Topic: Deathly Specter

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2007-07-13 08:51 EST
It was early in the morning here at the cemetery, today would be very different than yesterday.

This reason is unknown but over the cemetery a very large image could be seen. If anybody saw it they would have told you it looked like the Grim reaper complete with a scythe, but it was an illusion and see through. Its eyes were pure red and its scythe dripped very real blood that seemed to eat into the ground like an acid.

This illusion lasted for three hours and five seconds. Anybody who saw it would never forget a odd sight like this!

What did it mean, Did it mean anything at all?


Date: 2007-07-13 10:34 EST
Van got there first, looking around he stared at the reaper for a long moment before Shad got there. His eyes wide as he felt the power being used to maintain it.

Shad walked slowly up. Analyzing the power here as she had in the school, oracle office, Delta HQ and elsewhere. One hand went to his shoulder. Passing the information mind to mind. ~It's defiantly Bob..Please Van, be careful.~

He heard her footsteps long before he saw her. Eyes glazing slightly as the message was heard. ~I will be. I will be.~

And so the brother and sister stood. Staring in awe at the illusion in front of them. Could this herald things to come? It was the only common thought between them.