Topic: Passage From Ganymeade

Hedric Sabrehagen

Date: 2008-01-07 21:40 EST
Fog heavily ringed Ganymeade. The island was unknown in its existence within sailing distance from Briton and hidden completely except to those who knew its way. A myth in and of itself, like the Greek Gods or Mythical creatures.

The group of men stood to the feilds at the southern end of House Sabrehagen, looking to the North. Wind came from the West and smelled of rain, but Hedric ignored it as he rode the old warhorse towards where the men were grouped together.

He watched them talk among themselves and motion at times towards the North. Blues cast a look then to the North, half a league from where the rocky cliffs fell away into the rough, coral barbed ocean below.

"My Lord!" One of the men shouted, relief washing over the man in brown tunic and trousers that headed towards him.

Hedric frowned as he turned away from the strange accurance that had them nearly with pitchforks and knives in hand. Sabrehagen dismounted the roan. A billow sleeved shirt without a doublet or jerkin was tucked into a pair of trousers. Sturdy boots sounded against the rocky ground as he moved towards the men.

"Hail, men. This is it that you called me to." His voice was not so much a question but a statement. Hedric scratched lightly against a salt and pepper beard as he stared at the strange swirled circle of light and colors. "How long has it been there, Matthew?"

Matthew looked looked as if he had come from the highlands themselves. His hair was long with some of it in clan dreds. A tartan had more color than those back to the whole-lands. And his beard was scraggly and to the middle of his chest with a couple of braids in it. The man's large hand rested to the grip of his shortsword that hung at his side. "Three hours ago seen, but longer if it happened before the noon or even earlier."

The elder knight frowned more into his beard and a frown furrowed his brow. "Talk to the men and keep them quiet. I want their silence on this as long as possible." Hedric turned to Matthew. "For coin, if necessary, my friend. And send them back to work."

"Understood, my Lord." His fist beat smartly against the left side of his chest and moved on away from Sabrehagen.

Hedric stood there and stared hard at the odd sight.

Hedric Sabrehagen

Date: 2008-01-07 21:59 EST
As night began to fall, Hedric had put Matthew and one other man to guard the strange circle of light that swirled with life and color.

When he returned from his evening meal, he found it no less alive and the thrumming sound that resonated from it was still in his ears. Cold came with the lowering of the sun on the horizon. Not yet dark, but Matthew had a camp set and fire going with the intent of spending the night within five hundred paces of the event.

"Is there anything to report, my friend?" Hedric called out to them, but particularly Matthew, as he dismounted the burly warhorse. He patted muscled shoulder before wandering off towards the fire.

"Nothing but that it is a constant thing. The noise remains and the size. It's light is like the stars, winking strong to weak but returns strong again."

Hedric turned to face the rippling event and drew a breath deep into his lungs. He bent, favoring his right knee while he did, and picked up a large rock in his hand while listening to the clansman. The rock was tossed up and it smacked against his calloused palm. Then sent it hurling towards the event.

Thunderous sound and something hit all of the men as if an explosion of an alchemist's shop. All three men felled to the ground looked up at the swirling light and color with a wider set of eyes.

As Matthew helped Hedric up from the dirt, the elder knight was looking about for the rock. "Did you see what happene, my friend."

"Aye. Gone into it."

"Swallowed." Sabrehagen murmured and thoughts moved about like the ripple of angry colors of the event before him.

Hedric Sabrehagen

Date: 2008-01-08 09:09 EST
For hours more, the three men did nothing.

There was little, if any, talk of the event. Event, Sabrehagen called it. Would it pass away like some ill meant storm' It seemed as plausable as an unexpected storm at sea that stayed longer than any were known to.

The elder knight sat to the old stump near the fire Matthew had built. The man was good with his hands and had quickly crafted together a spit and had two rabbits that Buton had trapped and skinned while Matthew had made camp.

Hedric reguarded Buton for a while as he settled thoughts of what to do with the Event for a few moments. Buton was a small man, short and to the shoulders of most of the men he had working his land and house. His hair was black and left long at his neck and his beard was nothing to be found except for a youth's stubble yet. Reedy, he looked underfed though he ate more than three men combined at any meal. What was being turned on the spit tonight would only be a morsel for the young man. Buton was loyal though and served House Sabrehagen with fierce loyalty. So much that he had to be calmed at times with the zeal that was in that man's soul, so ready to draw a blade.

