Topic: Records of an Unnamed.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-07 21:22 EST
I am Sain Eolai Sealgiare. It is the name of my sword. It is my name.

I am a trained elite mage hunter of the Order. These are my records.

First, you'll be wanting to know what the Order is.

Founded more than six hundred years ago on an earth (known as Ithir) beset by creatures of raw arcane destruction, the Order of Gan Ainm stood between the common citizens of the world and those who lost their humanity to the tides of magic. The Order seeks to purify the land of this influence, and as such hunts those who utilize magic for their own ends. Using specially trained and equipped elite soldiers known as Hunters to track down mages and ultimately execute them. The Order is a bastion of strength and nobility, protecting humanity from the monsters in the dark.

Hunters serve and sacrifice their lives spent in dedication to ridding the world of the stain of magic. They know that magic corrupts all it touches, and are trained from a young age to resist and destroy that corruption. Their minds are cultivated into great tools of information gathering, allowing them to resist the mental attacks of the eldritch monsters they face. Their spirits are pure and honed to enlightenment, allowing them to achieve feats using their auras of light no normal man could match. Armed with the ancestral weapons of aetherian steel,....A hunter can match the strength, speed, and intellect of a mage, using their weapons as shields against the arcane forces that would end Ithir as we know it.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-07 21:27 EST
That is what the Order would have you believe.

In truth, the Order has for centuries found children with magical potential and slaughtered our families. We are trained from a young age to harness burgeoning magical powers into the pseudo magical abilities hunters display as proof of dedication and faith. A way of fighting fire with fire, the Order eventually issues a weapon that absorbs the overabundance of magic we exude and lock into fighting our own kind.

Upon the beginning of our training young hunters are stripped of our identities, our very names taken. Every month, we are given new names so we do not begin to develop individuality. Every hunter trainee wears a pair of heavy leather bracelets. Unbeknownst to us the bracelets were filled with aetherian steel shot which absorbed our abilities until we were given an aetherian steel weapon. These cuffs were to be worn at all times, and eventually when we took them off, the steel within them was reforged into bullets attuned to the trainee who wore them. Should that hunter ever manifest as a mage, the Order will use them to execute the hunter.

It is not until the weapon is bestowed upon a hunter that we take a name and are allowed to take off the cuffs. We do not get that weapon until we kill our first mage. The name of our weapon becomes the name of the hunter. Many hunters do not survive this process, and it is a sacred right of passage for all hunters. If a hunter loses their weapon, they are nameless and executed upon returning to the Order.

A hunter's identity is tied to our weapon, both in doctrine and in our minds. Our weapons are precious to us and constant companions. In this way, the Order has ensured we rarely manifest our mage abilities for centuries, covering up the rare manifestation that slips through.

All of this is to prevent the destruction the mages of Ither are capable of. It takes a true weapon born and bred to combat the raw powers of a mage, a will unbreakable, and specialized training to resist the influences and experiences a mage can bring forth. Should a hunter fail to eliminate a mage in time" Itherian mages eventually collapse. A collapsing mage releases all of their power at once, dying a blast of raw destruction that can extend for miles in every direction. As mages often manifest in densely populated areas" this can have unimaginable consequences. We view our training as a necessary sacrifice to stop this from happening. Sacrificing what is asked of us to save millions of lives.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-07 21:39 EST
It should be noted here that mages on Ithir are very different than mages on Rhy'din. The magic of Ithir is a massively corruptive force, and in that world results in chaotic, destructive, cruelty driven monstrosities in human skins. Mages in Ither lay waste to everything around them on a whim, taking pleasure in as much wanton arcane cruelty as they can.

All hunters have witnessed what happens when a mage manifests fully. The horrors they've seen can leave lasting mental scars on a hunter. While the order may be cruel, hunters who have seen a mage of Ithir know the unbridled eldritch fury they unleash. Hunters are the only thing protecting humanity from these monsters, who rival demigods in power, answering only to their own insanity.

