Topic: My Spiffy Splendid Career

Amber Cartwrite

Date: 2007-11-14 00:37 EST
My Spiffy Splendid Career

by Amber Cartwrite

Can a little lady from the Dwarven Gold Mine Complex find true happiness in the land of the Stork Leg people"

"Yep. I was born in the far away Golden Mine Mountain Village, under the earth, far and safe in my family's keeping room. Six brothers; then me. See. my brothers were way older than me and the last of our family born; none since that time. Last of many villagers.

I used to run the cavern halls with my brothers, cousins, us all wearin' our homemade shirts, overalls and hobnailed boots, all alike. See, I was the only girl and there was no fuss on that score. Everyone of us did our part to make a living for the family and it was fun, too. We used to run through the caverns and climb up the sides of the tall places, not a care if it was a high place or not. Everything was such fun, until my brothers got old enough to go look for their fortunes. I thought I was going too, but Mum told me that young girls do not travel out in the world like that, unless they got supervision.

How come I left this happy home to go off and work for money' It was because of something my Mum and Da never told me. I am ugly. Yep; I gots a face like a tall person and ears pointy like I was some half Elven child. But I am not. I gots lots of long, curly blonde hair, not red like my folks and am kinda skinny about the waist; us folks are supposta to be kind of globe shape, especially the great beauties. Not me. I am ugly, but until I heard my parents discuss me, the thought never dawned to me. It went like this here:

"Clarissa, you know, with the boys gone, we ought to be able to go on our Grand Tour of the other villages, it's been so long." My Da was talking as him and Mum were clearing the boy's room of clutter. I could hear good because I was in my sorta room, the shelf of the hall table, under a nice long tablecloth.

"Now how long can it be? Soon one of these days, somebody will want her to meet their son..." and they both broke out laughing and said at the same identical time, "Not!"

My parents thought I was ugly, that is not like the standard of beauty the folks got here. I never cried and said nothing about this to anyone, just because it was true. My parents were stuck here, not on their grand adventures because I was still young and not a beauty. But I am smart and clever and figured out a way to make thing better, I thought.

They came marching over the hill and the whistles and drums sounded out big and loud. It was the Dwarven Census Takers! Every few centuries they hire folks to go to the cities and count up how many of the future seekers survive the ordeals, who is left living in the big city and how many are gonners. Oh, I wanted to be one of them counters, so bad! I know Dwarven language, some Drow and enough Goblin to keep outa trouble. Yep. I wanted to learn Common Talk and do sums and write in one of those scroll books!

to be continued...Dwarven Census Taker Cartwrite. My Career begins.

Amber Cartwrite

Date: 2007-11-28 00:03 EST
My Spiffy Spendid Career part 2

The Dwarven Census Recruits came to town! The Villagers could feel the vibrations of their marching and hear the drums and whistles, even while running along the carved stone corridor to the gates. This was history on the walk; it was the Census!

Amber raced to the Gate doors and on into the roadway, along with the rest of the villagers, just in time to see.

Around the curved path, around the barrier of rock and vegetation, outlined by the setting sun's glow, the Census Marchers came; Red, blue, green and gold pennants flapped in the light, showing up before those held the flags appeared. Soon it was a real parade, heading to the Gates. Men in leather armor, with helmets and axes, singers adding their voices to the music of the marching band filled in, more as they grew near. Carts drawn by Pitt Ponies formed the bulk of that extravaganza.

"History on the March." The hawkers called out. "Be a part of History. Chart the unknown lands; free language lessons and an all expense trip to Rhydin; and with pay, yet!"

"Travel! I could learn their language and make money, all at the same time. Sign me up Da! " Amber grabbed her parents each by the sleeve as she stood, watching the recuriters and heard their speeches. " I want to do this, Mum!"

So, with her parents signed consent and a parcel of extra clothing, Amber Cartwrite went off to work for the Dwarven Census. The parade went out into the far lands. Cartwrite studied as she traveled, in the cart and along the nightly campfire, with other recruits. They were learning the Common language and the customs of Rhydin; next stop Rhydin Countryside.

to be continued...The Short Duration of Census Badge Number 209.

Amber Cartwrite

Date: 2007-12-04 23:54 EST
Rhydin Country; Census Badge #209.

