Topic: Revenge

Oziendis Nightstalker

Date: 2007-06-20 23:35 EST
Icer1978: ::The sound of wings could be heard, and soon the dragon landed, carrying the spider still.:: One Lucky Spider: ::Lucky came in on Icer's back, something tucked into his underside in a silk pouch:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::He'd thawed, and he was waiting, oh yessss...Revenge. That was the first thing on his mind. Hiding, not even his usual reek could be detected......He could feel it...Anticipation, he loved the moment before he struck woe...:: Moon Lyght: ::She wasn't far behind Icer, silver scales glinting in the fading light, wings outstretched rivaling the sunset in splendor. she swooped low, back flapped and set down gently:: Icer1978: ::Glancing about, wings rustled as she lowered herself to the ground, so Lucky could climb off.:: Icer1978: ::a soft rumble to her mother then, as she stretched her neck to give her a nuzzle.:: Moon Lyght: ::Nuzzles icer gently back, and a lick for Lucky. He really WAS one lucky spider, he had dragon friends!:: One Lucky Spider: ::Hops off of Icer, smiling over to moon:: Moon Lyght: *Icer One Lucky Spider: ::Chuckles as he got licked:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::He silentley observed the three in sickening ch:: Icer1978: Evening mama, ::grinning to Lucky then as well as she stretched out by the lake.:: Moon Lyght: 'Ello mah luv Moon Lyght: 'Ello, Lucky, mah lad Moon Lyght: ::Crooning at the both of them:: Icer1978: ::She cuddled against her mother, purring softly, tickling Lucky again with her tail.:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::He watched the spider intently...that was the one he wanted.....the spider, and his cargo:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::All he needed now was half a chance..::: One Lucky Spider: ::smiles again:: Hey Moon. :;Giggles, rolling in the grass as he's tickled:: Moon Lyght: ::she settled down with Icer and began preening her daughter gently, like when she was just a cub:: Icer1978: ::Wriggling slightly as she was preened, it tickled!.:: One Lucky Spider: ::Hops on both dragons:: Moon Lyght: ::Hopped on, she chuckles:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::He kept watching, waiting:: Icer1978: ::Wings rustled as she playfully batted at her mother's snout.:: Moon Lyght: ::She batted back playfully, and poked Lucky too:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::All his will bent on that little silken pouch, willing it to fall, or the spider to become seperated from the dragons, just long enough for..his thoughts trailed off:: Moon Lyght: ::POUNCE! Right on Icer:: One Lucky Spider: ::Whoops! The pouncing of dragon on dragon threw lucky off, rolling near the edge of the lake:: Whirly..... Moon Lyght: ::Play roaring like some victor:: Icer1978: EEp! ::giggling as she's pounced by her mother, the dragon rustled her wings.:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::His chance! Swiftly, silently, a shadow extended from the edge of the lake, and pulled Lucky in without so much as a ripple or a whisper, dragging him down down then out across the lake and into the woods. It was oddly silent:: Moon Lyght: ::So absorbed in playing she doesn't note Lucky's sudden departure:: Ah'm queen o' th' mountain! One Lucky Spider: ::'Nuff said. Spidernapped faster than a falling cannonball. And spiders don't make very good swimmers!:; Oziendis Nightstalker:::Once he had the spider isolated, he quickly materialized, leering wickedly. He'd cast a spell of silence so no sound would reach his friend's ears. He snapped his fingers, sparks flying from ragged nails, and chains wrapped themselves securely around the creature:: Well, hello my Lucky little friend, or not so lucky..::snicker:: One Lucky Spider: ::The pony sized arachnid tried to make at least a muscle twitch or even a tiny scream holler out. Neither was successful:: Oziendis Nightstalker:You have something I desire...and intend to posess it. Understand, my ugly friend" ::Who the hell was he to name ugly' Oh well, it was said, but truly, Oz was the more hideous of the two:: One Lucky Spider: ::The spider tried putting on his best innocient look, despite the fact he was scared stiff:: Oziendis Nightstalker:Cat got your mandibles, bug" Oziendis Nightstalker:How about i help loosen them, hm' ::he grabbed a hairy spider leg and wrenched, hopefully detatching it:: One Lucky Spider: ::Eight eyes looked up with uncertainity at the monster:: One Lucky Spider: ::The spider, if it could, would cry out in immense pain:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::He waved the detatched leg negligently:: Now, care to tell me where MY little treasure is" One Lucky Spider: ::Continues to quiver, or as much as the chains would allow. He was trying not to think about what the demon may want.:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::He hit the spider with his own leg, and then grabbed a second and wrenched again, carelessly:: A certain...flute" One Lucky Spider: ::Now it was obvious he was both in pain and total fear. He looked all around him but saw no one else:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::whap! Spider pinata, except it was chained on the ground. He started to search the arachnid for the flute:: One Lucky Spider: ::The spider layed there, in more pain than he had ever felt in his entire life:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::From somewhere the demon conjured a giant fly swatter and menaced Lucky.::Tell me!! One Lucky Spider: ::The spider tried to speak, but....well, that spell you know...:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::Oh yeeahh..He modifed the spell so the spider would be able to speak only loudly enough for the demon to hear:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::Aaaand for fun ripped out a third leg and hit him with it:: One Lucky Spider: P.......please......::the spider squeeked out, then cried as another leg bit the dust:: again, before slipping out of the lake with a giggle.:: Oziendis Nightstalker:Where ::whap!:: Is ::Smack!:: My ::pow!:: Flute?! ::Thump!::