However, from everything I have seen, the magic that flows through Rhy'din does not have the same corruptive influence by default. While certainly capable of terrible things, magic in Rhy'din evidently is a neutral force, capable of as much good as it is bad.

Eolai, a mage of Ither, has made his home in Rhy'din, and while at the time of this writing is still in danger of collapse, has overcome the corruptive influence of Itherian magic and is now in full control of his faculties and morals.

At this time, a plan has been put into motion in an attempt to siphon the excess energy and prevent the collapse altogether. Should this succeed, the mages of Ither may find a home here in Rhy'din, and after undergoing the process they can even live a full and happy life here.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-07 23:07 EST
It's true I am a hunter. I have taken the name of my sword, called Sain, my middle and last names simply words to describe what I am. A mage hunter. Nothing more. But I was not born. I was made. I have no soul, no mother or father, no body of my own. This is because I was created by a mage. A little boy.

That child was found by the Order. His family killed. The child taken to an Order branch where he began training as a hunter. The cruelty he experienced there drove the child into himself, where his psyche fractured and created a new personality. I am that personality. A shield to protect a child from the experience of hunter training and the horrors of fighting Itherian mages.

I sealed my sword when I realized the dangers it posed here in Rhy'din. Brushing against the wrong person could have serious consequences with that steel. The seals kept the magic absorbtion at bay' and after months it caused the mage within me to stir.

He took the name Eolai when he first manifested. It was then that I learned the truth about the Order, the truth about the hunters and what we were. Eolai was unbridled, mad with the memories of his brush with the Order and their cruelty. It took time, but soon he was able to control himself.

We share a body. To my knowledge, Eolai is the first Itherian mage to have ever manifested fully and gained control of his morality. As far as I know, we are the only example of a mage manifesting and then returning to a previous state. This has not stopped the degradation of our body. Eolai will collapse if nothing is done. It is only a matter of time.

My name is Sain. I was made to be a weapon by the Order of Gan Ainm. I was made to be a shield by a little boy hiding from the world.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-07 23:57 EST
When I was created" I was already in the Order. I was in the midst of the first stage of my training as a Hunter. By then, Eolai had been through the first initiations, which wipe all memory of where we are from and our family. I didn't know it at the time" when I heard about that initiation I figured that was why I had no memories of before the Order.

My first memory is of being handed a rune and being told that was my name. I don't remember what that rune was. It didn't matter, it was replaced a month later with a new one. And every month after that. Each one reinforcing the idea that I had no identity, the feeling of being lost and incomplete growing with each rune, each changing of my name. This process continued for the entirety of my training.

Some memories that stand out to me"

My first experience with the Order encouraging brutal competition to weed out the weak. We'd failed in a training exercise" ten of us. A voice in the dark spoke to us. "You ten failed. You sleep in the snow. The last one to bleed gets the blanket."

Auric manifestation training. I held a wooden baton, savagely beating another boy as gold light blazed on my hands, a scrap of bread my reward. I never saw that boy again.

Hunter's mantra time. I was in a line of children, repeating mantras. "Hunt alone. Sacrifice for others. Die with dignity." Repeat. I engraved those words on the inside of my skull. They were how I would live.

I was in a cell, cold stone beneath me as men came and beat me for hours to force my body to learn to heal faster. This went on for weeks, or months. I don't really know. There were no windows. I know now the magic in my blood adapted quickly to preserve my life. Others were not so lucky.

I was in a chair, listening to headphones that told me I was no one. I was a weapon. I was my weapon. Nothing but a tool. Useless without my blade. Without my name. I fell asleep to that every night for years. I didn't know a bed until I earned my weapon.

I was in chains, kneeling on a bed of nails with a spiked ball strapped into my mouth as a man invaded my mind over and over again to force me to learn to defend it. It hurt. Each time he ripped a little more of my identity. Each time he intensified the pain I felt.

