Topic: Missing pieces.


Date: 2015-10-06 04:19 EST
It was a night unlike any other. She'd allowed Sam to drag her out of the office long enough to collect two drinks, and inebriate herself just enough to where she was not comfortable to drive home and go through her mundane routine of watching movies, and trying to turn off her depressed, lonely brain. At her second home, her office, she sat back down at her desk, staring at the file. Delicate fingers brushed over the label.

Anna Piper. The name was known too well, it was a name that vexed her. What the young detective was staring at was her first case, and it was the only unsolved one that tarnished her name. What was worse" It was Sam's little sister. Orion could remember too well the day she took on this case. A broken man coming into her office, crazed with emotion and heartbreak. It was something not foreign to the detective. They'd been working together since. At first the case she was currently staring at, and eventually she threw him other cases to occupy his mind. Sam was good, and there was no denying that"but trails ran cold as they always seemed to; and soon, so did he.

Removing her jacket, she neatly folded it over the back of the chair. The small little coffee pot was fidgeted with, and soon, it was brewing, splashing liquid caffeine into a pristine white mug. Impatiently, the perfectionist watched it brew, staring down at the unopened file. Opening it was always the hardest part; pale fingers hesitated at the mouth of the folder. A deep breath was taken in through her nostrils and sighed out. Finally, the muddy stream stopped and the mug was full, hot, and ready. She lifted it to cold lips and took a sip as if to test the heat. Then a bigger gulp was taken that shocked her tongue, but did not burn it.

Hooking the lip of the folder with her index finger, she slid it open. There they were; the crime scene photos and the part that she hated looking at. Anna had been twenty-one years old, the same age Orion was when she agreed to take on this case. That wasn't what sent shivers down her spine, though. It was in the text of the report that would follow. Found by Samuel Piper, brother"

It was a sentence that broke her every time, the thought of him seeing her like that. It boiled in her belly every time she read those words; and every time she had to go back and take a second eyeful of that gory photo. The words that followed were always the same and strangely human coming from the robot. "That poor man?"

Night after night, for seven years she'd stared at this sleeve. It was always the same; and somehow, she remained hopeful that something, anything would jump out of the page at her contact covered eyes. Tonight, something did. It wasn't so much as to what was on the pages, as what wasn't. Fingers flipped wildly, sheet after sheet overturned. Something was missing; something had been missing for a long time. "How did I..?" spoken solely to herself as she continued to flip one more round through the file. A long drink was taken from her mug and she sat there, dumbfounded for a moment. This was just a copy of the original file" The same copy that Sam had, the same copy that they'd been obsessing over for years"and something was misplaced. A string of profanities rang out in her brain alone as she finished off the mug.

The slow creaking of an unmaintained door rang out into the darkness of her office. Orion froze, and pulled her drawer open. Inside, rested a loaded gun with the safety on. "Who's there?? she called out in a firm voice, but remained seated with her hand on the weapon. Going exploring from the security of the four walls that made up her office was a stupid way to get killed. She'd much rather funnel the attacker through her doorway and take them out.


Date: 2015-10-06 04:23 EST
"Parker?" a feminine voice rang out. "You're still here" Shouldn't you be in bed?"

The drawer was slammed shut, and Parker snapped her attention to the door just as the blonde stepped through. "Jordan," she said shortly. "I should ask you the same question,"

"I was just organizing some files and going over some things. I ask myself some nights, what would Parker do' And then I try to do it," she said with an embarrassed smile.

Taking a wipe and cleaning her coffee mug, Parker's eyes slid away from her to focus on the task at hand. "You don't want to be like me, Jordan. I promise," warned Orion, pushing herself up from her seat, collecting the file, and grabbing her jacket. "Though I wouldn't mind a favor" Come with me to the warehouse before you go?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "Yeah, of course" What do you want from there, though' That's just a bunch of solved cases, the only unsolved ones have already been copied."

"Just something I need to check out," she told her with a smile. "I'm thinking a mistake was made and I want to follow up. Walk with me," said Parker.

Jordan, though slightly plain, had a beautiful smile and lit up at the smallest amount of attention Parker paid to her. Of course she would jump on the chance to be useful to the woman. "You can count on me, Parker," optimistic as ever. Orion actually dreaded the day where the hope would fade from Jordan's heart. She was one of the few people Parker actually tolerated.

It was just one building over, and they slipped inside. The florescent lights flicked to life just as the musty smell invaded Parker's senses. It was a library of boxes, shelf after shelf. Many of the cases had been solved by her, notches on a belt that was too big for her lithe little frame. "What're we looking for exactly?" echoed Jordan's voice in the stuffy room.

"I know where it is," said Parker as she walked purposefully. A certain letter of the alphabet was mumbled beneath her breath as she moved to the box and stood tall, pulling out the makeshift, cardboard filing cabinet.

?"the Piper case?" she asked in a confused tone. "You and Sam both have a copy' Hell, I have a copy," she said thoughtfully.

Grunting as she lowered the box down, "Yeah, well," pulling off the lid and glancing up at her from a crouched position. "I didn't make the copy' And when I don't do something, it doesn't usually get done right."

Jordan remained silent as she watched her with cloudy blue eyes. She admired the focus on Parker's face, the way her fingers effortlessly flipped through the folders, the way she didn't pause when she pulled out the one she desired. Not an ounce of hesitation in her body, as Parker tore into the file. "Son of a?" No, she was not saying that word. "Jenkins screwed it up?" Parker was angry, beyond angry. Not just at the mistake, but that it had taken her years to figure it out.

"What do you mean' He didn't copy the whole thing" Oh my god.." she whispered, a hand clapped over her mouth.

Parker collected the folder, and stared at Jordan with cold eyes. "Listen to me," she said sternly. "Not a single word of this to Piper, alright?"

"What..?" she asked, as if it was now them covering up a murder. "We can't just hide this mistake to cover Jenkins" ass?"

The box was lifted and put back onto the shelf. "Jenkins is going to deal with me, I'm his boss, not Piper. I'm not in the business of covering asses?" A deep breath was taken as she decided to bear her soul and be human for a moment longer. "I've seen Piper follow a lead, and I've seen what it does to him when the trail goes cold. I don't think that he can handle that again, and honestly, I can't watch him go through it again?" Fingers mussed through her hair as she looked sternly at her inferior. "I'm going to take this file home, and I'm going to look through it, you know me. If there's a stone to be unturned, I'll find it. He's too close to this one, and if I find something, I'll tell him." A hand was placed to Jordan's shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. "I'm trusting you, Jordan."

Loyalty would always remain with Parker, even if this scared the hell out of her. She nodded slowly, and took in a deep breath. "Okay, Parker" Just, be careful."

"Go home, get some rest," Parker said with a weak, sad excuse for a smile. They would exit together, and go their separate ways.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-06 17:13 EST
Sam stared after Parker as she walked out the door. She was right about him. He did blame himself for what happened to Anna. He saw the scene every night when he closed his eyes. Pool of red creeping out from beneath the bathroom door. Anna, reclined in the tub, lifeless eyes blankly staring up at the ceiling. Her throat with a neat, gaping slice down it's center and her wrists opened and duct taped to the crimson stained tub.

The 30 year old detective tried to shake it off as the image poured in again, his empty glass of whiskey in his hand. A deep breath entered through his nostrils and was blown out in a heavy sigh as his sharp blue eyes scanned the crowd. Mostly retired cops here. Old men who had chosen a life protecting and serving, to varying degrees of success. Some of them 30 or 40 years. 40 years of days, seeing the worst humanity had to offer. The idea turned his stomach. It was no wonder these men came in here every night to drown themselves in a bottle.

Sam blinked as a bottle of whiskey was set before him over his shoulder. He leaned back to see a familiar face. Barry Coleman. 45 years old, his head shaved rather than deal with a receding hairline, his once slim, fit body gone soft in recent years. A slightly pitying grin on his dark face.

"You're a smooth cat, Sammy."

"Cole. What got you up off the couch this evening?" Sam shot back with a playful smirk.

The paunchy former detective sat with a groan, pouring both of them a glass of whiskey. "They voted off Lesinda from the competition. Show might as well be over now."

Sam sniffed a laugh, plucking up the glass with two fingers. Blue eyes stared at the dark liquor for a moment. Coleman watched the young man, brow furrowing in concern.

"You ain't getting sweet on your boss, are ya?"

Sam looked up to him wide eyed, a small laugh escaping him...the built and built until it was a full belly laugh. "That woman' Are you kidding me" You'd need an industrial crane to get into those pants and even then, I'm pretty sure it'd be like sticking your stuff in liquid nitrogen."

Coleman chuckled and took a big sip off his glass. Brown eyes shifted up to Sam. "Then why you here" Drinking yourself stupid with the rest of us broken down old bums?"

Sam's smile faded. "Friday's the anniversary." The glass rose to his lips and took in the liquor, savoring the burn as it went down.

"You're a young man, Sam. You don't belong in a place like this. You should be out there. Chasing happiness, not some faceless man that's long gone."

"I'm not going to just quit, Cole." Sam looked up to him sadly.

"And I'm not saying you should. But you can't ever have a life, son...if you carryin' the weight of the dead."

The two men sat silent for a long moment, Sam staring off and Coleman watching him.

"I've looked over that file a million times. Still...there's nothing."

"Time to let it go, Sam. You're stuck in a rut. You always been like that, focusing on one thing and missing what?s going on in the bigger picture. Ya can't see the forest for all the trees."

Sam glanced up. "'Forest for all the trees' huh?"

"Yeah, you ain't heard of that before? You get all bogged down in the details and don't see the big picture."

"I know what it means, thanks, Cole."

"Just sayin', kid. Keep your eyes open."

Sam nodded slowly. HE set the glass down. "I'm going home. Give Marcy my love."

"Uh huh. You keep your love away from my wife, hot shot."

Sam chuckled, throwing on his suit coat. "Don't get jealous. I'm certain she's more than satisfied having your big ass whenever she wants."

"Hey, my big ass gets the damn job done every time."

Sam patted his shoulder. "5-11, brother. 5-11."

Cole looked at him reproachfully. "Just sayin! Ain't no problem doin' the grown folks in my place."

Sam waved over his shoulder. "Night, Cole."

"Take it easy, Kid."

Colin Trammel

Date: 2015-10-07 12:02 EST
*Moved for clarity's sake*

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-07 16:00 EST
Sam walked up the stairs of her apartment, dressed to the nines in an impeccably tailored grey suit, a cup of coffee in each hand. He wrapped at her door with his knuckles, glancing out the window at the end of the hall.

Galaxy eyes shifted to the door as his knuckles trailed across it, she moved from the couch and tip-toed towards the doorway, a single murky green peeper stared through the hole, and a little sigh of annoyance rang out. She was not dressed so proper, she wore a black nightie that came to mid-thigh, and a silk robe wrapped around it. Her hair, which was usually uptight in a ponytail of bun of some fashion, was tumbling down in unruly waves like an auburn waterfall. She pulled the door handle, peeking out at him with sleepless, tired eyes.

"What're you doing here, Piper?"

He turned his head toward her...God was she a joyless-

Then he saw her...and it gave him pause.

"Just wanted to check in. You didn't come into work. Thought I would get here and find the place on fire."

Parker studied his features carefully, as if to figure out whether or not he was lying. Sam wasn't the type to beat around the bush, if he knew something, he made it known. "I just needed a day off, Piper. Some time to myself, I called in. Jordan took care of my books for the night."

"You NEVER take a day off. What's going on' Also, I brought coffee." Sam shot back, raising the second cup to her.

Damn it if she didn't enjoy coffee...."...come in," she mumbled, pulling the door open. "Step on the rug, take your shoes off there." The girl pointed, and shut her robe a little bit tighter. "Take the coffee directly to the table, do not spill it. Do not drink it anywhere else." The apartment was almost virginal, pristine and white. Not a stain or speck of dust anywhere to be found. There were two bedrooms. One where she slept, another where she worked....Both were completely organized, almost everything in the house was white, from the carpets, and yes, to the drapes. What wasn't white, was another neutral color. It was all clean and organized, obsessively so.

"Thank you..." Sam muttered as he stepped in his eyebrows raising as he looked around that pristine room, his lips forming an "O" as he studied the place.

"Wow. This is...nice?"

"Thank you," she said shortly was she watched him. "Here, just....Just give me the coffee." Hands reached out, as if she didn't trust him not to spill it.

He slipped his shoes off and handed the cup to her. "Place always this...spotless?"

"Yes, I do not like stains or dirt," she answered as she took the coffee cups and placed them on coasters...on a marble countertop. He DID take the opportunity to check out her...outfit while she wasn't looking before heading over to the table. "So, what?s up" What are you working on?"

It was probably the first time since they met, where he got to witness those beautiful legs not having been covered up by pants. "I'm just reading over some unsolved cases, I just figured if I wasn't surrounded by distractions, I might actually get stuff done." Scurrying across the floor as Sam walked, was a strangely patterned cat.

"Mrowrrrr! " the creature cried in distaste, and ran up to sit in the window seal.

Sam glanced down at the feline, a bit surprised that a neat freak like her would have a pet.

"That's Cygnus," she nodded to the cat. "He's a perfect specimen. Genetically enhanced not to shed, born without claws." There was something of pride when she spoke of the cat.

"Well, Sorry to interrupt your hard work." Sam smirked up to her over the rim of his cup, sipping carefully. Parker sipped at her coffee and looked at him, "Didn't interrupt anything. I'm done for the day, and will probably be out of the office for the rest of the week." Sam nodded, letting a moment pass. "Listen. I want to apologize. What you said last night...You were right. And...I was kind of a dick."

"No apology necessary, I know exactly who I am," she said with a nod. "And I'm usually right. I don't need to hear you tell me."

He narrowed his eyes at her as if she had just spoken a different language. "You ever LISTEN to the way you talk to people?"

The doe-eyed dame looked up to the man from her coffee cup. Those eyes were big, beautiful and one of a kind. They gave her a sense of faux innocence, "What do you mean?" she spoke against the cup.

Sam took a step back frustrated hands coming up to his neatly combed brown hair. "You're so...Ugh! You talk to people like they're idiots. You talk down to me CONSTANTLY. You say things without regard for anyone else...and you''re arrogant. And NOT in away that's at all charming."

He paced in front of the table. "I come here, to make sure you're okay, give you a peace offering and you jus throw it in my face" I know we're not exactly brunch buddies, but damn, Parker!"

Parker blinked, watching him. "Okay..?" she asked as if she didn't see his point. "You came here to offer me a peace offering, correct' This is who I am. I'm not going to tell you that you're doing a good job, and I'm certainly not going to hold your hand and baby your feelings, Piper. You don't have to like me...Hell, I prefer that you didn't."

He laughed wearily to himself and shook his head. "**** it." He walked over to his shoes and slipped them on, leaving his coffee behind.

Parker's mouth opened to say something, maybe it was supposed to be an apology. Nothing came out, because she didn't feel as though she was wrong. Sighing softly, she ran her fingers through her hair.

Sam glanced over his shoulder. "I'll have my stuff cleared out of the office by tomorrow. We're done. This ****ing nightmare of a partnership is done."

He opened her door and stepped out into the hallway not even bothering to shut the door behind him.

Part of her thought to baby him, beg him to stay. Instead, she went right after him and circled around. God was she condescending in what she did next. A fake pout was put on her features, "You gonna quit your job because your boss is a big bad meanie?"

Sam stopped on the stairs and turned to face her, disgust on his face.

"**** yourself, Parker. You have been one 7 year long waste of time. I should have known better than to put my faith in someone like you. You only care about yourself."

That...stung. Visibly wincing at his words, she shook her head. She hadn't slept in over twenty-four hours working on his stupid case. She was so close to cracking it wide open.

"Good luck." Sam spat maliciously at her before he started down the stairs. "Bastard..." Swallowing hard, she went for her door and slammed it shut.

Sam burst into the office, all fire and brimstone, an empty box in his hands. On the other side of the door, Jordan fell backwards as it flew open. Papers went everywhere. Lists of names and phone numbers as well as a few crimescene photos. "Aha! Back off! I've got a gun!" the girl cried out.

Sam turned to her, his hands out as if to catch her. He let out a breath seeing she was okay. "Oh...Jordan. Sorry."

"Sam...Oh thank god...I thought you were a rapist..." The spaz admitted as she moved to collect her papers.

Sam nodded before moving on. "I'll be out of your hair in a minute." He walked into his office and started grabbing his personal effects and throwing them in the box.

Jordan appeared at his doorway. "What're you doing?"

"Leaving. I am DONE working with that woman."

"Parker?" she asked collecting the files and standing up. "What happened" She hasn't even been here..."

"Jordan She's a condscending, arrogant, RUDE bitch. I've put up with her **** for 7 years and I am done. I'm done being talked down to, I'm done putting up with her saying whatever the hell she wants without regard for anyone else. I'm done with her treating me like a piece of gum on the bottom of her shoe.?"

"Well, yeah..." Jordan said as she moved after him, trying to unpack his things. "I would be, too if I had her life, though.."

Sam wheeled around on her. "You know what, Jordan' No. I don't care what happened to her. Having a hard life, does not give you carte blanche to treat people the way she does!"

"I think you should calm down," Jordan said, shaking her plain little blonde head. "Take a breath, smoke a cigarette or whatever. Just tell me what happened.."

Sam slammed a drawer and turned to her. "It's not one little thing. It's 7 years of this. Hoping that one day she'd act like a human being. I had GLIMPSE of that last night. A GLIMPSE. But, it ended how it always does. Her insulting me and expecting me to be grateful for it. I felt I was a bit harsh. So I go to apologize. And all she has to say is 'I know I'm right. I don't need your apology.'?"

"You couldn't have hurt her feelings too bad, Sam...I was here at three in the morning and she was here, working on your case. She usually stays late, but not that late...She didn't come into work today, because she wanted to go over every detail at home. I know that she's hard on you, she's hard on everybody, and that sucks...But you can't say she doesn't care. If she didn't, she wouldn't be working so hard.." A soft sigh escaped her, "You're not quitting."

Sam scoffed to the girl. "She's not doing it for ME. She's doing it for her. I'm an unfortunate consequence. And, if you think that woman cares about you...well..I'm sorry. But you're wrong."

"Really?" she asked, moving to prop herself against his desk. "Then why did she tell me not to say anything to you because she couldn't watch you get your hopes up again.." Why did she specifically tell me that she didn't want to see the look on your face that you get when the trail goes cold?" Jordan asked. "I know it's easier to convince yourself that she's not human...She cares, Piper. In her own, twisted way, she cares."

Sam's eyes snapped up to her and he held up a hand "Whoa, whoa whoa...wait. What' Get my hopes up about what?"

"****..! Frick!" Jordan's hand covered her mouth, and she turned away from him. "Nothing...I shouldnt've said that..." Sam watched her his suspicion piqued.

"Should NOT have said that..." smacking herself a few times in the forehead the spaz went off, "Bad Jordan....Baaad Jordan..!"

He waved her off. "Easy! Easy. Don't worry about it."

A deep breath was taken in and sighed out of the spazzy assistant, "Oh man....I talk too much.."

He'd pieced together what it was probably about and quickly formulated a plan. He'd let Parker put together her evidence, do her research and see where it led. For now he'd stay. But afterwards...well...he'd see.

"Don't quit, Sam....She might not ever tell you that she needs you, but she does. So do I.." A hand to his shoulder, "And maybe, take a look at her file....Don't EVER bring it up to her, but...Just look." Nodding. He smiled to her and nodded. "I won't tell her...I promise."

A smile crept onto her face, "Thank you....I've JUST started getting her to have an actual conversation with me.."

He smirked, an eybrow quirking. That detective's brain working. "Uh oh." "Uh oh?" she asked with a wide gaze.

He let out a little laugh. "Oh-hoho wow. Good luck. That's all I'm gonna say."

"Good luck" With...what?" confused as ever.

Sam gave her a withering look. "That crush you're workin' on, there."

"What"! No! That's just stupid....She's my boss! I admire her for being so dedicated...and yeah, there's moments where she smiles a little, and it's beautiful...and she always smells good, but it's PURELY a professional admiratio— please don't say anything..."

He looked to her doubtfully as she protested and then laughed when she flat out admitted it. "Secret's safe, Jordan."

"Thank you, Sam.." Jordan said in an almost defeated manner.

Sam gave the girl's shoulder a squeeze and set the box down.

"One day she'll be human....She's probably straight, but...I think one day she'll thaw out," she said hopelessly and wrapped her arms around Sam, which he didn't at all expect. His arm going up a bit awkwardly before he patted her uncomfortably on the back.

Pulling back, she smiled up at him. "You're a good detective, Sam," she said stepping back and smiling.

Sam smiled warmly to the girl. "Thank you."

Colin Trammel

Date: 2015-10-07 16:03 EST
The door had been locked when he arrived. Not that it mattered. When he wanted in, Colin got in.

Pristine, white, perfect. Obsessively so, in fact. Not a speck of dust or hair out of place in this apartment.

He wouldn't have long, he knew, she had just left, probably to get a bite to eat. A pretty little thing, delicate and pale, beautiful red hair pulled back into a tight bun, a sense of purpose, arrogance, and insecurity in her gait.

He knew what he would do to her in just two day's time. It wasn't that he enjoyed It was something that must be done. The game must continue and he would show Mr. Piper such exquisite agony.

Most never played the game. Most sat by in their grief allowing others to do their hunting in vain. That was insulting. These simple minded cretins didn't understand what he was doing, what he was. He had evolved. He understood human nature. He was above it. The only truth in life is that it ends. And he held that power in his hands. And in two days when Piper found his little friend...he would see.

Colin's eyes traveled over the the room, a rug to one side where a pair of shoes sat discarded. He slipped his loafers off there and walked into her living room. A cat hissed from a window as he approached, giving him pause.

Colin's eyes turned up to the feline, narrowed slightly. Arrogant little beasts. He hated them. Thoughts of what he could do to that hissing little mongrel occupied his brain as the cat shrank back and ran out of the room from his gaze alone. Had he not adhered strictly to plan, he might leave the little monster in bits for her to find like an egg hunt on Easter morning.

But the rules must be followed.

On the table, spread out were files, pictures, information about Colin and the girl that brought him and Piper together. He was amazed that even in her messiest, Parker was still incredibly organized. And she was getting close. It wouldn't be long before she put all the pieces together. He loved this part. The thrill as they closed in on him. The confidence that they exhibited, believing themselves a step ahead of him. It made the fear in their eyes when he sprung his trap all the more satisfying.

He could still remember her. Piper's sister. Such a beauty. Smokey blue eyes that must have driven most men wild. A curvaceous, yet slim body. That raspy, sexy voice that was so soothing, so alluring. He could still feel her flawless skin beneath his fingers. Soft as silk. He remembered how the scalpel had cut through that soft skin like butter, crimson pushing to the surface. He remembered those smokey eyes and the look of fear that overtook them. Colin remembered her cries, muffled by the tape he'd placed over her mouth. The feel of her hot blood on his hands as he made the last slice...and watched the light fade slowly from those pretty blue eyes. So simple. So final. Here...and then gone. And all by his will. That was real power. That was his gift.

The slight, calm man sat slowly on her couch and breathed her in, his eyes sliding shut. He would be gone before she returned, of course. But the ritual must be observed. Two days, Ms. Parker. Two days.


Date: 2015-10-07 21:28 EST
Fingers tapped away at the keys as she sat in the local coffee shop. Milky Way eyes stared at the screen and something of a smile crossed her normally cold reflection. Index finger clicked against the wireless mouse and the screen flickered as a new window opened. "More coffee, Miss?" the server asked as she slowly approached the table.

