Topic: Operation Relocation

Irish Bab

Date: 2006-10-28 20:11 EST
Rhy'Din was very different from their homeland. Full of strange people and creatures, futuristic gadgets and old school mages who used magicks. One thing Rhy'Din had that the town of Wicklow didn't was a decent paying job for Connor and a smaller house payment each month.

Trying to support a family of 7, soon to be 8 was difficult to say the least. Utilities, groceries, clothing and more certainly cost the McLoughlin family a pretty penny.

Morgan stood in the middle of their barren livingroom, forlorn expression on her face and hands idly rubbing her belly. Connor was outside discussing things with the movers; Molly, the nanny, was showing their autistic son, Seamus, around the house; while the rest of the kids argued upstairs over who got what room to sleep in.

Morgan was nervous, to say the least. There were only two more months until the last installment to the McLoughlin family was born and she wasn't even sure this new life was going to work out for them. It had to, though. There weren't any other options. None of the kids were overly ecstatic about this sudden relocation: away from their friends and extended family, but Connor assured them all that they would adjust quickly and make new friends. Morgan did her best to back her husband's words, but there were a few seeds of doubt within her own mind. Most of the time, she remained quiet when asked how she felt about the move.

A faint tug on her skirt drew Morgan away from her thoughts, smiling down at her seven year old son, Seamus and smoothing his hair. The movers were lugging in the larger pieces of furniture and Morgan was in the way.

"Coem ohn, bab. Whot sae we gouh foind soemthin' tah eat, yeah?"

Irish Bab

Date: 2006-10-28 20:40 EST
A week later, the house was nearly furnished and most of the kids had begun to settle into this new, strange life; Riley and Seamus being the exceptions. Morgan had worn herself out that day cleaning and unpacking boxes. The kitchen was completely finished, livingroom and bathrooms, as well as the kids' bedrooms were completely finished. All that remained was the nursery, Connor and Morgan's bedroom and the basement. Not to mention the yard...

Ok, so the house was still a work in progress, but Morgan did her best to finish quickly. Kind of hard to move very fast when you're as big as a barge. However, right now it was nearing 8:30 and the majority of the kids were in bed, and Morgan actually had a moment to herself.

The fire crackled in the fireplace, sparking and popping as it evaporated tiny spots of water in the wood. She was curled up in front of it, on the couch, wrapped in a snowy white blanket. An open book lay on her lap, seemingly a photo album, while fingers danced over the pages. Trips down memory lane were warranted every now and then when you missed someone or something. The clock chiming at 9:45 caused Morgan to look up and out the window towards the darkened porch. Time to turn the porch light on for Connor. He'd be coming home soon.

Carefully shutting the large album, Morgan set it aside and set her feet on the floor. "One, two....Three!" Pushing herself up from the couch, Morgan teetered for a moment, arms reaching out to steady herself. Before moving to the door, Morgan threw another log into the fireplace and poked at it with the metal poker, adusting the lumber to maximize the burning. With a satisfied nod, she then brushed her hands off and waddled for the door, flicking on the porch light. Brushing aside the curtain beside the window, Morgan sighed. She felt as if in the past week that her husband was a stranger. He left early in the morning and didn't get home until late. Connor was her best friend and she missed him dearly.

Another sigh. "Tehn moer mihnutes."

Family Guy

Date: 2006-10-28 22:31 EST
The appearance of tall, pale figure faded in and out of the streetlights, a pack slung over his shoulder and thermos in the other hand. Connor was the only soul out and about on their street as he made the journey home. His merry whistles of the old Irish tune, Red is the Rose, the only sounds in the darkening night. So grateful for Morgan to have laid out the Aran wool knitted sweater for him to wear. In the wee hours of the morn, and still of night the weather could get rather chilly. Only a few yards away now he began to sing, no matter how the mutts of the neighborhood howled in protest to the noise.

"Cohme o' the heels, mah bonneh Iry lass Cohme o' the heels tae yhe dahleen Yhe choose the rose, louve, ahn Ahelle mahke the vohwhe Ahn Ahelle be yhe troo louve foahevah."

He sang in hopes Morgan was standing on the front porch, eagerly awaiting his arrival. Connor knew better, he knew it was too cold a night for her to remain patient in the chill. The light on their doorstep was a welcome sight, though. Right on up the trio of steps he continued to sing.

"Reedde is the rose theat in yohndah gahdehn grohes Fair is the leely of the vahleeh Cleareh is the wahtah theat flohes frohme the Boyne Buh me louve is fahrer than any."

All that stood in his path now was the front door, but he paused when caught sight of his dear wife peering past the curtain. Rosy cheeks dimpled in a undeniable smile while serenading her through the glass.

