Topic: Reports from a broken mind

Mad Tom O' Bedlam

Date: 2010-02-01 16:22 EST
Local time: 272654317.6 As per instructions, followed subject T after he left the Inn. Full recording attached. Two sections of interest:

"Ah, deny it she will! But she be the queen of the elves rightways! Call she not herself by the hill o' the elves? High Queen doth sit there ever, for all the erinicals say it be the hill o' the High King o' men. Sooth it is! Yet if she will have it not said, far be it from poor Tom to give her the lie. For Tom will lie with her, and has e'er now."

This is clearly a reference to the hemophage, T. R. Thus it is seen that subject T absorbs and retains information from his surroundings, even as he distorts them due to his delusions.

"There be a horsewoman who does call herself a goddess. Foolish mortal! Thou shalt perish! She would raise the roof, yet gives no help to the childless. Oh, such a silly goose, she shall rue that the dryads washed her. And what all else they did get up to!" He laughed a long time at this point, and made rude gestures. "I ha' dreamed on what I saw, and woke in a sweat!"

This seems to confirm certain rumors regarding the hippanthrop named after a particular Celtic goddess. Subject T currently out of range. Will forward all future recordings, noting sections of interest.

Mad Tom O' Bedlam

Date: 2010-02-03 04:14 EST
Local time: 272654357.1 As per instructions, sought out and located subject T. Full recording attached. Only one section of interest:

"Oh, she shall fly, as she is of that ilk. And all the fliers shall attend her. E'en as she leaves the Master of Generals at the post. Yet it is a question most dire! How does she make paper to flicker?"

"Flicker-flicker you say' Blam! for answer. And all underground!"

Suggest cross-referencing recent advertisements seen in town. Following subject T as much as possible. Will continue to forward recordings, noting sections of interest.

Mad Tom O' Bedlam

Date: 2010-02-10 19:30 EST
Local time: 272654620.2 Have finally located subject T. Full recording attached. Only one section of interest:

"'Tis art to hide art, so they say. But to hide all artists but one is not art, but pride."

"She would have the bricklayer in, and sweeten his morter. It makes her to drool, that she sets out food fit for pretense. But nothing comes of nothing, and many will hog the light. She can have darts in her dress, and luck cooked in, but there shall be no relief found."

Believe have found reason subject T frequently out of range. Will continue to forward recordings, noting sections of interest.

Mad Tom O' Bedlam

Date: 2010-02-15 20:10 EST
Local time: 272654772.3 Apologies for silence. Difficultātēs vēlāmentō continue. Extensive recordings from subject T. Previous dark phase was all singing, except following section.

"There be a goblin in the outhouse. Much is brewing anent that!"

"Number nine, number nine, number nine."

"In greed, in ant, 'tis no secret. Slip through the vast, yet none shall be great nor full."

Continuing to work on problem of T. going out of range. Will continue to forward recordings, noting sections of interest.

Mad Tom O' Bedlam

Date: 2010-02-21 00:37 EST
Local time: 272655147.4 Attached find all recordings of subject T. since last communication. Only one part of interest to report.

"How is't her voice is heard" Fingers wiggle in the air" 'Tis red, and very active!"

This was said with the greatest intensity, but its meaning is not clear. Request all information and conjectures available. Continuing to work on problem of T. going out of range. Will continue to forward recordings, noting sections of interest.

Mad Tom O' Bedlam

Date: 2010-02-24 19:24 EST
Local time: 272655267.4 Attached find all recordings of subject T. since last communication. A few parts of interest to report.

"The press speaks" And what o' the one with the front of his head gone" Are they all plants, to be 'pon a stem?"

"The daughter of the son of a leg joint is near nothing. And she'll lead you round in a circle, an you let her."

"He, too, ate two small O's. But he sauced them! So he blew up the one fighting for him. He floated a loan, and was picky, until they handed him a mop. The black hawk is silver."

"The Kazakh knows not what makes us go 'ICK!'. Four folds there be, Greek every one. Fill his mouth! Make a watch go from the middle, yet he's still all wet. Bring on night, bring on day, 'twould be better to spin. You'll eat stones in the desert. Float on a breeze, you'd bake without shadows. A roof of plates" That's the last place I'd look! 'I did it gift'? I don't remember that one!"

Continuing to work on problem of T. going out of range. Will continue to forward recordings, noting sections of interest.

Mad Tom O' Bedlam

Date: 2010-03-02 23:12 EST
Local time: 272655471.3 Attached find all recordings of subject T. since last communication. A few parts of interest to report.

"The Kazakh gives it bumps! Perhaps he should not compact excrement!" This was followed by prolonged giggling.

"Yet Ajax shatters earth to give a looping nosy a gift. Sooth, he needs to clean it off fair good, for 'tis slimy. He would teach light to shine, save his flesh shall decay as all men shall. And he thinks donkeys have royalty!"

Have new readings regarding problem of T. going out of range. No solution, but now have better idea details of the problem. Will continue to forward recordings, noting sections of interest.

Mad Tom O' Bedlam

Date: 2010-03-17 23:55 EST
Local time: 272656166.3 Attached find all recordings of subject T. since last communication. A few parts of interest to report.

"Within meditation is processing his wants" Words, words, words! Are canals necessary to be legal?"

"Someone has gouged a hole in my calf and planted clover."

"She clinked for that's where her father is. To rotate what is learned is no small trick, even for one searching for tricks as small as she. Yet she must sift the shadows."

"Paintings are dead; the fool trips lightly o'er the truth."

"How noble is it to paint a poor slave's victuals" 'Twill make all sick."

"Why should a nothing splinter the upright wood?"

Clearly subject T. has been here most of the time since my last report. However, all sensors indicated subject T. was absent. Working on this problem. Will keep you informed.