Topic: "My Girl"


Date: 2011-03-18 17:53 EST
In June of 1880 on a Sunday evening, twenty-year-old Adam Wilson knocked on my front door for the very first time. I'd seen him talking with my Pa after church, Nathan had said something funny about the stuffy suit Adam wore. For the rest of the day, my Pa smiled at me like he knew some sort of exciting secret that he was bursting to tell me. As dinnertime drew near, he'd taken to sitting in Ma's chair by the window, glancing out frequently and was there at the door when Adam knocked like he'd been expecting him.

"Come in, Adam." Robert Barr was smiling as he held the door open for the younger man and shook his hand.

Adam ducked his head kindly and grasped Mr. Barr's hand firmly in his own. "Thank you for having me tonight, sir. I brought flowers." The young man held them up, a bouquet of wildflowers that looked handpicked from the side of the road. Mr. Barr grinned and clapped Adam on the back.

"Calm down, son. She'll love them." He turned and called out to his wife. "Amelia, our guest is here!"

The epitome of Southern beauty came gliding into the foyer, an ever-present smile on her face. Amelia Barr was a tall, willowy, blond-haired woman of few words. She didn't have to wear much rouge, a natural beauty warmed her features. "Mr. Wilson," Amelia smiled kindly, presenting her hand to the young man.

Adam took it gently and brushed a kiss to the back of her hand. "Mrs. Barr, thank you for having me in your lovely home this evening." His brown eyes flicked away to scan the room, obviously looking for the youngest Barr.

Robert chuckled and moved to the bottom of the stairs, calling up to his only daughter. "Katherine, you have a visitor!" Obediently, Kate answered her father and joined the three of them in the foyer.

She was the spitting image of her mother, though she was still a girl on the threshold of womanhood and had yet to reach her full potential. It was easy to see the child in her face, but the promise of adulthood was lurking just behind her eyes. "Mr. Wilson," Katie said, looking pleasantly surprised. She hadn't expected him, it seemed, and looked to her father and mother curiously.

Adam gave a nervous chuckle and held the flowers out stiffly. "Call me Adam, these are for you."

Amelia had to turn her face to hide her smile. She felt sorry for the poor boy who looked very much like he didn't know what he was doing. Reaching for her husband's hand, Amelia pulled him gently in the direction of the kitchen. "We'll leave you two alone. I'll call when dinner is ready."

"Why don't you take Adam into the sitting room, Katherine," Robert hinted, not hiding his smile as well as his wife. Call me naive, but I had no clue that Adam Wilson intended to court me. I was flattered that he'd brought me flowers, what girl doesn't like flowers? I thanked him kindly for the gift and put them in a vase with some water, then spent the next half hour in the sitting room smiling through awkward conversation.


Date: 2011-03-18 21:15 EST
It wasn't that I didn't find him attractive, because he most certainly was, I just hadn't expected a suitor. It was all so very sudden. I'd never spoken to Adam outside of church functions and one time at a county fair; he bought several of my pies. Perhaps I'd missed the signals. Or maybe Adam wasn't very good at flirting. An awful lot like someone else I knew. That first dinner with Adam and my family was almost laughable. In his nervousness, he spilled the gravy boat all over my mother's best table cloth and being left handed knocked elbows with me more than once. Papa kept the conversation centered around Adam, his work and plans for life. Poor Adam probably didn't eat very much that night, but to be honest, I wasn't paying attention.

"Katherine," Amelia's serene voice attempted to break her daughter's lapse of manners. When Katie continued to stare out the window, she reached out to gently touch her arm. Katie started, looking sheepish, a light blush creeping up her neck. "Adam has asked you a question."

Katie's gaze swiveled around to her right where Adam was standing, toying with his napkin. "I was wondering if you'd sit with me for a spell on the front porch." He looked vulnerable and that made Katie feel guilty.

"I'm sorry, my mind likes to wander sometimes." She slid gracefully from her chair and smiled up at Adam, her skin still tinged pink. "Of course I'll sit with you, Adam, I'll get us some lemonade. It's hot out there tonight."

"This won't work," Amelia whispered, almost inaudibly, to her husband as Katherine disappeared from the kitchen carrying two glasses of fresh squeezed lemonade. "She doesn't even have a clue why that poor boy is here."

Robert laughed, shaking his head at his wife. "What do you mean this won't work" There's no reason it shouldn't."