I was on a floor again. Slick tile this time. My legs had been broken, so I was using telekinetics to reset them so I could stand and fight the monster tearing it's way towards me all teeth and claws and black fur with fiery eyes. It kept slipping on the tile, it's claws not finding purchase while I fought through the pain and stood on broken legs, golden light flooding through me.

I killed my first mage. I spoke the prayer to put her soul to rest. A day of wrath will dissolve the world into glowing ashes. Death shall be amazed when creation rises again. Give her eternal rest, And let perpetual light shine on her. Hear my prayers. Eternal rest and perpetual light shine on her. Grant her rest. The cuffs around my wrists bloody as the hunter who witnessed my rite of passage congratulated me. Accepted me as one of them.

He gave me a sword.

He gave me a name.


Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-08 04:35 EST
Eolai and myself are on a tense relationship. Neither of us particularly likes the other. But I think we understand the necessity of each other's existence. Nowhere is the relationship between us more tense than when it concerns Clara.

Clara" she's an incredibly gifted engineer and researcher. Her abilities far exceed her age. By hunter standards she's already an adult, yet her ability exceeds even those of the Order's RnD Department as a whole. Her idea to solve the issue between Eolai and myself is nothing short of miraculous, and the fact that she has been able to pull it off is a testament to her supreme skill.

She wants to separate us. By building me a new body, and reinforcing the body Eolai was born with. I won't go into the details of Eolai's process, if only because I haven't asked about it and I don't want to presume things. I know it will involve some invasive and traumatic surgery so they don't want to do it before they split us apart....if only to keep both of us from suffering needlessly.

Clara intends to take the consciousness that I am and place it into a body she made for me. It's genuinely incredible. She gave me some of the specs on it the other day. It's a metal skeletal structure using titanium foam filled aluminum bones. Flexible enough to mimic human bones, but several times stronger. Add into that synthetic musculature anatomically correct with the necessary circuitry allowing for a fully functional human reflexive system. It will mimic efferent, afferent, and other mixed conductive fibers, and it even has a full mapping of psionic conductors and transmitters attuned to the important bit in the skull that holds" well" me.

That important bit' An AI matrix and positronic brain capable of reading from a crystal insert that holds my consciousness. Effectively, the entire body can be destroyed and I can just get a new one. A backup system will ensure that even if the crystal is destroyed, I won't lose more than a day's memories. On the outside will be a true to form skin without any seams or creases. For all intents and purposes I'll look completely human. It'll be a silicone based thermal plastic elastomer. A synthetic skin that feels real all the way down to the hair follicles. Fully lined with input and output receptors to give me my full reflexes and reactions" even feelings.

The body is enchanted to self-mend in the event of injury, in the same manners as a human body would. It runs off of a power source that lets me convert water and nutrients from food" so I can still eat and drink" I'll be able to hear, see, taste, smell, and feel the world around me. It's stronger, faster, nearly indestructible, and even if the body is destroyed a new one will simply replace it. I will have all of my current abilities, a series of crystal manifolds and receptors for using magic, and an aural feedback loop that will allow me to utilize my auric abilities, and the psionic mapping will let me use my psychic abilities.

It's finished now, for the most part. We still need to add in some things and customizations. But largely it's done. I'll be transferring soon.

I won't be human. I won't be a mage. I won't be a hunter.

Clara says she'll love me no matter what. That the body doesn't matter. I believe her, and I love her all the more for it. She's built me this incredible thing. She's" built me.

It doesn't really matter though. I have no soul, no body of my own, so whatever I become isn't really for me to decide. It's easy for them to make a show of talking like I have a choice. I don't. Not really.

I'm not a real person. I am a parasite that stole Eolai's life from him. A shield that became a prison and a jailer. A fractured piece of a little boy's psyche that pressed him into the dark for decades. Clara could have made a jar to put me in and it would have changed nothing.