While Buton took the skinned, roasted rabbits from the fire and started putting them to pewter plates he had brought from the manor house Sabrehagen turned back to watch the colorful display the continued to swirl with life, light, and color. They had decided to make certain it was not something that wavered or suddenly winked out of existence. If, by the fall of night the next day, it was stil a constant thing, they would dare more.

Mayhaps a passage from Ganymeade, but not by any ship on waters the knight had ever travelled.

Hedric Sabrehagen

Date: 2008-01-08 10:10 EST
By the next night, the Event was still there and the men who watched it were still on wonder.

"M'lord, we gonna do somethin' now?" Buton was wringing his hands with excitement and apprehention light his eyes. The thin man kept looking back at the circle of activity that had remained stationary in its position but with a life and color to it to dizzy a person.

Hedric was turning the silver ring on his right hand distracted. "Hmm' Yes. Yes we our, lad." He clapped him on the shoulder firm and gave it a fatherly squeeze. It would do no one any good if the young man set off running and screaming for the magistrate to have a look for himself. Then entire undervillage would be there behind him if that happened.

A deep breath was dragged into his lungs and held a moment, then expelled as he looked to Matthew. "Very well, men. I will go. If I do not return in two hours, you will see that the box in the library - the one where I keep the deeds and like - is opened by you, Matthew. Distribute the contents to those whose names are on them. Seals unbroken, do you understand."

"Aye, my Lord. But there'll be no needin' for that. You'll be returned before then." Matthew replied it stubbornly enough to make Hedric grin.

Then he turned towards the Event and bent to take the pack from the ground and shoulder it. Lengthy strides ate up the distance between the camp site and the unsettling movement of light and color. Behind him, he heard one of the horses shriek out an equine warning and knew it was his. Sabrehagen ignored his mount as he stepped into the opening with a white knuckled grip on the strap of the pack.

Hedric Sabrehagen

Date: 2008-01-08 10:35 EST
Time seemed to stand still. Light and dark about him in such a rush that it reminded him of rapides beating against stone in a ferocious river.

When the other side was reached he was gasping for breath and his heart rammed at his chest wildly. He stood there and bent at the waist to grap as his right knee and support himself from falling over.

"Hag's teeth!" The curse spewed out in alarm when he looked up. What he saw was not Ganymeade. The land he knew well. Nor was it Briton or any of the lands near it. He pushed himself up until he stood to his full height.

The Event had deposited him on a mountainous slope with a thick treeline that began within yards of where he stood. He turned back to look down to the sprawling, large city below. "Hag's teeth," loosed the curse again but not so venomously. Blues turned to hear something leather and moving on the wind, but it was at such a distance and towards the light of the sun that he could not see what it was.

Sabrehage reshouldered the pack, glanced around, and started down the rest of the mountain and in the direction of the walled city below. The distance seemed further to him than it first looked, but paced himself. He passed a couple of homes along the way but outside of those walls there seemed few buildings. No small village living from the offgivings from a hiarchy, it seemed. But he reasoned that perhaps the king or queen of the lands kept all of her peopl within those grey walls.

It was almost as cold there as it had been on Ganymeaded. He was glad he'd kept the old cloak on, over that billowed sleeve shirt. Black doeskin trousers were tucked into sturdy boots of dark leather. About his waist was a thick belt, holding pouchs, sword, dagger, and their sheathes.

When he breached the gates, they stood wide open. Gloved hand, beneath his cloak, remained lightly about the grip of his short sword and loosened it a little in case there was need for it. What great city did not have guards standing sentry and their gates standing wide for all of this world to walk into?

Hedric frowned into his beard. He didn't have time to ponder it too long. Not twenty feet passed what appeared to be a Gate House blues started to see things he did not think were possible. Little things, at first, then larger ones.