Out on the porch, Adam was sitting on the porch swing with his arm draped along the back of the seat. Katherine smiled shyly as she approached, holding out one of the glasses to him. He took it, flashing an equally shy smile. "Thanks, Kate." He watched her intently as she sat beside him on the swing, liking the way her cheeks flushed bright red. "What?"

Katie looked away and sipped at her lemonade, legs crossing at the ankle. "No one's called me Kate before."

Adam smirked. "Really' It suits you. It's pretty, like yourself." He cleared his throat, trying to slow his rapidly beating heart.

"Thank you, Adam." She couldn't meet his gaze, too flattered and embarrassed at the feelings that seemed to rise within her chest.

Summertime in South Carolina was beautiful. On the Barr plantation, trees lined the road that led up to the house, apple trees and pear. It made the air smell sweet, mixed with the scent of the sugarcane that grew in the fields. The sun was low in the sky, casting red, orange and light pink colors throughout the clouds that hung on the horizon. The air was moist, humid and without a breeze to cool her skin, Katherine was starting to wish she'd worn a lighter dress than the one she wore now: a high-neck cotton and lace thing that brushed the tops of her heeled boots.

Adam rocked the swing gently, letting the silence between them grow. They both sipped at their drinks, stealing glances at one another. Finally, Adam's soft voice interrupted the silence. "I'd like to see you again, Kate. I..." he hesitated, leaning to catch her eyes and force her to look at him. "I want to get to know you better. Your Pa said he didn't mind if you had no objections."

Katherine's heart seemed to lodge itself in her throat. "You mean court me?" When he nodded, Katie's stomach twisted in a strangely delightful way. Her thoughts drifted momentarily to a large oak tree with a plank swing. A boy who did little more than tease her and treat her like a friend when she wished with all of her being that he'd finally see her as the woman she was becoming dominated her thoughts. But it seemed as though Nathan would never grow up. And here was Adam, a man by all rights who found her company pleasing and made her feel so very grown up, asking permission to court her. Indecision gripped the fifteen year old's heart.

I told him yes, of course. A girl in my position had no right to deny any man that came calling. Adam was such a gentleman. He held my hand that night, it sent my heart into erratic fits. But I liked it. I stood on the porch for a long time after he said goodbye, watching his horse trot down the drive. My fingers rubbed absently along the back of my right hand where he'd pressed a lingering kiss and couldn't figure out why at that moment all I could see were Nathan Faulkner's bright blue eyes.


Date: 2011-03-20 03:25 EST
It didn't take long for Adam to become comfortable in my presence. By December he found it easy to take my hand in his, to hold me in a hug and to press a chaste kiss to my cheek under the watchful eyes of my parents. On Christmas Eve he'd gotten permission from my parents to take me for a ride in his buggy.

"Are you warm enough?" Adam peered over at his companion who was covered with a thick, red wool blanket over her lap.

Though this particular winter hadn't gotten any colder than 45 degrees, Kate was bundled warmly with several petticoats, a heavy shawl, scarf and gloves. "Yes," she smiled up at Adam, rather comfortable sitting snugly against his side. They rode in a sleek black buggy pulled by Adam's horse, Lady. It was brand new, a gift from Adam's parents to him and, by extension, Kate.

"I've got a surprise for you," Adam said mysteriously, a sly smile creasing his features. "I was going to wait until tomorrow to give you your present, but I can't seem to help myself. I want to show you now."

Kate's eyes were alight with anticipation. "What is it?"

"I'm not going to tell you, we're almost there!"

Kate laughed and Adam draped an arm around her, hugging her tightly to his side. The buggy bounced along for another half mile or so before Adam reigned Lady in. They had turned off the road a few hundred yards back and now sat in the middle of a large field surrounded by oak trees. Adam eagerly climbed from the buggy and reached for Katie, hands gripping her waist as he helped her down.

"Where are we?" She asked, looking around.

Adam didn't answer right away, strolling over to a large tree that stood alone in the middle of that field. He rubbed his hand along the bark before turning to look at Kate. "Our future home." He held his breath, waiting for her reaction.

Kate's mouth fell open, shock the dominant feeling at the moment. "Our what?" It was a whisper, disbelief coloring her tone.