Parker hadn't slept in days, her head throbbed and her eyes showed it as they dragged to the waitress. "It's Parker, and yes, please," she said softly. Sam's words rang into her head, about how she talked down to people. Eyelashes pressed against the sleepless circles as she squeezed her eyes shut. "And"thank you," she corrected herself.

"You look like you're having a rough night," was offered as she topped off the detective's mug. "I'll leave the pot for ya," she said with a smile.

There was something almost dismissive about the way she nodded, eyes staring at the screen. "Thank you," was mumbled idly as she brought the coffee mug to her lips. The server only smiled and walked off, leaving the detective to her work. Parker watched the webpage flicker to life. Everything she'd worked for, all of the wakeful nights was leading up to this moment. Eyes grew as the page loaded, and a smug smile took over her tired expression. "I gotcha?" those words came out more southern than she cared to ever admit. It was a good thing this place was dead.

A few more buttons were pressed, and her camera flickered to life. She was staring at her own tired face. "My name is Detective Ori?"

The cook stared over at the strange detective and nudged the server. "What's up with her?" he asked. He was a thin, good looking man, a bit on the taller side. He had blonde, slightly curly locks which hung over dark brown eyes.

The server was older, dark, graying brown hair pulled back into a messy bun. Soft wrinkles lined her features, "Not sure, she's been here for hours" She comes by every so often, always alone, usually drinks about a pot of coffee, typing away on her computer."

"Always alone, huh?"

"Easy, boy' First week on the job, don't need you trying to pick up customers. Especially that one," she said with a smirk.

"What's that mean?" he asked with a youthful chuckle.

"I mean there's a reason that one's alone. She's married."

The cook stared over at the detective as she talked quietly to her computer, "I don't see a ring on her finger?"

"Some marriages don't require rings or vows. That one's married to her job," she mumbled with a nod. "She's cold, that one."

"I'd like to warm her up," he said with a grin and nudged the older woman, earning a bitter grunt and a less than amused look. "Aw come on," he mumbled and held his arms out.


Date: 2015-10-07 21:29 EST
The USB was plugged into her laptop, the files were dragged about with a simple motion of the mouse. Galaxy eyes slid to the window and stared out into the night. It was a Wednesday, but felt more like a Thursday"mainly because after tomorrow, she planned to sleep like a baby. Parker thought this would feel more satisfying for her; and it did. It wasn't about her record finally being perfect, though. It was about him. It was about seven years of him torturing himself, and it was finally over. Like this case, the night was coming to an end"and she'd sleep when it was finally over.

Standing up, she placed money on the table, it was enough to cover the coffee and leave a decent tip for the waitress. The server came over with a to-go cup, and smiled warmly. "You put on your jacket and stay warm out there, Parker," she said with a friendly smile, filling the cup with what remained in the pot, handing it to her after she was all packed up. Parker smiled the best she could, and took the cup. A final thank you, and then she was off. The USB was shoved into her purse and she began walking down the street at a fast pace. Buttons were pressed on her phone with a single hand as she sipped her coffee, and then it was being pressed to her ear.

"Hello?" Jordan's voice sounded off in her ear after only a couple rings, "Parker?" she asked. "Parker are you there?"

The cup was removed from her lips, "I'm here, Jordan. You awake?"

"Yeah, I'm at the office just taking care of a few things. Have you talked to Sam?" she asked with concern in her tone.

"I'm calling him next' Why?"

"You really upset him' He came into the office last night packing his things. I just barely got him to agree to stay, Parker. You have to be more careful or you're going to be down some employees."

"Piper's his own person, Jordan. I didn't hire you to tell me how to be a boss. Besides, I've more than made it up to him tonight."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, nothing" Finish up whatever you're doing. Meet me at my place in two hours."

"Parker, what?s going on?"

"Meet me, Jordan. I'll explain when you get here."

Parker heard Jordan sigh into the phone. "Fine, fine" I'll be there. Just, be carefu?" The woman's speech was cut off by the big red button at the bottom of Parker's touchpad. Oops. She stepped up the path leading into her building and continued to muss around on her phone. As she moved in through the front door and started for the stairs, the phone was again pressed to her ear. She waited a few seconds, and nothing. Climbing the steps, she looked at the phone.

"Might help if I actually dialed the number?" she mumbled and hit the button to call. A soft sigh was let out as she received Sam's voicemail after only three rings. Was he screening the call or just having trouble answering. Nevertheless, she the beep chimed in her ear as she struggled to get the key in the lock. The phone rested between her ear and her shoulder. "Piper!" she said excitedly, perhaps a bit unlike her as she shouldered the door open. In one arm her coffee and purse balanced. The other left the doorknob with the key still in it. The coffee was practically lighting her blood on fire. "Call me as soon as you get this. I got a lead, hell" I got more than a lead, I got a name, and address. We're going to nail this son of a bitch once and for all. It's over, Piper, call m?"

That wonderfully colored speech was cut off suddenly and abruptly. There was a thick"thunk!'sound, an "Ugh!" and then the clatter of the phone hitting the floor. Footsteps would be heard approaching the phone, and then the voicemail ended as the line disconnected.

It certainly was no robbery. Everything that was once in that pristine white apartment had been perfectly left in place. The only thing missing was her, and her phone. The laptop she'd carried over her shoulder was placed inside the bathtub, smashed to pieces. Atop it a burned up folder the only visible letters, "Anna Pip" it was the original copy, the one with all the leads.

Left behind was a coffee pool on the white carpet that would never in a million years have gone uncleaned had she been conscious, and a minor amount of blood spatter. Her purse had been slightly spilled out on the floor, as well as her torn into laptop bag.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-08 11:19 EST
Sam walked down the street, still in the clothes from his date. Hands in his pockets, his phone still turned off as he made his way to the office. Jordan was on her way out of the office with two coffee cups in hand. She painted her face with a small amount of make up, and looked a little more cheery than usual. The two nearly bumped into eachother again, his arms steadying her before she or the coffee could fall, a soft yelp coming out of her mouth.

"Jordan. We've gotta stop meeting like this."

"Sam! Oh! Hey, I was just on my way out. What're you doing here this late?" she asked with wide blue eyes.

"Just wanted to stop in, grab some stuff." He noticed the coffee and quirked an eyebrow. "Where, uh...where ya headed?"

"Parker's....She called me and ask me to come over," she said with a beaming smile.

A suggestive smirk came on his face. "Well. Maybe I was wrong about her." "Maybe you were," she said with a grin. "Wait....She didn't call you? She said she was going to call you over an hour ago...Sounded important." Sam's head tilted in confusion ""

His eyes widened as he realized. "Oh, sh*t! I turned it off for the show..." He pulled his phone out and turned it on, waiting through the loading screens, seeing a message waiting for him.

Jordan sipped her cup and peering over at him. "Oh, a show?" she asked, furrowing her brow

"Yeah, had a date...saw some...uh...ballet." He looked up to her. "Yeah, I know. It was actually...really nice." He brought the phone up to his ear clicking on the left message.

"You went on a date?" she asked with a grin. "With a man or a woman?" Penny asked and rolled her eyes, giving him a playful nudge.

Sam shot her a withering look. "Hilarious."

The message started. His face dropped as it played. Sam's eyes widened in horror as he heard the sound of Parker getting dropped. "Oh my god..." he said, his voice a whisper.

"We have to get to her apartment right now!"

"What' Why?" Jordan asked and took another quick drink.

"Something happened, I don't have time to explain. Come on!" He took off running down the street toward Parker's place, moving as fast as he could, desperate to get there. The coffee cups were dropped to the ground without a second thought, and she was running right after him.

Not long after, he stood outside Parker's door his glock drawn and at the ready, pointed down at an angle. "PARKER"!"

Only silence greeted him.

Sam took a step back from the door and lunged forth with a solid kick the burst the door open violently. Parker would probably have a few choice words with him over that. Sam cleared the immediate area as he entered making sure nobody was in there, his gun held in front of him.


Penny stayed behind him at all times.

"Parker?" she added her own calling to the room as she slid in after him. He glanced back at Jordan and held a hand up. "Wait here." Piper moved quickly to the other rooms of her apartment...empty. Nothing out of place. Just a faint smell that something had been burning. That was when he turned and saw the spilled coffee, his eyes going wide. He looked up to Jordan who stood near the light switch. "Get the lights."

"..right," Jordan said with haste and smacked her hand into the lightswitch. The lights flickered to life, and she winced as her eyes adjusted. Sam approached the coffee stain and knelt beside it touching two fingers to it. Cold. This had happened a long time ago. His gaze came across a small amount of bloodspatter, a grimmace overtaking his features. He traced back...someone had been in there wearing shoes...he could see a bit of the print in the carpet, slightly dirty on the once pristine white carpet. And it was bigger. A man's shoe...

Eyes went wide as Penny's stomach churned. "Oh my god..." she mumbled softly. "Somebody broke into her house and spilled coffee all over..." Clearly she was in denial.

"Oh...sweetie." Sam though as he glanced up to her a moment with a pitying look. "Someone was in here...came up behind her...Hit her over the head.." He gestured to the blood and slowly trailed his eyes to the door finding a couple other flecks of blood on the floor. "And dragged her out..."

"Can we just...pretend it's the other thing?" she asked hopefully as she kneeled down next to him, a broken look on her face. "Who would do that...?"

Sam shook his head. Something clicked. "The file!" He got to his feet scrambling for her table. Only to find the file was gone. His stomach felt like it had flipped over.

"She backs everything up on her laptop!" If there was one thing Jordan was good at, it was knowing everything about Parker. "Her...laptop case is empty, though.."

"Damn it...god damn it..." He stumbled back against the counter

" think it's connected to your file" You think it was...him?" she asked with wide eyes before standing up. It was almost involuntary, the way she climbed to her feet and moved towards the bathroom with slow steps. She stopped just outside the door.

He nodded slowly, numbly. "It was him." he said, completely certain. He was suddenly aware what the burning smell must have been. He looked to Jordan and then toward the bathroom. Jordan's eyes squeezed shut as she reached for the bathroom door handle. She twisted it and stepped inside, but couldn't bring herself to opening those blue peepers. One eye opened and she looked down at the burned file and smashed up laptop that was placed in the bath tub. " was definitely him.."

His breathing rose heavier and heavier as he stood in the kitchen, trying to suppress the pain bubbling up in him. Suddenly, he lashed out flipping the table in front of him and its contents violently to the floor with a loud crash "GOD DAMN IT!"

The sound was enough to make her come running out of the bathroom.

"What"! WHAT!" Oh...Sam...don't mess up her apartment more..."

He pressed a clenched fist to his forehead, his face screwed up with hopelessness and guilt. He pounded his head back against the cabinet in frustration. It had happened again.

"Hey..." Penny said with wide eyes as she moved over to grip his shoulders. "Get a handle on it."

Sam's eyes clamped shut and he tried to control his breathing, slowly getting back to normal. Those blue eyes flashed open to her, a look she'd never seen. "We find that son of a bitch. I don't care if we have to burn this town down, I want him dead."

The look made her draw back again, her features were so young and innocent. She nodded as firmly as she could, "Agreed." Sam blew out a heavy breath, holstering his firearm. "The laptop. Can we salvage anything?"

"It's smashed up pretty good...but I know my way around a computer....If there's anything to get off of it, I can do it." Penelope told him with a nod. Blue eyes perked. "Oh..! OH!" Penelope was shaking him now.


"You know how serial killers keep trophies?" she asked, moving excitedly over to the laptop bag, Sam walking after her, unsure where she was going with it.


"Parker does the SAME thing....Whenever she catches somebody...Before she even lets anyone know....She backs up all of her information to a USB drive....It's like a pride thing with her...Even records a video of her talking about the case....It's kind of cute, actually..."

He snapped his fingers in front of her face. "Jordan. Focus."

"Right! My point is! If she called you, and she called me....Chances are, she already backed it up.."

"...we just need to find it..."

"And hope that he didn't take it.." Penny said with a nod. "She'll have practically handed us the information.."

"Alright...we turn this place upside down until we find it." Sam said, determined. A spark of hope in his bloodshot eyes.

A firm nod from the little assistant, and she was moving to go through every pocket of the laptop case. "Check her purse....I can't imagine she had a chance to stash it.."

Sam pulled up Parker's purse, digging into it. Good GOD, parker. Even your purse was anal retentively organized. Penelope went through the laptop bag, determined as ever to find it. Sam would find it, first, though. It a side pocket, a blue USB drive labled, 'Anna Piper—47536" He took it out slowly, carefully like it might turn to dust if he made a wrong movie. "Jordan." He said, turning to the girl and holding the drive up to her. "God I love that woman.......professionally." She uttered wistfully.

Nodding to that last part before going through her purse and pulling out a tiny little net book. "Here," she said with a nod, holding her hands out. He cleared his throat. Yes. Of course. Professionally.

Sam handed the drove to her, those blue eyes watching her. The computer flickered on, and she began typing in her password. Fingers moved effortlessly over the keys, and she plugged in the drive. "Mk....Awesome!" she lit up as she clicked into the files. It didn't take long for her face to fall. "Most of these...They're in zip folders...She password protected them." A fist pounded into the carpet.

Sam sighed. God dammit, can't do ANYTHING easy' He sat on her couch running through possible passwords in his head while Jordan was at work on the files.

"The video isn't....Maybe she left details in there," she mumbled softly and clicked into it. Parker's sleepless little face was frozen on her screen. A finger moved slowly to drag over the woman's face. "Please be okay..." Sam looked down to the girl, hearing the worry in her voice. His right hand touched her left shoulder from behind, giving a little reassuring squeeze.

"Mm.." a little noise escaping her as she clicked over her touchpad and brought the video to life. Sam leaned forward to get a better look. On screen, Orion Parker pushed her hair out of her face, it was clear that she hadn't been sleeping. She drew in a breath, and let it out. "My name is Detective Orion Parker, and this is case number 47536, also known as my first case. It, until tonight has been my only unsolved case—and it will always remain the most troubling one. Seven years ago, Samuel Piper came into my office. He gave me all the details of the case, and I've been working on it every night since. Due to a copying error the case was cold for years. A few nights ago, I found the error and here I am. Attached is every detail of the case, including the file, my own personal notes, and what lead me to find him....This one's for you, Sam. We got him.?" the ending of the video would be a smug smile on her pretty face, as she reached out to stop the recording.

Sam's heart broke, his breath leaving his body, and his head dropping. How had he said what he said to her" How could he treat her like that' He'd have given anything to take it back right then and there. She'd done this all for him and now she was in the hands of that psychopath.

Penelope wasn't sure what was said. Or why his head was dropping, so she was a little insensitive to what he was feeling. "Well, that told us nothing..."

Sam's voice was low, drained. "Can you get into those files?" "I'm sure I can get in might take a while....Where's her phone?" she asked looking at him.

"I didn't see it..."

Fingers fished out her own phone and put it to her ear. "Listen for the ring. She never leaves it on silent, and it's always charged."

Silence as the call was answered. After a moment, a voice came from the other end of the call A man. calm. Almost monotone. "Let me speak to Mr. Piper."

Jordan's eyes went wide as ever as if she just seen a ghost. "...Sam..." she whispered softly, two shades more pale.

Sam reached out for the phone, his hands shaking. Hesitantly, she handed the phone over. "Speaker..." she whispered. Sam turned it on speaker and listened.

"Hello, Samuel. It's good to finally meet you. I'm sure, by now, you've discovered the unfortunate scene we had to leave behind. If she were awake right now, I'd apologize to Ms. Parker for the mess."

Sam grit his teeth. Jordan's hand moved out to gently squeeze Sam's shoulder. The voice sending shivers up both their spines, their blood running cold in their veins...

"Who are you?" Sam asked darkly.

That cold, almost amused. "Oh, Mr're not one of those bad little boys who sneaks a peak at his christmas presents early are you? No.'re not ready yet. I'm a sporting man, Samuel, so I will let you in on how the game is going to be played. In two day's time, Ms. Parker will be dispatched. I will leave her as I did Anna. If you find me before...then I have underestimated you and lost the game. If you don't...well...there's always round 3."

"You're a sick ****..." sam's voice shook with rage. If he could, he would reach through the phone and strangle the man.

"No, Samuel. I am simply ascending to another level. Don't worry. One day, you'll understand. You have two days to find us. Don't fail. Ms. Parker is counting on you. I wish you the best of luck, my friend."

The call ended and he was gone. "Hello' HELLO"! Parker!"

That hand steadied his shoulder, and she closed her eyes tightly.

"...Sam..." she whispered again as she watched him carefully.

Sam looked over to Jordan slowly. "Jordan. Get those files open and find that son of a bitch."

Swallowing hard, Jordan nodded. "You start going through her things...See if you can find anything useful...something she might use as a password....I'll start running scripts in the background. Shoot, this could take days.." she whispered as she hurried off to set up at Parker's desk.

Sam walked into the bedroom and heard hissing from under the bed. He crouched down and peered under the boxspring. The cat looked absolutely petrified, its tail was all poofed out, and it spat and swiped with clawless paws. "Hey there. Rough night, huh, buddy?"

He heard flashes of his visit earlier. "This is Cygnus..." she had said. Worth a shot.

"Jordan"!" he called out.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Cygnus. Try Cygnus."

"Oh! On it!" she yelled out.

The sound of her typing drifted in.

"No good!" she called.

He grimmaced looking at the cat and backed away, looking around the room for other possibilities. The cat would come out when it was ready. "Dammit..." His hands planted on his hips, those sharp eyes scanning over everything that might mean something to Parker....trying to discern meaning in anything.

Parker's bedroom was just as clean and neat as any other part of her house. The bed was made up without so much as a wrinkle. There was a large chiferobe in the middle of the room that held clothes organized by color and type. Shelves of underwear, bras hung up neatly. Everything was folded. Her closet had a book case inside of it. Rows of comics organized by alphabetical order and volume, as well as a bunch of movies. Two things would be clear, she was a Marvel fan who loved her sci fi. Other than that one closet, there were absolutely no personal things of hers laying around. No pictures of family, no evidence of overnight guests. It was a sad room, actually.

His eyes pored over the rows of movies, an eyebrow quirking at the huge collection of cheesy sci-fi. This he did not expect. "Anything!?" she asked, as if she thought the killer was waiting in the closet the whole time.

"Uh...Well. She's a giant dork...but...No." he said with a sigh.

Jordan screwed up her face in confusion "A dork?"

He pulled out one of the movies, "This Island Earth". and stared at the cover. "Oh yeah. Total dork." he muttered to himself.

"Oh.." Penelope said idly. "Yeah well....She used to wear glasses, and there's no way she didn't have braces so that doesn't surprise m....Oh god, Sam! SAM!" the spaz in full on panic mode as she ran to go through Parker's purse.

He rushed out into the main room. "What"! You find something"!"

"I don't think we have as much time as he's giving us..." she said, her voice suddenly shakey.

He looked to her questioningly as he approached her "What do you mean?"

The inhaler was fished out of Parker's purse. "You made me think of it when you called her a dork.."

"Oh ****..." his face fell for about the 50th time that night.

"If she wakes up and something triggers an attack....Alright come on...No thinking about that!" says the woman who brought it up. Sam rushed back into her room and started digging through her movies...nothing really standing out....and then he moved to her comics. Digging through, looking at the covers as he sifted through them. He noted a LOT of covers featuring a red and blackmasked character...often doing something cool...or smart-assed...


The scripts ran in the background, and she stared at the screen. So far she had tried her own name, Sam's name, Anna's...nothing. "Why does she make everything difficult!?"

He chewed his lip a moment...a hunch building in his mind. He flipped through a few issues of the comic...noticing a repeated line. He was admittedly stunned that she liked THIS character. He was the ANTI Parker.

"Anything, Sam' No pressure! Except for the pressure!"

Sam had a good feeling about this though. He looked out to Jordan. "Try Chimichanga."

"Right...How do you spell that!?" she asked.

He stepped up behind her and set the comic in front of her. Her eyes darted from the comic to her keyboard. Her eyes lit up and she slapped his arm, "We're in!"

Sam's face lit up as he leaned in over Jordan's shoulder, giving it a squeeze and a little shake. "Oh, beautiful...complete and utter nerd...."

Colin Trammel

Date: 2015-10-08 11:35 EST
It was a forced, but much needed rest. The parts of the tub where Parker's skin met was already warm. Not comfortable, but not shockingly cold. Her eyelids twitched lightly before those milky way eyes flickered to life. "Mm.." a low grunt escaped her lips as her hand moved to brush the hair from her face. Nope. She tried again, nothing....Her blurry vision started to settle as she worked to piece together what had happened. Colin glanced up from the other room, hearing her stirring. Wherever they were it was rundown, decrepit. It looked abandoned. Wallpaper peeling, floorboards warped, and rust stains on the porcelain. A single bulb lit each dank room. He set aside the knife in his hand. "Oh good. You're up." He made his way casually into the bathroom, a plate of apple slices in one hand and a glass of water in the other as he approached. "I had to inject you with a little cocktail to make sure you stayed out while I got you here. You might feel a little groggy." He looked over to her. "Sorry about that."

Eyes settled on her bonds, and panic began to too slowly settle in. Her memory was still fuzzy, and she found herself naked and barely covered. Was this a nightmare" It sure felt like one. "Who..are you..?" she asked, pulling on the straps as she looked up to the blurry figure. "What did you do to me...?"

He smiled to her like a playful parent saying "Oh, you scamp..." before he spoke. "You're smarter than that. I think you know who I am." He pulled up a step stool to sit on beside the tub. "I'm sorry. That was rude. My name is Colin. And you are Ms. Parker, yes?" Words sank into her hazy mind, and she blinked rapidly, eyes focusing on the tub. It reminded her of something...but what? The crime scene photos. Anna...."Trammel.." she whispered breathlessly. The tone of her voice was still a slurry mess as she continued to yank at the bonds. He nodded with a friendly smile. "That's my name, don't wear it out." he retorted jovially with an awkward little laugh at the end,

"Here. You should drink this...get some water in you. It'll help with the grogginess." He leaned forward, bringing the glass to her lips.

Flashes of memory invaded her brain. Walking in, talking to Sam...Not talking to Sam, leaving a message for Sam. That was all she remembered. When the glass was put to her lips, she jerked her face away. "You were in my apartment.." He looked only slightly annoyed, a little laugh as if she were playing. "Yes, I was. I told you, I had to get you here from there. Now...come on, Ms. Parker. Drink the water. You'll feel better."

"I don't want the god damn water.." the girl practically hissed in her drugged up state. "Why did you bring me here?"

His smile faded and he reluctantly took back the glass. "You know, you shouldn't use language like that. It's unbecoming of a lady..."

A note of disappointment in his voice.

"It's not very gentleman-like to hit a lady over the head and kidnap her either...Is it, Mr. Trammel?" she asked, raising those silver dusted, olive green eyes to him.

That drew a laugh out of him. "You don' don't understand." He shook his head. "Nobody ever does. There are certain unpleasant things I must do in order to help our friend, Mr Piper evolve."

"That's bull****..." Parker hissed. "I beat you," she said, bearing perfectly straight teeth with every syllable. "...I found out who you were, and you just couldn't take it."

He looked away as if her words were stinging him. "I...said...." He grabbed her face and screamed in it. "LANGUAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!" His hand shook, gripping her face so tightly, it hurt. Parker wouldn't cry out, because she refused to give him the satisfaction. Her jaw clenched in his fingers, and if the opportunity presented itself, she'd be biting the **** out of the man. Fingers flexed as she fought against the bonds harder.

"You think you figured out anything I didn't ALLOW you to' You think if I WANTED to hide, I would have STAYED here" In this HELLHOLE"! I've waited a LONG...time for this."

