Topic: Nom de Guerre


Date: 2008-02-19 21:52 EST
The light of day was fading as Avasa perched on a parapet of the city wall, facing the ocean. The location was not a common gathering place, and she drew several strange looks from the guards who passed by and the people who passed below, but she wasn't causing any trouble, and so they left the woman alone. She hated the cold, and the sharp, salty breeze that blew from across the water was far more chilling than she would have liked. She hunkered down into her cloak, hood pulled tight beneath her chin, and watched the rapidly darkening water.

Avasa was not her real name, of course. It was not even a pseudonym she used frequently. Names were as traceable as faces and bank accounts, and it would not do to leave any prints that might be tracked. Using that old alias on the 15th had been a mistake, but she had taken care of that. The Lady Lotesse Alasseva made a show of leaving The Nightingale's Song on the evening of the 17th, stressing that she had just been delivered an important missive and was required to catch the next ship headed across the sea. Several patrons would admit to having seen a smartly-dressed man head up the stairs, only to descend and leave not a half an hour later. One woman would agree that she had seen something like a letter in the man's hand, though he no longer had it when he departed. And a certain captain's palm had been greased so he would lie and say that the lady had been among his passengers. The trail deftly led away from Rhy'Din. Anyone looking for her would be met with a dead end. The following morning, a Mistress Leuca Fane checked into more modest accommodations at The White Pony, whose name astutely matched its barn-like interior and hay-stuffed mattresses. Claiming to be a merchant of some renown in Halatir, Mistress Fane professed that her stay in the city was only temporary as she assessed the Rhy'Dinian market for elven goods.

Her new identity, for the moment, was in place.

Even as her carefully-laid plans clicked into place, one thing still made her uneasy. And it would be all the more disconcerting if her past decided to follow her to Rhy'Din.

The smartly-dressed man had seen the golden eyes of Valie, the thief.


Date: 2008-08-01 15:17 EST
The white-washed ceiling was painted a dark blue-gray hue in the nighttime shadows. The curtain was drawn, but it gaped in the middle, and a sliver of moonlight slashed through the darkness. Beneath her, the mattress was lumpy and hard, and something prodded her in between the shoulder blades. Avasa wasn't certain what had woken her, but now she stared up above her, unable to fall back asleep. She watched the play of the shadows on the ceiling from her vantage on the flat pillow.

She had been going stir-crazy for months, though her dull life was of necessity. "Valie" didn't even return to Calf's after the heist. She melted into her new identity of richesse and privilege, all but leaving thievery behind her. It was difficult to be patient, to lay low and wait for the heat to die down before she could risk another lift. But when she felt the itch, she would play the night of the bank heist over in her mind, trying to relive the rush of a perfectly-executed job. But it was like trying to remember the feel of adrenaline coursing through one's veins, or remember the high of a drug. It certainly wasn't the same....Not the same at all.

Avasa sat up, reaching to rub that tender spot between her shoulder blades. Sheets rustled softly at her movement, but otherwise the room was quiet. And too hot.

As she leaned over to pick at a bur on one of the sheets, her mind took an odd turn in its wonderings. She straightened sharply. Him' Why was she thinking of him" The thief shook her head, running her fingers through her hair. Formerly long and flowing locks had been layered to several inches past her shoulders. Giving her head another vehement shake, she muttered under her breath, "Get the Abyss out of my head, Laushin."

"Moira?" questioned a sleepy voice. A man beside her stirred, and he absently reached up to stroke his hand down her shoulder, along her bare side. "What're you doin'" Come back to bed..."

Avasa flinched at his touch and slapped his hand away. "What, you're still.." Bloody hell..." She tore the sheets away from him, then proceeded to pelt him with his clothes. "We're done here. Get the Abyss out."

After a boot caught him in the head, he was only too willing to comply, and he left her alone in the night, muttering a few choice words that would have sent anyone else into a rage.

She threw the lock behind him. Alone. That's how it was supposed to be. "Bloody idiot..." Wrapped in a sheet, Avasa leaned against the door. Her head hang, and she slid down until she hit the floor. Despite her words, she seemed to be saying something else entirely.

"'Ksher. Amin delotha lle*..."

Translation: * Evil one. I hate you...