"Our home, Kate." Adam strode back to Katie, placing his hands on her shoulders. "I bought this land for us, to build a home. In another few months we'll be breaking ground and I'll have enough money to ask you to marry me." Kate blinked, not knowing how to respond. "Don't you understand, Kate?" Adam lifted one hand to gently touch her cheek. "I love you, Katherine Barr."

It seemed the perfect moment for a kiss. Their first kiss. Kate's head tilted back, the air rushing past her lips as she waited in anticipation for Adam's lips to touch hers. Her eyes closed and heart began to beat erratically. But nothing happened. When she focused those Amber eyes on Adam's face, she could see he had absolutely no intention of kissing her. Disappointment settled low in her stomach.

"I..I know you might not feel the same for me yet," Adam went on, releasing his hold. "But I can give you a good life. You will never want for anything." He stopped abruptly; Kate's silence getting the better of him. "Kate?"

Readjusting the shawl around herself, Kate managed to remember how to smile. "This is beautiful land, Adam." She said finally. "I just don't know what to say," Kate admitted honestly.

"That's alright," he assured her smoothly, taking her hand in his. "There's no rush."

The longer I stayed with Adam, the more comfortable being with him became. It was true, I did not love him in that way, but looking at that bare piece of land, I could see us together. I could see the grand house he'd build for me, our crops growing in the neighboring fields, our children playing in the grass. It was a good life. But I knew that I didn't want a life without love. Adam assumed that I would love him one day, and maybe I could have, but I didn't want to. While he walked me around the field, my mind envisioned another life. A life with a blue-eyed man. It was wrong of me to stay with Adam when I loved someone else, but I couldn't see the sense in throwing everything away for a boy who didn't reciprocate my feelings.


Date: 2011-03-21 03:33 EST
On Christmas day, Papa and Adam rode out to the new land so they could talk and plan. I knew my Pa was happy to have Adam join the family someday. I was glad they got along so well. It had been a great Christmas so far and we had plans to meet Papa and Adam back at the Wilson's for a holiday dinner. I didn't expect the day to turn sour so quickly.

The wind was cold as Nathan stepped onto the Barr's porch. He had a gift for Kate, and wanted to hand deliver it, and try to explain his feelings, and his why's of being at her house. So he reached out and knocked on the door. His heard was pounding in his chest, and he was thinking about breaking into a run.

"Nathan," Mrs. Barr opened the door and greeted Nathan warmly. "I just called Katherine, she's upstairs. Would you like to come in and wait?" The woman eyed the gift he held. "Or would you prefer the privacy of the porch?"

"I think it's a little cold out here for her and I both, Ma'am." He smiled at the woman. "I'll come in if ya don't mind."

"Make yourself at home, then." She stepped back to let Nathan in and closed the door behind him. "Katie should be down shortly, I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything." Mrs. Barr glided from the room just as Katherine was coming down the stairs. "Hi, Nathan. Merry Christmas!" She beamed at her friend, surprised to see him. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"Ages, right." he nodded, "Hiya, Katie Belle." He watched her mom go and always wondered how that woman moved the way she did. "Merry Christmas." he grinned, holding out the brown paper wrapped gift. "It's not even a snake or anything foolish..." he smiled at her.

Kate had tried to understand why Nathan started working so much, she barely got to see him anymore. "Of course, my Nathan would never pull such a prank!" She reached for the box, slender fingers grasping the package gently. "What is it?"

"You gotta open it, Katie Belle. It's part of the gift idea..." he teased.

Kate grinned and moved over to one of the sitting chairs, setting the package on her lap. Carefully, she untied the string that held it together and folded back the paper. Inside the package was a carving of a boy and girl, hand in hand facing the other. Carved from what looked like maple. He always had an eye for that sort of thing.

He followed along, taking off his jacket, and he was in some of his best clothing. "I didn't have any paint, so it's a little plain on the color."

"Oh, Nathan..." She'd always loved his carvings. There was a shelf in her room that held several he'd given to her over the years. This one looked as if he'd taken a great amount of time on. "It's beautiful." She fingered the fine craftsmanship and finally looked up at him. "I don't have your gift. Yet," Kate amended. "It's been so cold, but Adam said he'd bring me by tomorrow. Let me spoil the surprise and tell you I'm baking you and your mom my famous cookies."

Nathan tried to smile but it looked more like a snarl.

"I could make something else," she frowned, misinterpreting the expression.

"No, the cookies are great, Katie." He smiled then. "I even have fresh milk at home."

