Topic: Novelty part ice, part one

Oziendis Nightstalker

Date: 2007-06-20 18:53 EST
Oziendis Nightstalker: ::The stench of eel and lemon aroused his curiosity and the blackness at the edge of the woods seemed to flicker even more darkly, some unnatural force was arriving, and it stank:: One Lucky Spider: ::Chuckles, looking to Moon:: How about it Moon' You wanna help me make Icer look neat" Moon Lyght: ::nods:: Ryo Tosaga: ::Crimson orbs trail to the darkness near the woods, a wave to the unnatural force.:: Icer1978: ::Nostrils quivered then, catching the odor, and a growl was given, wings rustling, she remembered.: One Lucky Spider: ::Smiles, making a ball of easy-to-use strands and handing it to Moon:: Go wild. Oziendis Nightstalker: ::The demon stepped into view, his rippling muscles bulging from tattered oily hide "clothes" the smell of death heavy around him, then those glittering, evil eyes spied what looked like a family affair...of freaks perhaps but just his idea of "fun" He licked the spittle from his lower lip, though it did no good and started toward the little group:: Moon Lyght: ::She started to make a toss for Icer and stopped dead, eyes narrowing at the brute coming nearer:: Ignorantblys: ::Alana would walk back dripping anchovie pie all over the place:: Ill have you know...::Drip:: This is tailored imported leather....::Drip:: ANd I havent even bloodstained it yet ::Drip Pout drip:: Icer1978: ::Her snout still webbed, wings flared and a hiss was given as she eyed the one approaching.:: Oziendis Nightstalker: ::He nodded, well almost, Ryo was aknowledged, but not much more. Hungry eyes fixed on the blue Dragon:: Well well well, looks like my boots just might be pants! Icer1978: ::It wasn't Alana she was hissing at.:: Ryo Tosaga: ::Just looking up at the sky then, thinking.:: One Lucky Spider: Uhhhh.....::blinkblink at the demon, then looking to Moon:: Uhhh.....he doesn't look friendly. Moon Lyght: ::Snorts and climbs out of the lake, hissing at the demon. She hated this guy. A LOT:: Icer1978: ::Snarling, she followed her mother, keeping an eye on Oziendis.:: Oziendis Nightstalker: ::Understatement of the millenium! He was never friendly. He glanced at the spider, considering how long it would take to pluck out each leg from that hairy body and gave a not-very-nice-at-all grin:: One Lucky Spider: ::Shakes a bit, going over to stand by one of Moon's talons:: Moon Lyght: ::Still hissing and growling she just watched, in a defensive posture, though electricity crackled throughout her body ready to give one hell of a jolt:: Oziendis Nightstalker: ::He marched right up to the two dragonesses and immediately gave Icer a swift clout on the muzzle:: Miss me" Icer1978: Not really...::snarled out as she was hit, her tail snapping at the demon's leg.:: Moon Lyght: ::She blinked, and took a swipe at that bastard! Mess with her daughter eh?:: Ignorantblys: ::Alana smelled hate. And she wasnt too easy about it. She would gently pull the pistol from her shoulder holster. She would take a deep breath and look about slowly. Hmmm What the hell is going on here:: Oziendis Nightstalker: Icer's bite would score home, but she'd feel queasy. He'd never bathed in his life and even his blood was like a magnification of raw sewage and rotting diseased carcasses. He winced a bit, and was caught off balance as Moon swatted him::

