Topic: Love Hates - Revenge in Motion


Date: 2010-02-16 11:29 EST
On a day when lovers celebrated the most, in the darkest part of the night just before the dawn, a shimmering wave stretched across the air just above the tree tops overlooking the Cemetery. The shimmer had no light to reveal its nature beneath the darkest part of a New Moon's trek across the sky. So when the figure slipped through the curtain of time, it emerged into the deepest cover in any night.

She knew this would be a good point in time to come to. She knew the new moon would be in full bloom this night. She knew the place would be sparse of people and the cemetary was considerably familiar to her. It was a good place to re-establish herself in time.

The figure hovered above the trees, blood dripping from several wounds, even though she was slowly healing them closed. She needed time, needed a place to rest. So while on Valentine's Day night those lovers were taking comfort in each others arms, Sha'uri would take comfort among the dead. There were no thoughts to interrupt her, no voices to be among the dead would be complete.

She grimaced as the shifted her form to look around. Her fight with Valeria had hurt her more then she let the girl know. The wounds beneath her scales still burned from the ice. A quiet but feral growl briefly escaped her as she shook the thoughts from her mind. She shifted her amethyst gaze over the slumbering dead, searching for an ideal spot to lay among them to rest.

Floating over the plot of graves, she descended beneath the trees to get a better look, meandering towards the more wealthy section in search of a nice comfy mausoleum. She spied the Ravenlock special section and made a note of Jewel's own grave among her children. Part of her felt the pain of loss for the family....a part of her that buried so deep it didn't even allow her to cry, yet she would of if it weren't for the taint.

Part of her grinned with a feral thought while amethyst light flared briefly in her eyes. Sarcasm dripped darkly within sultry tones.

"Sleep well, Ms Popular. You're better off dead." She grinned. "A pity, though. You would've been fun to add into my army....but.....nObody should be that special. You've been special long enough. Rest in blissful Hell."

A maniacal chuckle quietly escaped her as she simply turned away, leaving the Ravenlock to her rest....a boon from the subdued self to get the other to leave the Ravenlock alone.

She meandered to an older section of the rich and famous....or infamous as the case may be. Finding an ideal one far from the main path, she stepped up to the side of the mausoleum. She lifted her hands to the side of the building and melded her form through the cracks and crevices, even the pores of the marble and stone house of the dead....passing through the barriers of magic long faded. She left no footprint, no trace of her passing.

She reformed on the other side, leaving no trace of anything. Then she stepped closer to the sarcophagus. Dust was everywhere. The wooden plaque still held the name and date.....which were unimportant to her. The occupant had been dead for over a hundred years. Nobody would be coming to check on this one. That was all that mattered.

Without a care, she moved the stone from the top and ripped the lid off the dead man's coffin. His body nothing but bones inside. There was no care to her motion as she scooped out the contents and let them fall to the side of the coffin. Then she climbed in and shut the stone sarcophagus. She lay there for a brief time before sleep took over her....resting her mind and body in her slumber...

((This string treks from this one: Casualty of Causality Also, Playables Notation: Cemetery Raided....Again? This will also lead to other related links.))


Date: 2010-02-17 11:39 EST
A few days went by while she rested undisturbed. Her body healed but her energy and her appetite needed to be saited. She climbed out of the coffin and cast a spell to replace the pile of bones where once they had rested in the coffin. Even she had some kind of respect for the dead....especially when her plans were to use them later.

Leaving the tomb the way she had entered, she found once again the cover of night. It was still early and people were about in town. Even the grounds keeper had not yet left for the night. It seemed he was still digging one last grave to be ready for morning. Amethyst hues keenly gazed around. There were only a few others in the graveyard, on their way out. In a very few moments she'd be alone with the digger.

"Dinner is served..." she whispered and waited for the prime opportunity.

She didn't have long to wait and the old man was too focused on his task to notice the woman standing near the edge of the grave just waiting for him to finish. He didn't even notice her as he tossed the shovel out of the whole and climbed out to lay along the edge....breathless.