"Good," she smiled in response. "Because I was going to make cookies no matter what." Katie rubbed her fingers over the faces of the girl and boy figure in her hands. Her smile was sad now. "It's good to see you, Nathan."

"Sorry I've been working so much, Kate. I miss seeing you."

"Don't be sorry. I knew you'd have to start working more eventually. I'm just being selfish."

"Trying to save up some money..."

Kate nodded, looking out the window. That reminded her of Adam's gift to her. He was saving money, too. "You'll be rich in no time with all the hours you've been slaving away."

"I don't want to be rich, Katie. I want to be happy."

"I think that's what most people strive for."

He looked at her a long time, wanting to tell her that he wanted to be happy with her, but she'd already mentioned the scurvy dog once...maybe she did love him. Nathan smoothed his shirt a little out of a nervous habit. Katherine met his gaze, holding it brazenly. She was silent, her expression unreadable. She wished he would say something, whatever was on his mind. "How was Thanksgiving?" Smooth Nate....real way to win her over.

A slow breath was let out and Kate looked away from him. "It was very nice, thank you. We shared dinner with the Wilson's. How was yours?"

"Just Ma and me. I got a nice Tom, just down stream of the house. One of the church lady's family was to come by, but the rains got her carriage stuck." Idiot. Tell her what you want to say! He turned to look at her. "Missed seeing you, Katie."

"That's too bad." She could sense the tension and fidgeted. "I missed seeing you, too. I think this is the first year we haven't gone hunting together. The Wilson's brought us a store bought Tom."

"Store bought"! At those prices?" He was incredulous. "Cost me a piece of lead and a sure aim."

"I don't think Adam likes to hunt," she admitted, trying very hard not to smile. Adam was against killing.

"No' That's too bad."

The small talk was maddening. Kate licked her lips and returned her gaze to the wood carving in her hands. She stared at it for a long minute. "How long did this one take you?"

He shrugged a bit then, "About a month, to get the height right." To him it was them, and he tried to show that in the faces.

Why didn't he just say it' Was she reading him wrong" Kate was unaware that she was nearly frowning. Time to test the waters. "Who are they?"

"I think it's clear."

Katie didn't know how to take that. Was he saying it was them' Did he mean he felt the same way, or that it was a symbol of their friendship" Or did he not care for her at all and the male figure was Adam' Katie chewed delicately on her bottom lip, not saying anything.

"I just thought it'd remind you of us, you know." He said it and now wanted to dive out a window.

Their friendship. Oh. Kate struggled to find the strength to smile when she looked up at him, pleased with her ability to pull off such a farce. "Friends for life. It's a beautiful reminder..."

"Friends..." he trailed. She didn't get it! What the hell" Is he going to have to spell it out"

There. He'd just confirmed it verbally. All hope was dashed with that one word. What was left for her to say' Nothing came to mind, so childishly Kate remained silent once more.

"I think it...." he stopped, watching her again. "You okay?"

Kate nearly panicked, realizing her happy facade was failing. She brightened, shoulders squaring and smiled at him. "Yeah, sorry. It's been a long holiday. There's a lot on my mind..."

"Oh yeah' Like not goin' turkey huntin'?"

Kate smirked. "No. Adam gave me a present, too. He....he bought some land in Port Royal."

"Oh yeah?" She just nodded. "What for?"

Did he really not know" "He plans to build us a house there..."

"Us." he repeated that word.

Kate nodded again, feeling uncomfortable.

His stomach went into knots, and he rubbed absently at one eye. "Well, that's a step."

"It's not as if he proposed or anything yet...I'm not even sixteen. But..."

He was listening and fidgeting with the coat in his lap, not remembering it being that frayed. No wonder she couldn't see him for what he was, he looked like a rag doll. Little did he know she thought he was the best thing in the world. He turned to watch her then, she looked lovely as ever and he had to smile. "How's your Pa?" 'Cause he really didn't care to ask that, but he was a chicken when it came to telling her things apparently.

"He's fine," Kate said evasively, suddenly wishing Nathan hadn't come over at all. "How's your Ma?"

"She's got a cough, but doing well."

"I'm glad she's well." There was that silence again. This time it was so thick Kate thought she might suffocate. Just when she couldn't bear it any longer, Mrs. Barr came gliding in from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. "Nathan, I don't mean to cut your visit short, but Katherine and I have someplace to be shortly."