"I come a long long ways since that little frightened girl come from the hometown to this city, hair in fifty braids like a child and my voice too shakey to speak up when I was supposta. They marched us out, with our census books to count the Dwarves who went to the big city and you know I never asked anyone why. Wore my work shoes from the mines and where I run with my brothers, having fun climbing the rocks and chasing each other, until Da called us home. For the city, you need to wear a dress, Mum told me and that meant sixteen petticoats and a waist wrap, so I never looked too thin. Bad enough I was never going to grow no beard, like some but at least I had me a nose. Lindy Trumvelt had neither yet she was a nice person. But that was not so bad. I was an offical Census Worker for my badge proved it was a fact."

It was as it it had been yesterday, she could still recall it clear enough:

Amber had to just gasp at the enorminty of it all. So many people...tall people. Her normally gabby chattey personality was silenced by all the tallness surrounding her.

"Hoo Boy!" Cartwrite clutched her leather bound book to her close, with both arms, almost hesitant to enter the tall door room of the Inn. She was at the Red Dragon Inn and it was almost too much for her.

"I gots to do this, if I want my pay." It was she all had to prod her along into the sea of tall tables, rouges and villians and knights and ladies and pickpockets and creatures she had no idea what they were.

"Hiya." Her voice was louder than she imagined. " I am from the Dwarven Census. Gots any Dwarven Kind in this room' I need to count the numbers." But it did not seem there were any but tall folk here tonight.

Amid the laughter and garbled cacophony of many languages and the swell of this huge crowd, one woman wearing overalls beckoned Amber over to the table where she was standing. The lady's hand pointed to the tablecloth which hung to the floor.

"Here be Dwarven Folks; young ones, I think. Take a look. There be seven right here, under this very table."

"Thankee Lady! " Census Agent #209 bowed, as she had been taught. "I need to see them and count them for myself, before I can write the number in my book."

"This is not so difficult." Cartwrite thought to herself. Then Amber drew back the tablelcoth drape to see seven pairs of bright glowing eyes staring at her. There was a bit of hissing and some gnawing along with it. "Rats!"

"Now Dearie, you are permitted to say a stronger word, if ye like." Overall Woman was laughing a loud cackle. "Say "Dang!" if you like."

"Rats. They are seven rats. I can see in the dim light, no trouble. And I knows a rat when I see one." The young Dwarven girl dropped the table cloth back to cover the seven creatures.

From there, it went downhill. Every night and day, Amber took the little leather book into the Inns and Market Places, to no avail.

According to the instruction manual, the next step was to go to a Castle, first one you find and knock at the door. Where to find a castle? Amber just followed a lady who looked royal, to her, and there it was. A nice appointed castle with gaurds stationed. Now what?

to be continued....Castle Folk

Amber Cartwrite

Date: 2008-07-05 21:59 EST
Amber visits her first Castle

Amber stood in the doorway to a different world. Towering above, great oak doors opened into a cavernous gray stone hall. It was like home, to her, more than any structure she'd seen in this land.

"Come." The tall Lady encouraged. "The Census is always welcome at the Rose Castle. "

Cartwrite did not realize tall stone buildings could happen above ground, before this.

"Amber" You were asking about counting the Dwarven folk in this country' We have one of your people living here. You ought to talk to him, for your survey." Lady gestured to a seat near the doorway for little Amber stared like the bedazzled. "Sit and rest. We will dine at ten; please join us at table?"

Her fifty braids clattered with the beads on them as she shook her head no. "Thank you but I need to do my count work before anything else." Both of her arms wrapped tight on the leather toll book. "I am a little bit hungry, however." Aromas of fresh baked bread and stewed beets got to her. "Yes, I would like to dine."

After the feast, where the little Dwarven counter sat at a side table, picking at foods all new to her, Amber was shown to the cellar door.

"Now our resident Dwarven man is still at work, for he is the janitor in the castle. You can go wait for when his chores be done and talk then." So this is what it was to be a real Lady. Tall One was polite, caring and kind to a stranger lost in a far land. This was a lesson to learn.

Down the spiral staircase, round and round a tower base, Cartwrite went, Census book in hand and her hobnailed boots echoing their clunks one at a time, during that torturous decent.