"Damn task....gettin too old fer this!" he grumbled. "Nobody else'll do it. Would be like this town to make me dig my own grave....Scums!"

He rolled from his side onto his back only to be shocked by the realization he was laying next to a rather strangely shaped draconic beast. The body of a woman dressed in armor, the head of a dragon. Saliva dripped in blobs to his chest. It didn't look like it was going to be friendly...

"Oh my" he tried to plead.

"You were right....they did." her gaze shifted to the freshly dug hole and back to him. Her head shifted back to her humanoid self....a seductive look in her eyes.

"Feed me..." she persuaded feeling into the edge of his thoughts, sensing his wants, needs, desires...anything to snatch control of him. It was easy enough to ease him into a sense of security and even a sense of calm. The meat always tasted sweeter that way.

At the right moment, she sucked in his soul, draining the corpse of his life. Then she reformed to her draconic self, devouring the whole of his body except the bones. These she placed into the grave and covered him up with dirt.

After shifting back into her humanoid form, she erased the tracks of the event.

Now that she was saited her next step was in order....the raising of some of the dead in RhyDin Cemetary.

It was truly a wonderous thing to her how infinite this graveyard seemed to be, as if the nexus tapped into all the graves from all the worlds. Mass army's of the undead could be raised and often were. It seemed she remember the local news making comments on the walking dead every time it happened.

Sha'uri planned to raise a battalion or two from here for her use in Exodii.

Within an hour, she had done just that.....Her first batallion had been raised and surrounded her. The first victim had been the grave of the groundskeeper followed by the one who's grave she'd slept in to heal. They were imbued with extra magical powers, strengthening them, honing their skills above the enhancements she'd given the rest. She had not been sleeping in Headmaster Ravensheart's necromancy classes...

"They may have had you dig your grave, but you will be a leader in my army....Ben. You too, Lance. You've lain long enough alone in that grave. Time for you to come out and play....."

The Groundskeeper, Ben, stood to attention, boney fingers giving a salute. They still had strips of flesh stuck to the bone and one brown eye left in its socket. Lance also saluted, middle finger missing from his hand.

Sha'uri smiled at the work as she gathered the army to the farthest corner of the grounds. There she found a nice headstone to lean up against, paused to rest before her next move....


Date: 2010-02-18 19:31 EST
Starie's reason for sleeping mostly in town was two fold, and to be certian, there was a reason to the seemingly madness. He was ever in the hope of seeing Tran, and, it gave him something to do on the nights that restlessness drew him to move, to motion. It did contribute to his so called nimbleness, he still didn't see it, but everyone else had called him so. Since he was sleeping in town, he could go out, find somewhere else to practice and move. Some nights just the walk itself would be enough.

This night wasn't one of those. The boy had found a cloak from somewhere, not even sure if he'd stolen it. A black long sleeved shirt and jeans, it was cold out there. He was calm, almost lost in thought as he moved, His thoughts chased themselves, the natural ease with which acrobatics came to him, The naturalness of a dagger in his hand. Why' None of it made sense, none of it. Fingers strayed to the earring fused to the silver collar around his neck, The silver dragon was just the right size to be played with as he walked.

His feet took him to the Cemetery, the gate was nothing to him, it was vaulted in a heart beat. Landing smoothly in a crouch on the other side, his landing induced rustles, fairly noisy, definatly a person that jumped the gate. Not an issue as far as he knew. He was alone, so he was thinking. Weaving among the graves of those he didn't know, it wasn't long before he noticed the open hole.

That alone was enough to jar him from his thoughts. Nearly falling into a six foot deep hole will tend to do that. Green eyes glowed slightly, taking on a darkened edge as the pupils changed to slits. Something felt weird. Strange weird, dark, almost. He spun slowly, trying to find where it was coming from. The direction was asserned after a few moments, and he started walking.

The dark feeling seemed to get ever deeper the further in he went, and yet, it didn't phase him, as such things will rarely strike fear in the young. He slowly realized that rationally he ought to be scared, or heading back. This reality didn't slow his tread, nor shake his resolve. He had to know what was going on around here.