Still" it's a really, really nice jar.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-14 21:14 EST
Eolai asked for my help. It was a strange occurrence if anything ever has been in this world. Rhy'din is a strange place, but I never thought a mage would ask me for assistance with magic. It turns out the way Eolai performs magic is mostly intuition. He's not very good at figuring out the way things work in a system as much as he is simply feeling things out to get the result he wants.

So he asked for my help, since I was a pretty quick study in weapons engineering during hunter training, I was a natural choice for figuring out a workable and usable method for what he wanted. Flying Shoes. For Clara.

Of course, how could I say no' On the condition that he not tell Clara I had anything to do with it, I agreed to help. I didn't want her thinking Eolai's gift was from me when he was the one providing the power, the materials, and the body for me to work with.

I had to start by figuring out how Eolai's magic worked. The best way to do that was to figure out a way to visualize it all. Something I'd told Clara once came to mind, so I started there. Diagrams. A trip to a magic shop in the market and I'd picked up some basic diagrams for beginner illusions. Calibration spells meant to measure input and output into other spells were perfect. They gave me solid and reliable numbers to work with. I went from there.

Eolai's magic is a genuinely frightening thing" the numbers I got from my first forays were" well they were high. Let's leave it at that. I had to dial it back to a fraction of a percent of what he was capable of maintaining as a baseline just to make it workable. The next step was to attach that to an object and make it sustainable. It went surprisingly easily, and I have a sneaking suspicion that Eolai's brand of magic is very well suited to this sort of system and application.

The obsidian was my first major success. It included the calibration spells that I rewrote into a computer script of sorts. It functioned as an illusion projector that could interface with a smartphone. Pretty quick I managed to get it to include voice commands and a few other functions. The major breakthrough though came when Eolai showed me the most basic forms of summoning. That was the missing key. Elementals. Mindless, easily programmable, and limitless in energy from the natural elements they're born from.

The pearl was the next major step towards the shoes. Bound to an elemental, powered by water and light, running a basic AI in the magical coding script, it was essentially a perfect personal companion. An extension of the smartphone with the power of a supercomputer in a pearl smaller than a marble.

With the computational power of the pearl, I could emulate the guidance, stabilization, and life support systems of an aircraft along with Eolai's propulsion and antigravity magics and wards. It would be best to let the shoes be powered by the user, otherwise there could be some unintended consequences. I had everything I needed, so the rest was just a lot of tweaking details.

The shoes were a success. Clara's Perseid Vans are capable of a top speed of around mach two, and have a robust ward system incorporating life support and emergency ground avoidance systems. Wearing them, the user is capable of low orbit flight in full vacuum and if they run out of energy or lose consciousness the shoes slow the user to a safe velocity before they touch the ground. They're personal flight. Eolai made me a pair of boots with the same abilities, though mine are optimized for agility over speed.

I've found I'm pretty good at this whole process? so I have been working on new things and magical tools to supplement my arsenal. My latest is a chalk mixture capable of projecting a force field perpendicular to whatever surface I draw a line on. I added that to a chalk marker with a brush tip. The stuff will stick to just about anything, washes off in water, and is fully adjustable according to the amount of power projected by the user.

I think the magic tools I could create are interesting to Eolai, he's asked me to patent some of my plans. So for posterity, I'm going to record them here and go ahead and take his advice. I'll update them as I figure out new designs.

*Listed here are several files, locked with both computer encryptions and magical seals requiring genetic material to unlock. They include the following: **Complete Iliad magical programming language. **Complete plans for the Odyssey Base Unit. **Complete plans for summoning and binding Elementals to the Iliad and Odyssey. **Complete plans for the Perseid Vans and Geminid Boots. **Complete plans for Barrier Marker and necessary reagents. **Complete methods for magically stabilizing unstable explosive compounds.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-14 21:18 EST
Hunters aren't human.

It still takes me a minute to understand this every time it occurs to me. Hunters are mages, shaped and molded. It has raised some questions in my mind that don't seem to add up. I think I've figured them out though. As much as I can anyway.

