Topic: Neither demon nor angel be...

Qwen Bryon

Date: 2011-07-05 10:47 EST
The field was covered in bodies, a macabre lawn of limbs. The sun was rising over the horizon and adding a sickly light to the scene. This Plane, named Al"Szar by the locals, never saw full daylight, it was in a perpetual state of sunrise or sunset, the sun skimming along the horizon from east to west never showing more than a sliver of itself to this side of the world. The bodies were not all human, most were gehreleths, a subspecies of the greater demons Gelfs. Ranging between three and five feet, they were thinly built and uncoordinated. They traveled in bands of twenty or thirty and made up in viciousness what they lack in physical stature. The battle over the past four days brought about the death of nearly three thousand of the creatures, surely it was nearly all this Planes current population of the gehreleths. In dying they began to decay at a rate that those unaccustomed to the Planes would find fascinating or revolting. The flesh melted from the bones and created a stench that was difficult to stomach. It was over this landscape that the Second of the Brigade, Qwendolyn, now walked. She cut an impressive figure standing well over six feet, clad in chain mail armor over leathers. A longsword was in her hand, held casually but obviously ready. The large wings that sprung up from her shoulders were folded close to her body but raised slightly to keep the tips from dragging in the muck below, every now and they they would flare and lift the woman from the ground if there seemed no good way through the mess. Grey eyes were searching the piles of bodies, a boot kicking away swords and bones to search beneath. She had little time to waste but she needed something, needed to find someone and she was determined. They had clashed during the battle, she was positive that she landed a debilitating blow, not a deadly one. The creature was one she'd seen standing by Michael before he disappeared, leaving his minions to die horrible deaths for his amusement. There was no possible way Michael could have believed these pathetic creatures would have killed her, nor any of the six others from the Brigade that fought. So it was all set up for his entertainment, and to waste their time, Qwen had no doubt. Something squished beneath her tread and she looked down, she'd stepped into what used to be a gehreleths chest; that was going to be hard to get off. Qwen was considering passing the duty of cleaning her boots off to a servant rather than taking care of it herself when she caught sight of movement off to her left.

Quickly she made her way toward the pile of broken bodies where she saw the motion. Leaning over she started picking up the remains of the demons and tossing them aside like garbage. When she saw the face of G"rakkt she stopped, a wicked smile touched her lips but not her eyes, those were cold as ice as she pressed one boot to the things chest, and poised the tip of the longsword at its throat.

Qwen wasn't positive what this creature was supposed to be, it was no denizen of the Planes of which she was aware. As the Brigade were required to know all the Planes denizens it was either from some distant planet or something created. It would be like Michael to break that commandment and create something of his own. At first glance the creature did not look like it should work, the angles of it's body were awkward and had a sense of wrongness that made it difficult to look at for long. Bat-like wings rose from its back, though current one was splayed out over a mound of corpses and the other must have been bent uncomfortably beneath it.

"You will swear loyalty to me now or you will die. Not before I know everything I want, mind you, but you will die." There was an edge of command to her voice that few she'd ever met had managed to ignore, it was one of her many talents.

"G"rakkt cannot." The creature made a squawking sound that reminded Qwen of a bird, and since this creature had something resembling a beak she supposed that was only right. "The Master will hunt us and kill us."

Qwen assumed that the "Master" was Michael, and she didn't doubt that the creature, G"rakkt, believed with all its being that Michael would hunt and kill it....Qwen did not doubt that either.

"I will protect you. I am Qwendolyn, Second of the Brigade, and I give you my word." Qwen wasn't sure why she was taking this route with the creature, but there was something in her that told her that this creature could be, would be, useful beyond a tortured interrogation. The air thrummed with the power of her words, they were truth and none would be able to deny that.

"You, you would protect G"rakkt?" It's head shifted, nearly cutting itself on the tip of Qwen's blade in an effort to cock its head and look at her, perhaps it's periphery vision was better than a straight view.

"I gave my word." Her tone was cold and challenging, she did not take well to anyone questioning her word.

"G"rakkt swears loyalty to the Lady Qwendolyn. We will serve the Lady for all our days." It croaked the words out, but there was an underlying tone of desperation and honesty that Qwen could feel in her bones.

The sword came away from G"rakkts throat and she sheathed it in her belt. "We need to leave, the stench will be overwhelming soon. Can you fly?" Stepping back to allow the creature to attempt to rise, it became quickly apparent that it was in no shape to walk, let alone fly. Reaching out she grabbed hold of the creatures arm, pulling him to his feet as gently as the situation would allow.

G"rakkt's face twisted in what was probably pain but he did not complain or argue. "G"rakkt is sorry, Lady Qwendolyn, but wing is broke, there will be no flying today." No walking either, he swayed unsteadily on long, gangly legs that looked more like sticks than something that would be useful for walking.

With a soft sigh she slid an arm under one of G"rakkts and with a powerful beat of her wings lifted them both. They headed for the nearest portal and away from the scene of death below. When they got back to her tower the first thing she would need to do is shower, the stink of the dead was beginning to seep in and she hated that. While it was true she hated other things more there was no reason that she needed to subject herself to this one, life was about little battles while you waited to win the war