Eyes widened as he saw the bodies standing in a loose ring, a slow head shake, catching sight of a tree nearby, it was tall enough to give him the height he needed. It didn't take much effort to scramble up into a branch high enough to get him above the heads of the people assembled. Something about this simply didn't feel like a funeral.

A brief look proved him right, this wasn't. They had all gathered around a single figure. His view was strange, but he knew that he knew that woman. Between one blink and the next, a flood surrounded him, only fragments of it, but it was enough.

Her standing by the school, smiling. Pregnate. Her eyes normal, until they sparked with sapphire when he shook her hand. They were walking through the gardens, him telling her about a life that he no longer remembered. The words flowed over him, except for two. Sha"uri. That was her. Soul dragon. It was what he was, what he always had been. He knew her. They had been friends.

They still were. A decision made in a split second as he leaped down from his perch. He landed smoothly, almost in the middle of the edge of the ring. He wove through them, reaching to get to Sha"uri. He stopped several feet away, close enough to see her, and to give himself enough time to run if he was wrong. It looked like Sha"uri, but it felt far too dark. Dangerous. He'd never sensed this within her. Standing behind her two saluting zombies, he stood straight.

Head back, the black hair that was free blowing in the faint wind that was present, sweeping it back from his face. Features pointed, almost gaunt. His arms down at his side. Bright green eyes glowed stonger, pupils slitting further as he looked her up and down, coming to meet her gaze.


The thought tinged with hope, worry, fear, and something akin to joy. He slipped through her shields carefully, unconscious that he even had.


Date: 2010-02-19 11:29 EST
Some of the skeletons looked at him as he weaved in and out. She sensed his presence the moment he did so and watched as he stepped up to her. It was a moment of indecision for her, a struggle within her mind. At first she didn't recognize him, but it slowly came to mind...

Van! Oh The Sha'uri he once knew pleaded within her mind while the eyes flared with Sapphire.

Shut up! Feral thoughts showered a darkness that slapped the light of her mind causing her eyes to shift back into Amethyst glare.

Eh' Who's this young lad" Ye best nae be robbin 'th crad'l, Lass. Leave the babe alone. The hue of her gaze shifted again to hazel green. Someone else, someone new, someone Van didn't know...a female spirit, incomplete to be sure.

Shut up, mother! He's.... The amethyst seemed to swallow up the green.

"Indeed..." she spoke aloud. "I've seen you in better shape. What happened to you and ...Why are you here?"

Her gaze narrowed suspiciously. The skeleton crew moved in, closing off an easy escape route for him.


Date: 2010-02-20 00:28 EST
His eyes widened slightly as he heard the first voice, and then the others, their words flowing over and around each other. Something was way off. The darkness made him shiver, though the green eyed stranger did not seem to mean him ill, that was a hope at least. He blinked a moment, ensuring that his own thoughts were silent, he didn't know if this had ever been an ability of hers, but he didn't want his mind open to the angry voice, the one that seemed to have control at this point,

Van' Who's that" He blinked slowly, but held his ground, never mind what common sense might dictate. Nope

He didn't even flinch as he heard the bodies move in around him, his gaze fixed on her. My name is Starfire Shimmerscale, I am adopted by Icer Shimmerscale, A slight shrug. I came because my feet led me. Thought simply.

So, who's responsible for the purple eyes" This last was half serious, that would come through, what wouldn't was his expectation that he wouldn't get a good answer.


Date: 2010-02-20 11:26 EST
Van....Star....Run!... Silence!

Her head cocked slightly to the side as those amethyst hues flashed sapphire briefly and back to amethyst. She keenly watched him, realizing her thoughts were too open. And his had somewhat shielded. Hers did the same as a protective barrier was lifted to hide the voices in her head, especially as one screamed to warn him.

"Starfire" That is interesting...that you think that. Tell me, how is good 'ol Icer these days" I haven't seen her since she and you were students in Ravensheart Academy. Last I heard she was popping out eggs every other month to build an army. As for the color of my eyes....Are you sure you want to know?" a seductive smile touched her lips. There was danger twitching in those lips and power in those eyes.