"Hmm. A Janitor. No where can run without the things a janitor does. Fixing stuff and making sure all is right. And he got a special honor. " The office for Janitor was at the deepest level of the underground chambers. Just like back at the mines of home. It was a super honor. So there she sat, fed with a good dinner, comfortable there in the underground room and holding the count book, her key to wealth and honor. And the bench where she sat was so comfortable. Amber fell dead asleep, dreaming of a fine life she would have in this new country.

The next day, she met an actual met the Janitor. But was he ready to be counted" To be continued?

Amber Cartwrite

Date: 2008-08-25 16:50 EST
Meeting the Janitor Amber walked down the cellar stairs, clutching her huge leather Census book to her with both arms. It was a long, long way down the stone block stairs but she was able to see just fine, due to her extra good in the dark vision. Her sharp hearing harked to anything sounding in the background but it was still; still as the Grand Grotto back home. The air had this little dampness to it and she breathed it in, relaxed and feeling at home in this castle of the Stork legged humans.

She was so tired, for it had been such a long day, that Amber laid her census taker book upon a hallway table and without half thinking, she curled up on the table shelf and promptly fell asleep. Surely the important man, the janitor would show up by morning and she yet had time to get her census information from him. How difficult could that be?

Next thing Amber knew, she awoke to the smell of tobacco, for someone was smoking a pipe and grumbling under his breath. It was the same tobacco her Da used to smoke! And the man in the next room was cursing at a metal bar with words only the men back home. Amber jumped off the table shelf and rolled onto the ground, for someone had covered her with a nice quilt and there was a soft little pillow under her head.

"Now look what you made me do, Girlie!" He had red hair and a wild looking moustache. Nice squinty eyes and he grumbled under his breath. "Don't posta surprise me like that. Get your breakfast and come over and help; there's work to be done."

Amber took the cinnamon bun and the cup of warm cider and stood there, eating breakfast and watching the janitor. "What work, Boss?" She had been honored with the task of helping out a janitor.

"Take that broom and sweep the hall." The not as old as her Da Dwarven man shoved a tall person size broom into her hand. "Now what? You knows how to sweep, right?"

"Well, iffen you cuts the handle off shorter, I can use this here better." Amber indicated how short she wanted the broom stick to be. "Cut right here, please." She was polite, for that was one thing Census taught her, to get along with the folks and them why they would just tell you all the info and their name and that e it.

"What. Ruin a perfectly good broom' Cannot go about messing up castle property, Girlie."

"Um, if it was shorter I could work faster. And cut the top to a point so as I can pick up papers on the run."

"Yep. That works." The Dwarven man fixed that broom and sent Amber off to clean the hallways. He looked as she left, to make sure she was gone and then got hold of the Dwarven Census book and read the forms. "Uh oh."

"My Name is Amber, Boss." She called between swishes of the broom across the stone flooring. Amber was delighted to be in a real castle. She was happier cleaning that hallway floor than she had been out in the world out there, walking up and talking to strangers. Her accent was thick, for she was a recent arrival to this land. "We can talk about the Census later today, right' She was going around the corner to sweep the next walkway. "Right, Boss?"

The Dwarven man did not reply, not yet, that is. To be continued?Amber is Fired.

Amber Cartwrite

Date: 2008-08-25 16:54 EST
Amber is Fired from The Census Office.

It was as if it were yesterday, so fresh were the memories of her first job. Amber was anxious to earn a living. So far, the Census had provided education in the manner of language instruction, so that workers might navigate in the various societies where scattered Dwarven might live. They all were introduced to strange foods, along the way and good manners. How to hide shock and embarrassment was paramount, for her people were by nature conservative, in all ways.

They had traveled in carts, learning as they went. Months passed in transit and not a second wasted. Amber hurried about her assigned town to seek other Dwarven kind. She even went to a castle to interview any and all Dwarven folk there. Only one resident qualified for the census. And he wasn't talking. Soon, it was time for her meeting with her superior, for she did not get paid without turning in some data, any kind of data, any number of names no matter how few would fulfill her assignment. How Amber dreaded this day and here it was.

"Dwarven Census Taker Cartwrite?" The chief of statistics bellowed out, in a loud military tone. There was a harshness to his word only made worse by that scowl from under his shaggy eyebrow.

" Yep, sir. What is it?" Amber stood at attention and tried to appear calm but her hairdo gave her away. Fifty braids tied in ribbons, all shaking at once is a phenomenon hard to ignore.

