Topic: In Memory of Dyarhk


Date: 2012-01-22 22:14 EST
Rayvinn had walked through the cemetery enough times that she knew the layout well and already had chosen the ideal place for Dyarhk's memorial.

Following the main path south through the cemetery, there were two lavish stone angels bearing flowers with a small copse of trees forming a wall behind. It was in front of these two angels that Rayvinn had decided to have the stone memorial marker placed. Between the marker and the angels, a small garden of multicolored, magic infused flowers, that would bloom even in winter, had been planted. In front of the marker, to either side, were two substantial ornately carved stone benches where loved ones could rest while visiting. It wasn't a grandiose display but it was beautiful and peaceful.

Rayvinn's breath came out in icy gusts as she strolled down the path towards the angels that marked Dyarhk's memorial spot. She was in no hurry and took her time to really pay attention to the final resting place of so many others. Others whom had left behind loved ones as he had.

Finally arriving at the memorial, she knelt before the stone marker and traced a gloved fingertip over the inscription, reading it softly aloud. "In memory of Dyarhk whom lived fully, loved deeply, and laughed often." She had remembered the quote from a book and felt that it described Dyarhk perfectly. There was, of course, so much more that could be said but she opted to keep it simple.

The bunch of brightly colored wildflowers, tied with a blue ribbon around the stems, was laid across one edge of the marker. The contrast between the crunchy frost covered grass and the flowers was quite lovely, and Raye arose from her crouch to sit upon one of the benches to lose herself in the serenity of the place.

She had already said her goodbyes when she traveled to Adenna and visited his actual grave, now all that needed to be said was whispered...a puff of icy breath into the silent night.

"I miss you, my friend."