Topic: Pretty Girl

Succi Stargazer

Date: 2006-08-13 19:51 EST
Succinde Stargazer woke up and stretched. She opened her pink eyes and squinted, the sunlight bouncing off the bright white walls around her blinding. She sat up and looked at the clock. She was going to be late for her appointment. She stood and went to the wardrobe, picking out a simple white dress and white slippers. As her nightgown fell away, she studied her body in the mirror. Shame filled her as her eyes took in the fading bruises and cuts. Her punishment...this place and those injuries were her punishment...She was lucky she had been left with her life. If this meager existance could be called life. She slid into the dress, then slipped into the shoes, running a comb through her short pink hair. She waited patiently then, for the guard to come fetch her. If she kept herself busy, she could almost forget what this place was. A prison, an asylum, all in one. Rehabilitation for those whose minds had broken or who had committed terrible crimes. She was guilty of both. The door opened and the large man looked at her with a mixture of patience and wariness. She sighed, standing and following his lead. She recalled the words of the woman in charge of her....her lessons, her therapy. "We work with what we have....and we try to make it better" Succinde hoped they could make her better here.

Succi Stargazer

Date: 2006-08-14 07:59 EST
Succi was sitting on her bed, writing. She was making a book full of recipes for her friend back in Rhydin. Rosie loved to cook. She and Succi had made it a morning ritual to eat breakfast together and Succi missed that. Rosie had been her first friend in Rhydin. Aside from Lorelie and Toby. ...Toby. She tried like hell not to think about him. Her mind wasn't ready to think about him. It didn't matter that he hated her....that he would kill her if she came near him...blind infatuation was what it was. ....But she missed him. She was distracted from her inner conflict by a soft tap on the door. Succi said nothing, but the door was opened anyways and a purple haired woman poked her head in, violet eyes timid. Lorelie.... Succi started guiltily, then curled up in an almost protective manner, saying nothing. Lorelie thanked the guard who closed the door. She came over, walking in her quiet, graceful manner. As Lorelie sat down on the edge of the bed, Succi studied her and her heart burned with jealousy. Lore was beautiful. Terribly beautiful. And charming...and so kind. All things Succi tried to be...but wasn't really. She wanted to be. Oh, how she wanted to be. She had wanted to be like Lorelie since she was a child. To be...not just settled upon. But sought after. After a moment, Succi asked her "What do you want?" Her voice was cold, cruel. Let her know it made no difference what Lore thought of her. And Lore actually looked hurt. She set down what had been in her arms. A few of Succ's things from home. How kind. Then she walked to the door. "I want to forgive you. But not yet. I...I'll be back later." She was out before Succi could object, whisking out the door and leaving Succi to stare after her, speechless.


Date: 2006-08-22 13:59 EST
Lore felt oddly relaxed when she visited Succi. She remembered so long ago when she had been hurt, staying with Succi's mother and the children for care. Succi's mother was one of the best healers around. Succi had been a child then, Lorelie only just before adulthood. The pink haired child had waited on Lore hand and foot, pestered her while she tried to rest, entertained her and comforted her. In return, Lorelie had told her of her travels to other worlds. She had made the child's pink eyes wide with wonder. ....Now, it was the least she could do. She told her how Haven was. He still hadn't woke, but his body was healing fairly well. Toby was safe. She saw the relief on Succi's face and the shame for what she had done. But there was something else there, too. Longing. She knew Succi still lusted for him. That had made telling her that he'd kill her if she ever tried to speak to him again very easy. And telling her that he didn't trust her. That he didn't think it was safe for Lorelie to visit Succi. It made it easy to see how deeply those things cut into Succi. Lore still had a lot of anger and hate for Succi. A lot of hurt. But she missed her as well. She had been like a little sister to Lorelie for years. Then the younger girl had discovered boys and Lore had gotten busier in her travels. The two girls hadn't seen each other for nearly a year before Haven started seeing her. Then the girls had caught up on old times. Then all this... It pained her to see Succi here in this place. She remembered visiting her own mother here as a child. Her mother had spent ten years in this prison, each day watching Lore grow older, teaching her the Story Telling, counting down the days until Lore would become Teller and she herself, would be executed for her sins before Lorelie had been born. It had made the woman bitter and what memories Lorelie had of her....they were not fond ones. She wanted better for Succi. She wanted to help her. She knew what Succi was capable of. Had experienced it first hand. But, sweet thing that she was...Lorelie trusted her, had faith in her. She would try to help her...would show her kindness and hope that it rubbed off on the girl. She hoped it was the right thing.