Dark and cold....


Date: 2010-02-21 09:37 EST
His own glowed with an almost feral heat. The green brightening to a vibrant lime shade. Not neon, yet, but close. He smiled slightly in return to her smile, but his seemed almost cocky. Stiffness in his stance was deliberately relaxed, his hand drifted slowly up. Nearly in imperceptible nod, something had been settled within, that much was obvious.

"Why is it interesting" Just when did I go to the academy' The big place with all the guards around it?" He shook his head slightly as he stepped closer, the darkness around him thickening.

"Icer is fine, but that's not what?s important." Another step, something silver was streaking down from the sky, but it wasn't paid any heed, yet. "The important thing, Sha'uri, is that something's not right with you. I want to help. Because you, Miss Purple Eyes are not the Sha'uri that I knew. so, what happened?"

There was a jingling sound, his hand shot up an instant before the silver ball could connect with his head. It was caught deftly, and he smiled in truth then. "Why are you so angry?" His words soft, concerned.

Fingers moving to reattach the bell to the earring, so that they hung in tandem. His eyes still locked on her. The reason for his switch to speech, no telling, he was playing hard to read. Bell attached solidly, he continued. "Why are you fighting with the Sha'uri I know" Why are you surpressing her" Who are you?" With each question he took another step toward her, stopping when he was about six inches away. Head still held high, his posture deliberately relaxed.

A slight green, blue, gold glow swirled around him, as he nodded to the cold and darkness. "Yes. I do. I am quite sure."

Green eyes serious, "I don't abandon friends." His hands dropped to his sides after a moment, looking up to her.


Date: 2010-02-22 15:26 EST
"Don't like the new color?" she mused, demure smile tugging at the corner of her lips while the amusement sparked in her eyes. She walked around him, gaze roving over his form as her thoughts wandered round the reasons why.

"I wouldn't give much thought about Ravensheart.....boy. There are no guards there. Although, I'm sure it's so warded, not even dust could blow in past all those magical barriers. They'd turn the dust to diamonds trying to get it through. Not only does it keep the evil supresses the good as far as I'm concerned."

She finished her walk around him, coming to stand infront. She was closer this time....much closer, only inches between them. She was taller then him at this point, something she didn't remember being before. However, he was currently just a boy, unlike the full grown man he'd been so long ago when she first had met him.

"You really don't remember, do you." Her voice softened, considering all those questions he just asked. It appeared he had his own issues to deal with. She was considering him to be the luckier of the was easier to forget the past then to deal with it.

Her head tilted again, a bit of a seductive smile touched her lips, and oh that voice.....a voice designed to lure, to seduce...purring sultry warmth as she tried to poke at his thoughts, sense desires to use to lure him further into a sense of relaxation, of seduction ....of submission to her whim.

"If I answer all your questions, what will you give me in return?"

A deal" Would she be the next Deal Maker" She had noticed Bob's abscene lately. In fact, she knew he was gone in a way that would not bring him here anymore, or at least for a long time. Would she be the one to take his place.....the thought was appealing to part of her.

Yet the voices in her head screamed some unspoken words, thoughts suppressed even further down.....things she did not want to admit. So the thoughts never made it to the surface.


Date: 2010-02-23 19:46 EST
He tracked on her motion, smiling in amusement. "It isn't the color, so much as the darkness, it seems the diametric opposite of the Sha'uri I knew. You don't think the same either." A slight nod as she began to circle him. He found himself blushing slightly, he could feel it creeping up the nape of his neck, which would be visible some what.

His head bowed slightly at the mention of Ravensheart. "After I walked right in, well...Kinda jumped the gates, and snuck in after hours....And got chased out by a couple of the vampiric students kicked me out...They saw me sneaking in. And promptly chased me out, promising to tell the staff...I would have thought that they did so....The only other logical solution would have been to put guards in place....I didn't even sense the so-called shields that you're mentioning Purple Eyes."