"Piper's going to kill you," she informed him calmly as she attempted to jerk her face away from his grasp.

"Maybe. But I highly doubt he's smart enough to do it in time." He released her and immediately stood up and turned his back to her. "Doesn't have to be....I'm smarter than you." Orion told him and let her face fall to the side. "I already figured you out, he'll find the answers..." she mumbled.

He smirked at that, like she'd said something ADORABLE. He turned to her. "You have more faith in him than I."

"Yeah, well...We'll see who's right....I'm going to look forward to him killing you. He deserves it, and you're sick." Orion spat as she began to kick her legs and flail a little bit more within the tub. "You can't keep me here!"

He stared at her a moment. Oh, but he could. Oh but he would. "This is not personal. I don't have any quarrel with you. I want you to know that. Samuel has dragged you into our little game. And that was unfair.If this could end differently, I would prefer it. But this MUST happen, Ms Parker."

The flailing ceased and she stared up at him through gritted teeth. "What must happen?"

"I'm going to drain you. I'm going to leave you for him to find. I'm going to show him what real power is. I'm going to teach him how powerless he really is. I'm going to break him. And if the lesson doesn't take....there will be another."

"You're a sick, ****ing ***hole." The girl spat, "What's this really about, hm' Mommy didn't hold you enough when you were a baby' Or you just couldn't get off the tit?" Every word was spoken through harshly grinding teeth.

He clapped his hands over his ears and grit his teeth, storming out of the room, beyond enraged. He came back a moment later with duct tape. "You have a sharp tongue. Just like that whore Piper called a sister. And I will not tolerate it again!"

When he spoke of Anna's whore status, she growled beneath her breath and opened her mouth to speak. "And you're— mm..!" He tore a piece off and slapped it over her mouth roughly pushing her head back against the tub. Her head met the tub and her eyes fell shut in defeat a moment. Another and another, building up a gag of tape over her mouth. As he continued to pile it on, she screamed profanities against the tape.

He gripped her face in his shaking hands. "I tried to be nice. But decided to be RUDE!" He shouted in her face, his own twitching after. Colin looked away and regained his composure and turned to her speaking like a disapproving parent. "You brought this on yourself. "

Now would be a good time for her to pull out a gun, shoot his ass, and rip off the tape with an awesome line like, 'There's a reason my initials are O.P, bitch..' Unfortunately, it wasn't happening for her. She attempted to lunge at him with all the feisty fire she had left in her, her forehead smashing against his nose. He reeled back, blood dripping from his nostrils, intense eyes glaring up at him. He brought a hand up and wiped some away, looking at her angrily. Colin's hand reeled back and slapped her hard across the face. The pain was felt in her teeth. Something of a whimper was sounded off against the tape as she felt the tears welling in her eyes.

Almost immediately, his arms wrapped around her head, hugging her tightly as he regained his temper, his breath evening out. She jerked lightly from his arms, two syllables muffled against the tape. 'Get off,' perhaps? Could've just as well been '**** you.'

His hand stroked her hair sofly "I forgive you." Then He stood and left her alone in the room to attend to his wounds.

Orion tried to keep a leveled head. Panic, true panic was starting to well in her chest. She looked down at the bonds, studying them to try and come up with a plan. But if he was good at one thing, that was it. She was trapped. And there was no hope. No hope but her friends. And the clock was ticking.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-09 11:49 EST
Hours were spent going through all the info she'd left behind. Cole had even come over to lend a hand. They sat around the office, take-out boxes littering the desk. Each on about their 8 or 9th cup of coffee. Cole leaned back in his creaky chair running his fingers down his tired face with a groan. "God damn. How this woman likes doin' this shit, I'll never know."

Sam glanced up from his own laptop, eyes red from sleeplessness. Each had put a copy on their computer and each were studying separate files. A quiet breath that was more of a nasal exhale escaped him. Cole got to his feet.

"Anybody need coffee" I sure as hell do..." he muttered tiredly.

Jordan had barely so much as blinked all night, dark circles made a home beneath her already distinguished eyes. A hand was brushed through her hair as she stared at the screen like a zombie. Cole was offering coffee and she didn't bother looking up. "Please, and thank you.."

Cole stepped wearily over to the coffee machine, pointing to her as he passed. "You got it, kiddo."

Jordan yawned loudly, stopping herself and then shaking it off. Was it possible for her face to fall off" It felt as if her face was going to fall off. "The worst part is....Parker does this all the time...No wonder she's so cranky and awesome.."

Jordan gasped as she stumbled across something in one of the files. A name. A picture. A slight man with average features. Green eyes, and a quiet smile on his face. Something about him unnerved her. Colin Tremmel. 35, single. A pediatrician. And god, did he look familiar. She couldn't place where she'd seen him before but she was certain. Squinting at the face, the young detective rubbed at her eyes. "That guy..." she mumbled softly, sleepily as she continued to rub at a single peeper.

Sam glanced up from his own computer, exhausted. "What's up?"

" do I know him?" Jordan muttered to herself.

Then, it came in quick flashes, her face. She'd seen him just outside the office. Once she'd even bumped into him after running things to parker's place. Not thinking much of it at the time.

"Who?" Sam asked , tired of waiting on a response while she was in her head.

Pointing almost frantically at the screen. "...that's the guy!" she mumbled in a panic. "He's been following her for a while now...." She said, horrified, turning to Sam. "I know that face. He's been to her apartment, and to the office.."

Sam stood and walked over, bracing himself on the back of her chair, leaning over her shoulder. He knew the second he laid eyes on him that it was him.

"Cole, run a check on this guy."

Cole set aside the coffee moved to his computer. He still had access to current police databases and set to typing.

Sam moved over to him. "Colin Trammel. T-R-A-M-M-E-L."

Jordan watched them, pulling up a second file and going through that now. She brushed those youthful blonde locks from her eyes and sighed softly, taking a long drink from her cup her eyes widening. "Mm! We got an address right here!"

She pointed excitedly. ?"2808 Lincoln St."

Sam looked to Cole. "You know it?"

Cole's eyes scanned the page, coming up with similar. "Yeah, quiet neighborhood out north. Supposed to be real nice."

Sam slapped his hand on the desk . "That's it! That's where the son of a bitch lives!" He grinned to Jordan "We got him. We got the bastard!"

Immediately she was punching the address into her phone. "Alright, let's get him." she said, grabbing her jacket and moving for the door. No game plan, no gun. Just Jordan, more ready than ever. Cole held up his hands, standing up.

"Hold up, hold the hell up! You two just gonna go runnin' in there like Rambo, gunnin' and blastin' away' In the middle of a residential neighborhood?"

Sam turned to him. Maybe it was unreasonable. Maybe it was poorly thought out. But right now" He did NOT care. Jordan glanced up, pocketing her phone. "No...I was going to punch him..." The girl held her hands up as if she were a boxer. "...with my fists..." her voice fleeting.

Sam hooked a thumb back to her. "That's the plan, yeah."

Cole scoffed giving them a reproachful look. "Don't you think you better notify the department before you go shootin' the **** outta Leave it to Beaverville?"

Sam pulled open a locker, grabbing a kevlar vest as he did so. "We don't have time. You know the standard procedure. They're gonna roll up with lights flashing and this guy is going to panic. Might kill her before we get a chance to get at him. This is our best shot."

Cole sighed and shook his head. "Alright. Alright. But you get in there and you can end this without shots fired, you do it. I don't want any unnecessary gunfire, you get me?"

Sam strapped the vest and nodded. "Got it."

Jordan watched him, and looked between the two. "You ready?" she asked with wide eyes.

The three of them piled into an SUV and were on their way. Sam glanced to Jordan in the rearview mirror. "Listen, when we get there, I want you hanging back. We don't know what?s going to be waiting for us in there. I don't want you getting hurt,"

"I love you, Sam, but screw that..." Jordan said shaking her head. "I'm with you," she said with a nod. "I'm never going to be a detective if I keep 'hanging back'."

Sam grimaced. He didn't like it, but having a bit of back up wouldn't go unappreciated. He nodded reluctantly before giving her a stern look in the mirror. "Okay...but you stay on my six, you got it' You do what I say, when I say it. Understand?"

Cole glanced over to his young friend, he was still uncomfortable with this whole plan, but you backed your brother's play. He turned and reached back, holding a 9mm Glock, the grip toward her. "You know how to use one of these?"

Looking at the gun, she thinned out her eyes and waved off the question. "Yeah, totally.." she said with a huff, and carefully took it, keeping her finger off of the trigger. Had she studied up on guns and known all the rules" Yes. Had she ever actually fired one" ...not exactly.

"Well," Cole thought, "at least she LOOKS like she knows what she's doing."

"You be careful with that." He turned around, sharing a concerned glance to Sam before turning to stare out the window. "You see him coming at you or Sam, you put two in his chest and one in his head. Drop him and end him." he said, his tone low and grave.

Those soft, young features lowered to the gun in her hand. She made sure the safety was on and then rested it on the seat, pointing it away from everyone. "Thanks, Cole.." she said.

The SUV stopped across the street from the house. It was unassuming. Quiet. A cozy little ranch style in an idyllic little neighborhood. Cole surveyed the scene with a practiced eye. If anything was wrong here, he couldn't see it.

Sam turned on the walkie talkie at his hip, just in case he had to call Cole in for back up, his eyes turning back to Jordan as her phone rang. She rolled her eyes and gave him the "1 second" finger. Immediately, she looked shakey and pale, seeing Parker's name on the caller ID. She stared at the answer button, dreading presssing it and hearing his voice again.

Finally, she steeled herself and answered. "H-hello?" she asked as the phone was pressed to her ear.

"Speaker." sam whispered to her Jordan winced, and tapped the speaker button.

That sickeningly sweet and condescending voice came from the other end. "Hello, Sweetie. Can I speak to Samuel, please?"

"Here he is..." she mumbled uncomfortably as she passed the phone to him.

"Yeah, what do you want?" He stepped out of the car, nodding to her to follow him.

"Just checking on your progress, Mr. Piper. Ms. Parker is getting very antsy." He said in a playful singsong. On the other end, Colin glanced over to the bound and gagged Parker a smile on his face

Jordan gripped her gun tightly as she listened in. "...that son of a bitch....How do we even know she's not dead?" she whispered to Cole with wide, teary eyes. "This could all be some stupid game.."

Cole had the same exact sentiments, nodding to her.

"Jordan." Sam whispered, covering the mouthpiece with his shoulder. His pistol drawn and leveled at the ground, the other gripping the phone. Jordan grabbed her gun and flicked the safety off, stepping out of the vehicle quietly, not shutting the door all the way. She stayed at his ankles, moving quietly across the ground as she held her gun down and outward. They made their way across the front lawn. "Well, I know who you are, ass. And you better strap in, because we're gaining on you."

Colin laughed jovially. "Are you, now?"

Sam smirked. "Damn right. And I swear...if you harm a hair on her head, you sick ****-"

His voice rose over Sam, as if he were a misbehaving child. "Samuel. Now, you play nice. You keep talking like that I might just leave Ms. Parker's head as a charming decoration on your mailbox. We wouldn't want that now would we?"

Sam looked back at Jordan as they came upon the front door, trying to move as quietly as possible. He held the phone out to her, pressed against the wall. The phone was taken and she took in a breath. Jordan looked back at the vehicle and felt her heartbeat thudding away in her chest. She gave him a nod as she moved to the other side of the door. Sam peered in through the window, seeing a silhouette standing by the back door, phone to his ear.

"You listen to me, you son of a bitch. There's nowhere you can hide that I won't find you. Nowhere you can slink off to this time. You're time is up. Game over."

Sam stepped back and with a power kick, busted the door open. He raised his weapon and stormed into the foyer. "HANDS! LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS!"

Circling around to his backside, Jordan continued to hold her position right near him. She raised her gun and stared, "NOW, DIRTBAG!"

Sam's eyes adjusted as he realized what the silhouette was. A mannequin...strapped with with a vest of plastic explosive.

Colin's voice came out of Jordan's phone in a sing song taunt "UH-ohhhhhhhh....Game over Sam."

Sam's eyes went wide. He turned and grabbed Jordan around the waist. Jordan's feet lifted off the ground, and she was carried away like some rag doll.

"But thank you for playing."

The phone on the mannequin rang.

The two were just on the porch when the explosion ripped through the house. As the blast went off, Jordan's free arm shielded her face and her eyes squeezed shut. The force sending them and bits of debris and glass through the air. Sam's arms wrapped tight around her as they were sent violently spinning. The windows in the SUV burst around Cole, his arms coming up to shield his face. Jordan and Sam slammed to the ground and rolled to a stop.

Cole stumbled out of the vehicle, his ears ringing loudly in his head as he slowly came to in a daze. He propped himself up on the door, looking in their direction, shouting their names wordlessly. He took a step forward on wobbly legs, falling to his knees before getting up as burning debris floated to the ground around them.

A scream left her lips, but it was silent in their deafened ears. She was on the ground beneath him, her eyes still shut. "I'm I dead" I think I'm dead..." she thought to herself.

Sam rolled off of her onto his back, his body wracked with a pain more intense that he'd ever felt before. Vaguely aware of his and Jordan's names being called. It sounded like they were being called from the other end of a tunnel. Cole knelt beside them checking to make sure they were, in fact still alive.

Little cuts and bruises littered Jordan's body, and she was temporarily deaf from the blast. She grunted softly and coughed out, sputtering. Cole leaned over the girl, checking her for any serious wounds. His big hand touched her face. "You alright"! Come on, baby girl! Talk to me!"

A little head trauma, his voice sounding distant as ever. She rolled her eyes open and looked at him, those blue eyes rolling around in her skull. Slurring slightly, "Did...did I get him?"

Cole grinned and gently put a hand on top of her head. "Yeah. You got 'im."

Sam's head lolled toward where the house once stood. Now a smoldering, burning ruin. It was a trick. How had he not seen it' It was obvious! He was obsessed...and again...he was missing things. Focusing on the details and not the obvious. For all the pain in his body, this hurt the most. And what made it worse...he'd almost got them killed. He stared up at the darkening sky, a feeling of desperation coming over him.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-09 12:54 EST
After getting patched up, Sam and Parker returned to the office. Cole's wife had effectively put his part in this tale to a loud, sloppy-teared end. Sam stood in front of his mirror, his shirt off as he observed the massive bruising and bandages along his torso. Sam was built like a human V underneath his suits, an impressive specimen of a man, even if he was beat to hell. A spot on his right shoulder red from a nasty burn. His back was scratched to shit with burns scattered about. He winced, as he touched the bruising along his ribs. He'd definitely cracked one or two. His usually perfect hair mussed. Which...kinda worked for him, to be honest.

Jordan should have been resting, or something of the sort. The cuts and bruises that were now patched up were ignored. She typed away at the computer, her eyes wide as ever as two cups of coffee had been downed moments ago. Sam stepped out of the bathroom, T-shirt in hand .

"Feeling okay, hotshot?" she asked, not looking up from the computer. He pulled the shirt over his body, slipping it down over his slim waist. "Had better days." He walked to his window, sighing. "Anything?"

"No....Nothing yet." Jordan mumbled softly, bitterly, eyes still on the screen before her.

Sam's blue eyes shut in frustration. "What did we miss" I mean...we pored over that file all night...That was IT."

"I know it was....he was a step ahead of us, I guess.." Jordan said in a defeated manner. "Just didn't think he'd be a step ahead of Parker.." Brushing her hair from her face she continued to click through the files. "We're going to fail just like he said...Game over."

His hand touched her shoulder. "No. Come on. This isn't over yet. We're just...missing something." He pulled a chair up next to her.

"No, we're not missing anything...Parker did all of the work for us and it's just not here!" she said smacking her computer screen. "There's NOTHING here! And by the time we find her.." Hair fell in front of her face as her sleep, agitated head dropped. Sam's arm slipped around the young aspiring detective and pulled her into a hug. Jordan's head rested against his chest, and she let out an annoyed huff.

He stared at the screen a moment, minimizing a window. There had been over a dozen in the usb drive. His eyes landed on an unopened file folder in the background labeled "ParkerPiperNotes"

He squinted at it a moment "What's that?"

"Just her thoughts and special notes on the case. She has a LOT of them. Most of it's just random thoughts and tangents, so I stopped reading them. I love her to death, but she loves to talk. herself." Jordan said, barely dragging her eyes to the screen.

Sam lifted his head, an idea coming to him. "...her notes?"

Jordan's sleepy brain wasn't putting it together. "Yeah.." He reached over and dragged the cursor to the file and double clicking. His arm slipped out from around her and ran a search for the word "Lincoln" Jordan's brow furrowed. "What're you doing...?"

"She put her thoughts down on this whole thing. She left herself notes to guide her. It would stand to reason that if she found anything we missed..." "Right..." Jordan mumbled in a guilty way. "UGH! I'm such an idiot." Smacking herself on her forehead again. "Shut up, you're brilliant." He barely looked at her, throwing it out there like she was silly for ever suggesting otherwise. Her eyes rolled to Sam. She might have been brilliant when her brain wasn't scrambled by lack of sleep and explosions. Eyes flickered to the screen as he hit enter on the search and he found the note....

"Subject registered address is 2808 Lincoln St. But mail requested delivered to 13409 Rowland in Parkview. Property registered to subject's parents."

Sam's eyes narrowed and he whispered. "Oh ****...."

The two of them looked to each other, speaking at the same time. "We were at the wrong house..."

Jordan pulled out her phone. "We jumped the gun," she mumbled softly, punching in the street address. "God damn it..." Parkview was a dilapidated part of town. Once a nice neighborhood, it had become rundown and infested with crime. the kind of place most respectable people avoided.

"How do we know she's not already..." Unable to say it, she took in a breath. "What if it's another trap" and he....did it that night' And he's just trying to lure you in to finish you off, too?"

"He had to have known we'd get out of that. If he wanted me dead he'd have set that bomb off without a warning. It's all part of his game." Sam turned and walked toward the window. "He doesn't want me to find her dead like Anna. This time he wants me to see it happen." He turned to her. "She's alive." "I can't handle it if we get there and it's too late....I can't see her like that, Sam..." Jordan said, hugging her limbs closer. Sam looked her over and though to Cole. His wife clinging to him, worried tears streaming down her face. Both had been hurt in that blast due to his carelessness. They should never have been there and he knew it.

"I understand." Sam said, giving her a nod. But he was determined. Alone or not. He walked over to the weapons locker, pulling down a fresh kevlar tactical vest and slipping it over his shoulders.

Standing up, Jordan moved over to watch him, concern on her youthful face. "Now?"

Sam grabbed a pair of M4 magazines stuffing them in the pouches. "I'm tired of playing this on his terms. We go where he wants, when he wants us to figure it out. He wants to do this tomorrow. Probably thinks we don't know what?s going on." He pulled down an a rifle and slapped in a magazine, double checking the safety before trowing the sling over his neck.

She grabbed the gun Cole had issued to her, checking it to make sure it was loaded. "What's the plan, Sam?" she asked, peering up at him, her face a mask of resolve..

Sam's blue eyes turned to her. "You sure?"

"Why not' Because of a little explosion?" Jordan uttered dismissively. "I'm good to go," she added with a nod. "I'm not letting you go in there alone, that's for damn sure."

He pulled down a vest for her and held it out. "Then let's finish it."

Eyes widened at the vest, as if everything got too real. She grabbed it and strapped it on with a nod. "I'm with you," she said firmly.

Colin Trammel

Date: 2015-10-09 13:41 EST
The room was cold and damp around Parker. And the smell equally unpleasant. Like sulfur and dirty rusty pipes. Colin was in the other room sharpening his knife humming "this little light of mine" to himself.

"This little light of mine...." SHINK!

"I'm gonna let it shine..." SHINK!

Parker hadn't slept a wink, her eyes were half lidded and she stared down at her hands as if willing the bonds to break with her mind. That's where she was at now. There was no way she was getting out of this on her own. Nobody could hear the screams silenced by the tape. Eyes ticked with every sound metal sliding across whetstone.

"Let it shine...let it shine, oh...." SHINK!

He held the knife before his face. His voice a whisper. "Let it shine."

If by some miracle, she'd gotten out of this and somebody ever sang that song around her, she'd cut a bitch. Colin, satisfied with his work, turned toward that filthy bathroom. "Well, Ms. Parker. By now, I'm assuming our friend is licking his wounds. I do hope he wasn't too badly hurt. It would be a shame to have to postpone tomorrow night's festivities." He walked through the doorway and crouched beside the tub his sharpened knife in his hand.

Sam....As he spoke to her, she dragged her tired, pissed off eyes up to him. A deep breath was taken through her nostrils as she flailed around in a last fight; but eventually collapsed back down. Two syllables muffled against the tape.

He smiled softly. "Now. If I take that tape off of your mouth...are you going to play nice like a good girl" Or are you going to mouth off like a filthy whore?"

How the hell was she supposed to answer that' She nodded her head, but she could have been saying yes to either of those questions.

"You're going to be good?"

Eyes were tired and glaring, a stubborn nod as she huffed in a defeated manner.

"Very good." He reached up and grabbed an end of the tape, before stopping. "This is going to hurt. I apologize." He pulled the tape off quickly in one swift pull. Well, saved her the trouble of paying to get her upper lip waxed. Involuntary tears welled up in her eyes as she hissed out a cry. Fingers instinctively moved towards her mouth, but were halted by the bonds.

Colin appraised her, an admiring smile on the killer's face. "You are a rare beauty, Ms. Parker. I can see why he stays around. I must admit, I was quite taken with you upon first glance, myself."

"You're wrong," she whispered in a hoarse tone through a dry mouth. "He stays around because he knows I'm his best shot at killing you..." Parker told him with a lazy glance before letting her head rock back against the tub.

"You truly believe that's the only reason?" his head tilted.

"There's not a doubt in my mind....I can't wait to see it, either.." Parker informed him, another deep breath taken in. "You've been partners for seven years. And you're a detective. A brilliant one. Surely you've noticed...glances. Little smiles here and there. Moments when you've caught him looking away, disguising panic..."

"And can you honestly tell me you've never looked at him the same way?"

"You haven't done your research, have you, Mr. Trammel?" she asked turning her eyes back to him. "I'm the office robot," she mumbled softly. "Most people don't even think that I'm human half that time." When he asked about her looking at Sam, she just dropped her eyes away. "Not even going to justify that with a response."

A knowing grin crossed his thin lips. "I think you have. I think you hide a big heart beneath that cold exterior you put up with everyone. Even your so-called friends. I could hear it in your voice when were on the phone. Planning my demise. That wasn't the office robot. That was a woman who, I believe cares very deeply for a man...but hasn't the faintest idea of how to express it."

Was it bad that she'd rather him kill her than keep talking about this" That's the bridge she crossed at this point. "I think you're reading too much into someone that you're planning on killing anyways." Parker answered him and raised an eyebrow.

"I find you fascinating. So...I wish to converse with you. I told you before, I will take no joy in what I do to you. I have a great amount of respect for you, Ms. Parker. You are a brilliant mind and this world will be worse without you." pulled his stool up closer to the tub. "I hope...before the end. You can forgive me."

"Then why do it?" Parker asked, turning her eyes to the ceiling. "Why kill me" Why kill Anna, and I swear if you say it's to evolve, I will scream so loud that I bust your ear drums....This isn't a game, Trammel. It's a sickness. Why do you want to torture him' What did he ever do to you?" she asked.

"Anna was a symptom of the disease that is eating humanity. Vulgar, rude, promiscuous! She was a flirt. An arrogant woman with more pride than humility. And she flashed her body all over town like common whore. She needed to be taught a lesson. This was NOT about Samuel. The game was over. But he chose to keep playing. Neither of you have any idea the force you're toying with. For 7 years I have lived right under your noses. Free to do as I wish while the two of you tread water."