Oziendis Nightstalker:::As an afterthought, smacks him with the flyswatter, too, no reason to let it go unused:: One Lucky Spider:'s under my belly! ::wimpering and crying now:: Oziendis Nightstalker:Ahhh!!! ::he snatched it from it's hiding place, freeing it from it's silken cocoon and unchaining the spider, hurled him with all his might toward the inn, hoping he'll go through a window and take some glass damage:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::Evil laughter as he vanished...he'd not use it immediately ......that would be expected. Let them fear a while first, anticipation made it so much better::(edited for space)

Oziendis Nightstalker

Date: 2007-06-21 23:04 EST
Oz:::He hid so well he was completely unseen. even his usual stench was concealed as he scanned the inn for his quarry. Icer..the dragon was here after all....he lifted a small flute to his lips and began to play.:: Oziendis Nightstalker:::Part of a dragon flute's magic was that no skill was required of the user, and the music could only be heard by dragons. It would be sweet, lulling, and compelling, while instlling a dream-like state:: Icer1978: ::An ear twitched, catching the feint sound of the flute, and eyes widened a moment, before her neck sank to the floor and she was soundly sleeping.:: Oziendis seemed it worked too well. The dragon seemed to be out cold...just as well. She'd be silent as he wisked her to the glen, to a hidden cavern::

Oziendis Nightstalker

Date: 2007-06-22 00:40 EST
Oziendis has special peices made for his new mount, an iron saddle, lined with venom slick spikes, anklets for each foot and her tail sporting the same envenomated spikes and a helm. Her own natural horn would protrude along with a crown of, yup, MORE spikes. He had a thing for sharp objects and poison. especially when he could weild his own weapon at the same time while his mount hacked, slached, breathed ice fire and generally wreaked havoc.

This was the Life! soon he'd have the mother too, and then he'd be unstoppable. He knew the mother commaned more dragons..he'd collar all of them, He'd have a horde of dragons! All answering to him! That sinister grin spread again as he contemplated the evil he could do. This would be a time of darkness rhy'din would not soon forget. He would burn and cut his name into the minds of the citizens and they would feel fear as never before.... All of rhy'din would cry out in the night, a great wailing would be heard, and he would be at the center of it all, the source. Icer was only the beginning...