He only came to her shoulder, his forehead meeting the point of her shoulder, Skinny and lanky, it contrasted hard with the nimbility he'd shown earlier. Bell and earring fused to the silver collar around his neck. Eyes a bright green, slit. His hair fell back to the middle of his back, at the moment, untamed. Pale, quite pale. Not quite to the never out in the sun level, but near that.

He shook his head. "No. I don't. I remember you though, Sha'uri." Something in his tone hit on her name, caring, concern, a mix of the two.

He could sense the under currents, loosely, to her thoughts, trying to listen, catch it a little better. The tone in her voice made him blink, and the flush to spread up to his ears. Reaching lightly, the under currents seemed to get stronger. His own thoughts became open. Sha'uri, what the hell happened to you? Why do I know you...What's a Soul dragon, anyway' How am I going to explain any of this to Tran' I'd love to know why the Nexus keeps running off with my bell for her. Why am I blushing, what the hell" That only happens with Tran...

Head shaken hard, eyes snapping back into focus, meeting those amethyst eyes. "Simple. I will help you to the best of my abilities. I may question things, but I will do as you ask, unless it involves harming family of mine." He nodded carefully. Deal, deal...Crap. I don't have anything to offer, the only thing I can hope is that she's not implying something else. I don't know why that tone of hers is confusing me so badly. Damn it. Focus.

Tension crept back into his stance, the green-gold glow around him grew stronger as his emotions sparked stronger, a commingled confusion, desire, worry, and joy. He looked back over his shoulder briefly, and then back to her.


Date: 2010-02-24 11:41 EST
"Interesting....even I feel the magical wards there....Perhaps it wasn't Ravensheart gates that you jumped."

He could sense the under currents, loosely, to her thoughts, trying to listen, catch it a little better. The tone in her voice made him blink, and the flush to spread up to his ears. Reaching lightly, the under currents seemed to get stronger. His own thoughts became open. Sha'uri, what the hell happened to you? Why do I know you...What's a Soul dragon, anyway' How am I going to explain any of this to Tran' I'd love to know why the Nexus keeps running off with my bell for her. Why am I blushing, what the hell" That only happens with Tran....

Ah....there it is... Her thoughts purred as she sensed the desire rising in him, the thoughts became a little clearer and she heard the struggle in his mind. She could taste the comingled emotions, fed off them as they rose in intensity...the energy of it renewed her....and weakened his will.

Maybe the Nexus is trying to tell you something...Maybe the Nexus doesn't like Tran.... Her thoughts slipped in with his so easy, it almost felt like his own. The purpose was to weaken his feelings about Tran, and strengthen them towards herself.

She felt the tension rising, watched him look back over his shoulder. His gaze then was met by a sea of the undead.

"I like you. You're brave." purring sultry tones cast seductive notes while she lifted her hand trailing long fingers lightly up his neck and along his jawline, slipping fingers under his chin as he turned to look at her. She lifted his chin to hold his gaze to hers.

"So....I tell you what I know about you? her head dipped oh so close to him. "....and you do whatever I want in return as long as it doesn't harm Your family effect ...I get your loyalty."

The heat of her lips toyed against his. "Deal? Say it....and it will be so. Answers to your questions, as I know them to be, will be yours..."

Beneath the sultry purr of her tones, there was a finality in that word, Deal.....something binding in its acceptance. The deal was on the table. He only had to reach out and accept it....lips toying with his, hand held his chin while the free one reached out, fingers softly caressed against his clothes moving round to the back to pull him gently closer.

"Just say it.." she whispered.


Date: 2010-02-26 16:00 EST
He suppressed a shudder, at the undead in all their various stages of decay. At her touch he shivered again, thoughts falling silent at the rush of pleasure that ran through him at that. His breathing picked up as he met her gaze. He was slightly startled to find her so close, Surely she wasn't that close a moment ago...It might well be, I just don't know why it would dislike her...I like her...Why do I want to kiss her?

Thoughts fast and hurried, clearly confusion overtoning them, mingled with desired. The silence stretched, an image of the sign for the school floated through his head, Her tones made him flush brightly, pupils dilating even as his mind was flooded with too many things to make sense of them.