He stood up pacing toward the other room. "So many times I could have taken your life. So many times I could have broken him again. But I waited. And I waited. And now?" Those dull blue-grey eyes turned on her. "You are FINALLY...close enough."

"You don't get to decide who lives and who dies, Trammel....Who do you think you are" You make me sick." Teeth beared once more.

He walked toward her slowly. "But I do. Ask Anna Piper. Ask Mary Golden. Sandra Palmer. Rae Flattery. Michelle Gomez." His voice escalating in intensity with every name. "It was my hand. MY hand that decided their fate. No one else's."

Parker struggled against her bonds. If she could have, she'd have ripped his throat out. "You're a coward. Your little 'game' ended the second I got your name and address, and you know it....You ****ed up."

He looked to her surprised. "Did I" Ms. Parker. You are strapped to a tub, naked, about to be cut open and drained like cattle in a slaughterhouse."

A smile on her face, "And I'm a better player than you....I left him what he needed..." Blinking her eyes several times as her photographic memory came into play. "2808 Lincoln St....That's your address, right' But that's not where we are....We're in Parkview, aren't we" The cavalry is coming, Trammel."

He smiled to her and leaned in. "You haven't heard have you?" Not shying away as he leaned closer, "Heard what?" in a snappy little tone.

That self-satisfied little grin on his face was just about the most infuriating thing she'd ever seen. "2808 Lincoln St. is now a smoldering ruin. Apparently...a man and a young woman...a Penny Jordan..tried to break in earlier today. Some...trickster had left a surprise. Amazing how much damage a little plastic explosive can do."

He reached up and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, earning an attempted bite at his fingers. He had to admire her tenacity. "Your friends may be a bit late."

Sam...Jordan....her heart sank into her belly. "You're lying. Even if you're not, he's stronger than you think. He'll be here, and he's going to put an end to your game once and for all, and you're going to be nothing but a rotting corpse in this basement, because I am for damn sure not cleaning you up." Parker spat, and began grinding her teeth.

"Then I hope, for your sake...that he hurries." Colin placed the knife at her wrist, beneath where the tape sat and sliced quick, horizontally. The blade cutting through skin and opening her veins, sending screaming pain signals directly to her brain. Almost clinically, he moved on to do the same to her other wrist.

Fingers clenched into tight fists, which probably didn't help her. Teeth were beared as she silently screamed into the night. "Gah!" Looking almost betrayed, but not quite there. She hadn't trusted a word the man said, but she still had to wonder. "Why now?" it was a hoarse sound, pained as ever.

The clock struck was friday. "Happy anniversary."

"Son of a bitch..!" Parker screamed at him, eyes trailing to her wrist as she watched the blood flow out of her flesh. Dizziness hadn't settled in yet, but her ears chimed as the situation became more surreal than ever.

Hot blood oozed down into the tub. He spoke soothingly to her. "Ms. Parker" Calm yourself. Calm yourself. Don't want to move too much or you'll make it drain faster. I want this to last a good long while. Give our friend time."

Colin wiped the blood on his pant leg, standing up. "And besides..." He said with a smile. "We're just getting started."

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-09 15:34 EST
Sam and Jordan pulled up few houses down, stopping the battered SUV and shutting off the lights. They quickly exited the vehicle, Sam grabbing his rifle before slamming the door. Black kevlar over a green compression shirt that hugged his torso. A pair of black fingerless gloves on his hands and black cargoes tucked into his black boots. At his hip, his sidearm. Swallowing hard, Jordan stayed near his back, eyes wide as ever as she stepped carefully behind him. A finger rested on the safety of her gun, and she issued a hand to his back. "Sam..."

Sam glanced back to her. Her eyes found his and she gave a nervous smile and a firm nod. This was the first time she'd ever done field work. It might have felt good if the stakes weren't so damned high.

His face a grim mask of determination, Sam nodded to her.

__ Rapid little breaths were blown out just as quickly as they were sucked in. Don't cry. Don't cry....Do not give him the satisfaction of your tears. It was so much easier in her thoughts, as she stared death in the face. Death was uglier than she ever imagined. She heard Colin's footsteps approaching before she saw him. The demented murderer crouched before her again, a regretful look on his face.

"Now...I have some bad news. I can't have you spoiling the party. So...I'm afraid I have to put this back on you." he took up the tape again and roughly pressed it over her mouth. There was a battle in the brain for the look that was held in the eyes. She glared up at him, but despite those blaring, galaxy eyes, he'd see the fear. As he moved away, humming his little song, she looked down at her wrist and groaned softly against the tape. __

Rifle shouldered, Sam advanced on the house, making sure Jordan was never far behind. This time he was careful. Checking the windows at the front of the dilapidated ranch house. The main floor was mostly dark, but he could see a sliver of light coming from the basement. "Jordan." He whispered. "I see it," she nodded, voice hiding beneath a whisper's shroud. "...We have to be careful. I'll take the upstairs, you take the basement?"

He set immediately to task, making short work of the lock. A glance thrown over his shoulder. "I'm checking around back, make sure we're not walking into another trap. I want you to hold here and wait for my signal. Three flashes, then come in. Got it?"

"Got it.." Jordan said with a nod, clicking the safety off. She took a step back and waited for him.

He slipped away in the darkness,moving quickly to the back door. This time, checking every window as he went along, a sigh of relief finding each empty. He stepped up onto the porch, taking stock of the kitchen through the sliding glass doors. Quietly as can be, he slid the door open and snuck in. Sam brought the rifle up and carefully, silently cleared the immediate area. One hand brought up his flashlight and flicked it 3 times in her direction.

Carefully, she turned the knob. She took in a deep breath and moved in through the door, her weapon covering both sides in the darkness before she moved forward. If he was there, he was definitely downstairs. She and Sam met on opposite sides of the basement doorway. "I'm scared.." she admitted in a cautious whisper. Sam looked to her trying to offer a reassuring smile. "Me too."

Her lips upturned in a sad smile. At least she wasn't alone.

Sam set his jaw then. Game faces on, Jordan. "I want you to wait here. Cover these stairs. You see him' You put him down. That young face was staring back at him as she waited to follow his lead. Then he told her to wait, and like a loyal puppy she looked distraught.

Off her look, he stared her straight in they eye. "This is the only exit. If things go south down there, I want it covered. No matter what, that son of a bitch does NOT get out of here alive. Understood?"

She swallowed hard and nodded, "Be careful, Sam..."

"Hang tight. I'll be back." Sam moved down the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible, hugging the wall as he came down. Sam lowered himself down the last step, ready for anything. The room somehow looked...sick. Smelled wrong. A disgusting old sink that seemed like it had never been cleaned. Unidentifiable stains all about whose origins Sam was sure he never wanted to discover. Lots of shadows and unfinished walls. Two dirty light bulbs the only sources of illumination in the entire dank basement. At the top of the stairs. Various thoughts went through Jordan's mind. What if she accidentally shot Sam' He'd announce himself....He wouldn't be so stupid as to come up without announcing himself. Right' Yeah. Yeah, of course. Please announce yourself, Sam...

Sam moved through the basement, seeing no sign of Trammel. They may have gotten lucky and caught him while he was out. And then, his breath caught in his throat. Through the doorway...a hand strapped with tape through a hole cut in the side of the tub. A trail of blood rolling down the dirty porcelain.

Sam's heart sank and the color drained from his face. God...was he too late" He had tunnel vision, sprinting for the room, and unslinging his rifle. He set it on the ground behind him.

Eyes flickered to the movement, and soon widened up at him as he suddenly came into Parker's line of sight. A panic in her eyes as she screamed against the tape.

"Parker!" He spoke in hushed tones, his attention immediately on her slit wrists. Shaking her head almost violently as he approached. She spoke against the tape, her body tensing up and writhing in the tub.

"It's okay, it's me!" He was battered and bruised himself as he put his hands on her shoulders. "Let's get you out of here..."

Parker's mouth fought against the tape. Her tongue lashed out to try and shove it away to no avail. "Mm..rmm!"

He took out a knife of his own and cut the binds on her wrists and tried to wrap the wounds tightly in bandages from one of his pouches. He was so focused he didn't hear the footsteps behind him.

Those eyes trailed up, "Mmm!!!" she screeched as her injured wrist attempted to shove Sam away from his path. Fingers were almost completely useless and numb as they fought against his attempts to bandage her up.

"Damn it, Parker, hold STILL!"

Feet kicked as she half ripped the bandage from her mouth. "BEHIND YOU!" it was scratchy and hoarse.

His eyes went wide and he whipped around. She saw his body lurch back toward her as Colin thrust the knife between his ribs where the kevlar did not cover. Sam grabbed him by the shoulders, his mouth opened wide in a wordless scream.

"Mr Piper. We finally meet."

"Sam!" Parker screeched loudly as her numb, mostly useless fingers worked on her feet in a panic.

Colin's eyes fluttered shut as he smiled. "It seems our little game is finally over."

"Leave him alone you sick son of a whore!" Normally not her type of language, but he seemed to throw that word around a lot concerning his sister, so...

"Be with you momentarily sweetheart." He didn't even look her way, lowering Sam slowly to the ground.

"Easy. Easy. " He knelt with Sam, the knife still in his side.

Sam's eyes read agony...defeat...sorrow. And rage. Colin stared at him sympathetically.

"This is a good death, Samuel. There is no shame in this. After all...this was the only way this could end." Colin smiled softly. "I'll miss you." He withdrew the knife suddenly, lightly shoving Sam on to his back. The wounded detective's hands pressed to his gushing wound, gasping. A deep breath was taken in as Orion stared wordlessly and doe-eyed in his direction.

"Sam..." The girl whispered softly as she stared down at him. She paid no attention to Colin at this point, a blood, covered hand moving to attempt to reach the man from her weakened state in the bath tub.

Colin smiled down with pity in his eyes for a moment before he turned his attention on Parker, eyes darkening. "Now. Your turn." He turned to her, his knife glinting in the dull light as he approached. His fingers digging into her hair. Those big, galaxy eyes defiant to the last as his knife rose in the air, ready to make the killing blow.

"Hey, ****head!" A voice cried behind him. Jordan stood there, stonefaced and battered. When exactly had she come down the stairs" It was probably the second she heard Parker scream. Her weapon was trained on him. Colin whipped around to face her and she fired off one quick round that would bury itself within his shoulder. His shoulder burst in a red mist as the bullet passed through, the impact wheeled him back around toward Sam and Parker, his face wrenching in agony.

The second the shot went off, sam reached down and unholstered his pistol. His gun trained on the killer and he squeezed the trigger twice in rapid succession, blood bursting violently from the slight man's chest half a second before a third shot tore through his skull, painting the unfinished ceiling above him in arterial red. Colin's eyes went wide, instantly lifeless as his head whipped back from the force of the shot. His body dropped to it's knees and just keeled over.

The second he went down Parker allowed herself to collapse down into the tub, letting out raspy, tired breaths. Jordan's eyes widened as she held the pistol, "Holy crap, I hit him!" I hit him!" Almost excitedly as she bounced in her shoes. Then she saw Sam and Parker and the reality of the situation settled in. "Oh god..."

Sam gasped for air, a pained smile creeping on to his battered, blood-stained face. His weapon lowering slowly. Life poured out of him, but if he died right there...he would have been satisfied. A weight was gone. He looked to Jordan and weakly gave her a thumbs up.

"God, Sam!" Jordan said, rushing over. She pulled out her phone and began dialing for help as she moved to find something to press against his wound. Luckily she hadn't gotten an eyeful of Parker just yet, or she might have been totally useless.

Sam's head slumped back and his chest rising, lungs fighting to breath. To the sounds of her panicked phone call, blue eyes stared up, a smile creeping onto his face as the world went dark.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-12 00:22 EST
They were both out for a while, and Jordan hadn't left their side. Parker's wrists had been bandaged up, but they were still waiting to see if she'd suffer any nerve damage. She'd lost a lot of blood, and both her and Sam were hooked up to IVs to replace the fluids that they'd lost. Sam lay unconscious, his monitor beeping steadily. It had been touch and go for a while, but he was eventually in stable condition. He was fortunate the blade hadn't hit any vital organs. He'd be sore as hell and have to take it easy for a while, but he would live. Peacefully, he lay there, chest rising and falling in a soft rhythm, his face clean but for the scrapes, bruises, and stitches from the explosion. Parker was dehydrated and upon arrival, had a pretty massive panic attack, so she'd been administered drugs to put her out. Jordan was curled up in a chair beside them. Her eyes sleepless as ever, but she waited and watched for them to wake up.

Parker's galaxy eyes flickered open, she was in a daze for only a moment before panic began to settle in. She jerked upwards, feeling the binds of wires sticking into her flesh. She let out a sharp cry, still blinded by the drugs as she began to rip away at the wires.

Jordan moved over to her and tried to steady her hands. "Parker....Parker! Calm down! You're okay....Stop..." Jordan said, gripping her arms and trying to settle her back down weakly.

"Jordan..." Parker whispered softly as she laid down as she instructed. "What...what happened?" she asked, her head still foggy from the drugs.

"You got taken by that psycho....I was so worried about you." Jordan whispered, pulling her into a tight hug. "Sam got hurt pretty badly getting you out of there, but....he's dead, Parker. You don't have to worry about him again, he's dead."

"Sam's dead...?" eyes not opening.

"No, Sam's right next to you....The psycho is dead."

"Is Sam okay..?"

"Yeah, he pulled through, they got the bleeding stopped....He should be fine."

"What're you doing here, Jordan..." When was the last time you slept?" she asked, finally allowing her eyes to open and settle blurry vision on the blonde.

Her eyes turned to Parker. "If they hadn't given you drugs, you wouldn't have slept either, Parker."

"Hey, Jordan..." Parker said attempting to grab her hand with useless fingers. "You don't want to be like me, alright' I don't even want to be like me.."

Raised voices came from outside the room. "Girl, you better get your damn hands off the merchandise. That's my friend in there!"

"Sir, if you aren't family, you're going to have to wait-"

"What the f-girl, get out my way!"

The door opened and in hobbled Cole, leaving a VERY frustrated nurse in his wake.

Jordan spun around, "Hey, it's alright...He's family," she said with a nod.

The sight of Sam stopped him in his tracks. Cole was MUCH less worse for wear than anyone in the room, but he had his share of battle scars Parker knew him. Not well, but they had met a time of two. He took in a lungful of air and let it go. Finally he noticed Jordan and Parker.

Cole walked over to Jordan, arms opening for a hug as he approached. "Damn, girl, you alright?"

"Huh' Yeah....I'm fine," Jordan said as she collapsed against his embrace. "A lot better off than these two. Also, I shot a guy," she said with a weak smile. "Sam put him down, but I shot the shit out of him first.."

Cole let out a laugh, giving her a tight squeeze. "Atta girl."

Parker settled down in the bed as she watched the two, and then let her eyes fall shut. It wouldn't be long before she saw his face, and jolted her eyes open. A deep breath was taken as she tried to relax. "They say if I can go home soon?"

A smile up to Cole before she turned her eyes to Parker. "You crazy' You're really dehydrated, and you lost a ton of blood. You just lay there until they say you can go..." A bit more bossy than usual.

Parker was defeated as ever, and simply nodded, her eyes turning to Sam.

Sam's eyes slowly opened just as Parker's eyes landed upon him. A long moment before either moved or said anything. Just quiet while Cole and Jordan talked. A small smile turned up the corners of his mouth. Those deep blue eyes locked on those milkyway galaxy eyes, silently saying "It's over." Parker stared over at Sam, looking more vulnerable and human than ever before. When he smiled, her lips weakly upturned for him. It was a moment that the two would share, something she would try and think back on any time she was in panic mode. He glanced over to the battered Jordan, looking like a total bad-ass and glanced to Parker as if to say "Jordan. Am I right' Who'da thought?"

Memories were slow to come back to her, but she remembered Colin moving in to finish her off, she remembered the profanity coming from Jordan's mouth, and she remembered their lives being saved. The smile strengthened up a bit, and she nodded. Her hand turned, thumb sticking up, but some of the fingers unable to ball themselves in a fist. It was the world's most awkward thumbs-up. Sam's left arm reached out over to her bed and took her hand weakly. Fingers attempted to give his a squeeze, some of them worked, some of them weren't there yet.

Cole noticed the movement and leaned over Jordan's shoulder. "Holy shit...he's awake."

Jordan's eyes trailed over to the two just as they were holding hands. There was something on her expression before she wiped it away.

Cole stepped over, hands in his pockets. "God damn, kid, you had us scared a minute there."

"Really scared. How are you feeling?"" Jordan mumbled.

Sam gave one last soft smile to Parker before he let her hand go. His voice sounding like he'd been gargling rock salt all night. "Had...better days..."

A little laugh escaped him, drawing out a wince. Weakly, he gestured at Cole's face. "'re even uglier than I remember..."

Cole laughed. "Jesus, all that stabbin' and he couldn't even kill your sense of humor?"

Sam coughed when he laughed, his hand going to his chest, his breath coming out a bit weezy. Sam's eyes landed on Jordan and he reached out for her.

"What sense of humor?" Parker asked, as she watched Jordan move over towards Sam. Steps were slow and calculated as if she were afraid of tripping and breaking him.

He shot a little grin Parker's way and pulled the young detective down in the a one armed hug, holding her as tightly to him as he could in his weakened state. Jordan wasn't quite expecting that, she hesitated and resisted a bit, afraid of hurting him. Finally she let out a weak chuckle and hugged him. "What's that for?"

"Good...shot." Sam released her and grinned up to the girl.

"Wasn't going to let you have all the fun..." Jordan said with a chuckle and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'm glad you're not dead, Sam.."


"Remind me to yell at you later..." Parker said.

He lay back, his eyes still a bit blurry, his body still incredibly weak. "You got it...boss." He managed to eek out.

"Jordan," Parker snapped. "Go home, eat something and sleep...Maybe bring me some files to look over later, but go take a shower and take care of yourself."

Cole nodded. "Yeah, come on kid. I'll give you a ride home."

Another glance between the two of them, and she lowered her eyes. "I'll be back later to check on you two.." Jordan mumbled softly.

Sam waved weakly to both of them, "Thanks...again..."

Parker's eyes slid to Sam as the room cleared out. "I don't know whether or not I want to hit you or hug you.."

"I'd...prefer...the latter."

"You got so focused on me....You almost got yourself killed, Sam...Don't ever let that happen again. You always secure the area before dropping your weapon, you understand me?" There was no condescending tone, and there couldn't have been more care in her voice than in that moment.

"'re welcome, Park." He smiled over to her.

Parker frowned lightly, "...and yes, thank you....But...Don't do that again....If Jordan wasn't there.." Swallowing hard, she took in a breath.

He nodded slowly. "Almost...bit it..."

"You and me both..." Parker whispered, her expression turning to panic again. "I was so sure I was going to die.."

Maybe it was the drugs, maybe it was how tired he was, but he said it. "Wouldn't...let you..."

Talking was becoming harder by the word, but those weary, tired eyes stared across at her. "Sorry....what I..." He swallowed, the words getting more difficult to form. "Was wrong."

"I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you all these years, Sam." It was probably strange having her use is first name so casually. "'re a good detective." Swallowing hard, she settled back down into the bed. "...get some rest." Eyes would not close save for an occasional blink.

He nodded, his eyes sliding shut. But he looked back up to her again. "Good...."

He took in a deep breath and exhaled. "Friend..."

He nodded to her. His mouth worked into a smile as his eyes slid shut.

"Good friend, yeah.." Parker whispered and sat up in the bed. She was already antsy and restless. She'd do more to watch him, than actually get herself some needed rest.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-12 13:42 EST
It had been over a week since they were put taken to the hospital. Finally, Sam was released to go home on his own recognizance. The cab dropped him off in front of his apartment building. He carefully made his way up the stairs, his abdomen still sore, but at least his breathing problems were over with and they gave him some AWESOME pain killers. Sam fished around for his keys, putting them in the lock, and giving a twist. He stepped into the apartment, letting out a breath. It was good to be home...

Dressed simply in a plain white t-shirt and blue jeans. He tossed the keys into the bowl next to the door. And stopped where he stood. That...that bowl wasn't there before. And...what...what happened to his carpet' It was entirely different. And his walls...were they that color BEFORE" And why did everything smell...clean' He looked around, for a second, not sure if he was, in fact, in the right apartment.

"What the hell?" he mouthed silently to himself

The light on the bathroom was on, Parker had been in there cleaning. She'd have to re-bandage when she was done, but at the moment, she seemed to be lost in her own little world. She had headphones in her ears, blocking out all noise of him coming home. Parker had been released earlier than him. She'd gone home since then, and found it impossible to even be in that place for too long. So there she was, in his apartment, and it was spotless.

He peered around into the bathroom, recognizing the red hair immediately. "Oh you have GOT to be kidding me."

What he might not recognize, is her wearing one of his shirts and a pair of black panties. She continued to wipe down his sink, and sing to herself. "Radioactive...radioactive..." Don't quit your day job, Parker. He snuck up to the door and then slapped his hands on the door way "I CAN FEEL IT IN MAH BONES! 'NUFF TO MAKE MY SYSTEM BLOW!"

Parker had been on edge since the entire incident, so when she noticed the movement and the yelling, she threw her injured wrists in the air defensively. "Oh my god!" Parker yelled, and backed up towards the tub and went down. Her butt met the tub, and her legs went up in air.

"Oh shit!" He chuckled making an 'Oops!' face. He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway with a smirk. "Honey, I'm home."

Headphones popped out of her ears and she gave a weary look to him, eyes rolling into the back of her head. "What're you doing home already?"

He brow furrowed as he stepped over, offering a hand and looking at her like she was crazy. "What are you doing IN my home!"

"Uh..." That was a good question. She grabbed his hand and worked her way out of the tub. "Well, you saved my life...So I figured I'd help you out and make this place livable.."

He pulled her up to her feet. "Yeah' And you figured...what? Strip down to your skivvies and...Is that one of MY shirts?"

"Oh my god..." Parker hadn't even realized that until now. The shirt in question was stretched down to cover her lady parts, and she bit into her lip. "I didn't think you were coming home...It's hot in here, and I wanted to be comfortable while I cleaned, okay!?" she said moving to pass him so that she could put on real pants. Or at least her robe.

"Uh huh." He walked out into the apartment moving toward his room.

She heard his closet open. "...I have a lot more women's clothes than I remember."

Stepping past him, she pulled her robe out of the closet, and wrapped it around her body. " takes days, and a lot of changes of clothes...Obviously. You'd know if you've ever cleaned a day in your life." Defensive as ever.

Blue eyes turned to her, his arms crossing defensively in front of him. "I clean twice a week, thank you very much. Plus, I've been a bit busy lately. What with the house blowing up around me and the stabbing."

Sam sensed that might be a bit of a sore subject and changed it immediately. " PAINTED my walls and redid my carpet' How the hell did you swing that' I asked my super i I could change a LIGHT fixture and he lost his mind."

"Do you know how dangerous an un-maintained carpet is"....I did your landlord a favor....This was just unsafe." She mumbled, offended as she tucked her body away.

Sam opened a drawer finding more of her clothes. He sighed. "Hey. Random...shot in the dark here. But uh...Are you livin' here?"

"No! Of course not!" Parker said with a huff and threw her bandaged wrists in the air.

He quirked an eyebrow and pointed to the bed. "That isn't my bedspread."

"You can't prove that..."