Peoples with pointed ears and very lithe, angelic grace moved among the milling crowds. A very pale man with elongated, sharp teeth bared them in a grusome smile. Then, to make the elder knight pause a moment was a centaur.

"Hag's teeth." Muttered under his breath. "I have died in that hole of light and woken not in Heaven but in a bard's nightmare."

Hedric Sabrehagen

Date: 2008-01-08 11:03 EST
Two hours had swiftly gone. Before Hedric could take a full walk about the immediate area he had stepped into he was turning around to leave. If he didn't return soon, Matthew would be riding back towards the manse to break the lock on the holding box that held the papers of land deeds. And more.

He would return when matters in Ganymeade would allow for it. For now, ignoring a knee with an ache that plagued him, he headed back along the path that took him towards that mountain slope.

When he finally arrived back at the spot, he could not find the Event. It took a while, and found it several hundred feet to the North from where he had stepped through. The pack was reshouldered as he stepped back through the liquid light and this time held his breath and shut his eyes, forcing his legs to move on, sure but a little unsteady.


Hedric heard Buton and blues opened to see the young man bolting towards him, away from a nervous pace about the dormant camp fire. Matthew was at his own horse with a hand on reins and saddlehorn in preparations to mount. His expression was grim one moment but shifting to relief. Matthew left the horse where it was and headed towards Sabrehagen.

"There is a land beyond the Event. Strange peoples but there seems no immediate danger. A large city and .." Hedric looked at the expectant face of the youth, Buton. "...people of different ways. You will both stay here until a time comes that I will have need for you. Come, there are preparations to make."

"My Lord," Matthew matched the older man's strides easily. "You should have another sword at your ready. Who's to be sayin' what truly lies in wait' Two hours is not long enough.."

"I know, Matthew. I will take precautions. But I will not risk you or anyone else until I am certain. Come."

The three tied their packs and bed rolls to their saddles and mounted their horses. Heels of boots had them moving back in the direction of House Sabrehagen.

Sabrehagen's expression was a mixture of pensiveness and grim apprehension. Matthew could be right. But a chance for a new route for trade and even to revive the Knight Caste was in his thoughts thoroughly.

Hedric Sabrehagen

Date: 2008-01-08 11:17 EST
The aged knight could not sleep.

Another land. There was no need for ships to weather storms or horses to tire from a haggard, long jouney.

Hedric paced slowly through the solar at the manse. The fire that roared there had begun to die down. Its dimming light cast heavy, slowly moving shadows in the room, but he didn't seem to notice.

Teeth clicked against the stem of the pipe carved with a stag on the bowl of it. Sweet, cherry smoke drifted up to the bowled ceiled. He came to stand before the windows and pushed the right one open. Pale blue-pink light on Ganymeade's rough horizion was watched by him until the sun had begun to rise.

His thoughts were of his wife, recalling how she loved to see the sun rise or set. He smiled sadly to think her laughter and her zeal would not be known within those walls again. Since her death, it had been too quiet there.

Mayhaps it was why he pressed to go back through the Event. It was a gateway to purpose where there was otherwise a heavy dulldrom at the manor house.

Sabrehagen turned to glance about the solar. Every rich tapestry, every silver candlestick and piece of lush furniture was a reminder of her. She used to sit in that chair. Elsbeth had chosen that tapestry of the battle of men.

The door was turned for and took the pipe with him. It was morning and there was much work to be done. Much to say without saying anything. He had no intention of promising to his men or the workers of his house and land that he might spend more time in the newly found land than in Ganymeade. If he told them he might be escaping memories they might think him mad and tie him down for his own good.

No. It was a venture, a journey. Enough for two fortnights. That would be plenty of time to see more of the large city and see who or what lay within its towering walls.

Hedric Sabrehagen

Date: 2008-01-08 11:37 EST
"Get your arses movin'!"

Matthew could be heard bellowing out orders as Hedric took the steps f the wall-stair slowly. Animal hair rope was thick in the iron loops imbedded in stone of the wall to his right. He ignored the ropes today as he listened to the bustle of activity coming from the main level.

He stepped into the hall to find the cook redfaced but trundling towards the kitchen as face as her plump form would allow. One of the boys related to Buton ran through the open, front doors of the great foyer and out in the direction of the stables.