My first question came when I realized that as a mage I shouldn't be able to touch my sword. The aetherian steel it is made of should have immediately injured me. Some key observations helped clear this up. Chief among them is that Eolai cannot touch the blade despite sharing a body. This leads me to believe that the blade is still affecting my body in some way, despite my not being fully aware of it. Next, I realized that the cuffs given to me at the beginning of my training are filled with aetherian steel. This means that I've had this substance affecting me my entire life. I feel that it is likely my body has adapted to the aetherian steel in the state it is now, allowing the use of auric and psychic abilities due to the extreme stress of hunter training. But when Eolai manifests, the steel reacts to the massive amounts of magic he puts out in a much more violent manner.

The order kept the cuffs of every hunter it trained. I believe this is so that if any hunter ever manifested, they could forge the steel within them into a bullet capable of destroying the resulting mage.

You may be wondering how aetherian steel does what it does"

The secret to aetherian steel is still one I am unraveling, but I believe I have the pieces to the puzzle. Aetherian steel is unique to Ither. This is because of the method of its creation, which requires Itherian mages. Not just their magic" but their entire body. When a hunter dispatches a mage, their job is finished. The order disposes of the body to protect the public from possible curses and lingering effects the magic may have. At least, that's what they've told the public. No doubt it is partially true, even dead an Itherian mage can be dangerous. However what they do with the body is not disclosed to the public. It is sent to the steelworks. There, the body is broken down and one particular element is extracted.

Iron. The iron in the blood of an Itherian mage is extracted and then heated to melting point. There, it is carefully preserved until more can be added from another mage. And then another. The average human body contains between three and four grams of iron spread throughout the body. A mage has a slightly higher content, but not by much. To make a weapon like my sword, the iron from more than fifty Itherian mages was forged together and alloyed with carbon from their incinerated remains.

Magic is incredibly drawn to the weapons thanks to the adaptations of mages. Their". Our" bodies adapt to vast amounts of energy being pumped through them constantly, and so eventually create pathways for this energy to dissipate in an attempt to stave off the collapse all mages eventually experience if not executed first. As their body attempts to survive as long as possible, it creates the instruments of their systematic destruction at the hands of the order.

Hunters use these weapons, our bodies having adapted to the material that seeks to siphon and dissipate as much magic as it can. We wear the cuffs that keep us from manifesting as children, and carry the weapons that see us through adulthood as hunters, all the while brainwashed into seeing the weapon as our identities. Of course we'd never let go of those weapons. Of course if we returned without such a precious material, in danger of manifesting as a mage and setting the order back a hugely valuable weapon, we'd be executed. The order has made every intention perfectly clear. Their methods brutally efficient.

I've seen what happens when an Itherian mage collapses in a populated area. I've been to chicago. Little more than a crater now, a population of 2.7 million' gone. The mage that collapsed there was one of the oldest and most powerful the order had ever seen. The crater she left behind was filled by Lake Michigan, the ashes of the city muddying the water into the white banks that now ring the crater. The ashes of a city of millions, unmade in the blink of an eye. Their molecules ripped apart into nothing more than carbon. Mages can manifest anywhere in a population. Anyone, anywhere, can become a walking weapon of mass destruction on a biological timer. The order does what it does to prevent these people from collapsing and destroying everything around them...

Is it worth it' I don't know. Unification of world religions, global peace, an ongoing fight against poverty in Order controlled nations, these are what we bought with weapons forged of the blood of Itherian Mages. We lived in a peace created by uniting against a common enemy with soldiers stolen from the children of the very enemy we fought.

My sword is Sain. My sword is a monster

My sword is born of the blood of mages. I am born of the mind of a mage.

All my sword has ever been is a monster. All I have ever been is Sain.

If I am my blade" am I a monster" If I am not my blade" what does that make me"

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-14 21:30 EST
It hurts. Every time.