He looked at Kate, then at Mrs Barr, before a slow smile spread. "I understand, it's Christmas an' All."

"It's good to see you again, Nathan. Tell your Ma Merry Christmas from us, hm?" She smiled, nary a line or crease on her youthful face and retreated to the kitchen. Kate sighed, thankful she had such an intuitive mother.

Nathan stood then and started sliding into his overcoat. "I'll do that Mrs. Barr." He returned the smile, though not as cleared as hers. He had the look of a man with way too many thoughts for his own good.

Kate's face nearly mirrored Nathan's. Her emotions, at war with one another, battled to be showcased. She stood when Nathan did, gripping the carving so tightly her knuckles turned white.

"I am glad you like your gift, Katie." he smiled again. "Maybe I can see you again in a few days."

"Mhm," Kate nodded, not trusting her voice at the moment. She walked Nathan to the door, attempting to steady her shaking hand as she pulled the front door open. He looked at her, trying to read her mind, but opted for the hug, wondering if she'd return it. Though reluctant at first, Kate did return the hug. She slipped her arms around his waist snugly and pressed her cheek to his shoulder. He wrapped his strong arms around her, and was glad to feel her close. Kate murmured something, unintelligible, then released her hold on him.

"See ya soon, Katie Belle."

"Goodbye, Nathan."

Kate closed the door and pressed her forehead against the wood. "Katherine?" Her mother's voice made her jump. "Are you making the right choice?"

Katie floundered, intent on playing dumb but the look on her mother's face told Kate she wouldn't fall for it. "Nathan doesn't feel anything for me, Mama. Adam makes me happy." Amelia eyed her daughter suspiciously. It wasn't her place to point out what was plain as day. Katherine was nearly a woman and had to make her own choices. She remained silent, watching Katherine hurry to her room.

I cried, of course. I'd foolishly let myself believe that Nathan would come around; that he would grow up and tell me he felt the same way I did. It wasn't exactly my idea of a happy Christmas. My Mama never did tell me that she knew I loved Nathan or that Nathan loved me. Though the heartache was hard to bear, I think it was for the best. It taught me to handle my own problems. Though Nathan had squashed my hopes that day, part of me still believed that someday soon he'd realize the way I looked at him was not the way a friend looked at a friend. I just hoped he realized it before Adam did.


Date: 2011-03-22 17:38 EST
Over the next few months, I saw little of Nathan. Unknown to me, he continued to work several jobs so he could save money for our future. He never outright avoided me, but there was tension between us from that point on and I couldn't understand it. I missed spending time with him; my feelings never changed. In April I turned sixteen and my father gave Adam permission to ask me to marry him.

May 1881

Summer was just around the corner, but already it was hotter than was usual for this time of the year and it found Kate frequenting the inlet beach that bordered Beaufort. There was a small stretch of beach that was littered with large pieces of driftwood that folks used as benches to watch the ocean or as fuel for the large bonfire parties.

The past year had done much to blossom the teen and while there still wasn't much curve to her, she had thinned out and grown an inch or two. Where there had once been a child, a woman now stood but that didn't stop her from wiggling her toes in the sand at the water's edge. Kate was careful to keep the hem of her thin yellow dress out of the path of the waves, gripping the material tightly in her hands. Honey colored hair was piled on top of her head, intricate braids woven throughout.

"Hey Katie Belle," Nathan called out.

Her eyes had been closed, so when Nathan spoke she tried not to look surprised at his presence. "Hello, Nathan!" He was in naught but his trousers, wading out into the waves close by. His blond hair shone against the tanned skin, both signs of a man that'd been working in the sun. His suspenders hung at his hips and he was smiling as he backed away into the water. For seventeen, Nathan was well built. His muscles were cut and toned from long, laboring hours in the fields. Kate had to look away.

Nathan thought she looked beautiful as ever, but he disappeared under a large wave, before he could say anything.

Kate laughed as Nathan was overtaken by the ocean, waiting for him to break the surface of the water before calling out to him. "How are you?"

"I am rolling!" he called as he bobbed along the wave tops. Up, and Down. He watched her, and smiled, his hair now hanging limply into his face. "And you?"

Kate laughed again. "Envious!" She inched forward, dipping her toes in the water. "And it looks like you need a haircut," she commented, noting the length of his hair as it clung, wet, to his face.

