Topic: A Spring Time Suprise


Date: 2007-05-19 06:09 EST
Alana walked to the cemetery now. Spring was upon them and now was the time to remember those who had fallen fighting for causes dear to them. She carried behind her a wagon of sorts full and pilled with snapdragon plants. She had uprooted them the morning before. Alana had spent the better part of this morning getting the flowers ready for the transplant. In her eyes, someone needed to remember the fallen warriors.

She dragged the wagon into the cemetery and all at once, something hit her. It was a feeling. Something completely and totally new to her, she had never felt anything quite like it before that moment and more likely than not she would never feel one like it again. A wave of longing for things past washed over the young woman. Eyes rolling over the weathered and wore stones she wondered why she felt this way and she walked forward almost not even thinking about it to a stone. The handle to that wagon was to be dropped now and she would walk to the stone.

Approaching it, the young elf fell to her knees before it. Those dainty hands rose to the stone. It was covered with ivy vines and she gently pulled away the vines to see what they hid beneath them. The name had been worn down by centuries of wind and rain but it was still legible. A hand was gently rubbed over the inscription and she tried the best she could in reading what it said there. Softly she spoke as she sounded out the words.

"Mi-che-al, Micheal. Ar-ther-ia, Artheria."

The last word struck the woman like a slap to the face. The word was Daven. Her very own sur name and suddenly curiousity took over. She cocked her head to one side and tried to think as far back as she could about her past and yet she couldn't remember. She sighed and tried again. Still nothing and the frustration washed over her face. Palm still flat against the weathered stone.

The wagon caught her eyes now and she stood deciding that this was just as good a place as any to start planting the flowers. Perhaps in her show of remembrance, she would actually remember something about herself. She picked up the first snapdragon plant and slowly walking back over to that stone she cleared away the leaves from in front of it. She cut back the vines and smiled looking at the stone. She dug the hole now taking that plant back up and gently planting it before that stone. She moved the dirt back around it and smiled. Sitting up on her knees, she just smiled and whispered a soft prayer for that who lay underneath her.

Picking up the handle to the wagon she moved to the next tomb stone. She didn't stop to read this tombstone. If she had another bout with frustration would insue. Her families burial place lay under her feet and she didn't even know. She again cleaned the plot and planted the flowers. This went on over and over again until finally the cemetery was a font of gorgeous colors and the scent of glorious flowers.

As Alana packed up her things she smiled. She had left not a trace as of who had done this and that is just how she wanted it. She did this for no other reason that she wanted the dead to be remembered even if it was only by one simple elf. Those hands ran over her shorts and she dragged the wagon out of the cematary. Turning back the young woman spoke once more outloud.

"Rest well all of you. And thank you for all you did"


Date: 2007-06-04 14:19 EST
It had been two weeks since Alana had spent the day planting flowers and saying prayers. She had smiled every time the thought crossed her mind though. She was certainly not afraid of people catching her in the cemetery and she would make her way back again to make sure everything was still going well there. She again brought the wagon. Filled with watering cans and replacement flowers. Just in case any had died due to the lack of rain recently. She was pleased to see the cemetery was in full bloom. There were dozens of colors and the flowers could be seen for leagues.

It did not take Alana long to get to work. She would start of course by weeding out the bad plants and planting replacement flowers where the others had died. She had expected to have to plant more than she actually did though and it gave her more time to make sure the grass was cut and even . She would then go to work watering the grass and the flowers.

It took her the better part of the afternoon but when Alana had finished the cemetery looked wonderful. She could not help but smile to herself as she put all her things away in the wagon. Again, she turned before she left and spoke softly.

"Thanks again for all you've done."