When Eolai manifested the first time, I was sure I wanted to die. The pain of it, the sheer amount of damage it had done to my body was indescribable. Of all the beatings and torture I have taken, never once has something torn so much of me from parts of myself I was not aware of. The power of an Itherian mage is no laughing matter, it courses through anything it touches like lightning, and that first time Eolai didn't control his output.

The list of injuries is a long one, broken bones, bruises head to toe, internal injuries, more obscure damage I didn't get a chance to analyze" I vomited blood and some sort of black bile. But that wasn't the worst of it. The worst of it I have told no one. I have guarded it against Eolai's prying and never once have I mentioned it to another soul.

I do not intend for anyone to read this before my death. So for the sake of completeness"

Eolai's manifestations tore me from my soul. The first time he manifested, I felt a disconnect from my abilities that was never there before. My aura wasn't my own, my psychic abilites weren't mine. Not just in a physical sense, but immediately I felt them being torn from my identity. Before I knew my body wasn't mine, I knew my power was not my own. Some unconscious part of me knew I wasn't real. A psychological construct. A personality and structure of thoughts" nothing more. I don't know if I had a soul before Eolai manifested. Maybe we shared his. But I know when he awakened". What I was changed on a level I was not aware of until much later.

I have no soul. I am not human. I am not a mage. I am a hunter.

This is all I know, because without that sword to give me a name I have nothing else. I spent my life fighting an enemy the Order pointed me at like the weapon they turned me into. I spent my life hunting down my kin and believing myself to be little more than a tool Maybe I am.

Maybe I am a tool. Maybe I am a shield. Maybe I am a weapon.

Whatever I am, it doesn't really matter. I have chosen to live. I have chosen to move forward with my life in such a way as to make no more regrets. I have so many. What I did when I was created was lock away Eolai from the suffering of the Order's training. But he never regained his freedom. He was trapped there in the dark the whole time. So I will not remain a jailer. This body will not remain a prison. I will help Clara set Eolai free. She will stabilize him. Regardless of what happens to me? this is where I begin.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-20 22:11 EST
So the split was successful.

Obviously. Or I wouldn't be writing this. Clara....risked a lot to get me here. More than I could really have ever asked or wanted her to risk. I'm sure I don't even really know the half of it, that's just the kind of person she is. The body is incredible. It really is. Sometimes, I even forget that it's artificial. Suppose that was the point. It's little things though, that remind me of the newness.

The instant numerical understanding of just how hard I'm holding my sword for instance. Or for that matter the strength and agility differences are something to really write home about. My body is now totally terminator-like. It's been ruggedized, so there's no risk of something like an EMP pulse bothering me, and it's even got a food cycling system that pulls water and components from the food I eat to produce some of the power and other uh, biological simulations.

That's another difference. My teeth. They're" different. I had this one crooked tooth on the bottom....that's not there anymore. Now they're just....not perfect, but I guess as average as average gets" My smile isn't any different, but the way my tongue rests against my teeth is. It's a small thing, I'll get used to it. But it's always there. On the outside, it looks fine. It's just another way I know I'm different, even if no one else does.

My abilities somehow got stronger. I guess with Clara worried about not being able to match my natural abilities, she created a system that's more efficient than the biological version. Both my aura and my psychic abilities have been kicked up a notch. They're taking some getting used to, especially my psychic abilities. They're much more sensitive, so I've got to keep them under control. After my experiences here in Rhy'din, I've come to understand just how rude psychic prying is, so I'm trying my best not to allow that to get out of hand.

The crystal network that's integrated into the consciousness crystal is genuinely impressive. The layers of defensive enchantments and crystal resonances make for a veritable fortress. But with that and the added in magical receptors and the framework that mimics the chakra points, my aura has really gained intensity. I'll have to be careful to remember to reinforce my body when I use it, or there's a chance it could tear itself apart no matter how durable it is.