He was breathing fast, intoxicated by her closeness, by his own desire. "Deal." Barely a whisper, just barely an exhalation as he followed the terms carefully. At this point, there wasn't any alterior motive than desire.

He closed the distance between them in a split second only a sight lean needed. Touching his lips to hers, hand reaching up to touch her hair in the process.


Date: 2010-02-28 22:27 EST
Surely she wasn't that close a moment ago...It might well be, I just don't know why it would dislike her...I like her...Why do I want to kiss her"

I dOn't know... she half laughed at his confusion, feeling the desire rising further. It sparked her own pleasure, the adventure of corrupting the young.

She was using him, knowing it would appease the better side of herself and give that one hope of an ally. It was a dangerous game she played with herself, though, knowing he could at some point side with her good self against herself. Yet the thought of crushing her good side even more if he didn't....Sha'uri just couldn't resist the temptation to currupt this one and turn him into an instrument of the Abyss. But that wouldn't happen just yet. It would take time. She didn't know yet how to infect another like she had been done. A deal, though, would bind them closer and give it that chance.

She also knew she didn't have time to deal with this right now. Other things were pressing on her mind.....Other things besides realizing this one's potentials....that is, realizing his potential against her. She was thinking about him as an ally. She was already thinking about him as ...bait for more bait.

So the kiss was leaned into, the deal was made...

Memories arose....she felt them rush through her mind as the Deal was made, lips touching formed a seal upon their agreement. It was more then that and both of them could feel it. Their souls touched and mingled, drawing the memories out in a rush, flooding his with hers and mixing as the kiss consumed them. Your name was Vanyel Askeveron...

The images flooded and mixed....chaotic...sporadic....manipulated by his desire to know the truth. At first she didn't realize it as the images began to play....

The sign at Ravensheart, doors opening....Sha'uri stepping out to give him a tour.....rubbing her pregnant belly....laughing...both feeling a commonality between them.....the whole tour began to play....

Then suddenly the image changed, she was sitting in a bed holding a bundle in her arms and cry, sobbing hard, soulful agony of loss ....

....the image suddenly changed back to Ravensheart, Sha was introducing Lyndra to Vanyel....Lyndra's dimples showing as she smiled a hello.....and tension rose as Alex stepped in, the tension between the two.....

The scene melded.....two dragons fighting, one Sha and another, a green one, fighting in the air, fighting to the death as Sha ripped the other's throat in two, the head fell and rolled along the ground....

....Knite was suddenly floating over Van's draconic form as they were back to the day of Vanyel's visit, Sha'uri was walking atop examining the ruins marked all over the draconic scales. Both were speculating about Vanyel's marks, and heritage ....

.....the scene changed abruptly. Sha'uri was tied to a chair, all alone, desperate and screaming a soulful rage to the gods, to the powers above the gods...a rage that shook the ground....despair permeated as thick as fog, mutilations of body and soul so dark and deep within her were met by a flood of the abysmal power as it infected her ....

The scene changed to the arctic cold, the two alone ...The one known as Bob was telling Sha'uri "Keep in mind that if you get the urge to devour small children from time to time that is perfectly normal."

.....a village of people......women screaming, children crying and men dying by the hands of Bob and Sha'uri. They all died trying to escape the destruction of the abyss and the devourer.......

....the faeish little Cadence was smiling as she popped in during Vanyel's visit at Ravensheart, so innocent and carefree....

....the scene shifted to a different girl being raped and killed under a bridge, Sha'uri stepping in to kill the rapist pulling his soul in to devour, no remorse from her only gleeful and fulfilling revenge...

......several men surrounded Sha, moving in, threatening her....they too were soul devoured....again, no remorse, only a sense of justice...

....conflict....fear....a hand spun her around in surprise....fear laced combat and the innocent taken for self defense...Remorse in the memory of this one...

Vanyel could feel her remorse buried deep within her, crying, tortured part of her soul.....a dark veil cut through and silenced a warning ....

