Topic: Petty Crimes

Harleen Quinzel

Date: 2008-06-08 20:49 EST
It started out soft, from the corner, like a whisper in the darkness. Then the noise grew and it made the pit drop from the bottom of Harleen's stomach. True blue eyes pivoted in that direction. The curiosity on her face was greeted with a snarl and the glimmer of saliva dripping from sharpened fangs.

"Who the hell has guard dogs anymore?!"

Another steady growl from the dog and the costume-clad thief went running at top speed through the Glass Menagerie trinket shop with a bag of jewels bouncing over her shoulder. Never mind the careful planning, the disarming of the alarm, the care with which she had planned her escape....they didn't matter now. Now she was busy trying not to be torn limb from limb by a hell-hound hybrid who, thankfully, couldn't make the same jumps she was executing. Onto the banister and then the staircase, she raced to the second level and tried to throw things in the dog's way to keep it from catching a chuck of her flesh in its jaws.

The entrance she had used was through a panel in the ceiling. With an artful leap upwards the edges of her fingers curled into the support beam and she hoisted herself upwards. The bag was flung up into the crawl space and once the gymnast's slender frame was pulled to safety she turned to peer back down at the dog barking and trying to leap upwards to no avail.

"Ha! Stay here and rot ya stupid mut!" There was a wicked laugh and Harlequin dashed for the window where she made her escape. In the moonlight, across the rooftops, the thief ran with a glorious smile on her face. Life in New York had been good and now this place....this place was going to be even better.