Topic: Ordinary Extraodrinaire

Aaron Marshall

Date: 2009-09-19 23:06 EST
She stabbed him. The knife came falling from the sky, slicing into his gut. His eyes shot open, lips parting to gasp in shocked pain. Brown eyes flicked up to the naked woman he hovered above him, to Michelle as she wrenched the knife and pulled it back, drawing a pained breath from him.

Aaron winced, his hand gathering up the sheets to staunch the wound. The blade came down a second time. His hand reacted, snapping up to catch the woman's wrist and push it back, brows furrowed, pain, hurt, betrayal, they were reflected in his gaze.

"Why?" was the only question he could ask.

Tears were pooling, falling from her eyes to stream down alabaster cheeks, she let out a sob and struggled to free herself. Managing to do so, Michelle's blade came down again, but Aaron curled a knee up and used it to smack into her forearm, driving the blade off to stab into the mattress beside him.

"Michelle?" it was pained, the uttering of her name.

She made another frenzied stab, her other hand hitting at his shoulder as she sobbed out words of hatred. His foot lifted and kicked, connecting with her just under the ribs. She fell back, flipping off of the bed to land on the hardwood floor with a thud.

Screaming out in frustration, Michelle quickly worked herself upright, scrambling over to him as she sat up and stabbed again.

"What the hell?" one hand still held the sheet to his wound, the other lashed out to catch her wrist again. He moved to sit up on his knees, leaning forward to force her back. She lashed out with her free hand at his face, slapping him hard. Her nails bit down, scraping with a sharp sting.

Aaron's head turned with the blow, another wince in pain being drawn from him. He pushed her back with a hard shove. Michelle dropped the knife as she fell again, rolling off the bed to crumple to the floor. Her shoulders shook with violent sobs, reddened eyes turned up toward him, afraid.

"Just die, Aaron!" she demanded in a pitiful whimper. "Just die!"

Aaron stood from the bed, dragging the sheet with him to soak up the blood from his stomach. When she spoke, he froze, unsure of what to do, of what to say.

Seizing the moment, Michelle snatched up the knife again, moving up to stab him in the stomach a second time. Aaron leaned to the side; out of the way of the blade while his arm was thrust outward, palm hitting her chest firmly. The force of the impact sent her reeling back the few feet that was left between her and the window.

She lashed out at him again as he stepped forward, and again he shoved her back. She connected hard with the window. It shattered beneath the impact. Then she fell backward, flailing to catch hold of something with a yelp. Aaron reached out in an attempt to stop her from falling, but he was too slow. Or maybe he just didn't want to catch her at that point.

She fell from the apartment window, three stories up, and crumpled on the pavement below. Blinking, Aaron hurried to the window, staring down at her in shock. She still grasped the knife, but wasn't moving, crumpled in an odd position. Her neck was likely broken. Aaron didn't stay to find out.

With the bandages from his medicine cabinet being tugged around his waist, Aaron dressed, packed his bags, and left Michelle's apartment, hurrying to his truck to take off down the street.

"What the hell?" he asked as his phone rang and he answered it, knowing who it was by the caller ID.

"Sounds like it didn't work," said the voice of Charley on the other end. "Oh well. I'm sure the next one will be a winner. There are plenty of fish in the sea, Aaron."

"F*ck you!" he shouted into the phone. "What did you tell her?" Aaron demanded. But Charley had already hung up. He received silence.

Sighing, Aaron ended the call and continued down the road, taking the ramp onto the highway to get out of town.

Aaron Marshall

Date: 2009-09-20 12:58 EST
Aaron drove down the road in the blue truck, both hands clenching onto the wheel as a method to suppress the furious rage that had his body quaking with the intensity of it. Two hours after the death of Michelle, he turned and pulled into the parking lot of a rather run down apartment complex. After finding a parking spot, he stepped out and started down the sidewalk, turning right to head up a set of stairs.

His knuckles rasped harshly against a green door, apartment 107A. Aaron stood there for a moment, waiting for the door to open, but no one came. Not surprised, he merely knocked again it was late after all. After a few minutes of knocking, the door opened and Ray poked his head out, peering at him sleepily.

