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Izora de Chiegny

Date: 2010-05-05 11:33 EST
My dearest jaddi,

You will be pleased to know that I have arrived here safely; the seas were fairly smooth with a lack of storms on the way here. May it always be so. Otherwise I can not think I will be coming home to visit soon—not that your lady wife or my brothers will mind. But that is improper of me, and I beg your forgiveness.

I arrived during their spring celebration, centered around a holiday called "Beltane". The streets were bedecked with flowers and streamers and ribbons, and there was a great number of festivities centered around a nearby glen in the forest. There were gypsies who danced, and a Queen of the May crowned as well. I think you may have been a bit scandalized, were you here, Father. It is quite unlike the Elean processions and the festivals in Her honor that you are used to.

I do not think that anyone could have warned me for the many assorted strangenesses that Rhydin seems to encompass. There are dragons here, my father, and not only are they common enough to not be the legendary beasts they are in Servryn, they pass among common men! They speak! I have had the honor of speaking to two thus far, and had a little hatchling climbing all over me, as well. The adults were Vextirias and Icer, but I am afraid that I did not ask the little one's name.

I have tried my best to bring honor to our house. Lady von Rioght has tasked me to standing guard at any hour of the day. She also waxes poetic on the importance of not creating a Diplomatic Incident. I feel that even here, my ancestry serves me ill. Though, allow me to say that the Rhydinian natives do not seem to care so much that my ears are pointed. Is that not strange"

I seem to have made a good friend in another displaced knight. He claims to come from a world named Thedas, a country called Ferelden. These places, I fear, mean nothing to me, but I can tell that Alistair is as homesick as I in his own way. Though he puts a brave face on it. He has been worried about finding a job, and so I did the only thing I could think to do, and interceded with Lady von Rioght with him. I have not seen him to ask if he has received a position with her, but when I saw her in the halls earlier this morn, she did not scowl at me as she usually does, so I shall take that as a good sign.

I have found that they serve the most impressive coffee here at the Embassy, and they say it is local. Perhaps if you can get that lout Kerazahn off of his behind and have him pay a visit, you can expand our fortunes and get it imported" If you cannot persuade him, if you can trust me, then perhaps I can do what I may for you, here.

I miss you, jaddi, and I hope this finds you well.

Your faithful daughter,


Izora de Chiegny

Date: 2010-05-05 17:25 EST
Dearest Father,

I was remiss in my last letter to you—do you think you could find it in your heart to send Stardust' I miss her, and it seems that a horse would do me good here in the city. Also, Lady Erzebet has given me cause to believe that at some point, she may have a task for me that takes me outside of the city, and I will need a horse then. I would prefer not to buy one, but if I must, I must.

There are so many fantastic sights here, I really cannot discuss them all. Nor can I describe them. If there is any way possible, or if you can find the time, I know not, but you truly must come visit. I will do my best to accommodate you when you do.

All of my love, jaddi,

Your daughter,


Izora de Chiegny

Date: 2010-05-18 11:18 EST
My dearest jaddi,

I cannot ever thank you enough for sending Stardust here, and only a few days after I requested her! It was truly like magic, Father. It is good to have her here.

Lady von Rioght has been keeping me very busy. Perhaps it is because I blacked Cedrin's eye after he took offense to me tending his horse—despite the fact that the Master of the Stables asked me for help, and Cedrin's gelding is a despicable, sway-backed, ill-tempered beast. Perhaps if Cedrin took better care of his creature, no one would need my help?

It seems that Lady von Rioght's niece is visiting as well. You would not believe the stink the girl put up last week when her usual bodyguard was on his day off and Lady Erzebet had thought to put me in his place. Foot-stamping, screaming—it was a temper tantrum that would have had you boxing my ears, and I would have soundly deserved it. The little princess is spoiled, however, and after a few shouts of "bastard, mongrel, half-breed", the Lady Paladin and I had had quite enough and decided that we should perhaps find another Knight to handle things. That also ruined the little Lady's chances of an excursion that day—no matter how she cried and screamed, Lady Erzebet kept her well in hand. Though I have no idea how things will go, now. The Lady Christabel has seemed very quiet, though by no means tractable.

In any case, it is a dreary day here, so I will finish this letter and see if the Master of Stables needs any other help with his beasts, and if not I think I shall go to the practice fields. I hope this letter finds you well, Father, and I remain,

Your faithful daughter,


Izora de Chiegny

Date: 2010-06-15 11:04 EST
My dear father,

Forgive me that this missive has taken me so long to send to you. Lady von Rioght has had me marking Resonance around the city.

As you can likely imagine, it has been a task daunting at best. She originally wanted me to do it in city as well, and luckily, between my efforts and that of young Lord val Mandrian, she realized that it was most likely impossible. This city is full of magic—so full in places that any Resonance that is there is a muddled, jumbled mass of shifting impressions. Oh, I am certain in this city full of mages, there might be some who can sift through them all and make sense of it, but I am not one of them, I fear.

I hope this letter finds you well, as always, my father. Oh, and Stardust is doing very well—she seems to have settled into the city nicely.

Your loving daughter,