But this is me now. The cooling system has a pulse" so I have a heartbeat of sorts....I eat, I drink....but I don't really have to breathe except to exhale the oxygen the reactor produces. It's interesting though, my subconscious still does it. All the mannerisms I used to have, I still have them. I still breathe naturally, even when I don't think about it.

What's more impressive" Pain still hurts. Sure the physical stuff, that's easy to simulate.

I mean when someone rips my heart in half, I still feel it. It still crushes my chest, my stomach still turns, my face reacts to all my emotions?

I still have emotions. I wasn't sure I would. Gods I was so scared I wouldn't...

The emotions still hurt the same way they did. The same familiar ache, the catch in my throat, the little breaks in my voice when I don't mean to...

It's impressive...

It really is almost human.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-20 22:22 EST
Eolai believes the Order is coming.

He hasn't told me why he thinks so, when they're coming, or for what reason. But I'm pretty sure I can guess. If hunters come from the order there are only a few reasons. The most likely one being to take my sword back to the Order. I sincerely doubt after four years they would be considering bringing me home. Knowing what I know now" they must have assumed I manifested on the other side of the portal. They would send an Elite Hunter, if not more than one.

Which means I need to be ready. It means Eolai will need to be ready, wherever he is. It means we'll have to protect those we care about.

To do that, we'll have to survive.

So I'm preparing for war. This won't be some cut rate mercenary, trained hunters with a mission against an elite hunter. On the upside, they won't be expecting Eolai. Or for us to be separate. The order to my knowledge hasn't released the information that hunters are mages. So there's no way they could be expecting an Itherian mage here unless they assume the portal led to a mage's lair. If I can get Eolai to do so, I think he would be well suited to protecting Clara while I deal with the hunter threat. With the abundance of magic in Rhy'din, their weapons will be useless in tracking down Eolai. His signature will be lost to the rest of the magic in this world.

The hunter threat on the other hand" is for me.

So I've gone ahead and prepped my magic arsenal, though they'll be fairly useless against a hunter's weapon, the mobility and the support of the Odysseus and Geminid boots will be invaluable.

Magically stabilized Azidioazide Azide will be more than useful. After stabilizing a mercury fulminate, the next step was AA into a moldable charge that I can use in all sorts of different ways. By simply cutting the magic that stabilizes it the explosive will spontaneously explode due to the massive instability of the base compound. So that means it's got tactical options against a hunter.

With the addition of the hand shot, my close range options have improved dramatically. I've been able to integrate a wide variety of 12 gauge shells. The dual short barrels give it an incredible spread, but there's not a lot of muzzle velocity. I'll look into aurically charged shots with it, but I'm concerned the barrel walls won't be able to contain the force.

I've wrapped the handle of my sword in a treated leather wrap. It should keep the handle from affecting my self healing to such a degree without diminishing the effectiveness of the sword.

My pistol by now has been cleaned and cleaned again. Against hunters the anathema ammunition is fairly useless, but good old fashioned lead and copper hit just as hard against us. I'm going to talk to Eolai about possibly producing a limited quantity of aetherian steel rounds before they arrive. If I'm right, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch of his abilities to produce some clone like flesh that should share enough of the properties of mage blood to make a less powerful version of the steel. I'll look into this more when I get the chance.

Main combat loadout has been modified thanks to the new needs of my body. No first aid kit, but a basic repair kit took its place. Sewing kit is still there, my synthetic skin still responds to stitches. I checked.

Psychic foci are no longer really needed, the neural mesh works on a level my brain didn't quite manage. The same can be said for my aura, though I've never needed foci for that thanks to my natural talent with it.

I'm hoping that between the explosives, the sword, the firearms, and the knives I generally carry that should be enough. I've added in some additional odds and ends in my belt, wire, other tools, and my magical tools as well.

My tracking tools are all remaining, if I get a lead I'd like to finish it quickly if possible. Drawing it out will only play to the advantage of numbers if they send more than one. I'll have to be smart about all this, or all of Clara's work saving my life will be the most impressive waste of time she's yet achieved?. You know, apart from the other big time related thing.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-21 19:49 EST
The Order of Gan Ainm.

