Topic: Miss B's Place

With Love

Date: 2008-06-19 21:05 EST
"This is it," Hunter muttered, the tall muscular man nodding towards the grave before them both. His large hands quite firmly trusted themselves into the purple velvet suit's pockets, his once long lavish hair cut short, almost to the scalp. Still, Miss B's former right hand man still wore the uniform that was a staple to his old gang's appearance.

"Thank you, Hunter, for leading me." Spoke the woman standing next to the former gangster, stepping forward so that she could dip down and press her hand firmly against the gravestone, running her fingertips across the lettering of "Tulip" that was engraved into it.

Hunter watched, though looked beyond the calm demeanour of the ex-Cop. A black dress with black high heels, suitable attire considering her surroundings. He watched her step back, and open up the white handbag, drawing out a thick file that was promptly tossed idly to the ground. ?" She loved you, you know."

"Don't try and butter me up with that bullsh*t." The mourner turned to stare up at him, fearless dark brown eyes hardened through the years of death she has experienced through her line of work. "You damn well know how I felt about her, and how she felt about me."

He sighed; which in itself sounded like a rumble in his throat. Hunter moved forward, resting a large hand onto the woman's smaller shoulder. "Iris, can't you just let it go' She-"

"Was a murdering, drug and arms dealing maniac who would choose to have money and power over her own family!" As if burnt by the touch, she shrugged Hunter off and turned to slap that hand away. "For Christ sakes she choked people to death with her own Yo-Yo! She was insane, and by the looks of it, got what she deserved."

That was the last straw for Hunter, he raised his voice, "Now listen here, Iris, I won't have you talking about the Boss like that in front of her grave!"

That seemed to shut her up, but after the awkward silence had ended, she glanced down to the file that was discarded not so long ago, "Take that, if you want. I don't want it anymore."

Bending down to pick it up, Hunter flicked it open, looking through the contents by flicking through the twine bound pages, "What is it?"

"Her criminal, dental, arrest records" Birth certificate. The case file I amassed, written evidence; everything. Burn it, for all I care. Miss B is dead, and I've erased her from the records. Now all that is left, is this headstone. And," she looked back into her handbag, moving a hand in to take out a pink Yo-Yo with her own name written in silver lettering, resting in the palm of her hand, "This."

Exasperated, annoyed, and angry, Hunter closed the file, waving it in front of him, "How dare you do this to her. The Boss does not deserve this! She wasn't herself! Just let it rest; put aside this feud of yours. She's your sister, Iris, and there is no amount of records that can be erased that can rid of that?" Holding the records close in a tight fist, he shook his head, "You're more similar then you think, Iris. The same crass determination to get what you want, no matter who was hurt in the process."

Iris closed her eyes, turning her nose up at the headstone, looking quite defiant. "Who killed her?"

The change of subject was the last straw. She proved his point right there and then, but he would no longer pursue it. "A detective by the name of Alain. The man she loved."

"Loved?" That caught Iris off guard, she even gawked as Hunter walked away from her, "What do you mean loved" How did he kill her?"

Hunter stopped, trying to remember what it was that Alain told him. "She died peacefully, in his arms." As he left the graveyard, returning home to his family, he would hear the woman wailing. Of course, just like Miss B, Little Miss would cry when she thought she was alone. Perhaps the idea of her sister passing peacefully, enraged her into tears.


Miss B's gravestone simply read: "Tulip."