Topic: Personell's Log :: Leonard H. McCoy M. D.

Leonard McCoy

Date: 2009-11-07 18:50 EST
Star Date: 63347.6

Doctor McCoy's personal records:

Last night I found myself on some god forsaken planet named Rhy'din. The place seems to be a Race hub. A sort of melting pot. Needless to say, I doubt we'll have problems blending in. So long as people like Jim can keep their mouths shut. He likes to spit his name out at every damn female he can find, like it means something.

::There was an audible scoff::

It seems that women here are serving a common trait here. Long legs, pouty lips, big eyes, and big mouths. Jim will be right at home.

Scotty and Pavel are here too, my guess is they arrived before Jim and I did. I was told there are two Scotties here. I don't like it. I don't like much of this. Too many things have me paranoid right now. I can feel my blood pressure rising to my skull.

No matter how much I check the historical records in my PADD I find no records of Rhy'din, and no records of who that woman called Wolvinator. It smells fishy. I don't like it one bit. She used that Green Blooded Hobgoblin's word too. Logic.

::Another scoff came over the recording.::

Come in screaming at Chekov like that. The woman had no respect what so ever, then she demanded it' Women" ::That woman still had him livid:: Then to demand answers about a wanted poster she was on' Pavel was right. If she didn't want to get on a wanted poster she didn't have to get involved in whatever the hell he was doing.

::He didn't even want to dare breach the fact that it was rescuing a Scotty he didn't know.::

So far all the women in this place seem to be long legged beauty queens. There's not even a normal one in the lot of them. The first sane woman I met still didn't see me sober. Seeing me sober is absolutely different than when I've had a few too many. Needless to say I will not be drinking that much any time soon.

I think if any woman is to approach me, I'm going to keep a sound mind" Unless it's that woman' ::He growled:: Or that man. I don't trust him. I don't like him. This Wolvinator is up to something and I'd rather not be a part of it.

McCoy out.