Topic: Grave Robbing in the Dark of Night


Date: 2007-12-15 13:48 EST
As morning came there were horrifying things to be seen in the graveyard. Fresh graves had been dug up, hundreds of them with their coffins jutting out of the ground; ripped apart by the gods only knew what. From the headstones of each open grave it could be seen that those bodies taken were some of the worst that Rhy?Din had had to offer society, rapists and murderers all and most just dead within the last week. What exactly the thieves would want with dead bodies, let alone these particular dead bodies, wouldn't be known for a time yet, but there was a time when they would be seen again.


Date: 2007-12-18 09:44 EST
Gloved fingertips smoothed out the dirt around the disturbed graves. The fingertips moved from the dirt to be met by the thumb and the dirt was ground between them, then fell back to earth. The cloaked form stood up, two columns of purple smoke drifting easy from under the hood. The figure looked to the right and then to the left then back down at the desecrated grave. It was only a moment longer before the figure stepped back, and moved quietly out of the cemetary.