Succi Stargazer

Date: 2006-08-22 14:23 EST
Succi looked out the window as she listened to Sombra speak in her slow, rational tone. This was her therapy lesson. Every day, twice a day. It was helping. "You're making excellent progress, Succi" The woman said softly. "I've asked the elders, per the request of the Teller, to grant you supervised access to the pool once a day. Lorelie said that it might alleviate some tension and help you concentrate on your therapy better. All the better to help rehabilitate you." Succinde smiled happily. She knew that in her short stay, her good behavior had already gained her more privilages than most of the other tennants. "When...." She asked meekly, eyes on a bluebird outside the window. "When may I leave?" Sombra was perfectly evasive. "Your actions have nearly cost one man his life, Succi. Not to mention your attempt on the Teller's afianced after your seduction of said man and a threat upon the life of the Teller. You have hurt many, Succi....and that cannot be ignored. You are lucky you didn't break any of the Written Laws. You are lucky you are one of the strongest Clair in Rien. These two facts are what have saved your life. You are lucky the Elders found you more valuable alive." Succi looked at her hands, ashamed. "I...I am grateful, Sombra. Truly. Its just...I'm lonely. I want to go to Rhydin. I want to see my friends." Sombra shook her head. "You know, I'm sure, that even if the Elders do deem you fit to leave this place, you will not be allowed access to Rhydin. You burned that bridge, Succi. Don't cry amongst the ashes" The guard arrived then, beckoning to Succi. The pink haired girl stayed in her seat stubbornly as the older woman's words rang in her head. "If they do deem me fit' Why wouldn't they' You said I was making great progress. That I am better. You said..." Her voice was rising, near hysterical. Sombra gave the guard a subtle half nod, the gesture for him to step in. Succi, stood, backing up helplessly. "They can't keep me here. They can't. You can't! You said you were going to make me better so I wouldn't be a threat when I was around the public. How can I know when I'm better if I'm not AROUND anyone?" The guard caught her by the arm, firmly, but gently. "Lets get you back to your room now, Miss Stargazer..." He said softly. Succi tried to shake him off. "No! No! Please....tell me I'm getting out, Sombra! Tell me that someday I might get out!" But she could see it. She didn't even have to use her Gift to read the woman's mind. She had known since the day Succinde had arrived here that the pink eyed girl would stay here. Succi struggled against the guard who tried to calm her. "No! No, Brutae...lemme go! Please!" Sombra turned from her, then, her yellow eyes sad. "I'll send for the Teller later, Succinde....mayhap she can comfort you. I am truly sorry. " With that, the guard simply picked Succi up and slung the girl over his shoulder like a sack of kicking, sobbing hen feed. Succi felt herself slide into despair as she considered her life sentence.


Date: 2006-09-02 18:24 EST
Lorelie knocked once, then opened the door to Succi's room, smiling and nodding to Brutae, the hall guard. Succi looked over as she entered. The pink girl was sprawled on her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. She was thinner than she had been when she'd first come here and she looked miserable. Lore's heart went out to her. She'd spoken with Sombra, Succi's therapist, who told her Succi was depressed. As with most of Succi's sentence, her indefinite stay here hadn't been mentioned. It wasn't that the Elders DIDN'T want to release her someday....but they didn't plan on it. They didn't mention a day. Just like they didn't mention why Lorelie visited her so often. No one informed Succi that if she managed to try and escape this place...Lore would be held personally accountable for finding her and bringing her back, or she would be punished. Lore sat on the edge of the bed and Succi put her head on the violet haired woman's lap. "Poor Succi..." Lorelie cooed soothingly. She handed Succi a small box. "Here...its from Rosie. Wish I coulda brought it by sooner" She watched as Succi opened the box, filled with Rosies homemade cinnimon rolls and other assorted goodies. There was a small hand written note which Succi read aloud.

Dear Succi,

I miss you so much! I hope that you'll be coming back soon. Here's a little breakfast to brighten your day.



Lore patted the girl's head as she started to cry. "Aw...there, now,'ll be a'right." She tried to reassure her, but she kept crying. "I wanna go back, Lori....I wanna go back...I'm so sorry for what I did. I won't do it again, I promise!" Lore patted her face and stroked her hair in an almost maternal way. " won't" Lore agreed, her voice soft, sad.