"'Twas dohne by Killarney's greehne woods theat weh strahed When the moon ahn the stahs they were shineen The moon shone its rahes on 'er lohchs o ebon 'aire Ahn she sworhe she'd be meh louve foahevah."

His forehead was pressed against the thin layer separating the two, the warm breath fogging the window until he finally straightened. His voice growing louder and filling the air as at last the final verse came to light. All in their neighborhood could clearly him now.

"Tis nae foah the pahteen theat mah sisteh pahnes Tis nae foah the greeve o' mah ma 'Tis ahlle foah the lahsse o mah bohnneh Iry lasse Theat mah hearteh ees breekeen foahevah."

But he was heartbroken no more. Home at last and the welcoming sight of Morgan in wait immediately mended his sorrows of a day without her at his side. One last bright smile and he opened the front door. The pack and thermos tossed to the floor as he anticipated Morgan to come waddling into spread arms.

Irish Bab

Date: 2006-10-28 22:56 EST
Morgan smirked as she caught sight of her husband strolling down the street, hearing the faint tune bubbling past his lips. Of course she loved her husband with all of her heart, but his singing could use some work. And she's told Connor that many a-time, but it would seem that the man just doesn't care.

Bright green eyes were wide, watching him approach the house and mount the steps. Flashing a smile, Morgan waggled her fingers at him through the window, then moved to open the door. The sound of his forehead pressing agains the window pane made her stop and turn around. The man was simply adorable. No denying that! With his cold, flushed cheeks and rosy nose, dimpled cheeks, curly blonde hair and heart melting smile, Morgan's heart swelling with pride. Ne'er could a wife be more proud of her husband than Morgan was of Connor.

The verse ended and Morgan applauded at him through the glass as she stepped back, allowing the door to swing wide open. A shiver coursed through her body as a blast of cold air hit her and she hurried to close the door behind Connor. Yes, his arms were ignored for a moment. However, once that door was closed and the prying eyes of whatever night-owl neighbors were shut out, Morgan threw herself into Connor's open arms. This was the one place Morgan felt it was appropriate to show affection to a spouse. In a home; in private. Arms slipped around his waist, hands clasped at the small of his back while her face nuzzled against his chest. The wooly sweater pricked her skin, but the smell of sea salt soon filled her nostrils. To most, this wouldn't exactly be the greatest of aroma's, but to Morgan, it meant that Connor was near. It reminded her of home. The best place on earth. (err...RhyDin)

After several minutes of just holding one another, Morgan released Connor and held him at arms length. "Tha' wahs th' mos' baehutifuhl sonhg eva', louve." A grin. "Bu' ye goohna waehk th' kihds if'n ye naught quoiet."

Family Guy

Date: 2006-12-15 19:08 EST
"Och, Aoihme sorrae, louhve." Connor winced visibly, the late hour had completely slipped his mind. In all fairness, he was happy to be home at last. Out of the elements and into their new, inviting home. If it was one thing Connor could confirm this new locale had a certain feel like their homeland. Cold conditions, thick rolling fogs, rain mixed with snow in areas.

The burly Irishman leaned forth and placed a genteel kiss to Morgan's forhead. As any man could tell you, the way to his heart was through his stomach, and right now, Connor's was twisting itself into knots. The scent of tonight's meal hang heavily in the air and taunted him. "Shaemtheen smeels ghoud! Yhe gae rehlaex now, Aoille fehx meh own plaehte. Aoille bae wetyhe shoertlae." Chilly fingertips grazed over silky cheeks of his beloved. He knew Morgan was liked to be in bed by this time. It was endearing how she stayed up to assure he came home safe and sound.

"Louhve yhe, Morgaen.." Final parting words whispered as he slinked backward toward the kitchen. On the stove he saw a large glass dish, still simmering over low heat. Connor leaned over and took in another big whiff. "Mmmm, laemb aen pohtaetoes..." No long able to hold out and torture himself he scooped out a plate full of the stew. Morgan always made enough to feed an army, and the MacLoughlin house could eat like an army. Hell, they were an army with one more to join the ranks. Taking his place at an empty table he set about shoveling the delicious meal into his maw. When he ate, Connor was like an animal, mouth full he ripped away at a roll and stuffed that into his mouth.

Out of the corner of an eye he saw Morgan standing in the doorway, admiring. "Meh comphlemenphs tae phe cheef!" Speaking with his mouth full, it was a wonder how their children still had manners. Connor gave a motion with his fork to usher Morgan to join him. Like any day, he was, in fact, interested to know how his most beloved handled another new day into this unfamiliar town.