Nate shrugged his shoulders, "I haven't had time." Before long he was out of the water and flopped by her in the sand. It may be May, but that Atlantic never seemed to warm. "Envious of what?"

"It's hot," she said, watching him with a smile as he joined her on the beach. "I'd love to just jump in."

"So what?s stopping you?" He smiled.

Amber eyes stared at him where he sat in the sand. "I'm not twelve anymore, Nathan. I can't just go jump in the ocean willy-nilly. Besides, I don't even have the proper attire for a swim in the ocean."

"I went in my trousers."

"You're not a lady."

"No Ma'am, I'm a workin' man." He grinned at her. "If you got into the water then laid out here, that dress would dry before you got home."

Kate moved to sit next to him, placing a palm in the sand between them. "And all I'd need is to trip or get knocked over by a wave and somehow get my hair wet. Now that would not dry before I got home."

He smiled. "You have to take chances, Kate."

"I take chances," she said defensively. His lips curled upward on one side of his mouth. "What?" Inclining her head towards him.

"Nothin' Katie Belle!" He grinned and fell back into the sand.

Kate brought her knees to her chest, careful to make sure her dress covered everything it was supposed to. Arms wrapped themselves around her knees, hugging them tightly. "Do you really think I don't take chances?" Amber eyes focused on the ocean, brows lightly furrowed.

"With things like this you don't."

"I don't with the big things, either," Kate replied glumly.

"What sort of big things?" He turned to look at her.

No matter what her feelings were, above all Nathan was her best friend. Perfect white teeth gnawed on her lower lip before sucking in a deep breath and turning to look at him. "Adam asked me to marry him on my birthday."

Nathan said nothing at first. "Is that such a good idea?"

"I told him I'd have to think about it." She flinched; from what, though, who knew" "Pa wasn't too happy with me, but Adam said he didn't mind waiting for me to make up my mind."

Nathan frowned then, "I see." He had to say something but what could he say' He'd been saving money from his jobs, as well as helping his ma.

That was all he'd had to say' Kate was disappointed, but it didn't show on her face. A sad smile fell into place as she watched him. "Papa says love will come in time. It did for him and Ma and they're very happy together. Adam would provide a steady home for me." She was quiet for a moment, still watching him. "We'd get married in August."

"I don't know Katherine, it's so real, You shouldn't have to wait on love, it should already be there, even thinly veiled, at least that's what I think."

"Not everyone has the luxury of love."

"Bullsh...Uh, that's not true." He gave a sheepish smile. "They should be friends, then whatever else."

Kate leveled him with a stern expression, but didn't say anything about his choice of words. "Adam and I are friends." She sighed. "He's told me he loves me, but..." her words died off, feeling that the rest of her thought might be too personal to share, even with Nathan.

He's not the only one. "But?" he encouraged.

Brows furrowed once more and she looked away, back out at the blue sea. "He's never even kissed me."

There was hope yet. He shook his head. "Ol' fancypants hasn't kissed you?"

Kate sighed, keeping her focus on the waves, trying not to let his snide remark get under her skin. "I shouldn't have told you, that's private."

"What about what?s right in front of you, Katie Belle?"

"What do you mean what?s right in front of me?"

Nathan lifted a hand, he was going to wave at her, but instead that hair was pushed from his face.

Katie finally looked back at Nathan and laid back on the sand beside him. "Maybe I should just go for it."

"Go for...what?"

"It's silly to wait for love. Adam will make me happy, why should I draw out my decision?"

"What about me?"

Kate froze, keeping her eyes trained on the sky. "What about you?"

"How do you feel about me?" She always griped he would never grow up, then we he did, she was talking marriage to another guy. He felt like those stumps were on his shoulders now. He wasn't going to go quietly with the idea of her marrying some pompous ass.

"How do I feel about you?" Kate's eyebrows rose, feeling put on the spot. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. She was supposed to be pursued, not the other way around. Katie smiled, head tipping to the side to look at him. "You've been my best friend for ten years, Nathan."

"I know that, but that's not what I mean."

"Then what do you mean?" Kate looked away, wondering what good it would do to admit her feelings when she was considering marriage to another man.

"God, Kate, really' You aren't dim witted."

Anger instantly welled up within Kate and she sat up stiffly without answering him, stood, brushed the sand from her dress and started walking away.

He jumped up, following after her. "Stop it, Kate."