"Let me see your Log Book. I have some questions about the Dwarf count in the assigned Castle Area." Head Chief Stratmore held out his hand but the record book was not forthcoming.

"I, er'did not get done, yet. I am going to need some more time." Big salty tears welled up in her huge eyes, one more notch more powerful than a sad puppy face. "I gots to go back and add this one more name." She left out the bit about not being able to get a single dwarf to answer the queries on that list. Not a one. She was on her last hope; a janitor who worked at the castle.

"And what exactly is the state of your progress on this last name?" Stratmore was starting to wonder why he had hired this lass to enumerate. True, she passed the test for counting and wrote a fine, legible Dwarven script., but the girl simply could not speak up. No matter. Too late now. "Your book, Cartwrite. Just hand me the ledger and I will decide for myself."

"Oh, sir..I don't got no book anymore. I left it back to the castle, downstairs near a broom closet of sum such. I can go get it." She turned in a whirl of colorful costume and braids flying, egar to get out of there, when two door officers blocked her path.

"One chance. I gave you several. The time has come. Turn in your badge; you are no longer a Census employee, Cartwrite..or should I say "Cartwrong"." All his aides laughed on cue from a metal click beetle device.

Back she ran, fast as her little legs would take her and Amber Cartwrite returned to the same Castle, to the very hallway where she had last seen her Census taker logbook. The leather and parchment book had been right there when she dropped it and ran off. Now that she returned, it was totally gone. Now what"

Sitting huddled under a sturdy curtained table in the janitor's closet, she finally stopped her sobbing and took stock of her life.

"I am never gonna become a world traveler. I ain't got what it takes to be a census taker; now way, no how."

So, Amber began to do the type work she was good at doing, namely sweeping and cleaning. The janitor let her become his assistant and she started going into the Great Hall on a regular basis, to sweep up after parties.

Little did she k now, but what seemed to be the end of her career was just the beginning of many learning and adventures in this land.

To be continued".Amber learns how to clean a castle.

Amber Cartwrite

Date: 2008-09-12 11:21 EST
*RED SPARKLEY SHOES* ( About a typical day when Amber worked in the first Castle, long ago.)

"I dreamed I had red shoes. Not no ordinary shoes, sturdy with thick soles; ones that Uncle Yarro made to last half a lifetime. Nothing Practical at all! I mean light to step, fancy sparkling red shoes that glitter is you so as much as look at "em. Them. Red shoes like that. With carved curvy heels that don't want to touch the ground "cause you are dancing all around the room. Shoes with music on their inards. Bright red and wonderful; I dreamed I had them red shoes and I was a wearin" them."

Amber sat there, talking to the head cook of the castle, while the woman worked elbow deep in flour, mixing the bread dough for the afternoon tea. All around the cavernous and bustling kitchen, helpers and assistants went about their duties, leaving the golden haired Dwarven young lady to ramble on.

"Get to the other part, Amber. Before I have to stir in the spices and rasins." The Cook hurried, for the ladies would be expecting scones to go with their tea.

"So many them wearing tartans these days." offered a scullery maid, who carried the raisin bin over to where it was required.

"Well, it seemed I was in this here inn, only it was not our inn and I heard music. Nice loud and peppy music. And here these shoes were. You know the legend, dontcha?" Here Cartwrite paused to wait answers long enough to nibble on a ginger cake and twelve candies apricots.

"Now red shoe are supposed to dance until they wear out. Right' But my red shoes"they just stood there, doing nuthin". I give them a kick and they moved, but just one step."

She jumped off the high stool and demonstrated how she had dreamed it. "See" Shoes just sit there." Only thing was, even as she spoke, her feet went dancing, a veritable polka around the work table, throwing up a white cloud of flour siftings like a trail of smoke in her wake.

In Amber's mind the air was filled with fiddle, pipe and drum music, as she took to a traditional clog step, arms at her sides, golden curls bouncing in all directions. Red shoes flashed through the flour covered floor, faster and faster. All the kitchen help, cook as well stood around clapping in time to the dance. One or two at a time, they began to join in, stomping like there was a herd of mice run amok all over the room.

Suddenly the timepiece chimed and an entire kitchen full of cooks, maids and helpers stopped, as if their clockworks had run out. Still.

"Uh oh."

That night, the Queen and her ladies had their tea with scones and the reason?*Red Sparkley Shoes *