He suppressed a laugh and took a couple steps toward her. "Look...if you need to get out of your place, I get it. Just...would be nice if you ask."

A soft sigh as she moved over to sit on his bed. "I can't be there....Every time I'm there, I just relive that night.." Burying her face in her hands, she pushed out that messy hair from her face. "I end up back in that bath tub....Hearing him sing to me.." There was a distant look in those galaxy eyes as she stared ahead.

He walked up to her, staring down a moment before he sat beside her. "I get it, Parker. You can stay here as long as you need."

Parker's shoulder touched his, and she took in a breath, sighing it out with a response, "Thanks, Piper.."

"Sam." he said with smile.


He nodded to her. "Better."

Sam flopped down onto the bed. It felt...cushier than before. " this a new memory foam pad?"

"...depends....Do you like it?"

He scooted his butt on the super soft mattress pad. "No, because I hate comfort." He gave her a look "Of course I like it."

Sam bounced his ass on the bed. It really was nice. In fact...the whole apartment looked great. "I feel like I should be mad about you just...having your way with my apartment...but it looks pretty solid."

She gave him that look. That look that she often used when he was CLEARLY being silly and didn't know what he was talking about. "I don't think you should be mad...I mean I spent a bunch of my own money to do it, and now you won't die of toxic inhalation from whatever was living inside your carpet.." Parker said with a grin.

He glanced over to her a chuckle escaping him. "Okay. Well..if you're going to be staying here...we should figure some stuff out."

Parker smiled at him, it wasn't weak or forced. "You're right," she nodded.

"Well. I like to sleep in the nude. So...I don't know how you feel about that. And I prefer the right side of the" His face betrayed NO hint of him kidding.

Parker swallowed hard and stared up at him, redness spreading over her face and chest. "I uh....Okay," she nodded slowly.

He grinned "I'm messing with you, Parker."

"The couch folds out into a bed. I can take that." He said standing from the bed.

Fighting the urge to shove him, she felt her teeth grinding slowly. "You're an ass, Sam.."

He rubbed his palms together, thinking of any other rules to lay down. "Also, if you bring someone me and let me know."

" Bring someone home?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Like Jordan' I have to ask your permission to have visitors?"

"What?" He looked at her oddly. "Are you two..."

"Are we what?" she asked, noting the expression on his face.

"You know...Together?"

"Together" Together....Oh...God no! Is that what you meant!?" Parker now fighting every urge to shove him.

"Well, I don't know!" he cried defensively, "Never seen you so much as TALK to a guy who isn't me before, and you two are...sorta chummy."

Those milky way eyes filled with disapproval. "She's my assistant..." Parker said, nice and slow. "I'm not a lesbian, Sam. Oh god...Does everyone think I'm a lesbian!?"

"Well, nobody THINKS it. I mean...we might suspect it...but..."

An eyebrow raised in his direction, "..but..?"

"You should probably tell Jordan."

"I don't think my sexual orientation is anyone's business, Sam....But for the record, I don't plan on having anyone over."

"Okay, okay. That's cool." He nodded. "And...I'll call you. If that...comes up."

The awkwardness in the room was at an all time high. She dropped her head, face flushed. "Right. Good."

"Cool. You hungry?"

"Am I hungry for actual food, and chips or whatever guys eat...?" Parker asked with something of a grin on her face.

A smirk worked its way onto his lips, "...either?"

"Real food," she said, looking up at him with soft auburn curls covering her pretty face.

"Put some of your own clothes on and we'll go." he said with a nod.

Parker nodded and moved over to his closet, "You gonna step out or stay for the show?" she asked sarcastically.

" that an option?" He quirked a brow to her jokingly, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Does it matter" I mean...You've pretty much seen all there is to see..." Parker told him with a roll of her eyes.

Not the response he was expecting..."Well, I didn't LOOK! I was a bit busy with the whole trying rescue you and getting stabbed thing." He lifted his shirt to show his stitches. "Remember?"

Wincing at the stitches, she shook her head. Clearly he wasn't leaving. She dropped the robe and climbed out of his shirt. The bra matched the panties, who would've thought'

As she did, he turned away "Okay, okay...Leaving." He stepped out of the room

Whattayaknow" He was a gentleman. Parker went through "her" closet and picked out a t-shirt and jeans. The medication made her a little more laid back. Only slightly...The jeans and shirt were both perfectly ironed. Sam had stepped into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. His fingers reaching up and touching the scar at his temple. He still couldn't believe he survived a house explosion.

Stepping out of the room with a jacket, a red t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans tucked into classy heeled black boots, she looked at him a moment. "Stop checking yourself out, Piper. We all know you're pretty," she said with a chuckle as she started towards the door.

Sam glanced over his shoulder, putting on a smile. "Yeah. Let's go."

Sam joined her, snagging up his keys and locking the door behind him. The two of them were soon walking down the street toward a diner. "How's everything healing up?" he asked her.

"Still don't have much feeling in some of my fingers, but they said physical therapy should fix that....What about you?"

"Still a little sore. But...I feel..." he though a moment, "I feel good. Like we did something good."

She nodded slowly. "I can imagine...You're probably going to sleep a lot easier. I know that it doesn't bring Anna back, but...You feel better, right?"

"I do. Just wish you hadn't gotten dragged into it."

Stopping in her tracks, a few flashbacks came into her mind. She flinched lightly, and shook them away. Distantly, "It comes with the job, Sam....If it wasn't him, would've been another psycho.."

He stopped and looked back to her, a bit concerned. "Still."

He was quiet a moment. "Parker, I want to apologize." He stated, looking her in the eye. "What I said...I was wrong."

"About me being a heartless bitch, or whatever" You don't have to apologize. It's true, Sam...I'm a cold person. You weren't the first person to say it." He was probably not used to the vulnerable look in her eyes.

"Parker, you risked everything for me. You almost died for me. You worked tirelessly for ME. Whether or not you admit it. You're an amazing woman. I won't lie and say you can't be incredibly frustrating, but...I was wrong to say what I did. I was angry and frustrated and...I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted, Sam." Parker said with a nod, "Don't sweat it. You didn't hurt my feelings," she said with a grin. "I don't have feelings."

He smirked. "Quit bein' a bitch, Parker."

"How in the world was I being a..." Defeated as she didn't want to repeat the word, "B-word..?"

He pushed through the front door and held it open for her. He laughed. "I was kidding."

"Better have been," she said with a weak chuckle as she stepped inside.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-12 14:35 EST
4 glasses of whiskey (for her) and 5 beers (his) later, he grimaced across the table at the increasingly drunk redhead. Whiskey didn't sit well in a blood stream nourished by leaves and small bits of chicken. Four drinks down, and she was resting her head on the table pushing the fifth, half empty glass across with her index finger.

Galaxy eyes rolled up to him, and she smiled. "Hi.."

He gave her a grin, slouched back in his chair. "Heya."

"How's it goin' over there?"

"I think the waiter is getting annoyed at us," she whispered too loudly as she lifted her drink to her lips and finished off the glass. "I feel...shiny." Parker said with a grin.

He tipped his bottle back and downed the rest of his beer. "Wanna get outta here?"

"That sounded like such a line..." He made a distasteful face, which was wiped away a moment later. "But...wanna get outta here. Go home. Make some grilled cheese?"

"You know?" Parker asked as she set down the empty glass, "I kinda do." Then she was laughing for absolutely no reason at all.

He chuckled and stood up to his full 6' tall height, a hand offered down to her.

Parker took his hand, and stood stumbling into him a bit.

He caught her, stumbling back a bit with a quiet laugh "Oh, jesus. No. No we're good."

Parker looked up at him and grinned, "The alcohol has seemed to affect my legs, good sir!" she said with a grin.

"Yeah, four glasses of whiskey will do that." He smirked down at her, those shining blue eyes reddened a bit with the haze of alcohol. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I feel pretty good...A little wobbly, but pretty good.." There was a big grin on her face. "Take me home," she pouted playfully. "And make me a sammich.." A finger came up to poke his nose. "Boop!"

"Alright, come on, drunk ass."

"You're the one who's drunk...butt." she said, following him when he took the lead.

He led her out of the diner/bar and walked down the street with her in the dark.

"I knew it." Sam said with a chuckle. "I knew you were gonna be a fun drunk."

"Am I fun?" she asked with wide eyes and a big, light up the night smile.

"Yeah! And you're smilin'..." he said in a high voice. "I like it when you smile."

"I had braces when I was younger..." Parker admitted. "I got into the habit of not smiling..." Clinging to his arm as they walked.

"Parker, you could stop traffic with that thing."

"You're lyingggg..." she said with a chuckle.

He glanced down at her, a drunken grin on his face. "Nope. And I like your hair."

"My hair" It's a mess right now! I like your scruffy...face." A hand moved up to rake over his beard.

He jutted out his jaw toward her, eye brows raising as he stifled a laugh.

"No, but it's all pretty and red..."

"Yeah it's pretty red..." she said thoughtfully as she dragged her fingers over his jaw and let her hand drop.

The two stumbled up to the apartment. It took him a good 3 or 4 tries to get the key in the lock before he nudged the door open.

Sam tossed his keys in the bowl and wandered in, stopping to turn to her. He pointed at the drunken redhead. "Grilled cheese" I make the best grilled cheese."

Her head was planted against his spine as he worked the door open, and she'd stumble after him as he stepped inside. "Grilled cheese, definitely ..." Orion said.

He wandered in and started to work, breaking out the pan, bread, butter, and cheese slices. "You want anything to drink?"

"Yeah, I'll take whatever.." Parker said as she disappeared into the bedroom to put on her bed clothes.

He finished up just as she was about to step out. He had forgotten she was there for a moment, despite putting two plates with two waters out and headed toward the door almost bumping into her as she was coming out.

Orion stumbled backwards, he'd recognize the outfit as what she was wearing the day they fought. "Hey! What're you doing in my apartment!?" she asked with a grin.

"Ooh...Sorry...Wait what? YOUR apartment?" He smirked down at her before becoming suddenly aware of their proximity.

"It was a JOKE!" she said with a chuckle, then sniffed the air. "Smells gooood."

He laughed and stepped around her "I know."

"'scuse me." He entered the room going to his drawer and pulling out a clean shirt for bed, setting it on the bed.

When he stepped around, she tied off her robe and followed after. "There's no excuse for you!" she said, and obviously found it to be the most hilarious thing in the world judging by the laughter following after.

Sam's arms crossed in front of him and he shook his head, laughing more at her than what she said. "You are a mess."

He pulled his shirt over his head wincing slightly at the stitches in his side.

"Nuh uh. I'm SUPER clean." Sitting in a dainty fashion on the edge of the bed, Parker continued her laughing fit until she saw his chest, and then she looked like she might cry. "That was my fault..."

His muscled torso only had hints of what had happened. But his side would always bear that scar.

"What was?" He gestured to the wound "THIS?"

Fingers delicately traced beneath the underside of his stitches, and she nodded slowly.

He twitched away. "ooh..ah...heh heh....Sorry. Ticklish there..."

That made her laugh, "Really"! You're ticklish' You're HUGE!" I'm not even ticklish!"

"Tall people are ticklish too!"

"You're a nerd!" she giggled and snagged a grilled cheese, taking a bite.

"Yeah, says the woman whose purse is cataloged like a museum."

"Organization is its own reward, Sam."

He leaned over by the dresser, pulling open a drawer and taking out a pair of shorts, changing into them with his back to her.

Wide silver dusted eyes watched him as she nibbled away on the snack. "Take it off."

"Hey. Behave back there."

Pouting against the grilled cheese, "Make me."

He walked back to the bed with a smirk, shaking his head at her before grabbing his t-shirt.

Hair rested in front of her eyes, "This IS the best grilled cheese ever."

He pulled it down over his torso and walked out, grabbing his grilled cheese and leaning against the doorway, chewing. "Right"!"

"It's so cheesy! you do that?" she asked with a grin as she took another bite.

"Two slices!"

"Genius!" she yelled.

He nodded all proud, mouth full of food before he went and sat on the couch in the living room.

Orion, with her grilled cheese, moved to follow after him. "Hey...where you going?"

His fingers went through his soft brown hair, scratching at the back of is head and looking up to her. "Just sittin' on my bed."

A thumb jerk to his room, "That's your bed..."

"No. That's YOUR bed, remember?"

"It's mine?" she asked with her eyes trailing to the ceiling. "Oh yeeeeaahh."

"Cuz I'm a gentleman." he mumbled around his food, pointing the sandwich at her.

"Were you wanting to go to bed?" she asked.

A drunken smile on his face as he sat. "Not just yet..." He patted the couch next to him. "Come on. Hang out with me."

Orion sat down next to him and finished off the grilled cheese, "Sooo goooood." The girl said with her cheeks puffing out lightly.

He chuckled. "I'll pass your compliments onto the chef."

A poke to the top of his chest, "You're the chef!"

He gasped. "Well, lookit that!"

He gave her two thumbs up and wink.

"I'm having a good time, Sam. Thanks for taking me out," she said with a smile as she leaned back.

"Any time, Parker."

"Nooo," she looked into his eyes as if he wasn't taking her seriously. "I mean it, thank you." With a wide stare.

He looked to her oddly. "..I...mean it, too' Any. Time."

He stared at her a moment, swallowing another bite. "Can't believe I'm saying this,'"

"You don't have to say that.." Parker said, brushing her hair away from her eyes.

"I know. But I am."

"Well, Mister Piper," she said with a grin. "I thank you. The entire state of Tennessee thanks you."

He reached over and took her hand gently and nodded. "Well, you and...the good people of Tennessee are welcome." He smirked, giving her hand a gentle shake.

That hand was issued a squeeze with the fingers that were still working. She giggled lightly, "We're a modest folk," she said with a nod. No clue what she was talking about.

He laughed "Yeah, I can tell."

He smiled to her, only vaguely aware that he was still holding her hand. Orion scooted closer and rested her head on his shoulder, completely unaware that they were holding hands. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, her left arm crossing her chest to her right shoulder, their hands still together. When that arm wrapped around her, she felt her head roll against his chest. Fingers were issued another squeeze and she sucked in a breath, letting out a content little sigh. Sam leaned back his head a moment.

Drunken blue eyes glanced down and redhead who was under his arm. He turned his cheek, resting it to the top of her head. Those giant galaxy eyes blinked up at him, and then they closed happily as he rested his cheek on her hair.

"It's getting late."

"You getting tired?" she asked.

"A bit." He nodded. "Okay, Sam." Parker said with a nod, as she issued another squeeze to his hand, and moved to work her way out of his arms.

He looked up at her. "Goin' ta bed?"

"You're tired, so I figured I should leave you alone..."

"...well, help me make up the bed, dork."

He stood up and pulled out one the couch cushions.

Parker giggled softly, "Whatever you say, Sam.." she said, and grabbed a cushion.

"Also...I need a couple of your pillows."

"I'll go grab some, I only use one anyways..." Parker said, disappearing into the bedroom.

He unrolled the creaky sofa bed. going to the closet to grab some sheets. Doing this drunk was a chore and a half....

"Thank you!" He called after her, eyes watching her backside as she walked in.

Stumbling out into the room with two pillows in hand, Parker smiled. "Anytime," she said.

He took the pillows in his arms. "Thanks."

Moving to straighten out his sheets, she rolled her eyes. "No, thank you....For letting me stay." He shook his head "Glad to have you."

He set the pillows on the "bed" and sat

A small smile crossed Parker's face, "Want me to read you a story?"

"No, I think I can handle it." He smiled up at her. "Goodnight, Parker."

Parker moved in to awkwardly hug him, "Goodnight, Sam.."

He stood as she started for him, his arms wrapping around her. He couldn't help but breathe her in, the smell of her hair amazing. Staring up at him, her wide eyes thinned out in a bright smile. Sam stared right back down at her, a soft smile on his lips.

Parker's lips pursed lightly as she fought the smile, and rested her head against his chest, giving him another light squeeze. His hand went to the back of her head. "You need anything...just call for me. I'll be out here all night.

"Same to you," she said with a smile. "I can't sleep, so I'll be up reading." Pointing to the bedroom.

He broke the hug and smiled. "Night, Parker."

A hand patted against his chest, "Goodnight, Piper."

He stepped away from her and flopped down on the bed, blowing out air. Eaaaaaasy, boy.

Smiling to him, she moved to disappear into the bedroom. She turned off the light for him, and the only light that would filter in, was that filtered in from the crack in the slightly open door to the bedroom.

Those blue eyes stayed on the door until sleep overtook him. He would worry about how awkward that night ended up tomorrow. For now...sleep.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-13 14:15 EST
Sam's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light pouring in through the took a while to get his bearings. He felt a weight on his chest and something on his shoulder and neck that he couldn't place. His eyes widened as he realized what happened and who it was in bed with him.

The morning light had lit her hair on fire, galaxy eyes were tucked away behind violently flickering lids. She'd only been to sleep for a couple hours before the nightmares became apparent on twitching features. At some point in the late night, she'd abandoned her comic book and crawled into the sofa bed with him. His arm had wrapped around her at some point in the night involuntarily...and now he was too afraid to move. Her fiery head rested on his arm, while her hand rested just below his stitches. Soft little yelps trailed from her lips as her shoulders jerked ever so slightly. Panicking, shivering breaths came and went through her nostrils as she continued, lost in the dream.

"Anna?" she called out as she rounded the corner of an alley. The sky rained blood, and it puddled at her feet like coppery crimson pools. She stepped through them. This little light of mine....I'm gonna let it shine....The song rang out in the night. "You leave her alone!" she screamed, blood soaking her hair as she moved rapidly through the gory night.

Concerned blue eyes looked down at her as she twitched, deep in her nightmare. With her gun pulled, she entered an old abandoned house. She saw him, his back turned to her, humming that sickening tune. "Hands up!" she screamed. You are mistaken, Parker...."I'm not. I'm never wrong. Game over." That may be....But you're already dead. Parker's hand moved up to her throat, and sure enough she found a gaping slit in the flesh which rippled and gurgled with blood bubbling up to the surface. Her gun clanked to the hard floor. Parker began choking out, gasping and wheezing as her hand moved to her throat. She was coughing now, and on the brink of an attack.

"Parker..." He shook her. "PARKER!" Lips parted just as eyelids did, her eyes half lidded and still clouded with sleep. She began to scream out in a blood-curdling fashion. Strangely enough, her breath was minty. How that worked out' Nobody would ever know.

His hands went to her shoulders. "Parker, you're okay! It's okay, you're with me!"

Parker panted lightly, wheezing with every breath—she fought to catch it. She wrapped her arms around him and took in a few sharp breaths, "Sam..."

Taken a back for just a moment, he wrapped his arms around her. "You okay?"

"I'm losing my mind..." she whispered as she sucked in deep breaths that fought to snatch the oxygen from the room.

"It's just a bad dream..."

Sam rubbed her back gently trying to comfort her.

It took her a moment of soaking in the comfort that he provided, before...."...why are we in bed together?"

He froze at that, the confusion of those first few seconds flooding back. "Yeah....I was going to ask you the same thing. Last thing I remember is going to sleep." He let her go and rolled onto his back, feeling extremely awkward.

Rubbing away at her eyes, she squinted hard. "...I remember going to bed and reading.."

He looked over to her, brow furrowed. "Okay, I KNOW I wasn't black out drunk." "I wasn't either....I just...don't remember coming in here....I don't remember falling asleep..."

Little bits flashed in his head. The two of them holding eachother before they parted ways to bed. Those milky way eyes staring up into his....

"I'm...sure nothing happened. Just sleep." he said trying convince himself more than he was her.

Parker nodded softly, "You're one hundred percent sure?"

"Y...yes?" he eeked out, betraying his uncertainty.

"...No....No, you're not.." Parker said, sighing and sitting up. She began to walk towards the bedroom, heading right for the wall.

He hopped out of bed...his shorts were still on...that was a good sign. "No...we'd...we'd remember. I'm certain we just went to sleep...and then you came out here."

Thunk! Parker hit the wall with her outstretched hands. She let out a soft groan and began patting around the walls. It was a lot easier back in her apartment when she knew where everything was.

Sam started toward her, seeing her bump off the wall. "Oooh...You okay?"

"I'm fine," she mumbled softly and continued to pat her way down the hallway.

"Do you need a hand?"

"Grab my purse?" she asked in a defeated manor. He walked over and snatched it up, carrying it over to her. "Are your eyes THAT bad?"

Parker grabbed the bag, fished out a case and pulled out a pair of thick, black rimmed glasses and put them over her squinting, eyes. Her eyes were lightly magnified, even moreso since they'd finally opened all the way. "No, they're not bad..." Sarcasm, much"

"whoa...Uh...nice...glasses." he said looking at those big old coke bottle glasses.

Eyes narrowed out beneath the lenses as she shoved past him, "Shut up..."

Sam looked after her as she passed. He scratched the back of his head and walked into the kitchen, digging through the fridge. He pulled out some orange juice, walking to his cupboard. "You doing anything today?"

Parker stepped into the bedroom, and then into the bathroom, the water began running. Peeking out of the bathroom, the beating water sounds ringing out. "No plans! Gimme a minute.."

A minute turned into about fourty five, and the water was cut off. Dark wet curls stretched down her body and she hugged a towel around herself as she slipped into the bedroom to get changed. The soapy smell trailed out of the bathroom with the steam.

He had time to straighten up the living room and was sitting on the couch, a book in-hand, leaning against the armrest. Parker stepped out, a towel twisted in her hair, she wore a pair of pressed jeans and a wrinkle-free shirt.

"...I didn't know you could read..." she said with a smirk

"Hilarious. You get every last germ off ya or did we just run out of scalding water?"

"I'm germ-free..." she snapped back and stuck out her tongue. A bandage was slowly and tightly wrapped around her first wrist.

Sam set the book aside and stood. "Well...give me a few minutes...I need a shower." He stepped into the bedroom, grabbing a change of clothes and bringing them into the bathroom.

Parker nodded to him, "MIght want to make it quick....The water was getting cool when I got out," she told him with a sweet little smile.

His shower was quick...and COLD. But at least he was clean. He would emerge 5 minutes later, hair combed neatly, a plain, grey v-neck tshirt tucked into stylish, slim fitting dark jeans. His beard trimmed neatly trimmed and no longer creeping down his neck. He walked into the kitchen, stepping past her, his hand touching her side gently. "S'cuse me."

Parker was frying up bacon, carefully folding the last omelette and setting it on a plate. She didn't care too much for the stuff herself, but she figured a man would enjoy his protien. The omelettes contained, egg, obviously, cheese, green peppers, black olives, spinach, onions, and mushrooms. When he touched her side she stepped in, both hands gripped the spatula in an awkward way as she flipped the bacon.

Sam reached into the fridge again, grabbing a bottle of water. "Well, we've got all day. You want to do anything?"

Putting the bacon on the plate, she stared up at him. "We could have a cleaning party"....Or you know...whatever you want to do." She said with an awkward smile as she fixed up his plate and offered it out to him with trembling hands.

He took the plate a smirk. "That's your idea of fun, isn't it?"

"...maybe," she said with a roll of her eyes as she grabbed her own plate and sat down.

"Thank you." He set his plate in front of him, Cutting the omelette with his fork.

"Tell you what. No plans. We just go out, see what we can get into. See someplace you want to go' We'll go there. Get some stuff for the apartment."

Looking across to him with wide milky way eyes, she smild softly. "That sounds like a plan." The girl whispered and took a bite of her omelette.

Their day went off without a hitch, the car loaded with stuff for their apartment. Most of it HER idea. Night fell and they found themselves back in the bar/diner. Sam stepped up behind her, setting a glass of whiskey down in front of her. This was her third glass, but this time, she put something solid in her stomach, so she kept a happy little buzz. "Thank you, Sam," she said, rolling her head back to look at him.