Sha'uri finally realized what Van was doing, digging and trying to manipulate the memories to come out more then she wanted to happen. She quickly replaced the veil with warmth of desire, appealing to his youthful physique and distracted him by letting him see her adventurous memory with herself....

...two of her together, one shifting to a male....then she manipulated that with his thoughts of Tran and himself as if he had with Tran like Sha'uri had done with herself, as if he was seeing it now, letting him explore the dream mixing it with the reality of her memory....and Sha'uri herself was added in the mix of this illusion of thoughts and desires, using it to ease him back to her will while he explored.....

Yet she knew this could progress things further then she wanted to take them. The kiss had not ended at this point and was only intensifying. She remembered Bob's reasoning about children, and for a short while she wondered....thoughts trailing, envisioning the future, even while she entertained Vanyel with his dreams.....she struggled with herself and the memories of the time shifts gone by.

It was all different now. Valeria was dead and that changed everything. Yet something felt blocked in the time flow of her memory' Something key that had yet to happen that hadn't happened before...she sensed Vanyel was one of them, he had not been part of this was Val's death, but not the only ones. Was it the Guardians...

The face loomed in her vision of her memory cutting out all other thoughts and dreams. There was no doubt in her mind of the man that had killed her over and over and over before. It was the same one she'd begged to kill her over and over....The reddish hair, coppery eyes filled with conflicting emotions, and the glow of a lightsaber as it seared through her own armor and flesh....Valeria's dying words where echoed in her head...


Sha'uri pushed the boy away from her, taking a few steps back. The back of her hand wiped her lips as she steadied herself and her thoughts, gazing at Vanyel to assess his status as well, though a certain tinge of fear could not be quelled. She was covered in a cold sweat and breathing shallow. Yet she would persevere.

"We've got other things to bait to catch. Remember?"

She was pushing herself to get back on track.


Date: 2010-03-01 19:43 EST
He shuddered, both at the touch, and at the realization that he was simply a tool for her. An instant's hope that it would change later, before his thoughts fell silent, watching the flood of images.A burst of surprise at her feelings, as it changed scenes suddenly.

Confusion roiled, even she let go. Pushing him away. He stumbled back, desire warring with confusion as he watched her wipe her lips, he weakly mimicked the gesture, staring at her with eide eyes, somewhere between fear, horror, and confusion settling into his face, his emotions flowing and bare.

"W-What was all that?" Yep, he was stammering hard. Gaze settling on her, and then skittering away.

"What, who...Why' Why would they do that to you? Why did you?" Asked softly as he stepped toward her, before back stepping then. Head shaken hard, before he flushed brightly, hands dropping to about waist level as he turned bright red. "What was that, and for that matter, why did that feel different' What the hell?"

Seemed he'd run out of words for the moment, head shaken again. He seemed to have forgotten tht he was wearing a cloak, nothing embarrassing would be visible. That was simply what it felt like. The flush bright, and obvious.


Date: 2010-03-01 22:19 EST
"They turned on me, abandoned me...left me there to die. I was grieving and their loyalty fell." she really seemed to believe that, grief and anger rose within her.

"Loyalty, Vanyel....Starfire." She reminded him of the deal. "It doesn't matter what name you go by, or what you look like....Your soul is your soul....all of it. So long as you keep to your end of the deal ..."

Now was not the time to dwell on it. Now was not the time to dwell on all those questions. Something in her tones softened. "There are other things to deal with. I promise, we'll talk more once we get into Exodii."

Her stance straightened as she began to clear her thoughts. By the looks of it, he needed a change of subject to clear his as well.

"Right now, there's a woman we must capture. We have to take her fast. Locating her general area won't be too difficult....Speaking of....Stay here...I'll be right back."

She turned away, motioning to the undead to keep an eye on him. Then she seemed to reach into time itself and pulled back a curtain, stepping through in the blink of an eye, she was gone and it was closed .....

....Only a brief moment went by before she was back again, stepping into view next to where she disappeared.

