Topic: Press The "Start" Button

Celestine Sargose

Date: 2007-07-01 06:52 EST
"I find such inappropriate if not borderline insulting. I shall have you know I do not desire to endure such agitation from your obvious stupidity, and demand that I see your supervisor." Celestine sat laid back into the wooden chair, an elegant left draped over the knee of the other that tapped its foot impatiently upon the ground.

Before Celestine sat a man with his eyes widen, sweat bedding his brow in a nervous wave of intimidation. This" Woman! Her demands; her eyes! Those piercing greys were certainly staring him down at his own incompetence of his own work. With a nervous sigh he shifted through the array of legal papers upon his desk, his tie undone as to relieve the invisible swelling in his throat, "Well Ms Sargose?"

"Lady," Celestine corrected, the black lips making as little movement to utter the title correctly. "Lady Sargose."

"Lady Sargose " you must forgive me, I have seem to have misplaced the papers " no?" He paused, lifting up a piece and handing it out towards her as to confirm it was the correct one, "I believe this is the one?"

With little effort, Celestine leant forward from the chair, crossed arms covered in the sleeves of the black blouse running past black painted nails, grasped into place with curled fingers of a tightened fist, "Indeed." Celestine barely even looked at the paper, and fell back elegantly against the back of the chair once more.

Clearing his throat with a cough, the man then directed the paper to his eyes, adjusting the glasses so that he could read the print. "Your name is Celestine Alexandria Fiollta Sargose, you are twenty-five years old, human and you're?" What' He drew the paper close to his face thinking he had misinterpreted the text.

"I believe everything on the contract is in order." Again the greys glared, daring him to question the information.

"Y-Yes!" He stated, placing down the contract as he balled his hands in front of him, leaning against the desk with a nod, "Now" There is the question of the money. Your move to Rhy"Din will need you to convert all your English currency into gold, silver and bronze coins. Now, we can do this for you too " but at a fixed charge of about 2% of what you're converting?" Pulling out a pen from his breast pocket he pulled another piece of paper, jotting down some minor details, "I believe the Mansion you are purchasing is the old "Mansion' a few miles out of the City?"


Doesn't she say anything else than that' He thought silently to himself, tapping the end of the pen against the desk. And why does she always stare at me like that' Pulling himself out from the woman's piercing gaze, he glanced downwards. It's true, she was attractive in some kind of Gothic Aristocratic fashion, but her know-it-all, arrogant and high and mighty attitude grated on his nerves. "And the price is a hundred-thousand gold coins and five-thousand silvers?"

"That is correct."

"Now with our currency conversion policy we can even open up an account for you to store your money " this is free of charge, with 4.4% interest. The money for the 'Mansion' will obviously be taken out of your account upon the transaction of conversion?" Scribbling down other minor details the man glanced up at her, raising his brows, as if dreading the question, "Do you understand?"

Celestine's eyebrows scrunched together, "Do you take me for a fool" Or am I dressed and act as such' I understand fully the implications and I am willing for it to go ahead, even if it entails a fee. I trust I have more than enough to cover any expense."

"Yes" Of course," Bitch. He thought, but not before smiling pleasently and jotting down further detail on that piece of paper again, "And how much from English money are you prepared to transfer" Baring in mind you need more than a hundred-thousand gold coins to buy the 'Mansion' with."

"Two-hundred million."

The man faltered, and looked up at her to confirm he had heard that. "Two. Hundred. Million. Pounds?"

Celestine spoke nonchalantly, pale piercing eyes scanning about the office's drab wooden panelled walls. This firm obviously had little tase. "Is that enough?"

Chaaaaaa-ching! Suddenly the man had stood up, smiling hugely as he moved into a small cabinet in the corner of the room, offering the most of the sincerest voice he could muster over his shoulder, "My Lady Sargose! Would you care for a drink?"