Sam gave her shoulder a squeeze. This time he'd gotten her a cinnamon whiskey just to see how she'd respond. He smirked, sitting across from her. Parker took a sip and choked, coughing out. Her eyes began to water as she set the glass down and gasped. "W-wha.." she looked so confused and betrayed.

He laughed. "Aww, come on, Tennessee! That's the perfect booze for you! They even call it Tennessee Fire!"

A hand to her chest as she stared up at him, "It tastes like liquid hot tamales..." she whispered in a hoarse tone.

He laughed and sipped his. "Oh, it's not that bad...actually, it's pretty smooth..."

"You're a butt," she mumbled softly and took another sip.

"Come on, lightweight. Back on the horse."

"I'm not a lightweight!" says the lightweight as she slowly sipped the drink.

He smirked to her and sipped his own, leaning back in his chair.

Orion pushed her hair from her face, the smell of shampoo radiating off of her as she shook her curls.

God she smelled good, he thought.

"You talk to Jordan at all?"

The cinnamon whiskey was sipped at, and she took in a deep breath from her nostrils. "Not today, she sent me a message to check up on me. I definitely need to call her.."

"Yeah, that might be a good plan. Next time we'll have to invite her out."

"I'll do it tomorow. This is our night." Orion said with a soft smile as she finished off the drink. "That is my limit..." Pushing her glass away.

"That's it?"

"wow...lookit you. Setting boundaries."

"I'm drunk enough to feel happy, but not end up like Bambi on Ice....It's a good place," she said with a crinkle of her porcelain nose.

He polished off his own glass. "Where to now, Tennessee Fire?"

"Please tell me that's not my new nickname," she said with a giggle.

He scratched at his beard a bit and nodded. "Home?"

"Home is good," she said with a smirk, and began to stand up. Once again, the bar was lit up with her smile as she grabbed her jacket.

Sam followed her up the stairs into the the building...trying NOT to look at her ass in those jeans. WHICH, she would add, her ass filled out in the best possible way, not to mention she had that powerful hip-swivel down. Parker struggled with the lock for a moment before letting them inside.

"Welcome home," she said playfully as she held the door open for him.

"Thank you, madame." He bowed and stepped in, moving right for the couch, tossing his own keys in the bowl. He flopped down with a groan.

Her key set was quick to follow, and so was her butt as it met the spot on the couch right next to him. Sam's eyes turned to her. "This was a good day."

Those eyes were quick to turn up to him, and she lit up. "I had a lot of fun, Sam...I thought it was going to be awkward living together."

"Right' You're a good roommate."

"You just say that because I'm clean, and you like my hair.." Parker gested as she slipped her tongue out at him.

He chuckled. The girl had a bit of a point there. "How long were you thinking of staying?"

"I'm not sure....I might shop for a new apartment with lots of locks..." Parker admitted. "Don't want to be in your hair for too long."

He nodded. " rush. You're welcome here as long as you need."

A pat was issued to his chest, "You're a great guy, Sam...Thank you again."

His arm rested along the back of the couch. "No problem. We're friends. You'd do the..same.." He looked at her, appraisingly. "okay, probably not, but still"

"Maybe not before....But now" Yeah, totally." Parker said as she leaned back and let out a soft sigh. "I don't think I can ever feel same in that apartment again."

"No" he shook his head. "I can't see you going back."

"Me neither..." Parker mumbled and shook her head. "I might just buy a farm," she said thoughtfully. "Some horses.."

"I still can't picture that." He grinned over to her.

"Really?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Farms are dirty. that's like the opposite of you.."

"Be right back..." she said and disappeared back into the bedroom.

When she came back, she was in that same night gown, minus the robe. Her curls tumbled down from the half ponytail they once were in, and she was clutching a picture to her chest. "What I'm about to show you, stays between us....Got it?" she asked with a buzzed little smile on her face.

Sam looked after her, letting out a deep breath. That tension was there, at least for him. He smiled up to her once she came back. "Sure."

The picture was flipped over so he could view it. What he saw, was a freckled-faced, sixteen-year-old Parker, beaming a smile with braces locked over each tooth, and that pair of big glasses on her face that were usually replaced now with contacts. She wore a dirty t-shirt, blue jeans, and rough, used up riding boots. Her hair, red as ever, resembled a certain Disney character from the movie Brave.

He laughed "Oh wow...Aww! Lookit you! You were a little Pollyanna weren't ya?"

"...Yep." Parker said, with a shake of her head. A roll of her eyes. "Southern twang and everything....and if you tell anybody," she gestured to his wound. "I'll finish the job."

He smirked to her. "secret's safe, sugarbritches." He said with a grin, slight twang in his voice.

"Sugar britches" Huh! That was the horse's name!"

"No way!" He laughed. "That is awesome."

"No, not really...His name was Little Step." Parker told him with a smirk, and a playful shove to his shoulder.

A chuckle escaped him "You jerk..."

"You'll get over it.." Parker said and leaned back on the couch.

He stared at her a moment with that smile on his face. "You know..."

"Hm?" she asked with a crinkled nose and a grin.

"If you can't get to sleep..." he glanced over to her. "You can feel free to do what you did last night. I honestly don't mind."

Eyes widened as her interest elevated, "That sounds good, but..." Eyes trailed to the ceiling thoughtfully.

"But...?" he said with the mildest hint of disappointment in his tone.

"Maybe we could go in my bed" That couch bed suuuucks." Lyrics came out carefree as ever in her buzzed state.

Sam laughed and nodded. "It does."

He felt he was probably overplaying his hand...and remembered exactly who he was talking to and how that could affect things at work, regardless of what she claimed about returning.

Sam cleared his throat. "So...if you need me...just to be there, you know...just give me a hollar."

"I'd like that..." Parker said with a smile as she looked into his eyes. Those pretty blue eyes stared back into her's, his tongue touching the back of his bottom lip. Her eyes trailed down to his lips for a moment as she bit into her own, fat bottom lip.

"We should...probably call it a night." he said in a low tone.

Hey eyelids fluttered and her breath caught in her throat. "O-Oh...Yeah, you're probably right." Those big eyes slide shut and she looked away, a silent laugh to herself as she shook her head. Sam forced a smile that quickly faded as Parker stood up, and straightened out her gown.

"Night." he stared up at her. "And,uh...if you...if you need know where I am." He mumbled awkwardly.

"Good night, Sam..." she mumbled softly as she started towards the bedroom. The disappointment had been clear on her face as she looked back at him and nodded.


Date: 2015-10-13 16:36 EST
Jordan stared up at Parker from the coffee shop table. The server poured their coffee without a word and trotted off, their lunch orders were already cooking up. "So' You and Sam are living together now?" asked Jordan as she sipped from her mug and blinked up at her with bright blue eyes settled on those features that had been slightly bruised and cut from the explosion. She tried to hide the grimace, but Parker hadn't seemed to notice either way, because she'd been staring down at her cup. "How's uh' How's that going?"

"Nice, actually' Nicer than I thought it would. He's a lot cleaner than I expected, and I half expected him to kick me out," she rambled on. "He's a good man," nodding to that final statement as the doe-eyed detective darted her vision up to her assistant.

Jordan stared back at her, this was the most Parker had ever talked about something that didn't involve cases or files, or cases of files, for that matter. "Anything" happen with you two?" she asked hopelessly as she took in Parker's unadulterated beauty as if she were some child with a schoolgirl crush.

Orion practically choked on her coffee, eyes squeezing shut as she coughed. "What' No!" she yelled and glared over at Jordan, who shrank back and dropped her eyes. Parker's gaze softened and a soft sigh was exerted from her lungs. "There were a few times I thought he might kiss me," she answered and took a soothing sip of that favored beverage. "I guess I was wrong, though. Sam's right, I'm a great detective"but I suck with people."

"You seem disappointed, Parker," Jordan said, and she sounded just as let down with that revelation.

"That's just stupid," Parker answered with a weak smile. Eyes trailed down to her half empty cup, as she let herself slip into thought about the detective. She idly ran her fingers through her hair, and Jordan cleared her throat, making Orion's eyes snap back up. "What"!" she asked with a chuckle.

"Look," the cook said to the server as he up-nodded to the pair that sat at that favored table. "Gingersnap brought a friend," he told her as he pushed his hair from his eyes. The food was plated and he watched as the server reached for them, rolling her wrinkle-lined eyes. "Ah-dut-dut!" he said, swatting her hand away. "I'm taking this one, you go smoke a cigarette."

The server shook her head, "Suit yourself,? she said as she waved dismissively and headed outside. The cook headed over to the table.


Date: 2015-10-13 16:38 EST
"We're probably going to go out to that same place," Parker told Jordan with a nod. "That bar and grill on 12th street?" she offered. "You should join us,"

I just might" The cook thought as he stepped up to the table with their plates. He set them down, and looked at Parker for a good long minute. ?"hey," he said, issuing a heart-melting smile in her direction. Pointing to the plate, "I made that,"

Parker looked at him with a dumbfounded smile, "You must be proud?" she said with a chuckle. Eyes trailed up to him as he stood there, getting lost in them. ?"you going to stick around and watch us eat' I'm not comfortable with that, you should probably know that."

"Redhead and feisty," he snapped his teeth playfully. "I like it," he informed her with a wink and then walked away.

Jordan watched him, and then buried her mouth into her hand, laughing into it. Parker gave her a look, and she cleared her throat, putting a bite into her mouth. The two ate in awkward silence for a while before Jordan finally spoke up. "So when are you coming back to work, Parker?"

Parker's eyes trailed down to her wrists, covered in the sleeves from her modest sweater. "I'm not sure if I am coming back, Jordan. I mean' I've given myself a perfect record. I think you're ready to partner up with Sam and go on the field." Parker nodded and stabbed at her salad.

"That's bullshit and you know it," Jordan snapped, biting into her grilled cheese. ?"I'm sorry, but' You can't just not come back and pass it off as you not being needed. You're scared, Parker, and that's okay."

"You're right. I'm scared, Jordan. I can't even look at a bath tub, close my eyes, or read a file without reliving that experience," she retorted. "Every day of my life I'm going to wonder what would have happened if you guys didn't show up"or worse, if you weren't there to bail out Piper. He would have been dead because I didn't notice some psycho following me around for weeks! And honestly' I was ready to quit the day I figured out I'd missed an error in that file for years" I just had to knock this one out of the park before I went." Another bite was shoved into her mouth, chewed, and swallowed. "So you're right, I'm scared. I guess I'm just not the detective you thought I was."

"Parker?" A hand reached out to touch her still numb fingers. "You remember that time I screwed up on a case" It was my first trial out on the field and I nearly got Jenkins killed because I jumped the gun?" she asked with those cloudy blue eyes staring into Parker's stunning rivals. "I was ready to quit; I was packing up my desk" Do you remember what you said to me?" The detective across from her remained silent, staring down at Jordan's hand.

"You looked at me, and you said, Jordan, you screwed up. It's the first time, and probably won't be the last. It was a bad moment, for a good detective. You can quit now, and you'll never screw up again?but you'll also rob the world of all the good I know you can do." Jordan swallowed hard and traced her fingers over Parker's wrist, blue eyes were misty. Parker stared back blankly, and choked down the mouthful of food that was in her throat.

"I've carried those words in my head, and they've got me through all the lowest times of my career"and you were right." A sad smile on her features, "because if it wasn't for those words" You'd be dead right now. Sam would probably be dead, too." There was a moment of silence, and she stood up, pushing her plate to the side. "I've gotta go back to work" Just think about it, Parker?? Jordan told her with a nod, and took her leave.

Parker watched after her, and took in a breath. She sat alone and finished off her coffee, eyes trailed to the cook who was still staring with that smile plastered on his young, handsome face. She shifted lightly on her seat, stood up, left the payment on the table and headed home.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-14 15:05 EST
Sam called her and told her to just meet him at the bar. He was finishing up a final interview about the incident and would be a bit late. Something in her voice told him she wasn't entirely thrilled with him. He parked by the apartment and made his way over, stepping though the door. A navy blue suit jacket over a white v-neck tucked into a pair of neatly ironed black pants. His hair and beard flawless as sharp blue eyes scanned the bar for her.

He spotted her and started over giving a little wave. He pulled out the chair across from her. "Hey...sorry I'm-"

An arm reached over her shoulder setting a drink in front of her. "Here ya go." Dark eyes looked up at Sam. "This guy bothering you?"

Sam's eyes drifted up to the stranger. He didn't know him, but he sure as hell didn't like the look of him. And he certainly didn't like his body language around Parker. Finishing her first drink, she looked up at the man.

"Uh....No?" she asked with a wide-eyed stare. The guy had been circling her since she'd got there, he was handsome for sure, but too confident for her taste.

"Hey Sam..." Eyes looking at him saying, 'I don't know this dude...'

He looked to sam and nodded as if Sam just escaped a beating. "Oh. Cool. What's up. Bodie." He offered his hand to the other man. Sam glanced down at the hand and took it hesitantly, his strength made evident as he shook the man's hand hard enough it hurt.

"Whoa, ease up, there, tiger." Bodie, because of course that was his name, sat down, arm over the back of her chair. Parker looked at the drink, looking for anything fizzy before she lifted it and inspected it from the bottom. She really didn't feel like being roofied today. Sam pulled his chair out and sat across from them, turning to her, completely ignoring the guy. "Talked to Watkins down at metro. Says we're in the clear on everything."

"I couldn't imagine we'd be held accountable for anything," she mumbled, it was a less bitchy way to say they'd done nothing wrong. Still inspecting away at the drink, she set it aside. "But that is good news."

"Yeah. It's good to be home free."

Bodie held up a hand. "scuse me. But, uh...Sorry. I don't wanna interrupt but...we were kinda in the middle of something, bro. So if you don't mind..."

Sam's eyes snapped in his direction, narrowing every so slightly..

One eyebrow furrowed and the other elevated slightly. "We were" Because..." Swallowing hard and rolling her eyes to Sam with the 'what in the actual ****"' look, "I came here to meet him." Pointing with three fingers to Sam.

Bodie smirked. "Come on, baby don't play the hard to get game..."

Parker looked between the two guys and just rested her head against her palm, "I don't play games," she mumbled with all the annoyance in the world. She'd honestly never been hit on before, or she was bad at picking it up.

Sam's eyes leveled on the man like a predator. "Kid. Take your hands off her. Get up. And get the hell out of here."

Bodie scoffed looking at her and then back at him. "Wow!" He shook his head in disbelief. "Wow! Listen, uh, pretty boy' How about you mind your own **** business before I mess up your fancy clothes, you closet *****."

"Woah! Language!" Parker said, turning to look at him with milky way eyes, squinting in the best glare those eyes could muster.

Sam stood up slowly, unblinking. rising to his full height over the scraggly haired young man. He wiped his lips and nodded. "Get up."

Bodie smirked, his arm still over her chair, his brows raising as if to say "Make me". Parker's eyes widened as Sam stood. "Sam....Don't."

Either sam didn't hear her or didn't want to. He started around the table. "Get the **** up."

Now it was a little bit louder, "Sam!" she yelled up at him.

He looked down to her, chewing the back of his lip. Bodie just laughed. "Yeah that's it. Do what your woman tells you, big man. If you know what?s good for you." This kid literally could not see death two feet in front of his face.

Parker's fist drew back and went flying for Bodie's jaw. "Knock it off!"

He was not at ALL expecting it and took it full force. Fingers wrapped painfully around her wrist, and she winced deeply. "....OW!" Right, sliced wrists not so good for punching. He fell out of his chair staring at the ground in shock, his jaw radiating with pain.

He spat on the flood and got up to his ffet. "What the ****, bitch"!" He drew his fist back only to have a strong hand grab him by the wrist. Sam twisted the kid's hand into an awkward, painful position, pulling it behind his back.

"Alright, Junior, party's over." Bodie cried out when same started pushing him to the door, giving him a hard shove out into the street. Parker's eyes widened as his fist drew back, but then Sam was on the move. She peeked over her chair, and watched him throw the guy out. Why was that SO hot' Bodie stumbled onto the side walk in a heap. Sam pointed down to him "You come near her, talk to her, so much as look at her in a manner I dislike again? I'll put you in the ground. Do not test me, boy. Understood?"

Bodie looked up angrily. Still trying to be the tough guy. Sam's fist clenched, fully ready to pound this kid into a fine paste. "Are. We. Clear?"

Bodie nodded hesitantly. Sam's eyes remained on him as he backed towards the entrance. Sam came lumbering back in, still a bit on edge. She didn't want him to kick the guy's he wouldn't. Not tonight. He pulled out his chair and sat down again, letting out a deep breath. Parker's drink was inspected a final time and then she shoved it away.

"Damn it, Sam..." Parker said, staring up at him. "You can't be trying to fight everyone...You're not healed all the way."

He rose his eyebrows to her. "you...are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm not kidding you....What happens if your stitches pop?" she asked with wide eyes.

He laughed and shook his head, his hands sliding down his face. "Next time, should I just let him throw a punch' Do whatever he wants to you?"

"No...I appreciate you throwing him out..." Parker said in a defeated manner. "Just....Be careful."

"Yknow...after something like that, I think a THANK YOU is more in order than a lecture."

"I can't help it! Lectures just fall out of my mouth!" still cradling her wrist. "'s only because I care," that much mumbled under her breath.

He glanced over to the bar tender holding up a finger and nodding, a beer soon on its way. Parker stared up at him for a moment before lowering her eyes.

"Thanks," she said softly.

He took the beer and glanced over. "You're welcome. Where'd you find that mook anyway?"

"He's the cook at that coffee shop I go to....Not sure what he was doing here," she mumbled thoughtfully.

"Oretty sure you were on the menu." "On the menu?" she asked with a wide-eyed stare.

He picked up the glass the kid bought for her, taking a sniff. "Bet good money if you drank this, you'd be taking a little nap soon after."

Parker chuckled softly, "I could probably use the nap," she mumbled.

"Yeah, but not what would follow." He slid the glass away from him.

"Yeah, not that part..." she mumbled, flagging down the waiter and ordering a new drink. "You wouldn't let that happen to me," she mumbled and smiled softly.

"No. He would't leave alive." He sipped his drink.

"So is that why you asked to meet me?" taking a drink from the glass, "To tell me we were in the clear?"

"No. Because I haven't seen you all day...and I like going out with you."

That put a pretty little smile on her features as she wiggled the ice in the glass and took another long drink. Sam leaned forward on the table, quiet a moment. "I'm sorry. Just...people like that..." He sighed, shaking his head..

"Don't apologize Sam....I don't usually punch people for the thrill," Parker said, and took a long drink.

HE nodded, those blue eyes shifting up to her. He held out his hand. "How's that hand, slugger?"

That made her smile, her still-aching arm reaching out, "It's fine....Wrist wasn't ready for that one, though.."

He took her hand gently, checking her wrist. "Yeah. You know you should REALLY be more careful. You know. Fightin' and stuff..." he said with a miscievious smirk. "Pretty dangerous in your condition."

Parker laughed, "I get it!....Shut up..." she mumbled and rolled her pretty eyes, finishing off her second drink. "...guy was a d-bag, though..."

He quirked an eyebrow in agreement, snickering. "Severe. I have to admit it felt pretty good seeing that son of a bitch get decked."

"I can't believe he was going to hit me back!" Parker yelled and shook her head. The bartender looked her way and she nodded.

Sam glanced toward the door, almost wishing the kid would come back for more. "He didn't exactly strike me as being a decent guy. Doesn't seem like he's heard the word 'no' too many times in his life."

"Yeah....I'm going to need a new favorite coffee shop." she said, an adorably pouty expression on her pretty face.

Sam shook his head, taking a swig of his beer. "He won't bother you. I guarantee that."

"You think?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Blue eyes shifted up to her, offering a nod. "Mm. We had a...meeting of the minds."

Parker smiled, "You're a great friend, Sam."

He raised his glass to her's for a toast. "Same to you."

The newly filled glass was raised, their glasses clinked. Parker took a sip and nodded, dropping her eyes away. "Jordan talked to me today....she made a lot of sense. I'm coming back to work, I think."

Sam's eyebrows raised to her, a lopsided grin on his lips. "Yeah' That's good!"

"Yeah, but...I'm going to slow down." Parker told him, taking a big gulp. "I almost died," she admitted. "A virgin whose never had a real boyfriend."

He nodded, chewing on the back of his lip, a twinge of guilt, remembering the look on her face the night before. Two more gulps were forced down and she nodded, "Sorry, over-sharing again.." she mumbled and wiggled the glass.

He shook his head waving her concern off. "You thinking about trying to get into the dating pool?"

"Yeah, I think I am," she said with an awkward smile. "Is...internet dating still a thing" Or is that too pathetic?"

"Naaaaah...Just be careful. I'll just have to shadow all your dates. You know...just in case"

"You'll be the best body guard in the world, Sam." Parker said as she finished off her drink, and set it aside.

He smirked and finished off his beer. "damn right."

"I don't even think I know how to date...I'll probably accidentally point out that I'm smarter than him, and he'll go running.." A hopeless little smile.

His head bounced back and forth as if considering that. "'ll be true." He laughed "If he can't handle it, screw him." He smirked.

"Damn right, Sam." Parker said with a smile and let her head rest down on her arm.

He stared at the bottle in his hand. "I can't believe I'm going to say this...but I don't feel like having another."

"Oh, I hit my limit already..." Parker said with a smile. "Though I guess I could drink that one," pointing to the roofiecolada.

He smirked. "Well, you're sleeping here, then, cuz I'm not carrying you home."

"I'm sure they'd keep me comfortable," she said with a roll of her eyes.

He gave a small chuckle. "wanna get outta here?"

"Carry me?"

"I would...y'see...but I got these stitches?" He pointed at his right side. "Big baby.." she said with a roll of her eyes and stood up, heading for the door.

"Oh-hoho...NOW I'm a big baby about the stitches!" He chuckled stepping out into the night with her.

The pair wandered down the street to their place, Sam playfully nudging her lightly with his elbow, a smirk on his face. Feet shifted to accomidate the shift in her weight, and she giggled softly, shoving him lightly. "Watch it, old man."

He laughed. "Oh, old man, huh' What are you? Like...5 minutes younger than me?"

"Old man," she nodded as they entered the building, heading up the stairs. "Um....I think you're in your thirties, right' I'm in my twenties. So..." Tongue came out as she began t head up those stairs.

He gave her SUCH a look. "I'm BARELY in my 30's."

"Still old! Still counts!" she cackled as she began to get the key in the door.

He smirked following her into the apartment. "Just means I've been around the block a few times. I'm wise."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart!" she said with a roll of her eyes. The keys were tossed in the bowl and she took the clip out of her hair immediately. Long hair tumbled down her shoulders, the scent of shampoo filling the air as she let out a soft sigh of relief. "There's nothing better than that."

He glanced to her slipping his jacket off and hanging it on a hook. "Letting your hair down?"

She nodded, her fingers running through her hair straightening it up from it's pony tail. "Yeah....It's a really good feeling."

He slipped his shoes off by the front door and walked toward the bedroom. "Yeah, I could imagine. You've got a lot of it, too."

"Yeah, too much...I'd cut it off, but then I wouldn't have it going for me," she said with a roll of her eyes.

He laughed stepping into "her" room and changing into a pair of PJ pants and a comfortable sleeveless t-shirt. "You could pull off a shorter look."

He stepped into the bathroom and set to brushing his teeth. A glance to his arms, and she watched him disappear into the bathroom. She cleared her throat, "Maybe....but I like my hair."