"Aaron' What the hell man' D"you know what time it is?" Ray asked groggily, stepping back as Aaron shouldered past him and into the apartment.

"Four AM," Aaron replied while Ray turned and closed the door.

"Yeah, four AM, so what the hell are you doin" here?" asked Ray.

"Is the door locked?"

"Yeah, why?"

Aaron wheeled around; pulling the gun he had hidden in the waistband of his pants, training it on Ray. His hand met the other man's shoulder, forcing him back into the door with a hard thud.

"Dude! What the hell?" Ray asked in alarm while the back of his head thudded lightly against the door.

"What did he tell her, Ray?" Aaron demanded, shoving the gun into Ray's gut to accentuate the point of the weapon. "What the hell did Charley say to Michelle" What happened?"

"Dude! What are you talking about?" Ray lifted his hands up in the universal "I surrender, don't shoot' sign.

"Charley said something to Michelle, damn it, I know you talk to Charley, what did he say to her?"

"Dude, I don't know! Back off man!" Ray leaned back as far as he could against the door, doing his best to stay away from the gun.

"She tried to kill me in my sleep, that's what!" Aaron shouted perhaps a bit too loudly, looking up suddenly as he heard a loud complaint coming from upstairs.

Seizing the moment, Ray reached out and shoved Aaron aside. Not expecting the action, Aaron stumbled and fell over the small table set by the door, grunting when he landed. Ray turned and jerked the door open, tearing off toward the stairs at break neck speed. Aaron cursed under his breath as he stood and ran out after Ray. When he reached the stairs, Aaron noted how Ray had leapt off the low balcony and was running toward the parking lot.

He took aim and fired, once, twice, three times, and cursed when Ray ducked behind a car. Grunting in frustration, Aaron leapt over the railing to peel off after the man, running through the parking lot in pursuit. Ray was a tall fellow and easy to spot in a sea of short sedans, dotted here and there with trucks. He saw Ray turn a corner, and darted off after him, only to find himself running into the larger man's fist.

Grunting when Ray's knuckles connected with his jaw, Aaron fell back, clenching onto his gun despite his surprise while he flopped against the concrete below. Ray stepped on the hand that held the gun, pinning it down while he reached down to wrench it from Aaron's fingers.

"You should have just died, Aaron. Woulda made it easier for everyone," Ray hissed bitterly, reaching down to slug the man a second time. The gun was lifted and trained on Aaron, who glared up defiantly at the large man.

"Then shoot me, you son of a bitch!" Aaron shouted up at him.

"It's not as easy as that, Michelle's dead now, the plan's been compromised," Ray replied, still aiming the gun at Aaron despite his words.

"Plan?" asked Aaron, arching his brows in question.

"Yeah, plan," Ray said while twisting the gun up to slam the butt of the handle down into Aaron's face.

Aaron grunted, his head slamming back against the pavement and lost consciousness. Ray tucked the gun away, cursing at the sounds of alerted tenets and tossed the man over his shoulder, hurrying toward the truck Aaron drove. He searched Aaron's pockets for the keys, unlocked the door, and tossed him in. Ray then climbed in after him and drove off as quickly as he could before the police arrived.

Aaron Marshall

Date: 2010-04-01 17:17 EST

The sound drew Aaron's attention from the small television that rested in front of him. He glanced over his shoulder and blinked in surprise at the dark man who stood behind him. His eyes followed the man's arm down to the iron grasp it held the gun with; the weapon's barrel was trained on him. Aaron's hands lifted as he jumped up and started to back away from the man.

"Hey, dude, chill." He couldn't remember being afraid before then. "Just"put that down, we'll talk."

The gun followed Aaron as he moved, aimed for his chest now.

"Come on, man. Why are you doing this?" Aaron backed into the television and the small table it sat on, jostling it. The sound made him jump; he glanced over his shoulder at it before turning forward again.

"Listen, I know I pissed him off, but I can pay him back, really.?

The man's finger squeezed the trigger; a bullet hurtled from the barrel of the gun and cut through the air. It ripped into Aaron's chest; piercing his heart and making him fall back. A second shot followed the first; Aaron fell against the television, and then slid to the floor, crumpled. The man watched and waited before holstering the weapon and turning to step out the door, closing it behind him.