The order of the nameless. It's a worldwide organization stretching back more than six hundred years. I've touched on the order before, talking a little about the front they put on and the truth behind it all. But I'd like to clear some things up.

The Order is necessary on Ither.

I don't like saying it, but the truth is the order really is all that stands between the world and, well" utter chaos and destruction at the hands of the mages. At its beginning, the Order wasn't very successful. See, the problem was that no one wanted to listen to the madmen who raved that the gods had fallen to the earth during the black death. A massive plague that wiped out huge portions of the world population' it woke something in humanity. It woke those fallen gods who reared up their heads and seared the earth in a terrible arcane fire.

They were the first mages on Ither.

In a way, their collapses eventually halted the spread of the plague. The mages saved humanity, but at a terrible cost.

The order was founded shortly thereafter, near the end of the thirteen hundreds. An organization at the time that modeled themselves after the templars, but sought only the destruction of mages.

They were sorely outmatched. The Order nearly ended there. Had the mages of the time been more thorough' it is likely the order never would have made it this far. However the knights back then were tenacious, and spread their manifestos through the world.

Unlike the templars, the Order preached tolerance and unity for humanity. They preached that to come together against the mages was the only way. They would accept anyone who came forward. Man and woman alike, no matter their religion or creed. So long as they would take up arms against the terrifying power of a mage.

That was the other thing, back then the mages were often thought of as fallen gods. After about twenty years, the order began to move away from this concept and began calling them mages. The order became known as "mage hunters" or "Witch killers" or many variations of the terms. But back then, hunters were simply anyone willing to take up a sword.

The first hunter".

She was amazing. That much was clear in the writings. She appeared about fifty years after the establishment of the Order. They say she was tall, with plain eyes and dark skin. But she wielded an axe called Sunder, and that was what they called her. She was faster, stronger, and tougher than any man or woman in the Order at the time. She was always there when she was needed, sometimes the writings are even contradictory as to where exactly she was. For nearly ten years Sunder led the Order and under her guidance they managed to keep any collapse from occurring. It was the longest stretch they'd ever had all over the world.

That was when she disappeared, and left behind her writings. The Holy Light of Unity: Principles of Humanity and Kindness, The Treatise on Divinity and Worship, The Huntsman and the Flock, The Manifestation of Virtue". These four texts that described a time soon to come when men and woman born to stand between the mages and the people would rise to serve the Order. These four texts that described a world in which all humanity could stand united under a single god" that god was simply all gods.

In the Treatise on Divinity and Worship Sunder and many other contributing authors over the centuries, describe the many faceted god. A concept of divinity in which all gods and spirits are simply facets of the same immense and incomprehensible jewel. The depths of which, humanity will never know and so we should not presume to understand any one "best' way to worship such a divine thing. In essence, all manners of worship were valid, and all gods were true.

Under this new faith, the order spread faster than the plague it had been born from. The message of tolerance for all humanity and unity against the mage threat went well with Sunder's track record, a decade of peace.

It would be another fifteen years before the first generation of Hunters appeared. Sunder may have been the first' but she was only one woman. The first generation of hunters was said to number in the dozens. Men and women who'd been touched by divinity, who's auras manifested as light and who were faster and stronger" like Sunder herself.

They wielded the first Aetherian Steel weapons. Weapons that could cut through magic. While not as sophisticated or nearly as powerful as those used today, they were a vast improvement over the normal steel the Order had used until then. Weapons a mage could not affect with magic.

It solidified the order as a world power. Since then, they have only grown in power and influence all over the world. While the order is a faith based organization, it holds complete immunity to all international and domestic laws? this is because it simply has grown beyond reproach.

On Ither, the hunters truly do protect and serve humanity.

Despite the order's brutal methods they are all that has stood in the way of mages for hundreds of years.

Now, they're coming here.