Boots of black leather on his feet thudded lightly as Hedric came to stand beside Matthew. "You can be heard all the way into the hamlet, my friend."

"My Lord. Good morn'." He started to throw a fist against his chest in a salute but Hedric waved it away. "Your horse is bein' readied. Food is bein' packed: salt pork, dried meats, flat breads, water and wine skins.."

"Thank you, Matthew. A pack animal as well?"

"Aye. All that you'll be needin' for the moment will be on your horse. Everythin' extra will go to Perdy. Nay be thinkin' he's nae a good packin' mule. He's strong."

"Yes. I know, Matthew." Hedric eyed the man at length. "I will only be gone a month's time, my friend. You have governed and warded my home longer."

"That's given, my Lord. But the way you'll be steppin' from Ganymeade...what will I tell those comin' to see you here" I cannae be tellin' them you went steppin' into a hole of light to a different land. They'll be thinkin' I be deep in my cups. For days!"

Sabrehagen couldn't help but laugh. "That would happen, wouldn't it. Tell them..tell them I left on the last ship to bring up her anchor. Find out the name of it first, lest someone think you are lying. That won't do atall. I am not to be expected back until a week after the month is ended, understood? That will allow me time if I am behind by a day or more. And to resettle here."

Matthew tugged at a dreadlock in his own beard and muttered under his breath. "You're nae so good with a bow, my Lord. But if you be wantin' mine.."

"No, Matthew. Keep your bow at hand. And sword. You know very well that there are those who try to take what is not theirs when they think I am not here." He reached over and clapped him against the shoulder. "In an hour, I will leave." Then moved passed him and out the wide standing doors of his home as another servant hurried by and back into the house.

Hedric Sabrehagen

Date: 2008-01-12 00:36 EST
Matthew followed Hedric from the manor house.

With every breath the coming rain could be smelled and tasted. Wind gusted, only to die but the men and those hurrying about to ready for the elder knight's journey ignored it.

Sabrehagen shoved the cloak over his right shoulder and adjusted it so that it fell and flowed over the left side of him as he drew nearer the old warhorse the stableman's son, Nykl held firmly by the reins. The boy was twelve - strong as an ox and and nearly a full head taller than most youths on the Isle of the same age. He nodded to the blond headed boy who handed the reins over to him.

Left boot was was fit into the stirrup while and hauled himself up onto the roan. Leather groaned as Hedric settled into the dip of the saddle of wood and animal hide. The front and back of the saddle that could have easily sat two rose with carved wooden pieces. The same decoration was on the front of the stirrups. The halter about the horse's face was leather with wooden toggles with leather tassles at the bottoms of them just below equine jaws. Behind the saddle was a bedroll and an extra cloak. Saddlebags were near his knees and on the left, in its sheath, was his longsword.

At his right, his hand shifted his shortsword comfortably to keep the pummel from digging into his ribs. A dagger in one of his boots and a few weapons that weren't readily seen were on his person. Hands in the pair of old riding gloves gripped the reins to hold the warhorse still while the packhorse was tied to the roan.

Hedric turned to look to the manor house that stood with a sour, forlorne disposition. Three stories tall, its greystone walls spoke of nothing cheerful. From one of the windows on the third floor, empty and dark, he looked to the main doorway where the solid, thick doors stood open.

"My Lord."

He blinked, glancing away from the house to Matthew. A frown furrowed a salt and pepper brow. "Yes, Matthew?"

"The horses are ready. Perdy has enough supplies on his back to get you through a month in the dead of Winter."

Sabrehagen stopped listening for a few moments. Matthew was thorough. He had always been thorough. In fifteen years, Hedric had never known the clansman to forget anything or have a lapse in duty and loyalty. "You have said that. Three times, Matthew." A smile for the man who was almost as old as he was, he bent in the saddle to clasp forearms with him. "I will weather whatever storm comes, my friend."

The saddle protested as he righted himself. Farewells were best when they were kept at a decent length. Another glance about the area, to those standing near the house's main door and the small group just outside of the stables, he pulled the reins and guided the roan North. Back towards the Event.