"I do, too!" He said around the toothbrush. As he finished up, he stepped out, that shirt clinging to his body, muscular arms out for her to ogle.

"Then why'd you just tell me to cut it"!" she asked playfully. She'd gotten changed to her bed clothes and sat on the couch, curled up.

He looked to her like she was crazy "You JUST said you wouldn't have it going for you!"

"I said no such thing! You're a filthy liar!"

He smirked and sat on the other end of the couch, shaking his head.

"And you used to be such a fun drunk."

She looked at him with those puppy dog eyes. "I still am! And...I'm so not drunk right now," she said with a roll of her eyes. "Buzzed at best."

He chuckled quietly ."Yeah' Well...good." Sam's bright blue eyes looked her over a moment. "So...tell me. Before he got creepy...did that guy stand a chance with you?"

Parker's eyes slid over to him, and she raised an eyebrow. "You kidding" He was dumber than a box of rocks! ...The first time I saw him, he gave me and Jordan our food and said," she put on a deep, dumb voice. "Hey....I made that." Cackling through the next syllables, "Like it was the greatest accomplishment to mankind!"

That put a smile on his face. He nodded. "Good."

He arm propped against the couch, leaning her head against it. Those galaxy eyes on him. "I don't go for guys that think their the universe's gift to women, when actually they're a curse on humanity.."

His face fell only slightly. did that leave HIM out' Was HE like that' He knew he was pretty confident in himself. But was he that...pigheaded" "Well...gotta have your standards."

"What's that look for, Piper?" she asked, giving him a slight nudge.

"What look?" He tried to play it off.

"That look you just got!" Parker attempted to immitate it.

"I did not make that face..." he scoffed at her as if she was ridiculous.

Parker snorted, "You totally made that face!"

He shook his head, leaning back. Still not willing to admit his fear that he wasn't good enough for her. "Whatever."

"how was jordan?" He said, casually trying to change the subject.

"Good," she mumbled softly, easy going with the whiskey in her system. "She talked me into coming back to work, I guess the student became the mentor."

"Yeah' How's she handling everything" Can't have been easy for someone so new at this."

"I'm actually thinking about assigning her to be your new partner." Parker told him with a nod.

"I'd be up for that. She handles herself well under pressure, listens reasonably well to orders and knows when to take matters into her own hands..."

"Yeah, she defininitely proved that.." Parker agreed.

The pair were quiet a moment. Only the ambient sound of the room between them. "Parker...Can I ask you something?"

Brushing her hair from her face she looked up at him, leaning forwards to rest her elbows on her knees. "Yeah?"

He swallowed and looked up to her. Speaking softly as if trying to word something correctly. "I...noticed some...movies. In your cabinet." He smirked. "Back when we were looking for you?

All that hair fell down in front of her face again, "...yeah?"

"This Island Earth?" He said like a parent who had caught their kid with porn.

"I enjoy the occasional Science Fiction movie, yes....Did you have a point, Piper" 'Cause I'm still your boss," a playfully stern look in his direction.

"Not in here. In here, you're just a tenant." He smirked. "I just wouldn't have placed you as a scifi geek."

"Total geek...Tell no one," she mumbled and brushed her hair out of her face. "Least it wasn't porn?"

He looked around the room as if the mere idea of it was the most shocking thing ever. "Oh, god. That might have blown my mind. I may not have recovered, frankly." He smirked up to her his arm resting along the back of the couch.

"Ha!" Parker shoved him playfully and leaned back. "Whatever Sam..."

"I'm serious!" He said with a grin. She just narrowed her eyes at him.

"You know," she started, raising an eyebrow to him. "You'd have to know your stuff to pick that out of all my movies," she said with a roll of her eyes. "You got a little scifi geek in you?"

Sam's mouth opened, a defensive look on his face. "It had a brain monster on the cover!"

"And how would you know that if you didn't reach for it!?"

Eyes wide, like a man accused of murder. "It was just the first one I saw!"

"Really"! Because they were organized alphabetically! Liar!" A finger, or three pointed at his face.

He swatted playfully at her fingers. "And...maybe I saw it on a show I liked once."

"Mystery science theatre 3000?" she asked hopefully.

"...maybe." he muttered.

"Ha! Geek!" she said and stood up, "I rest my case, Piper."

"IT WAS A FUNNY SHOW!" he said in a frustrated, defensive tone.

"GEEK!" Parker said, spinning around and waving him off. He acted all put out and looked away, his lips pursed. Parker smiled softly and disappeared off into the bedroom.

"Yeah, case rested." Parker told him and hopped on her own bed.

"You going to bed?"

"Nah," she answered. "Just couldn't be in the same room as a self hating GEEK!" He tilted his head back, seeing her upside down.

"I'm not self hating! I'm closeted at worst!"

"You can't throw me out of the closet and then refused to come out, Sam!" she yelled over her shoulder.

He stood up and walked over, a sigh escaping him. "Alright...look...I DO like SOME nerdy things. Totally admit it. Star Wars" Love it. StarGate" GREAT movie. Jim Cameron movies" ALL over it. And...I like MST3k. But I'm not quite on your level."

"Nobody is, I'm secretly the Queen of the Geeks. Don't tell anyone though, they'll try and assassinate me," she whispered.

He gasped "Oh no. The geek land and genrty. What will become of them' You should try those folks if you wanna start dating. They'd carry you around like a goddess."

"Oh yeah...I'll get a bunch of sweaty fat guys that secretly love My Little Pony," she said and waved her hand as she sat on the bed. "No. Thanks."

Sam launched into a belly laugh. "Probably land you a furry."

"Ugh! So not my type," she said with a roll of her eyes and collapsed backwards on the bed.

He put on a lisp and a listless voice. "What-th wrong. You don't wanna date a tri-gendered pryo fox named Fire-dah-sh?"

Parker snorted and shook her head, "Nope. I'm pretty picky, Piper."

"Yeah' what?s your type?"

"Never thought about it too much," she said. "Up until lately."

"Well, come on. Throw some ideas out there. Maybe I can help?"

"I guess I want a guy who's smart, but strong. Can protect me, but also challenge me...Ideally' Someone like you.," she said with a shrug. "What about you?"

His head tilted when she said that, his heart felt like it had started pounding in his ears. "" He shook his head.

Parker lifted her head, "You okay?" she asked, propping herself up on her elbows.

He thought a moment and then, "Big boobs." He smirked. "Gotta have the boobs." He nodded matter of factly.

She rolled her eyes. "You're an idiot, Piper.." A pillow was snagged and thrown at him.

He caught it and held it to his chest. "I don't know...Uh...Smart. Kind. Someone who doesn't NEED know" I don't want to be needed. I want to be wanted. Someone who doesn't let me get complacent. Keeps me in line."

In the small time she'd spent with that pillow, it oddly smelled just like her. "Yeah, I get that." Parker said, shoving herself up to sit up in the bed.

"Someone who appreciates the things I do...but doesn't expect me to be perfect. That would...probably be my ideal." he nodded to himself, thinking about it.

"Never knew you were so deep, Piper. When you do find this love of your life....What do you think his name will be?"

He looked off all wistful "Carlito. One day, I shall find my Carlito..."

Parker cracked up, and shook her head. "You've got issues, Piper."

He laughed "Coming from you, that is hilarious."

"Yeah, you're probably right...I'm a mess." Parker admitted, and brushed her hair from her face, staring up at him with an awkward little smile.

"No you're not. You just need some time. You are...a hell of a woman, Parker."

"Whatever, Sam," she said shaking her head at him for the thousanth time. "Stop being so nice," she said turning her eyes away from him.

He nodded to her, those big arms crossed over his muscular chest. "Why?" "Because it's not your job to make me feel better," she mumbled. Those eyes drifted to his chesticle area and she bit into her lip.

"Maybe I'm not saying it to make you feel better."

A condescending laugh came out of her lips, "Hokay!"

He frowned a bit and shook his head. "Yeah..." He glanced up to her. "Parker. You're amazing. Even if you don't believe it."

With a smile, he turned and walked back out to the living room, moving the coffee table so he could set up his bed. Parker watched after him and sighed, she moved a few moments after and headed into the livingroom. She watched him move the coffee table, and then she flopped down on the couch, displaying all the maturity known to mankind.

Sam blinked down to her, straightfaced. "Well, that's not helping."

Stretching her pretty legs as far as they'd go, she sprawled out. "No?"

"Surprisingly, no!" He smirked

"Well, shoot! I lost the manual, I guess!"

"Well...looks like I'm just gonna have to sleep on you." He stared to move to sit on her

"Yeah, okay!" she said sarcastically, calling his bluff.

"O-kay..." Sam said in a sing-song voice, his firm butt descended down toward her stomach. Parker's fingers reached out to goose him.

"Gah!" he jumped up, spinning around. A light up the room smile was presented for him, a bit of laughter echoing in the room.

"I'm GETTING in my bed!" He grinned, grabbing her and lifting her up over his shoulder.

"Ahhh! Haha! Stop! STOP!" The girl tried to stop laughing, "Your stitches, Sam!"

He carried her to the door to the bedroom and set her down on her feet. Not immediately aware of how close they were standing. That face of his lit up with a playful grin. His hands remained on her hips. Delicate fingers trailed over his chest, eyes slowly lifting from it to meet his gaze. Be careful...words that didn't leave her copius lips.

Sam's eyes looked amazing when he smiled. And right now they stared straight into her's. Parker caught the smile as if it were some infectious disease, she swallowed hard and took in a breath, because she realized she had forgotten to do that. He could smell her shampoo, hear her breathing along with his, his skin tingling, alive and alert with goosebumps. His heart pounding. He leaned forward halting just a second, Orion's mind racing with thoughts of a crazy person....and then he slowly pressed his lips to her's, soft lips pressing against her's. Her mind suddenly went blank. Numb fingers touched his face and she leaned further into the kiss. Sam inhaled her deeply through his nostrils, one hand curving to her lower back as the other moved up her back. His lips broke and captured her's again.

A soft little noise against his lips, eyes wide open and finally falling shut. An arm snaked around his shoulders as she pulled back, "I don't need you," she whispered. Then smiled up at him, "..but I want you,"

A grin crossed his lips. "Perfect." Their lips connected, the two slowly making their way into the bedroom..


Date: 2015-10-15 12:05 EST
Cole sat with a groan, setting his cup of coffee in front of him. "'s the boss."

Sam's eyebrows raised and he sucked his upper between his teeth nodding. "She's...good."

"Uh oh." Cole said, his brow quirking.


"I know that face." he pointed a big finger at Sam.

"What' What face?" Sam said trying to look innocent. Which, of course, meant he looked anything but.

Cole sighed and leaned back. "...alright what?d you do?"

Sam's shoulder's slumped and he looked up, defeated. "We...MIGHT have kissed."

"JUST kissed?" Cole looked at him with suspicion in his eyes.

Sam looks to him sheepishly.

The retired cop's eyes went wide. "OH! Damn! You- *whispers* You dirty motherf***er...."

Cole's eyes stared across the diner table at the young man sitting there. A smirk on his face just taunting Sam.

"Wow. Didn't think you'd ever make that happen. So, what? Should I start looking for weddin' gifts?"

Sam shot him SUCH a look. "Oh, Jesus, I should NOT have told you."

Cole bust up laughing his dark brown eyes on his friend. "Come on, kid. Anybody with a brain coulda seen this one comin'. Frankly, I'm stunned it took you this long." he said sipping his coffee.

Sam shook his head, a bit defensive. "It wasn't THAT obvious! Like a week ago, I was ready to quit!"

Cole raised his brows to the younger man, not quite convinced. "Oh yeah...and then what happened" Baby girl says, like, ONE thing and you changed your mind. Kid, face it. You'da been back in a heartbeat."

Sam grumbled. "Well...don't make a big thing of it." The bearded detective sipped his coffee staring out the window.

Cole stared at him a moment. "So that why you got my ass up before noon' Gab about your girl. Brother, I'm retired. I like my sleep."

Sam turned to him, eyes narrowing in an appraising look. "What if you weren't?"

Cole's brow furrowed. "Uh oh. What are you sayin'?"

"We want you to come work with us." Sam said, leaning back in his booth.

Cole's eyes went wide. "I think you missed the part where I'm retired."

Sam gave him a look. "Come on, Barry-"

Cole pointed at him. "Do NOT call me that! I hate that damn name..."

Sam's hands rose up in a defeated manner. "Right. Right. But I saw the look in your eye when we were going after Trammel. You were more alive than I've seen you in a years."

Cole laughed. "Yeah, then a mother****ing house exploded and YOU got stabbed."

"You miss it." Sam said confidently.

Coleman's face fell. "Marcy'd kill me. Sam, if the job don't, she will. I ain't a kid anymore."

"We'll stick you in an advisory position only. NO need for field work. We need someone with experience. Someone to pick up the slack where we fail. Someone who can work well with the local PD and keep us out of the red. We need you, Cole." Sam stared across the table at his older friend, a reassuring smile on his bearded face.

Cole was stonefaced for a long moment before he looked frustrated shaking his head. "God dammit. You ****in' kids are gonna get my ass killed." He nodded, staring off, and turned back to Sam. "You got it, kid. But YOU givin' that little speech to Marcy, because my fat ass is waitin' in the car until that **** blows over!"

Sam grinned. "You got it, brother. Welcome aboard."

The two men slapped their hands together in a hand shake, reversing the grip, giving a tight squeeze. Cole went back to his breakfast, shaking his head. "Mm. Mm. Mm. Screwin' ya boss. Thought you was smarter n' that..."

The two men laughed and enjoyed the rest of their breakfast.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-16 17:00 EST
Sam was returning home after a day tracking down a lead on one the lower level cases they were working on. Dressed in a shirt and tie, tucked into suit pants, his sleeves rolled to his elbows, He trudged up the stairs After fumbling with his keys, he unlocked the door to the apartment, and stepped in.

Parker was in the kitchen, fishing out a bottle of water from the fridge. The day was lazy, so she hadn't left her nightgown, covered only by her robe. Her sleepless eyes glanced at him widely as he stepped inside. It was like that every time he came home, she looked defensive, staring to make sure it was him—and then visible relaxation when she found his eyes.

Blue eyes scanned over her, taking in the sight of her in that gown and robe. "Hey there." He said with a smirk, stepping into the living room, tossing his keys into the bowl.

"Hey," she said, lighting up a bit before taking a sip of her water. "I cooked some mac and cheese, it's in the fridge if you're hungry."

"Sounds good." He moved into the kitchen digging through the fridge. "Have a good day?"

Jumping up on the counter and sitting on it, she wiggled her bare toes. Geez, even her feet were perfect. "I ate a bunch of mac and cheese and watched this horrible zombie movie. All in all" Good day."

He took out the mac and cheese, scooping some out into a bowl. "I tracked a fat middle aged man whose wife thought he was cheating on her with her sister...and found out he was paying a bunch of dudes to do...stuff." he stared off like a shell shocked soldier. "Some things you can't unsee."

Sam shuddered and popped the bowl in the microwave and turned it on.

"...what?" she asked as she watched him microwave the food. It was all home-made. Nice big noodles with three different kinds of cheeses and breadcrumbs.

"Yeeeeup. It got gross. I would take a million zombie movies over that." he made a face over to her.

"Don't think about it....I slaved over that mac and cheese so you better eat it." Her toe came out to poke his tummy.

He smirked to her, pulling his body away from her foot. He had been worried things might be worried after the other night, but coming home to her like this actually felt really good.

"Well, thank you very much." He grinned, taking the dish out and grabbing a fork, walking to the table and taking a seat. Hopping off the counter, Parker followed after him and sat near him. Things weren't weird in the slightest, though she had a ton of questions she was too afraid to ask.

Sam chewed and swallowed his food, blue eyes resting on her. "so...I was thinking."

Parker looked up at him and grinned, "That's never good."

He offered a tight-lipped grin, his mouth full of macaroni. He swallowed before talking. "What...are we?"

"Uh...I don't know about you, Piper...but I'm a human. Female, as you have seen.." Playfully avoiding the question because she had NO IDEA.

Sam shot her a withering look. "You know what I mean. Usually if I've been with someone that...we should probably have 'the talk.'"

"I have no idea what we are, Piper," she admitted with an awkward chuckle. "What do you want us to be?"

Sam stared at her a long moment, thinking. "Okay." He leaned forward, his face all business.

He spoke in a businesslike montone. "You like me?"

"You have your moments," she said with a grin. Then winced, "Yes, I like you."

He nodded, that faux seriousness in his voice. "I like you too. Should we date?"

"Ha! I think we passed dating when you..." A soft sigh escaped her. "I'm bad at this..."

He smirked a bit and shook his head. "Nope! Yes or no answers only please."

He smirked to her. "Wanna date?"

"Yes," she nodded, cheeks aflame.

After a long, agonizing moment, he nodded, sagely. "I will consider your offer."

He tried to keep a straight face as long as he could, but eventually a grin snuck in.

"Offer withdrawn," she said, turning away from him.

His mouth opened in a big O as he reached out to her. "Awwww no! I changed my mind!"

"Too late!" she said, nose in the air.

He dropped to his knees shuffling to her. "Pleeeeeeeease?"

"Depends..." she said thoughtfully.

He looked up to her with hopeful innocent eyes. "On what?"

"Are you a tri-gendered pyrofox named fire-dah-sh?" she asked.

He laughed putting on a disaffected, lispy voice. "I don't appreciaaaaaate...people referring to me...ath a thiss gendered human maaaaale?"

Parker laughed and attempted to nudge him back onto his butt with her foot. He rocked back with her nudge, laughing.

"Dork." she said, a fond look in those big beautiful eyes.

The two gazed at eac hother expectantly.

"Wanna date?" she asked, sitting tall above him from her chair.

He got to his feet and leaned down. "Absolutely."

He smiled to her, leaning in and kissing her lightly.

"I have considered your offer and— mm!" his lips met hers and she smiled against him.

Their lips parted and she whispered, "Yes."

"Okay...I say...i finish this mac and cheese..then we throw on a movie and curl up in bed. Would you be up for that?" He tilted his head to her curiously.

She nodded pretending to think about it. "Mm. Yeah. That sounds nice....but here's my counter offer." Her still-recovering fingers reached up and loosened his tie. "You finish that mac and cheese, and then we go back into the bedroom..." Those eyes turned up to him. "And we make up for 28 years of sexual repression."

Sam sucked his lip between his teeth, brows raising. "I am full." he said matter of factly.

Parker grinned at him, and tilted her head. "Yeah?"

"Stuffed." he nodded slowly.

"Speaking of stuffed.." Parker said thoughtfully, and then groaned in laughter. "Sorry, that was gross."

Sam chuckled. He offered his hands to her. Taking them, she lifted herself up from the chair and raised an eyebrow. Sam's hand rose up, slipping through her hair as he leaned in, his lips pressing to her's softly. His free hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her close. Parker's eyes rolled shut as his beard tickled her face, she grinned against his mouth and ran her fingers through his hair.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-21 15:51 EST
The night was coming to an end. Parker's first day back hadn't gone so smoothly, though it seemed to have made Jordan's life complete. Even though the young detective was supposed to be getting out of assistant mode, she'd eagerly bring Parker coffee throughout the day. Parker was in her office alone, in a cute little sweater dress with black leggings and knee high boots, staring over a case file. Four detectives. All had worked with them at one point, all missing. One name stood out in particular....O'Brien. One of the finest retired detectives, otherwise known as Parker's mentor.

Sam walked into her office from his own, a file in his arm as he sat across from her. "Anything?"

"Not a lot of details to go off of....They all went missing in the same time frame, which suggests they're connected. All detectives which suggests there's some sort of grudge...Some of these detectives didn't even work together..." Parker said, staring at the file. "I've got nothing..."

"I made a couple calls. Half of them didn't even KNOW each other. Mills wasn't even a local. All we got in common for these guys are that they're retired detectives." Sam said, opening his copy of the file and sifting through the pages.

"Yeah, but it's pretty obvious that they're connected somehow..." Parker told him, tossing the file on the desk and letting out a desperate sigh. "Another psycho, I'm sure..."

He smirked to her as he leaned back in the chair. "Good to be back, huh?"

"You just didn't want to keep leaving me alone in your apartment," she said with a scoff. "Trying to get my head back in this, but..."

"It's not so easy?" Sam offered.

"Not even a little bit easy..." The dismay in the redhead's voice was palpable.

He leaned forward, reaching across the desk, taking her hand in his. "Hey. You'll get there. You just gotta shake off the cobwebs, alright?"

Parker swallowed hard and nodded, "I know, I know...Just....easier said than done sometimes...Doesn't help that my first case back is personal."

Sam smiled trying to comfort her. "You're not alone. We'll work it out"

"I know," Parker said, giving a soft squeeze with weak fingers.

He heard footsteps and quickly let go, leaning back. Cole leaned in to the doorway. "Hey. S'gettin' late. I'm about to head out."

Parker's hand moved back to the file, and she brought her eyes to Cole, "Alright, Coleman...Get some rest."

Cole nodded and started away. Just as he reached the main office, he stopped. "I've got a few friends back at the precinct looking into some of the case work these guys worked. Should have it into me by morning. See if we can find anything."

That drew a smile onto her pretty features, and she nodded. "Thank you, Coleman." Closing the file, she also leaned back into her seat. "Nothing more we can do until we know more..."

He nodded. "You kids gonna be okay here" I was gonna go grab a drink at O'Heir's if you wanted to come?"

Sam glanced to her questioningly.

"I'd love a drink," she said without even a glance to Sam. She needed one after today.

Sam nodded and stood. "Hell yes." He grabbed his suit jacket and threw it on.

She wrapped a peacoat around her body, and grabbed her too organized purse before nodding. "Let's go, then."

Sam shouted into the office not sure where their young rookie was. "Jordan! Wake up. We're grabbing a drink. Come with us."

A loud banging was heard followed by an, "Ow!" before the girl stumbled out of her office holding her knee. A hand clapped over Parker's mouth as she watched the awkward detective.

Sam smirked watching her. "Y'okay, there rook?"

"Yeah, I'm good....Left a drawer open," she mumbled, rubbing her knee cap and wincing lightly.

"This is why we close things when we are done with them..." Parker told her.

Cole gave her an upnod "O'heir's. You know the place?"

Jordan looked up at him with plain features, and smiled soft as ever. She nodded, "Yeah, I know the place."

"Alright, then, blondie, grab your stuff and come grab a drink." Cole said with a grin.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-21 15:53 EST
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later, the quartet was sitting in the bar, drinks in-hand while Cole told stories about a young, rookie cop named Sam Piper. "So, we pull over in the black n' white and get out. This woman...big ole chick, right' She got her old man tryin' to keep her at bay, but she's swingin' a fryin' pan, right?"

Sam looked away, his face red, as Cole continued. "Well, I tell him to address the woman and attempt to deal with the situation. But Robocop here looks at me and...what did you say?"

Sam rolled his yes and nodded the two of them talking at the same time. "How much trouble could she be."

The girls seemed totally into the story. Jordan and Parker alike, stared with sky blue, and starry eyes.

Cole smirked. "So, Sammy bignuts walks over there all 'Ma'am, you are under arrest! Cease and desist!' and he grabs her by the shoulder. This broad just wheels around and cracks him right in the bean with that damn pan! CLANG! Sam goes down and this chicks just losing her shit and jumps on top of Sam." He started laughing "So, he's down there screamin' like a little girl, trying crawl away and this chick just keeps dragging him back and slappin' him around!"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, and this asshole's just standing there NOT helping because he's laughing his sick ass off."

Sam shook his head and sipped his whiskey as Cole laughed. Parker's hand was over her mouth, it was clear that she was trying really hard not to laugh.