Icer1978: ::Rumbling, she shook out her head and neck, nostrils still flaring.:: Moon Lyght: ::she pressed the advantage and inhaled deeply, readying to breathe out a neuro-tixin as well, she knew Icer knew the cue and would hold her breath:: One Lucky Spider: ::Gives a growl at Oziendis:: Tetronus: :: Whistleing wind along the breeze.....and then flash! lightning suddenly sears the sky in a brilliance before the bolt landed near Icer and moon a shap slowly rising from the crater:: Oziendis Nightstalker: ::being shaked like a nasty little rag doll he roared and kicked violently with his other foot, the fungus and crud of ages smearing all over Icer's face:: Icer1978: ::Nudging Lucky behind her carefully, she took in a deep breath, cathing the cue from her mother.:: One Lucky Spider: ::He took Icer's note and took a spot behind her talon:: Icer1978: :Grinning then, she'd release the demon, right toward the lake.:: Moon Lyght: ::Opening her jaws wide she shoved her face as near Oz's as she could bear, he was smelly AND ugly after all, and exhaled. A cloud of fog that was almost viscous emerged enveloping him.:: Icer1978: ::Bath time!;: Moon Lyght: ::Yay!:: Ignorantblys: ::She would take a second to size up the situation Alana did not know the cue so she ran in and looked up hoping that icer would allow the demon stilled for long enough for her to shoot him in the throat. Wouldnt kill him. But he wouldnt be running around much more. And she saw it. She would run right into the fog. And WHAM right onto the ground went the elfling.

Oziendis Nightstalker: ::Not yay! ::He gasped, choked, gasped again, the worst possible thing to do, and started gagging:: Tetronus: :: He came just in time to watch an old demon to take a bath:: Wellloks like you two have this under control Ryo Tosaga: ::He vanished, heading for the Inn.:: Icer1978: Mhhm ::nodding to her brother as she wiped the crud from her snout:; he needed a bath. Oziendis Nightstalker: ::Sweat and grime and innumerable other nasty small and wriggly things, now not so wriggly were pouring out of him, and also choking, the smell was beyond sickning, like a diseased sphinx that had half-rotted with gangrene yet still lived and was stupid enough to lay in the sun making it that much worse. He clawed his throat and after some struggling went still:: Moon Lyght: ::wanting to puke, she gingerly nipped his heel and tossed him toward an isolated pool of water, where she noted, fish promptly died and floated belly-up in the surface. Oops. Then she dipped a talon and let loose with an electric shock to rival a thunderhead:: Moon Lyght: *freeze him, luvy!* Oziendis Nightstalker: ::No, NO! Don't freeze him! He wanted to scream outrage but was paralized. this SUCKED:: Icer1978: Of course mama...::taking in a deep breath, she sent her icefire toward the stinking now floating body in the lake, nostrils flaring.:: Oziendis Nightstalker: ::Feeling his organs frying painfully.:: Oziendis Nightstalker: ::Aaaaand he was frozen. the world's biggest, nastiest, most electrified novelty ice cube EVER:: Ignorantblys: ::Were she not out cold from the stench she would want one:: Moon Lyght: ::Shakes herself and makes a disgusted face:: Ewwwww Moon Lyght: ::spitting and licking nice clean dirt:: One Lucky Spider: ::Looks away. Too gross even for him!:: Icer1978: ::Remaining beside her mother, she wriggled her snout in disgust.:: Moon Lyght: ::it's just dirt!:: Moon Lyght: ::Tastes better than yucky demon by a long shot:: One Lucky Spider: ::Away from the monster:: Oziendis Nightstalker: ::just floats in his disgusting icy prison, thinking savagely"I'll get you my pretty, and your little cub, too!" aaannd passes out::

Oziendis Nightstalker

Date: 2007-06-20 18:58 EST
::He'd been trapped in that damn frozen prison for several hours, and seething the entire time. Those damn smug dragons, he'd get them. BOTH of them. Make them wish he were kind enough to kill them. abject humiliation, that was the key, blackmail, torture....oh was he angry. He could hear them as he floated helplessly amid countless belly-up fish. He couldn'e even eat one, and the sun had made them stink and steam most appetizingly. Ugh! Then he heard something Interesting. The flute that the spider "Lucky" or other....Was some sort of dragon flute? He searched his memory. He'd heard rumor of such things...powerfull items that could subdue the beasts, he must have it.....::