"Why?" She demanded. He reached for her arm then, trying to stop her. Kate halted, the frustration she felt evident on her face when she spun to face him. "Why can't you be man enough to tell me how you feel?"

"I..." she might as well have used his axe on him right then. He reached one hand up to slowly brush a few tendrils of hair that were blown free from her face, a feather light touch from a visibly shaking hand. "I've wanted to tell you, for years, Katie."

The anger and frustration drained away instantly to be replaced with sadness. "Then why haven't you? I've been waiting for years, Nathan."

"I love you, Kate..." his voice barely heard. "You can't marry him."

Kate thought her heart might burst from her chest in happiness. As it was, it swelled so much she felt her chest tighten and tears pricked the corner of her eyes. She'd waited years to hear those words come out of his mouth and had all but given up on it happening. "Why did you wait this long to tell me?" She had to grip her skirt with both hands to keep from touching him, something that would have been inappropriate.

"I don't know, Kate..." he sighed. "I've been saving money, to try to give you the proper home, and life you deserve."

"You should have said something. Anything. I....I had no idea, Nathan. I thought you didn't care about me the same way. I never would have.....oh." Adam's face swam into view and her heart plummeted. This would hurt him.

"What was I supposed to say' I thought you knew, Kate....I thought I showed you. 'Oh hey by the way, I'm saving up money for a house, and some dirt, cause I want to live my life wakin' up to you every mornin'."

"I can't read your mind, Nathan Faulkner. And I guess it was hard to tell when you haven't treated me any different in the past ten years."

"I thought I had, with the jobs an' all, Darlin'."

That made her stomach do cartwheels. "I've loved you my whole life, Nathan." Amber eyes stared up at his face intently, her voice barely above a whisper.

Proper or not, he bent his head down to do the only thing he could think of and that was something he wanted to do forever and that was to press his lips to her petal pink ones. Sure it was awkward, but it was their first kiss, and he was trying harder than her stuffy suitor had.

Kate froze beneath his gentle ministration, heart beating wildly. She kissed him back for a fraction of a second before stepping away abruptly. A deep rose blush crept up her neck and spilled over onto her cheeks. There was pleasure there in her face, but also regret. "Adam doesn't deserve this, Nate. I should talk to him first before....before..."

He took her hand a moment, nodding. "I know Kate...he's treated you good. I just," he sighed. "I couldn't sit by and let my best friend go."

Amber eyes fell to their fingers. Kate couldn't help but think of how right his hand felt in hers. This was how a relationship should feel. This was love. "I'm glad you didn't." Katie smiled and squeezed his hand before pulling away from him completely. "Adam should come calling tomorrow evening. I can talk to him then."

"Your Pa, he's not going to be real happy."

"No, I reckon he won't be."

"I can't help how I feel, anymore'n you can, Katie."

"He'll understand in time," she assured him gently.

"I hope sooner'n later, Kate."

"Pa's a hard man to please, but in the end he just wants me to be happy. He'll see you make me happy and everything will be fine. Just you wait."

"I hope so. Kate. He scares me."

That made her laugh. "Why?"

"Maybe it goes back to my arm?" He grinned.

"Hmm," she smiled wryly, arching a brow at him. "Shouldn't have tried peeking up my dress."

"I wasn't peeking."

Kate laughed again and started backing away. "Come for supper on Friday, alright?"

"Wait, you're leaving?"

"I have to."

He sighed, "I know."

"But you'll see me soon," she promised.

"I know," he said again, pausing to pick up his shirt and other things. "Friday supper" Isn't that when your mother makes chicken?"

"Every week."

"I'm sorry, Katie," he said, as he pushed his arms through the sleeves of his shirt, sliding one strap of the suspenders up.

Now she was confused. "For what?"

"Never tellin' you how I felt. That'll never happen again?

"Ah." Kate smiled, albeit sadly. "It can't be helped now. No use in dwelling." She started backing away again when the urge to throw her arms around him nearly overwhelmed her. "I'll see you Friday, Nathan."

"Friday, Kate." He lifted a hand in a wave, watching her back away. His Ma was going to kill him.

As I walked home from the beach, I was happier than I'd ever been. The moment my home came into view, however, I was filled with trepidation and anxiety. I had to tell my Pa that I'd made my decision and not only that, I'd have to tell Adam the next night. I loved Nathan with all my heart, but making my father angry and hurting Adam was not something I looked forward to doing.