Jordan shook her head, "One time, Parker was showing me the ropes, and we were outside this warehouse checking on a lead—"

"No." Parker said, turning dangerous eyes towards Jordan. The girl turned her eyes down, and took a drink of her beer.

Sam gave her such a look "Oh, no. Come on. If we can tell the story about my ass getting dragged around the lawn by some angry housewife...."

"You're a better sport than me," Parker said, rolling her eyes and taking a sip of her whiskey. "Besides, it wasn't a funny story."

Jordan looked over at her, but kept her obediant mouth shut. Cole gave Parker a disapproving look "'re no fun."

"Alright, tell the damn story, Jordan.." Parker mumbled, taking a gulp of her drink.

Sam "YES!" He grinned and sipped his whiskey.

"Okay, so we're following this lead....Right outside a warehouse," Jordan spat without hesitation. "This huge guy claps his hand right on Parker's butt, and she pulls this like karate move and nearly breaks the dude's arm...I mean, he was like three times her size, and she gets him on the ground in seconds....So I'm thinking, woah...This lady is my hero, total badass....Right?"

Sam grinned, glancing to Parker, with a quirked eyebrow.

Cole nodded with a smile. "100% bad ass."

Parker groaned audibly, and finished off her drink, signaling the bartender to bring another. "So like just as she makes the guy walk off with his tail between his legs, a car drives through the parking lot, and splashes muddy watter all over Parker. Every muscle in her body stiffens up like a board....She has this like...panic, asthma attack right then and there. I thought she was going to have an aneurysm! Our next stop" The hospital....Because she got a little dirty.."

Burying her face in her hands, Parker shook her head. "Bacteria, Jordan! It's a thing!"

Sam chuckled but Cole laughed so hard it came out as a wheeze.

Jordan thrilled to be entertaining, went wide eyed remembering ANOTHER story. "Oh and there was this one time—"

"Don't make me tell the dog food story..." Jordan shut up then and there.

Sam glanced between the two of them. "Dog food?"

"You don't want to know," said Jordan, her cheeks aflame.

He gave jordan a nudge with his forearm. "Ahhhhh come on." Jordan sighed softly, "Go ahead..."

"We're in this shady neighborhood, because a certain somebody doesn't understand busses, and I had to pick her up at midnight..." Parker said, sliding her eyes to the woman. Jordan finished off her drink and sighed. "So I get there, and she's smiling at this guy sitting on a bench."

Sam grinned "Oh no..."

"She looks at me proudly, and says, This is Jeff, he's a traveling sales man...He tried to sell me dog food, but I don't have a dog. Offered me Birdie powder, and a dragon, too! He's selling all sorts of cool things....he has a black pearl! So naturally, I grab her by the arm and start steering her to the car. And she's arguing with me!"

Cole gave her SUCH a pitying look "Oh...sugar..."

Jordan sighed once more. "She's struggling and carrying on about how she wants to buy the black pearl....So finally, I elbowed her and hissed, It's heroin, Jordan...I've never seen her get so pale in my life."

Cole chuckled "'s alright, baby girl. Ya gotta learn somehow."

"We done telling stories now?" she asked, raising her eyebrow to Jordan. The girl nodded shamefully. Cole took down the rest of his drink, setting the glass on the bartop before turning to Sam. "Who was that one guy...uh..."

Sam looked to him questioningly as cCole pointed, snapping his fingers, trying to remember. "You remember...with the..." Cole hooked his thumb backward.

Sam grinned and nodded. "Ohhhhh! Collins."

"Collins!" Cole exclaimed pointing to Sam.

Parker raised her eyebrow at the two, "You two spend too much time with eachother..."

Cole looked to them already starting to laugh. "So...This guy's out late and he busts this prostitute down on seventh. Got her in the back of his squad, right' And she's runnin' off at the mouth tryin' to get him to let her go...and she lets it slip...she might do all manner of....unspeakable things to him."

Working on her second drink, Parker listened to the story. "To Collins" Or Piper?" Sam smirked "What' You kiddin'" Piper" The Boyscout over here" He'd a lost it in his pants if the girl LOOKED at him."

Sam shot him a look. "Hey..."

Cole continued, "Yeah, so, Collins gets all hot and bothered, pulls his shirt off, hangs it on the the antenna, drops his service belt and he hops right on in back with her. Only, this jackass is so hot to get it on, he don't think about the door closing behind him." Cole started chuckling."So, they finish up and he tries to get out, starts freaking out, but he can't get his keys or his radio to call this in. So, this well meaning citizen sees the car, see's the shirt and he knows his stuff, right' Calls in an officer in distress to the local PD. 10 squads pull up on this guy, news crews are on their way all because this asshat decided to get himself a piece on the side."

Jordan cracked up, and Parker just shook her head in disgust. "That's disgusting..."

"What about that time you were a stripper for a week?" Jordan asked, nudging Parker with her elbow. Oh, the hellfire in Parker's eyes wouldn't soon be forgotten.

Cole shifted on his stool "Oh, hello."

Sam grinned to her antagonistically. "Yes, Parker. Please tell us this story."

"Remember two years ago when all of those strippers at Booties were going missing...and nobody was talking to the police?" Parker asked.

Cole made a face "Yeah. Pretty damn well, actually."

"Well....We needed an in....and I made it happen..." Parker said without much shame.

"Yeah, but who knew you could shake your money maker like that!?" Jordan said with a smug little grin. Sam bit his tongue. HE knew exactly what she could do with her "money maker".

"Shut it, Jordan." Parker said through grit teeth. " I'll remind you that SOMEONE tried to get a job with me, but they wouldn't let her, because she can't shake her hips to save her life!" Parker snorted.

"Careful, Orion....I took a video."

Sam choked on his whiskey. He cleared his throat. "There's a what now?"

Jordan took out her phone. "Don'" Parker spat.

"Oh, you started this war..." Jordan said with a grin.

Sam leaned over Jordan's shoulder while she started up the video. "Her stripper name was Hellfire..." she said with a smirk.

Parker's hand went up, "Can I get like, five more over here?" she called out to the bartender just as the video started up and revealed Parker on stage, dancing in a piece of red lingerie.

Sam's eyes went wide, watching. "God DAMN, Parker."

"Screw you guys!" Parker yelled defensively. "I nailed that case..." She mumbled, burying her face.

Cole sat at his stool "You see how good I'm bein' Marcy asks, you tell her I sat here and didn't look at that video."

"No, you GOTTA see this. It's like once in a lifetime!" Jordan said, turning the phone towards Cole.

Cole looked away, but only for a moment as curiosity got the better of him and he slowly peeked. "Oh. Oh damn. DAMN, girl! Get it!" He looked legitimately impressed and gave her a thumbs up.

The bartender brought over a tray of whiskey, and she began double fisting it. "I'm going to kill you, Jordan..."

"Aww come on! You looked hot!" Jordan whined.

Sam nodded "Seriously. You were killin' it up there."

"Tell them how much you made..." Jordan said with a devious little grin.

Parker pouted, shooting those starry eyes at her. "No!"

"Nine hundred dollars. She made nine hundred dollars.."

Sam grinned "Well...if this detective thing doesn't work out for you..."

"Good point, Sam. I quit.." Parker said as she finished off both glasses.

He put an arm around her "Awww, no, come on. You're just dedicated to your craft." He smirked down to her, Cole giving him a cocked eyebrow. Easy boy.

Another drink was snagged as the increasingly drunk detective leaned on him. "I am the most dedicated....I solved that case in a week." A finger went up as she chugged the glass. "A WEEK!"

He picked up a drink and raised it. "Guys. A toast."

Grabbing the fouth drink from the tray, Parker lifted her glass and stared curiously. Jordan raised her beer and waited. Sam smiled to each of them in turn. "To new faces, and the return of a couple old ones. Here's to us, guys." He clinked his glass to their's tossing the drink back. Parker smiled and clinked her glass, downing it. Jordan clinked her beer against everyones, "And to seeing Parker shake that thang!"

"damn right!" Sam said with a grin.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-21 15:53 EST
The night wore on. More drinks were had. Cole left earlier. Now Sam and Jordan were helping Parker out to a cab, making sure she didn't bump her head or anything before piling in themselves. The redhead sat between them. Jordan was pretty buzzed herself, giggling along with Parker whose head rested on the blonde's shoulder. "You're a fun drunk...." she said with a smirk.

Sam laughed, looking over. "Right"! That's what I said!"

"I'm not guys are just...super sober..." Parker slurred.

Sam patted her head. "aww...."

He leaned out looking at Jordan. "I think we're the first, if you can give me a hand getting her out..."

"Oh man....Oh..! I'm going to throw up! Stop the cab....we need to pull over right no—" Parker took in a breath. "No wait, I'm good..." She smiled and laid her head back on Jordan.

"Yeah...You guys are still living together?" she asked curiously, a worried eye on Parker.

He reached over and rubbed parker's back. "Yeah. She's not ready to move back to her place..."

"I can't imagine she would ever be ready....but she should probably look into getting her own place, right' I mean it can't be easy on you..." Half whispering with a hint of jealousy in her tone. Parker's head dropped between her legs, snuggling in. "That feels s'nice..."

He glanced down and then "Actually...she's a good roomie." he plastered on a smile. "Clean, quiet...Makes me food every now and again..."

"Yeah, but don't you only have one bedroom' I mean...There's gotta be some space issues...and I have an extra bedroom.." She stroked Parker's shoulder gently as she was humming the Doctor Who theme song....

"I've been crashing on my couchbed. Really...we're pretty comfortable..." He knew how she felt about her...otherwise he'd come right out and tell her. He was however feeling just a little big defensive...

"Are you sure" Because it really wouldn't be putting me out at all.."

"Oooo-wooo-wooooo..." Parker sang out, barely conscious.

"Positive." He smiled to her. Yeah, he was NOT giving her up.

Parker continued to hum away, and Jordan nodded softly. "Okay, just let me know if you change your mind."

"You'll be the first." The cab pulled up outside the apartment. "alright, Parky Drunkers time to go for a walk."

Parker didn't lift her head up, "I don't wanna..."

He opened the door and leaned in, hands out to her. "Come on. Time for bed."

Parker took his hands and wiggled on out. Jordan walked behind her, hands on the woman's hips to steady her.

Sam paid the cabbie and scooped her up in his arms. He looked to Jordan. "Wanna come up a minute?"

"Yeah, I'll help you get her into bed." Jordan nodded softly, holding on her hand. "Keys,"

Sam fished them out and tossed them over, walking up the stairs after her.

Jordan worked her way into the door, and held it open. When she opened the door...she noted that it was a very nicely appointed apartment...though not exactly Sam's style. He stepped in walking to the bedroom, setting their drunken boss down gently on the bed. The place was spotless, of course. Jordan looked around and grinned, "How much did she change since she got here?" she asked, moving to take off the woman's boots and coat.

"I came home from the hospital and there was new carpeting new paint, new drapes, a new bedspread and mattress pad, new furniture, and a brand spankin' new Redhead."

Jordan smiled softly as she hung up the woman's coat and put away her boots. "Bet she's been driving you nuts."

"I think you just want her to be." He smirked over to her. "She's great. We're great. It's a nice arrangement."

"Definitely not hoping so, so that she'll move in with me, no....Not at all." Jordan said, patting his chest and sighing softly. "Need anything else?"

He shook his head. "'re good. Thanks for the assist. You gonna be okay getting home" I can walk ya"

"Yeah, no. No, I'm good." Jordan said with a smile. Keys were passed over to him, and she headed for the door. Sam took the keys, a twinge of guilt watching her go.

"Night, Jordan." From the bed, Parker waved lazily. "Night Jordannnnn..."

As the door closed he turned and got a glass of water setting it next to her night stand. "Alright, boozehound. You get some sleep, huh?"

"Nooooo..." Parker complained and looked up at him. "I was drinking away my stripper past..." she said, swatting at him. "Sleep with me?"

He stared down at her a moment before nodding. "Yeah. Okay."


He changed out of his clothes and into a tank top and pj pants before slipping in beside her. "Hm?"

"You seem weird..." Parker said, pulling him closer with weak, drunken arms.

He scooted over, pulling her closer to him. "Nah, I'm good..."

He turned his head and kissed her forehead.

"Liar butt.." Parker mumbled into his cheek with whiskey scented breath.

He chuckled. "Well talk about it tomorrow. It's nothing really bad."

"No, tell me now..." A hand moving up to smoosh his cheeks.

He pulled out of her grip with a grin. "'s not really my place to say...but you should talk to Jordan..."

"I talked to Jordan all the time...She's only friend.." The drunken girl mumbled.

"You should talk to her about....what you are to eachother. I think she might have the wrong idea..."

"She...doesn't think we're friends?"

Sam opened his mouth to speak, but reconsidered his words. "Just...ask her how she feels."

"How do you feel?" Drunk Parker has the attention span of a rodent.

"About you?"


He glanced over, blue eyes studying her. "I'm absolutely crazy about you. I think you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"Ooooh....Crazy, huh?"

"I can fix that," she said, sitting up and propping herself up on her elbow, wavering slightly.

"Easy...Please don't vomit on me..."

Parker pouted lightly, and laid back down.


"Were you actually planning on vomit on me"!" he chuckled

"No! I was gonna say, take two of me, and call me in the morning..." A finger went up, "And it was gonna be hot and now you're not gonna hear it cuz your face is dumb and you're stupid. So there."

He smirked. "Tomorrow. I'll be glad to tomorrow. Right now it just...wouldn't be right."


"You're incredibly drunk, hon."

Kissing his chest, she looked up at him. "...and?"

"I don't seems...creepy..."

"Ugh! Fiiiiiiiine-uh, wuss." she mumbled and rested her head on his chest. The two lay there until he heard soft little snores coming from his chest. Sam glanced down at her, a small smile crossing his lips.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-21 16:44 EST
Sam sat at the kitchen table early the next morning. How in the living blue fuck did he look so rested" Last night was a drunken nightma-oh. Right. It was just Parker who'd drank herself retarded. Sam pored through the files, sipping his cup of coffee.

One one side was his laptop, a dozen folders open there, too. he was going back and forth cross checking the physical with the digital, trying to piece together any information.

Parker's dress was all twisted, around. She stumbled out with tangled up 'brave' hair, and let out an audible groan. "Oh...oh man..." she whined as she attempted to make it towards the fridge. He looked up to her ,his eyes wide. The man was THRIVING on coffee right then. "Hey, Parker. Mornin'. I made coffee."

"Please..." Parker groaned and put up a hand, "No yelling..."

Sam smirked up to her "aww...poor Parky drunkers."

he turned back to his work. "Cole had the department email over their files. I'm seeing if anything clicks."

"You do that..." Parker mumbled, "I'm going to grab a coffee, curl up on the couch, and will my body to shut down.." she mumbled, grabbing a cup with a trembling hand.

He glanced up to her, a small smile on his face.

Sam set his work aside for a moment and walked up to her when she was turned toward him.

He put his hands on her hips and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

"Good morning."

Parker lent her weight to him and groaned softly, her face pressing against his chest. "Morning..."

One arm went around her waist, the other to the back of her head, fingers slipping into those crimson tresses.

He kissed the top her head.

"doin' alright?"

"Why are you being so nice?" she asked, finally peaking up at him with dead eyes.

He looked down to her like it was a stupid question.

"You're my girlfriend."

"why wouldn't I be?"

"Your girlfriend who drank herself sick?" she asked. "If the tables were turned, I'd be sooo condescending..."

"I know. I'm just a better person than you." He smirked to her.

A weak smile made its way on her features, as she stood up to kiss his lips. Her breath probably smelled like death. If it wasn't a true show of his devotion that he kissed her without even thinking about it, he didn't know what was. Parker leaned her head against him and waved her arms. "Mm....Put that away and cuddle with me..." the needy girlfriend mumbled.

"Yes, boss." Setting the cup on the counter and abandoning her efforts, she stumbled towards the couch. He followed her, sitting first and throwing an arm up over the back.

Parker curled up next to him and kissed his cheek, before laying on him. "I hate myself.."

"Ahh, you had a good time is all." He stoked her hair gently.

"Then why does it feel like I tried to murder my liver?" she asked with closed eyes, enjoying the feeling of his fingers in her hair.

He was quiet a moment. "Okay...maybe TOO good a time..."

"Too much of a good thing is.....Oh god..." The girl groaned and tucked her face in his neck. But you know what?"


"You didn't wake up screaming or in a cold sweat. That's probably the first time since you moved in that you slept through the night."

"That is the first time..." Parker told him with a nod and a weak little smile.

"Bright side of life, Parker."

"Your optimism slays me..." Parker said, lifting her head to glare at him.

Sam chewed on the inside of his cheek. "Jordan suspects something."

"Well, we can't tell her..." Parker said with a shake of her head. "I don't want anyone at work to know.."

"Me either...but she was kind of...pushing last night."

"If someone finds out, I could very well have to step down."

He quirked a brow "Why' Aren't we a private company?"

"It's not a matter of me having to step down because someone makes me....I could lose all credibility for the others I'm managing, Sam.."

He was quiet a moment. "I need to be honest with you..."

"Okay...?" Parker asked, fearing that he was going to break up with her.

"um...When I said...Jordan was pushing last night...She was pushing for you to move out of here...and in with her." He glanced over, "I talked her down...said you were happy here and we had a good living arrangement...but the girl's crazy over you, Parker."

"She's...what?" Parker asked, lifting up and staring at him with concern in her eyes.

"You didn't hear it from me. But she's...she's pretty taken with ya."

Parker covered her eyes with her hand. "I feel like such an idiot..."

"Parker, hon...I adore you...but you're really good with facts and stuff...but you're still working on that whole...people thing."

"...and she told you?" Parker queried.

"basically, yes." Sam answered with a nod.

"Why wouldn't she tell me?" she asked, and then held her head, collapsing back onto the couch. "Ughhh..."

"You're an intimidating woman, Parker. Plus...she idolizes you."

"What am I supposed to say to her..?" the redhaired detective whined.

he shook his head. "I don't know. But...I would be honest with her. Let her know whether or not you feel anything for her...beyond friendship. Trust me, beating around the bush with this stuff doesn't help anyone."

Parker shot him a doubtful look. Her eyes begging him for help.

"I'd say...'listen...I know you've got some feelings for me...but we need to keep this professional. You are my employee and I am your employer. It would be inappropriate for there to be any romantic relationships between us.'"

"And then she finds out about us, and I lose all respect for her..." Parker said with a soft sigh.

He sighed with her, quiet a long moment. " you think we should...end this" Just go back to what we were?"

"Do you...?" she asked, lifting her head.

"I don't want to...but...I also don't want to put you in a bad position."

Parker stared at him with those beautiful, starry eyes "I don't think I can go back to where we were..."

He smiled a bit at that. "Me either. I don't WANT to. I want you. I want to go to bed next you. Wake up next to you. I want to kiss you. I want to hold you. I want to laugh and joke and drink with you. complicates things." His head tilted, his brow furrowing. "You're the boss, Parker. Tell me what to do."

"Don't ever talk about ending this for me again....If you don't want to be with me, say it...but don't do anything to protect me, Piper..." She stared at him hard, concern mingled with sadness in her eyes.

A small smile crossed his lips. "Yes, ma'am."

His fingers brushed her cheek. "We'll careful."

Parker nodded slowly. "We'll be careful..."

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-21 16:55 EST
Sam and Parker lay on the couch for a couple hours. But eventually, he went back to work with the files. Sam rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger, yawning.

Parker hadn't gotten around to actually working today, she really wasn't the same as she was before the incident. "Anything?" she asked from her spot in the kitchen, making some dinner for the two to share.

"No. Not a god damn thing." he muttered, turning to her warily.

"Not a single connection whatsoever?" she asked, peeking over his shoulder after putting the chicken in the oven.

He sighed and looked up to her. "Seriously, aside from having the same job, there's nothing."

"Hm..." Parker's fingers kneaded weakly against his shoulders as she glanced over.

His head dropped forward as she rubbed his shoulders. "I need you. You're better at this than me."

Parker sighed softly, "I was kidding last night when I said I was quitting..."

"I know..." he said, leaning his head back and smiling up to her.

Parker's eyes glanced across the screen and she sighed softly. "They all solved over fifty cases."

"So...GOOD detectives." Sam quirked an eyebrow.

Parker nodded. "They were all on top at one point.."

Sam squinted, leaning forward.

"Think that might be something to look into?"

"Definitely..." Parker said with a nod, sucking in a breath. "I'm thinking a serial killer that targets good detectives...least Jenkins is safe." she said cocking her head to one side.

"Well...that doesn't auger well for us, does it."

"If it pans out' Yeah, not well...Not a killer case until we find bodies though..."

Sam nodded "We'll hit up their last known locations tomorrow. See what we can find."

"Sounds good to me," Parker said with a nod as the oven dinged. She moved over and put on oven mitts. "I made parmesan chicken.."

He leaned back watching her. "You're brilliant, you know that?"

"Well...Yeah. But what makes you say that?" she asked with a grin as she put the food on the stove to cool.

"I've been staring at this for hours. You lean over my shoulder and...boom. You see something I've missed."

"Yeah but I suck with people, 'member?" she mumbled.

"You're getting better." He smirked to her.

"Yeah it only took being naked in a bath tub and having my wrists slashed." With a roll of her eyes as she grabbed the plates.

Something changed in his eyes and Sam stood up, walking her way "Hey. No. It only took you relaxing a bit."

" and I both know that if what happened to me didn't happen to me, I'd still be that cold bitch that you hated." Parker told him, galaxy eyes turning his way.

He didn't have a response to that. Maybe she was right...he didn't like it though. Parker looked over at him, the silence was enough to make her frown. She began fixing the plates, eyes going down to her wrists. They were healing, but there was a clear pink scarring line across both of them. A soft sigh came from her lips. Sam's eyes lowered a bit to his side. The scaring would never go away. He refused to believe that anything good could have ever come from that psychopath.

Parker loaded up the plates with food, and set them down at the table. "Come eat..." she mumbled distantly. He walked over quietly, sitting at the table, a hand going through his hair. Parker didn't so much as eat, as she pushed the food around her plate. The silence was eating at her, but she'd said enough.

Sam was doing much the same. "I hate thinking about it." Those blue eyes rolled up to her.

"I know," she nodded. "I'm...sorry. I shouldn't have said it."

He nodded. "It's okay. And you ARE getting better."

"Yeah," she smiled, reaching out to touch his hand. "I am."

He glanced up to her, a smile slowly spreading across his lips. His fingers intertwined with her's.

Sam Piper

Date: 2015-10-22 18:48 EST
The sky hung grey over the cemetery that day. A cold wind blowing through the lines of tombstones and monuments to those loved and lost. Wrapped in a black peacoat, Sam walked through the rows in long strides. The wind tousling normally perfect brown hair, the detective's blue eyes set forward as he approached his destination.

Anna Rose Piper.

Born Nov. 6th, 1986

Died Oct 9th 2008

Sam stood before her grave, staring at the engraving a long moment. Sometimes he could still hear her voice, see her face. She had been smart as a whip, full of so much potential that Trammel snuffed out in an instant.

Those dark blues scanned the area around him before he spoke. "Heya, Ann. Been a while since we talked. Suppose I just couldn't find the time, but..."

Sam's eyes lowered. "But I know that's not true. I couldn't do it, Anners. I couldn't come here and talk to you knowing that I'd let you down. That he was still out there."

Sam crouched down and put his hand on the headstone. "We got him. We got the bastard, Anna." He smiled through watery eyes. "Thought you should know."

He stood up and straightened himself out. "I miss you, kid." The wind whipped at his coat and hair, his tall, thin frame black against the grey sky.