"'s what we do. She's by a lake in a secluded place in the woods a ways outside of RhyDin. We'll all transport near there, I'll use the undead to make it look like they're chasing you. You'll go in and find her, convince her you need her help....and you will have to be convincing. Get close to her and when she least expects it inject her with the hypospray. I'll show you how to use it. Keep it hidden from up your sleeve. Wait until a moment you can use it on her without her realizing.....or she may turn on you. She's Lycan and probably far more versed in combat then you. So be smart. Make sure you pull this off right the first time."

She pulled a hypospray out of her pocket. "Here....this end you have to put it to her skin or else a thin part of her clothing, not armor.Press this button to activate. It'll spray right into her bloodstream and knock her out in a millisecond. If you can, get her in the neck, it'll knock her out faster. I need her alive and unharmed. She'll turn things into a blood blath if she sees me coming. But're young and innocent. She'll believe you especially if she can sense your fear. At least at first, long enough to let you close to her. Don't let her sense your thoughts, keep them covered. If she suspects you, she'll probably attack you."

She eyed him a moment...."Don't worry, I have no plans to devour her soul. She's bait for someone else. I need her alive and well. And you won't be harming anyone. Are you ready?"


Date: 2010-03-04 11:13 EST
"Good. Let's go."

She gave him a moment to think but really hadn't even given him time to take a breath let alone exhale it with a reply.

Scooping about twenty skeleton's into her arms, enough to make some kind of contact with them, a wavering line formed infront of them. It was as if a curtain was swooped back while she gave a gentle push to move them into the opening and through that curtain of time.

Another curtain of time opened beside it. Only another Sha"uri stepped out this second one while the first one closed. Then she surrounded herself with as many skeletons as she could. Again she stepped through and another opened like before. She repeated this move, increasing momentum as she snatching up as many as she could get to touch her and they too were gone through time.

One right after another, after another, after another in such close succession that it appeared as if several Sha"uri's were in a line at once in different phases of the repeated move all stepping in unison yet stuttered in time. It was like a wave of Sha"uri's through the graveyard. Within a few moments the whole battalion was gone, moved in time to a secluded lake in the deep woods outside of RhyDin "

Finally, she appeared next to Starfire.

"Your turn.."

A hand slinked forward grasping him by the arm and tugged him gently but firmly along as one more time, the curtain was opened. She pulled him through with her, the curtain closed and they were gone from the cemetary to another place in time...


Date: 2010-03-07 09:48 EST
He winced as he felt her emotions roil, making a note to try to track Alex or Lyndra down at some point soon. Get both sides of the story, the youth in him was hoping that they would have a good reason, this just didn't seem to fit the little bit of them both that he's seen, but he wasn't sure at all.

A nod from him to the comment of talking more when they got to Exodii, where ever that was. "Loyalty, yes. Always to my friends. Which you are one, Sha'uri...Always have been. I will help." Eyes tinged a slightly darker shade, but he stood his ground as she seemingly vanished. He shivered slightly as he was left alone with the skeletons.

Helping capture a woman, never though I'd find myself doing so...Where did she go' That felt strange, not a normal portal. Starrie stared balefully at the skeletons, his dislike of them quite clear, a surpressed shiver. Where did she say she was going" He couldn't remember that she hadn't said.

About then she reappeared, and he relaxed somewhat. Listening to her explaination of the mission, he nodded slowly, taking the hypospray carefully. Up a sleeve it went, out of easy sight. It shouldn't be too hard to get close to her while she saves me from those vile things. Thought strongly, he still hadn't quite realized that she could hear his thoughts clearly.

"Alright, so, I'm making her think that I'm hurt...Then...It needs to be real, right?" He sounded matter of fact about this, thoughts of scuffling with the closest one armed with a blade dancing around in his head, images only. A hand moved toward his dagger in his boot, planning to enact; but not before she vanished, and reappeared, coming to grab him, and leading him through the portal.

His back arched as the energy that flowed around him, he shivered hard, stomach rebelling hard. It was going to be an unpleasant landing, wasn't it' Green and gold flame sparked into being around his form, as they coalesced on the other side of the veil.