her a moment, but then almost everything about him did.

She makes a wince of a smile and turns her cheek to the sink, losing the jades and the silly to the drain. Washed up a couple glasses, all of two she'd brought over and she simply nodded to his commentary on his taking up her offer, and with his eyes like that and that pull of his mouth she didn't dare not think those pits were creeping up the hem of her skirt too.

Just because the cheek turned didn't make the eye blind.

The derringer was not far. But why think of either instance yet'

Carnal switch flick the light off and on barrel to brain memories came back. Absent was the twinge in her stomach now, or possessed Tigress statuettes. All supernatural flavours had exited with his arrival.

Yes, that's who he reminded her of. Exiter. Only in height. And the skunk-black eyes too, and a by the way....that she could have sworn to have flared light to her shoulderblades and the curtains blowing in the breeze. She stared at them as she fumbled with trusty fingers for the same old location of the Two Shoes. Those eyes stuck in her mind, acrid, stinking, tar pits.

"I meant, jokingly of course, you could take anything you wanted....It's all boxed up and barny, nothing of value..Hence my lame little addle"

She made a new smile, cheap and fresh, and seated herself opposite him. A hand to her skull, that self conscious manuever of hair, now tousled from her window-watching galavant of eyes from this seeming tension. Riveting her spine again. Tickle tickle.

"Anyway. Thanks for coming out all this way. I don't care for belongings, but I do care for me"

A lift of one shoulder, pouring two shots.

"That answer your question about the gun?"

They both knew the answer. Dead right on that the Giant was.

Once again, she was looking up at him, and sitting opposite the other, even with those hips of his bent, he was still towering over her.

A sweet smile, eye lids fell a touch. There, she'd done it. Remained casual and innocent. Not a thing wrong in this world of boarded up back doors, whiskey soaked lips and double entendres.

"Hope you like Tennessee", she indicated with a wrist by that bottle, transluscent and glum between them.